Death Walking – Dream Journeys into Death, Forgiveness, and Healing by Julie Winifred
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Non-Fiction, Contemporary
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by AstilbeI have cherished the dreaming world for as long as I can remember, and wanted to add my thoughts to all that information that is already out there. I wanted to have my say, and hoped that others might get something from my insights, just as I have done so from many other writers. I have focused upon the way I have dreamed with the dying and how this has guided me towards forgiveness and healing. And I hope I have also illustrated something of the sheer wonderfulness of dreaming life and the many gifts it can bring.
Grief is a journey that everyone must eventually take.
Dream logic doesn’t always translate well to real life. I smiled as I read about the author’s more abstract dreams and her attempts to make sense of them once she woke up. In some cases, it took her a while to come up with theories about what they were trying to tell her, but her interpretations ultimately made sense to me as she delved more deeply into her difficult childhood and the struggles she had as a result of it.
As interesting as it was to read about the author’s dreams about the loved ones she had lost, I struggled with the slow pacing. Some of the descriptions of the dreams and her interpretations of them were so detailed that they further disrupted the pacing as well. This is something I’m saying as someone who loves talking about dreams and what they might mean, and I wish I could have given this book a higher rating given the thought-provoking subject matter of it.
Some of my favorite sections were the ones that discussed how dreams can assist the healing process. When a death is sudden or tragic, it can be even harder than usual to adjust to the loss of that person or pet for those who are still here in the land of the living. A peaceful dream about the deceased can go a long way in helping someone to make peace with what has happened and move on with their life as much as possible.
Death Walking made me want to update my dream journal more often!