Calling All Heroes by James Cox

Calling All Heroes by James Cox
Otherworld Book 2
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (95 pages)
Other: M/M/F, M/M, M/F, anal play/intercourse, Menage
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

Some want to use her.
Some want to kill her.
I just want to protect her, both heart and body.

Princess Aneen has been the love of my life since childhood. It took a half vampire and the kidnapped princess to bring us to the brink of war. Through the dangerous fairy lands and over vampire-infested mountains, we haven’t even come to the battle yet. Queen Aralynn is intent on ruling this magical land with fear and pain. We have to fight for our lives. We have to fight for each other.
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Banshee’s, fairies, vampires, and trolls litter the battle field, ready to fight. When the smoke clears, which queen will be on the throne?

On the run and preparing for war isn’t the best way to begin a relationship but when you’re wanted for kidnapping the realms Princess and facing death at the hands of the Queen, you work with the hand dealt. With a little bit luck and help from other outcasts, you just might get to keep both your Princess and the reformed bad-guy half-vampire.

Told from Stefen’s POV, Calling All Heroes is the final chapter in the Otherworld series. It completes the journey of Stefen, Alexander and Princess Aneen in their fight against an evil they didn’t suspect in the first book and determination to stay with each other. Aneen comes into her powers, the Queen shows her true colors and there are some surprising and entertaining new characters introduced.

I liked that the author began this book by explaining how the Queen came to power. It made her a slightly more sympathetic character for a few pages but then I remembered that she made a choice and choices have consequences.

I thought it was a clever plan that the Queen had to get her daughter back and in a way I didn’t suspect.

While book 1 was more about Alexander and Stefen forming a bond this one is all about the menage. The sex gets a little rough in a couple of places but the characters don’t seem to mind. Alexander is all about the blood sharing with some very interesting results.

This second book is shorter than the first and felt rushed to get to the exciting conclusion. I don’t know that there were any specific threads left unexplained but there were a few “that’s very convenient” moments that could have been better fleshed out. Still, overall, it was a entertaining story that has a satisfying ending and worth the read.

Readers who enjoy a healthy dose of fantasy and mayhem should give this little series a try. They do need to be read in order.

His to Take by Sam Crescent

His to Take by Sam Crescent
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Other: M/F
Length: Short Story (113 pages)
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

Daniel Solano has to take a wife to make sure a Mafia war doesn’t start. He must marry a Valenti daughter, but the oldest doesn’t appeal to him, even if he will do what needs to be done to keep the peace. But then he meets the youngest daughter, Natalie Valenti.

Natalie has always done whatever she could to stay out of the Mafia life, including avoiding her family most of the time. Still, she’s home for Thanksgiving—and meets Daniel.

Daniel makes it clear he will marry a Valenti—and it will be Natalie. Seeing no other choice, her father orders her to marry Daniel. She tries to fight it, to no avail. She becomes Daniel’s wife, and in doing so, is forced into the Mafia life she tried so hard to escape.
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Daniel vows to take care of Natalie, so when someone places a hit on her, everything comes to a head. Daniel won’t allow anything to happen to his wife, and whoever tries will answer to him. But will Natalie ever accept this life? Can Daniel ever give her what she craves … love?

Natalie has tried to leave the lifestyle but the lifestyle keeps dragging her back in. Kicking and screaming in this case.

The whole Mafia world has fascinated me all the way back to The Gangs of New York. Powerful families taking on other powerful families. I could see why Natalie tried to leave it all behind. It was deadly on the best days, full undisguised hatred and deceit on others. Marriage was a tool to unite families while true love matches were only found in fairy tales. That’s what she believed until she met Daniel.

I really enjoyed the romance part of the book. Daniel didn’t expect to meet someone like Natalie when he accepts his duty to marry into the Valenti family. I liked that the author doesn’t try to make him into some who suddenly is anti-mafia just because he marries someone he could actually like. The mafia world is brutal and often calls on brutal acts.

The blurb mentions the hit someone has placed on Natalie’s head. When I came to that part of the story I was anxious to see who it would be. Another powerful family, a scorned ex-girlfriend, a deceitful family member, a jealous co-worker? There were so many ways to take the story. The author, in my opinion, took the easy and obvious way out. I won’t say “who done it” but I could have argued for a different, less obvious path. It wasn’t a deal breaker because it was a possibility and the “outing” scene was pretty intense.

I couldn’t stop reading it. I really liked the chemistry between Daniel and Natalie. It’s very sweet and still very hot. He’s a clever and determined teacher and she’s a really good student!

This is a short story with plenty to enjoy. I’d love to revisit these families to see if Daniel’s brothers also find love. I read this one in a single sitting and would recommend it to others who enjoy the world of mafia families.

Calling All Villains: Otherworld Book 1 by James Cox

Calling All Villains: Otherworld Book 1 by James Cox
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Other: M/M/F, M/M, anal play/intercourse, Menage
Length: Short Story (115 pages)
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

Some want to use her.
Some want to kill her.
I’m just looking to get paid.

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In a world of shape shifters, fairies, selkies and mermen, a war is brewing. The fate of Otherworld stands on the brink of destruction. Can a violent half vampire, a stubborn bodyguard, and half goddess princess save this magical world?

A princess, a bodyguard and a half-vampire walk into a bar…actually, they fought their way out of surprising ending or maybe it’s a beginning. What I know for sure is that it’s a entertaining story that left me wanting more.

It’s not easy to be the “bad guy” when you realize you’re wildly attracted to the good guys. Alexander is seriously cocky, sexy and fun to watch. Except for when he has to vamp out on some unsuspecting foe, then he’s deadly. He doesn’t plan to be on the other side of the plot to kidnap the princess, meaning the side that does the rescuing rather than the taking, but he’s much better suited for it. Especially when he teams up with Stefen.

It’s so obvious that Stefen is in love with his charge, I’m not sure how they’ve gone this long without giving in, even a little bit. But Stefen is all things noble and protective and strong. It was funny to see how Alexander threw him off his game and when he gives in to Alexander, oh man! Hot personified!

While I really got into the backstory of how the Queen hold the throne and where Aneen came from–seriously dark and compelling–there were a couple threads in the story that had me wondering. So what happened to Brance? I could guess but then Alexander says something on the way to rescue the princess that has me doubting my theory. Also, Pan’s ulterior motive. It wasn’t that it wasn’t plausible, I just wouldn’t have guessed it. The one that really had me in a tail spin though, in a good way because I never even considered it, was the big ending. The author led me down one direction and then totally doubled back when I wasn’t looking. Bravo! I like not being able to guess an ending as long as said ending makes sense. Not only does it make sense it sets up the next book.

Readers who enjoy fantasy, good dose of the paranormal and some smoking hot bromance and guy love, need to give this one a try. I’m personally looking forward to the continuing adventure to see if it ties up the loose ends. Quick read, lots to take in!

Her Husband’s Army Buddy by Doris O’Connor

Her Husband’s Army Buddy by Doris O’Connor
Publisher: Evernnight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (113 pages)
Other: MF, MMF, MM, MFM, BDSM, Spanking, Anal play/intercourse, Menage
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

There should only ever be two people in a marriage…

Sandy McLeod has been perfectly happy in her D/s relationship with her husband Zane for the last ten years. Until his old army buddy re-enters their life.

Sean Manson is altogether too handsome, too virile, far too much of anything. The man oozes dominance, danger, and leashed aggression, and Sandy can’t help but respond to him. Neither can Zane. He walked away from Sean once. Now, he’s back, long suppressed feelings bubble to the surface and cannot be denied. When Sandy agrees to a threesome, happiness seems within their grasp. Sean’s demons, however, threaten to destroy everything they hold dear.
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Sean never meant to come between husband and wife, let alone hurt either one of them. Surely, the only solution is to walk away from them both. When you’re the missing piece, however, walking is simply not an option.

If two’s company, can adding a third make them more or will it destroy them all?

This short story starts and ends on very similar, really hot notes. This isn’t a slow building heat, it’s an atomic explosion that had my e-reader smoking at the edges. That can be a good thing, because, yes, it grabbed my attention quick but, it can also be a not so good thing. It’s not that the heat ever really dies down, tho there is a situation that happens that banks it for a bit, it’s that it feels like the author took a small chunk of the characters relationship and only shared that teaser. Again, super hot teaser, but teaser non the less.

The story is good. Sandy and Zane are seemingly happily married but she begins to suspect that something is off. It’s not until she meets Zane’s bit of history, in the form of dominant, Sean Manson, that she sees that it isn’t just off, something (or rather someone) is missing. Sean comes with some baggage that felt very realistic and heartbreaking. I liked Sandy’s response to his condition and Zane, bless his heart, is torn between the two people he both loves and desires.

The author has so much potential in this short to expound of their story. I wanted to see and feel the connection between Zane and Sean, prior to Sandy entering the picture. They seemed to be so close and then Zane meets Sandy, is married for ten years and then Sean re-enters the picture. The author explains where he was but I’d like to know how he and Zane were coping without each other. Maybe this story is supposed to simply highlight the culmination of them not being able to deny themselves any longer but also how Zane has desire and love for his wife as well. It’s complicated but I thought the author did a good job of giving them their story.

There are a few grammar issues that could be corrected in a future re-release. Major, in that the heroes names are switched at one point (says Sean and should have been Zane) and then another place where incorrect pronouns are used. Not story killers by any means but worth fixing if the book is updated or expanded on later. I enjoyed this story and wouldn’t hesitate to pick up another book by Ms. O’Connor. She has a good grasp on the D/s lifestyle.

I appreciated that this story gives voices to retired military and what problems often stay with them long after they separate. That was realistically depicted and discussed both honestly and respectfully. An easy recommend.

Rough and Ready by Stacey Espino

Rough and Ready: Heels & Spurs 1 by Stacey Espino
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (136 pages)
Other: M/F/M, spanking, figging, Menage, Anal Sex
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

Robyn’s ready to sell her soul to climb the corporate ladder. After killing it in the courtroom every day, she enjoys drinks at night with her girlfriends. She has no time to reflect on her life, and that’s just the way she likes it. When her boss sends her to cattle country to get some contracts signed, she’s not a happy camper. Yukon is convinced he’ll die alone like his father until he spots the cute city girl in the diner. She’s completely out of her element, and he’s ready to be everything she needs. Parker doesn’t want the busty paralegal to break his brother’s heart. He’s seen her type before, and tries to warn Yukon before he gets in too deep. When she rushes back to the city once her job is done, he realizes she’s taken a piece of his heart with her. Can Robyn move on from the past and accept real love in her life? Can a city girl and two cowboys have a happily ever after?

Where do go when you’ve spent your whole life changing to fit in and yet, you still feel like the consummate outsider? Robyn has only ever wanted to be part of the cool crowd, the high rollers and pretty people. She thought that was the definition of a successful life. It takes a couple of small town cowboys to teach her that life isn’t about the bottom line, it’s about the people we invest time in, the love we spread and the memories that last.
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The author paints Robyn as the perfect city girl out of her element in a small barely there farm town. The sights, sounds and worst off, the smells are almost more than she can take in. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her and being from a small town, I totally had to laugh a little at her observations. Bless her heart! It’s good writing when it makes the reader feel things, sadness, anger, even being a little put out by the prejudices of big city folk. I couldn’t wait for her to actually meet the Rough and Ready cowboys who would not only rock her world, but change her perspective.

She most definitely needed to see her way to finding new friends. I was surprised at how her relationship with Shelly began in the story and how that turns out. Maybe Shelly will show up again and see some of the other local cowboys in a better light.

I fell for brothers Yukon and Parker right along with Robyn. They were raised good, honorable men and were just trying to make their parents proud. But making a living at crop farming was tough and it was easy to see it had taken its toll on both men. They needed a reason to keep working towards their goals, a reason to not give up on a future. That reason waltzed into the Longhorn on a dust covered pair of stilettos and it was the beginning of a love story. Okay, maybe it was the beginning of a whole lot of heated looks and sexually charged touching but a beginning nonetheless.

There were a couple of issues with “convenience” scenes that seemed to be used to establish perception or opportunity in the story but didn’t really flow with the story. It came across as unnecessary filler. There’s a scene where we first meet Yukon where he rescues a local girl from some ruffians and then later a kid shows up at their house in the middle of a rain storm. It doesn’t so much take away the story, it simply didn’t add to it, if that makes sense. The story is good without the filler. I was rooting for Robyn to see the possibilities and the future she could have with the brothers if she only had the courage.

In all, I liked this short story. The characters were interesting and I wanted to see them find their HEA. I met several potential heroes and heroines for upcoming additions to the series and it’ll be interesting to see what becomes of them. Big city girl meets small town hotness in Stetsons. Always a good way to spend an evening.

The Lightning Bearer by April Zyon

The Lightning Bearer by April Zyon
Heroes of Olympus Book 6
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (140 pages)
Other: M/F/M, Menage
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

Pepper St. John has known abuse from the moment that she was born. Now she is on her own and determined to make a life for herself. She is getting a top-notch education, and she knows that life can only get better once school is over. But when she graduates and starts her drive out to her new job, everything changes—because the two men she fell in love with years earlier knock on her motel door one night during a torrential storm.

Lincoln Jamison and Thomas Gordon are the last of the Scions to be paired off, and to say that it is wearing on them is putting it lightly. But they both also hope that they can get over the feelings that they developed for Pepper St. John before they meet the master key the Fates have paired them with.
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Their joy to realize it was Pepper destined for them all along is overwhelming, but their dangers do not let up just because they have found her. Hades and Hera are against them, and time is running out for them all.

The granddaughter of Zeus is all grown up and ready to take on the real world. Little does she know the queen of the gods has even bigger plans to send her straight to the underworld. The Master key will need will need her Scion warriors to keep her calm or the Earth realm may not survive.

I love all things mythology and gobbled up the YA books of similar title. When I read the blurb for this much more adult take on the story, I knew I had to read it. Ms. Zyon has delivered a very clever take on the gods of Olympus and their mostly human descendants.

Thomas and Lincoln are the last of the original Scion warriors to bond with their fated mate and they couldn’t be happier with who the Fates picked for them. I liked the explanation that the author gave for making them wait four years from the first time they met to recognize their connection.

Pepper was a sassy and fun character to read about and loved seeing her reunite with Thomas and Lincoln. Those guys have hot and protective down to an art. The thing these three have about touching gave me goose bumps. The only issue I had with the whole story was the dialogue. I liked that there was lots of it. More show than tell but it didn’t always feel natural. I think “forced” would be too strong of an adjective to describe it but at times it was like the characters were reading from a script that had just been handed to them. As if they didn’t know how to put feeling into the words for them to sound more natural as conversation between three people who had very deep emotions towards each other. I think it was too formal. Unless they’re British nobility, regular people tend speak in contractions more than theses three did.

Having said that, I couldn’t stop reading it. I was vested in the outcome from the moment Lincoln first touched Pepper and that was barely a touch. Everything after that was essentially foreplay to them cementing their bond and I knew that was going to be awesome because the author built the tension with looks and more touching and some very open conversation about what they all wanted. Almost too open for people who haven’t spoken in four years but it didn’t leave room for misunderstanding for sure.

If the previous five books in the series are as good as this final installment, I know I’ll have to go back to the beginning. An interesting take on a story I thought I knew. Worth the read and easy to recommend.

The Pleasures of Passion by Sabrina Jeffries

The Pleasures of Passion: The Sinful Suitors Series by Sabrina Jeffries
Publisher: Pocket Books
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (387 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

Voted BoM by LASR Readers 2013 copy

When Niall Lindsey, the Earl of Margrave, is forced to flee after killing a man in a duel, he expects his secret love, Brilliana Trevor, to go with him, or at the very least wait for him. To his shock, she does neither and sends him off with no promise for the future. Seven years and one pardon later, Niall returns to England disillusioned and cynical. And being blackmailed by the government into working with his former love to help catch a counterfeiter connected to her father doesn’t improve his mood any. But as his role as Brilliana’s fake fiancé brings his long-buried feelings to the surface once again, he wonders who is more dangerous—the counterfeiter or the woman rapidly stealing his heart.

Forced to marry another man after Niall was exiled, the now widowed Brilliana wants nothing to do with the reckless rogue who she believes abandoned her to a dreary, loveless life. So having to rely on him to save her father is the last thing she wants, much less trusts him with….But as their scheme strips away the lies and secrets of their shared past, can she let go of the old hurt and put her pride aside? Or will the pleasures of their renewed passion finally enable them both to rediscover love?

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Sound epic enough? This is classic Sabrina Jeffries and why this author draws me back time and again. Having said that, I’ve missed this delightful new series, The Sinful Suitors. With one book, she has me hooked and searching out the beginnings and anxiously waiting for the next installment.

Bree and Niall might be considered star crossed in the beginning but in truth, they wouldn’t have been ready to start a life together even had circumstances been different. The ups and downs, regrets and moments of joy in Bree’s life taught her to guard her heart. I loved that Niall was persistent to remind her that theirs was a soul deep connection that could heal her heart.

One of the reasons that I love a good Regency romance is all the social conventions of the time period, the absurd rules and class warfare. I know not the normal reasons but a good romance author knows how to work through or, when necessary, work around those issues and give the hero and his lady an opportunity to earn the love of lifetime. Ms. Jeffries does that very thing with Bree and Niall’s story.

Bree has learned that if she’s going to have a life for herself and her son, she’ll have to take control of their destiny and not depend of hapless, faithless men who constantly fail to see a woman’s strengths beyond her looks. She’s sometimes a little too stubborn but I was happy to see that Niall was patient and perceptive. He didn’t just tell her he thought she was smart and capable he demonstrated that he believed it, too. Smart man.

Readers who loved The School For Heiresses, The Duke’s Men, The Hellions of Hallstead Hall and all of Sabrina Jeffries other fantastic series will be thrilled to drawn into a new “family”. That’s one of the hallmarks of her series books. She creates families that aren’t always blood related but they have even deeper connections that matter and last long after the final page.

This is another fine example of the cleverness that is Sabrina Jeffries. Perfect read for any time of the year.

Finding Mr. Wright by BA Tortuga

Finding Mr. Wright by BA Tortuga
Dreamspun Desires Book 42
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (226 pages)
Other: M/M, anal play/intercourse
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

Leaning N

Everything’s bigger in Texas, including weddings. And misunderstandings.

Colorado wedding planner Mason O’Reilly lands a major contract: a two-hundred-guest wedding at the Leanin’ N Ranch, where his friends Ford and Stoney are working to provide a safe space for GLBT events. The Wright/Preston ceremony is a destination wedding, and as the grooms are from Texas, everything is done over the phone and email. There’s no way that could lead to trouble, right?

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Oil tycoon Noah Wright isn’t happy about the impending disaster, but he admires Mason’s quick thinking and grace under pressure. And that’s not all he likes about the out-and-proud wedding planner. Even though Mason’s interested in Noah, his Mr. Right can’t possibly be a rancher from Dallas.

Can he?

It’s the wedding that Mason has always dreamed of…for someone else. Mason is wedding planner and he’s been hired to coordinate the one that can make all his dreams come true, as well.

Brother of the bride, Noah Wright, just wants to make it through all the weekend in one piece. His mom and sister aren’t making it easy but it’s the wedding planner that he can’t stop thinking about.

He loves me, he loves me not. This one has that back and forth feel and I had to laugh out loud more than once because I was pretty sure it wasn’t flower petals that Mason wanted to throw at Noah a few times.

Ms. Tortuga has a wonderful way of drawing this reader into her western settings and making me feel a part of the story. Her dialogue is witty and the sex is hot. She also has a fantastic way of surprising the reader. The story trope is one that I’ve read but she made it fresh.

I liked both Mason and Noah and was a little frustrated that they took as long as they did to get their acts together. Stubborn is a good word to describe them both. Having said that, Mason is a sweetheart. He’s a fixer and very clever. Noah was a harder nut to crack but he felt real. He behaved like a man in his position might act even when it was uncomfortable for this reader. I’m glad that I didn’t give up on him.

A short story with plenty to celebrate. This is one that readers need to experience and embrace the journey to their HEA.

Dragons Hoard by M A Church

Dragons Hoard by M A Church
Dreamspun Beyond Book 5
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Full Length (183 pages)
Other: M/M, anal sex
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

To be loved by a dragon is to be treasured.

A hundred years ago, werewolf Alpha Montgomery took a risk driven by desperation—he borrowed money from the ancient dragon Warwick Ehecatl, putting up the pack lands as collateral. Now the debt is due, and dragons don’t forget—or forgive. Warwick demands Montgomery’s son, Avery, and three businesses as compensation. As an Omega, Avery knows he is basically useless to his pack, so he might as well agree. He soon has second thoughts, though. Warwick is fearsome, and he’s free to do as he likes with Avery.

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Beware of Dragons loaning money. They always expect to be repaid.

Avery is a wolf shifter, only son of the Alpha and yet he fulfils the role of an Omega. Ms. Church goes in to detail to explain exactly what that means. It should define who Avery is but he comes across as trying his best to not be a typical Omega. At one hundred years old, he has street smarts but he still has plenty to learn.

Warwick has come to collect a debt and dragons aren’t known for their philanthropy. They are possessive and shrewd and rich for a reason. When Avery’s father can’t repay in cash Warwick’s dragon comes up with an alternative tender. He wants his mate. He wants Avery. What a dragon wants, a dragon gets.

This is an insta-love story about two men who find each other under awkward circumstances. But maybe that was fate. As with most fated mate type stories, Avery and Warwick know they’re meant for each other as soon as they catch each other’s scents.

I personally enjoy a good insta-love but I still want there to be sexual tension. I didn’t get a lot of that here. There are some minor conflicts that are resolved quickly. I did like that Ms. Church has the men communicate pretty easily considering their age difference.

The kissing and touching are both hot. The Chase scene and eventual mating were a bit predictable but I still enjoyed watching Avery and Warwick get to know more about each other and each other’s culture. While there isn’t a lot of tension there is plenty of anticipation once the Chase is over and the men drive off to their HEA. I liked clever way the author resolved the issue of ‘the bite’.

Readers who enjoy a good paranormal where it’s more than just werewolves as shifters, should give this one a read. There’s growth, maturing and love. A good read on a cold night.

Irish Jewel by Julie Ann James

Irish Jewel by Julie Ann James
Publisher: The Peppertree Press
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense
Length: Full Length (186 pages)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

James takes her engaging characters to the gritty streets of Dublin, Ireland, where they become unsuspecting pawns in a twisted, tainted psychotic game of pure adulterated revenge from an unexpected and wicked mastermind. It is said to be true, that all families, have long-hidden secrets buried deep within their souls and locked away from all who might just go digging. Irish Jewel uncovers such a dark secret, so horrific that it could forever change lives when divulged. As the shocking truth surfaces, revealed for all to see, move across this chilling game board to determine where the grimy bread crumbs will end up…The suspense could kill you…

It should have been the trip of a lifetime that would end in the happiest day of her life. Now, Amy just hopes to make to the ceremony alive.
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Written in a very classic and compelling “who done it?” style, Irish Jewel hit all the right notes for spine tingling thriller. I liked that I couldn’t figure out the mystery too early into the story but in retrospect, all the clues were there and it all came together for a very exciting conclusion.

Right away this reader was thrown into spin right along with Amy. Why was she being warned that the man she was about to marry wasn’t all he seemed to be? The more answers she finds, the more questions she has. I liked Amy and Michael together. They have really great chemistry so it was important to me to see how the author would resolve their story. I was cheering for them to not only make it to the wedding but to have their happily ever after. The author doesn’t make it any easier on Michael than she does for Amy. Not only does he have a suddenly missing fiance, someone is targeting his family.

Can I just say, Ms. James knows how to write a good villain! Seriously, this guy all about the evil!

There’s a lot going on in this short novel. The action starts early and the pace is fast. I was surprised at how quickly I finished it. One of the elements that I enjoyed but that also threw me off a time or two: there are several twists and turns. Just when I thought I knew where the book was going, a new element would suddenly come to life and off I’d go thinking in a new direction.

Readers who enjoy mystery, intrigue and just enough romance should give Irish Jewel a read. There’s a whole lot of story packed into this novella and it takes the reader on an exciting adventure half a world away.