Search Results for: maddie james

And They Lived Happily Ever After: Modern Fairy Tales Boxed Set by Maddie James, Janet Eaves, Cat Shaffer, Arlene Hittle, Jennifer Anderson, May Williams

And They Lived Happily Ever After: Modern Fairy Tales Boxed Set by Maddie James, Janet Eaves, Cat Shaffer, Arlene Hittle, Jennifer Anderson, May Williams
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (628 pgs)
Heat Level: Sweet, Sensual, and Spicy (depending on the story)
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Poinsettia

…and they lived happily ever after. A modern fairy tales boxed set.

This boxed set includes six modern fairy tales by popular and bestselling romance authors. In this set you will find:

Red: A Seduction Tale by Maddie James (Little Red Riding Hood)
Sins of the Father by Janet Eaves (Sleeping Beauty)
Dixie White and the Seven Dates by Cat Shaffer (Snow White)
Just Right by Arlene Hittle (The Three Bears)
Death Sat Beside Her by Jennifer Anderson (Little Miss Muffet)
Playing the Piper by May Williams (The Pied Piper)

And They Lived Happily Ever After has a little bit of everything!

”Playing the Piper” by May Williams (Contemporary-sensual)

Penny is a very entertaining heroine. Her inner thoughts and the things she writes in her diary never failed to bring a smile to my face. I love how good she is with her students. However, Penny is very insecure. She frequently jumps to conclusions about James and his motivations concerning her and the park she loves. I could understand her misgivings the first time around, but they seemed to straighten things out fairly quickly. Unfortunately at the very next sign of trouble, Penny is ready to believe the worst again. The situation Penny and James find themselves in is very difficult, but without trust they aren’t going to make it very far. Will Penny finally give James a chance or will she let her insecurities cloud her judgment?

Some of the secondary characters in this short story are very nasty at the beginning but undergo some dramatic changes by the end. I understood the reason for one character’s change, but some of the others changed very quickly and without much explanation. Consequently, I found those parts unrealistic.

I also think that Penny and James’ relationship progresses too quickly, especially given Penny’s inability to trust James. However, the ending was still sweet and the situation with the park is solved in an interesting and fun way.

“Just Right” by Arlene Hittle (Contemporary-sensual)

I truly felt sorry for Callie. She has fame, good looks, and money. From the outside, her life might look perfect. However, I don’t envy the price Callie has paid for fame. As I watched Callie struggle to manage her public persona versus her personal life, it was easy to see why she needed a vacation out of the spotlight.

Ty and his brothers are certainly an interesting group. They teased each other unmercifully, but they also cared for and looked out for each other. Callie was nothing like Ty expected her to be, and their first encounter with each other was anything but smooth. I could certainly sense some underlying chemistry. However, I found it very hard to get a sense of what kind of couple Callie and Ty will be. He is very jealous and possessive right from the start even though they don’t know each other very well. Most of their encounters are antagonistic despite their physical attraction. In spite of these issues, Ty is a good man who just wants to protect the woman he loves from the ugly side of the media.

I must say that I found the “happy for now” ending to be very realistic and a good solution for Callie and Ty. Callie’s schedule is very demanding and while being famous has definite drawbacks, she isn’t ready to leave the spotlight just yet. I’m not sure what the future will hold for this new couple, but I think they are on the right track.
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“Red” by Maddie James (Paranormal-spicy)

“Red” was by far the most unusual story in this collection. There is a lot about Garnet’s world that I don’t understand. Even Garnet doesn’t seem to know much about it. I definitely think the magic and the history of Garnet’s family needed to be expanded in greater detail. While a bit of mystery is intriguing, Garnet was put in a position of making major, life changing decisions mere moments after learning that her family is much more than it seems. I understand that her family thought they were protecting Garnet by allowing her some time to live a normal life, but I think it is unfair to spring everything on her right before she’s called to make a monumental decision.

Garnet’s relationship with Max ignites from the moment they meet and the chemistry between them burns brighter with each turn of the page. Sex between them is nothing short of scorching. However, I do wish they had had more time to get to know each other. Unfortunately time is something neither of them seem to have. Does Garnet make the right choice, or will the night end in disappointment?

“Death Sat Beside Her” by Jennifer Anderson (Suspense-sensual)

Elysse is a sweet girl, but she is stuck conforming to her mother’s idea of what a young lady should be. Her mom strikes me as very old fashioned and controlling. I know that her mother loves her, but it was clear to me that Elysse was struggling to gain her mother’s approval and was losing her individuality in the process.

Everything changes when Liam walks into her life. The attraction between them is clear from the start. Unfortunately, Elysse has a boyfriend. As I read, I wasn’t sure how the love triangle was going to play out. I can’t give any details without ruining the story, but I will say that I found it very easy to cheer for Liam.

I enjoyed watching Elysse begin to distance herself from the carefully crafted image she’s maintained for so long. Elysse says she’s making the changes because she wants too, but I couldn’t help but wonder if Elysse was simply trying to remake herself into the kind of girl she thought Liam would like.

It was very easy for me to figure out who the murderer was. The suspense of this story came from not knowing who the next victim would be and wondering when Liam and Elysse would put all the pieces of the puzzle together. The conclusion is very satisfying, and I have no doubt that Liam and Elysse are well on their way to a happy ending.

“Sins of the Father” by Janet Eaves (Contemporary-spicy)

Aurora has led a very sheltered life thanks to her overprotective aunts. I must admit that I’m not entirely sure why Aurora’s family went to such great lengths to insulate her from the world. There is some violence in Aurora’s past, but she was too young at the time to remember anything and drastic steps were taken to conceal Aurora’s identity. Aurora certainly needed some degree of protection, but the situation with the aunts just didn’t sit right with me.

Consequently, it is very easy to understand Aurora’s powerful urge to break away. I do think she made some very poor decisions in the process. She is very trusting of Philip, a man she knows nothing about, and she puts herself in an extremely vulnerable position. Fortunately, Philip is a very nice guy, and I enjoyed watching Aurora and Philip relax in each other’s company.

As the story progressed, and the truth of Aurora’s past is revealed, Ms. Eaves did a good job of building the suspense. When Aurora finally learns about her parents and who Philip is, I couldn’t wait to find out what their next step would be. Unfortunately, the story ended at this point. I must admit to being disappointed as I had hoped for a more satisfying conclusion.

“Dixie White and the Seven Dates” by Cat Shaffer (Contemporary-Sweet)

Dorothea’s story is easily my favorite from this anthology. She had my sympathy from page one when she learns some ugly things about her boyfriend. Rather than wallow in self pity, Dorothea decides to take control of her life for the first time. As I read, I had the pleasure of watching Dorothea blossom into a vibrant, caring young woman I’d be proud to call a friend. It took courage for Dorothea to walk away from everything she’s ever known. Fortunately, Dorothea discovers a wonderful small town in Kentucky that nurtures her new found desire to grown and change.

Ms. Shaffer did an excellent job creating the charming small town of Cardington, Kentucky, and most of the people who lived there were just as lovely, especially Lou and Len. Without their support and encouragement, Dorothea’s quest for independence would have been much more difficult.

The blind dates Dorothea goes on are entertaining. However, the men she met seemed more like caricatures rather than real people. Some of the dates were better than others, but I wasn’t surprised that Dorothea didn’t really click with any of them.

Rick is definitely a great guy. He and Dorothea are very comfortable around each other, and they have the beginnings of great chemistry. Their slow dance is particularly memorable. I have no doubt that they will grow into a wonderful couple.

I enjoyed reading And They Lived Happily Ever After. Each story is different with a unique take on various classic fairy tales. I recommend this collection to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance.

The Long Road Home: Callie by Maddie James


The Long Road Home: Callie by Maddie James
The Montana McKennas Book 2
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (168 pgs)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 2.5 stars
Reviewed by Ginger

Leaving her job behind and heading home to Montana for a family emergency is worrisome enough, but when Callie McKenna’s New York future collides head-on with her Montana past, she is faced with making a life-altering decision.

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Callie McKenna is going home. Her father has suffered a fall from his horse and she is needed back at the ranch. She temporarily leaves New York and her promotion behind to be with her family in Montana, planning only to stay until her father is well again.

But she doesn’t expect the worse, and Callie loses her father. Nor does she expect to rekindle an old relationship with ranch hand, Murphy Reynolds.

Nothing goes according to plan. Callie must face her past, to not only mend some family fences, but to figure out what is happening between her and Murphy. She knows the choices she makes now will shape her future. But will that future be with Murphy and her family on the ranch, or will it be back in New York, where her promotion waits along with that quaint little brownstone she adores?

Callie McKenna had her personal reasons for leaving for college and not returning home, but when she receives a call that her father is in the hospital she immediately returns. Will her visit bring about family resolutions and perhaps rekindled love?

The Long Road Home: Callie is a simple plot with a predictable ending. The story is well written as far as style and editing goes but lacked story depth to me.

The continued love between Callie McKenna and Murphy Reynolds over the years seemed odd.  In the ten years Callie was gone, Murphy never married and neither did she. In fact, it appeared neither was involved in any other romantic relationship, which seems very unlikely. They loved each other that much, but she never came back home–even just to see him–in ten years? Additionally, the author didn’t give many details about her problems back home, just that she didn’t get along with her step-mother and siblings. Callie seemed to be a rational person, and her life on the ranch didn’t see to be so horrible the she had to leave and never look back. Why punish her dad and brother, as well as Murphy, if she loved them so much? There just weren’t enough details to show issues realistic enough for me to believe she’d to stay away for so many years.

Still, it was an okay read and I’m not unhappy I picked it up. It was certainly readable and the author is clearly skilled. The emotional part about Callie losing her father was sad, and how the family gathered during the grieving process was heart felt. The ending was happy and the author showed the importance of family and resolving conflicts. I was glad the family was able to heal and resolve their differences. Also, I liked how the author showed Callie taking a chance and following her heart with her love life.

The Heartbreaker by Maddie James

The Heartbreaker by Maddie James
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (196 pgs)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

The heartbreaker is back in town…

Lucki Stevenson spends most of her time coaching unruly teenagers and avoiding the unwelcome advances of a co-worker in her Parks Department job. So when all-grown-up, boy-next-door, Dr. Sam Kirk moves back into his childhood home, she doesn’t hesitate welcoming him back into town and her life, as her childhood best friend, of course. Because that’s all they will ever be—best friends.

Sam broke her heart once; she won’t give him a chance to do it again.
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Returning home to care for his younger brother J.J., after his mother’s death, Sam is happy to accept Lucki’s expert advice about kids—and even happier that the tomboy he remembers is now a beautiful woman. When Lucki agrees to help him with J.J., Sam is sure he’s on the road to success as an instant parent, and possibly as a husband—but first he’s got to convince Lucki that he’s not the heartbreaker of her past.

In fact, he might have to get the whole town in on the act.

This small town is a hoot!

I love the work of Maddie James. I know I’m going to get a story with heart that will stay with me. This one was no different. I’m glad I picked this book up. I won’t forget it.

The writing flows well. Once I opened the book, I had to know what would happen next. Lucki is great. I liked her hesitancy. I felt like I was right there with her, fumbling through what she was going to do with life and with Sam. She’s got a good head on her shoulders and I rooted for her right away. I loved how she worked out what she wanted to do with JJ, too. Smart girl.

Sam…at first, I didn’t like him much. I’ll be honest. I wanted to conk him on the head. I kept thinking, can’t you see what’s right in front of you? But with that said, I loved, LOVED the way the story was handled. Maddie James kept me right there, even when I wasn’t thrilled, needing to know that things would work out. I came around on Sam and by the end, I rooted for him, too.

If you want a book that’s great for a beach read or just a great quiet afternoon read, then this is the book for you.

Star Crossed Ladies of Legend: Return to Legend by Maddie James

Star Crossed Ladies of Legend: Return to Legend by Maddie James
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (88 pgs)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Ginger

When Jasmine Walker returns to Legend after a fifteen-year absence—she doesn’t expect her troubled teenage past to collide with her well-planned, professional future.
Ms. Addie Bynum leaves something for Jasmine Walker in her will, and Jasmine returns to Legend to meet with the attorney about the estate. She learns she’s been left with the contents of a safety deposit box and a letter explaining Ms. Addie’s wishes. A letter with requests Jasmine may not be able to fulfill.

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Have you ever finished a book and wanted to tell the author thank you? Star Crossed is a book that I enjoyed from the start. The author did an awesome job in writing and telling a story that I am so thankful to have read.

The book shows emotions of sadness for the lost of Mrs. Adeline Hamilton Bynum, a Legend resident who touched many local children through her participation in the county foster family program. Her passing brings Jasmine Walker back to Legend, Tennessee. Jasmine grew up with a drunk as a father and a mother who committed suicide and was blessed to have Mrs. Bynum around her as a teen. Unfortunately, shame and secrets lead Jasmine to leave town with her mind set to never come back. But Mrs. Bynum saw to it that she would return, and not only return but connect on a relationship that was prematurely severed.

Jack Ackerman was Jasmine’s high school boyfriend along with one of Legend’s star football players. Even though Jasmine left him and Legend over fifteen years ago, he still carries a strong love for her. Will they be able to rekindle the love they once shared? Or once secrets have been revealed will any hope of rekindling their love be lost?

Thank you to the author for writing such a great story. The writing style is wonderful. It delivers a pleasing and believable story in full. There is suspense and unnoticeable twists. This story gives a beautiful vision of love in various realms; young love between a boy and a girl, love from a caregiver who, even though she didn’t birth the children herself, felt compelled to see to them finding happiness and having a chance. And also, the love, no matter how odd it seems, from a father to know he isn’t able to be a good father and he loves his child enough to stay out of her life. The characters were believable and likable and I felt empathy for them.

Star Crossed is an inspiring lesson that in true love there is joy, sadness, loss, growth but overall it is unwavering and fixed like the stars.

Star Crossed is a truly enjoyable read that I recommend to anyone looking for a story that speaks volumes and that will still be felt after the last word is read.

Crazy for You by Maddie James

Crazy for You by Maddie James
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (193 pgs)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 3.5 books
Reviewed by Iris

She’s Tofu

A lovely nineties-style flower child, Tasha Smith enjoys her laid-back life at the shop where she sells organic fruits and vegetables, even though lately she’s been in a funk over a broken engagement. Determined to shake her blues, she heads down to a resort in sunny Jamaica, and along the way, hooks up with a most unlikely companion—a workaholic salesman who has no idea how sexy he looks in his Brooks Brothers suit!

He’s Beefsteak

Andrew Jacob Powel III reluctantly heads to Jamaica after winning the trip for high salesman of the month. He figures while there, he’ll handout business cards and make some new connections. But when he connects with Tasha, his professional poise begins a slow unraveling. She is at turns enchanting and exasperating—and adorably determined to tease him out of his conservative shell, not to mention that Brooks Brothers suit.

Even as a sultry passion takes them both by surprise, Andrew and Tasha know they’ll have to return to their very different lives—but their hearts keep telling them they belong together. And hearts never lie…

Some people just need a good “thunk” to the head to put them on the right path. Luckily for Andrew, there’s Tasha. Luckily for Tasha, there’s Andrew. While they are, unfortunately, stereotypical of romance characters, they are quite fortunate in that their actions are governed by the twisting and turning of author Maddie James’ imagination.

The tropical location and bus strike provided the basis for the eccentric quirks of fate that led Andrew to Tasha. Kamagra Fizz does not need to be taken viagra pfizer online view here after consulting a qualified doctor. The dosage for each person is not suffering from any physical failure in the corpus cavernosum discount cialis canada can help people enjoy a healthy and normal sex life. Use this capsule regularly to achieve effective cialis without prescription uk and long-lasting results. Eye and vision examination were performed before and after the period they often have anemia, general viagra online overnight weakness, sour in waist and on back which can be increased by achieving high testosterone levels. True, his character’s paranoia and suspicion also played into the plot quite a bit, but that just kept things interesting.

Meanwhile, Tasha has those overwhelming urges. You know the ones – mother instinct to protect and help the poor introverted man to “blossom”, all the while fighting off the not so maternal sexual attraction that no good romance is without.

This is not the story of a grand romance. It is, however, a fun and lively story that can fulfill those moments when you need something lighthearted to read. (Well, if making a vehicle go off the side of a cliff can be termed “lighthearted”.) You can tell the author has a vivid imagination and a unique sense of humor. These qualities kept the story from being run-of-the-mill and trite. They are also what kept me reading.

Grab a copy of the story and keep it on your e-reader for those times when you “just need something . . . “ You won’t be sorry you did.

A Whisker of a Doubt by Cate Conte

A Whisker of a Doubt by Cate Conte
Cat Cafe Mystery Series, 4
Publisher: St Martin’s Paperbacks
Genre: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller, Contemporary, Holiday
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

The holiday season on Daybreak Island is a mixed bag for Maddie James. On the one hand, her Christmas spirit is in the doghouse after a break-up. On the other, she’s busy enough that she doesn’t have to pretend to be merry. Business at her cat café is booming, and Maddie’s care-taking of a feral cat colony in one of the area’s wealthiest communities only helps her bottom line.

But tensions between the homeowners and animal activists are escalating to catastrophic levels. . .and before long a body is found dead in a snowbank. To prove that her accused friend is innocent of the crime, Maddie will have to prowl the island for clues to the real killer before everyone on the island goes completely hiss-terical―and more than nine lives are lost.

Good intentions can get you into trouble and how!

This is the first book by Cate Conte I’ve read, so I walked into the story fresh. The writing is good and I was transported to the cat cafe in the story. I liked the idea of the story – helping feral cats and controlling the population humanely. I even liked the idea of the cat cafe. Why not? It’s a cute story and worth the read.

I have to admit the protagonist, Maddie, did drive me crazy a few times. I guess it’s a thing with cozy mysteries, but the amateur sleuths always seem to get right into the investigation and circumvent laws to get there. Seems like that’s not safe, but this is fiction, so it’s still a good read. Maddie does tend to waffle concerning her boyfriend and that got a tad old. I get she wanted a clean break, but I’m the type who wants closure for my characters and I wanted to see her get it. Plus, there aren’t many mentions of cats in this book. I expected more, but there weren’t. Oh well.

It’s still an interesting mystery and I had no idea whodunit until the end. I liked how this story had a small town feel and am interested in reading more in this series.

If you’re looking for a cute holiday mystery, then this might be the one for you.

My Happiest Moment as a Writer by Nora LeDuc – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nora LeDuc will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

My Happiest Moment as a Writer

I was sitting here, trying to remember my happiest moment as a writer. This is tough. When I first begin a novel, I know it’s going to be an award winner. Yes, I’m super excited. A grand adventure is about to start. I will fill each page with flawless prose. Yeah, I’m unrealistic, but it’s fun to dream.

Soon, I’m thinking, Well, that chapter was good, but it lacks introspection, backstory, or more snappy dialogue. So I’m rewriting. Finally, I force myself to move on. I mean, how much better can pages get after you’ve almost worn a hole in the screen revising? Since I want a release this decade, I push forward.

I have a goal, the mid-point. It’s all downhill from there. Easy writing. Onward, I plod. Things are happening. If it’s my Romantic Suspense, suspects are lining up. The heroine has found the perfect man/detective/investigator/ black sheep to go on this journey with her! Yes, when the two main characters meet and agree to work together is exciting, but as they say, the best is yet to come.

Hooray, I’ve reached the middle. My hero and heroine have drawn closer. Their relationship changes. They’ve discovered fresh evidence or another crime. A mini crisis occurs in their personal life or goals. I confess the middle has always been a favorite of mine. The storyline deepens. Conflict worsen. Emotions burn. Maybe this is where I pause and savor my plot.

But there’s more. The black moment, yes, this is where all is lost. The characters’ lives have been turned around or upside down, but they possess a new strength or an aha insight about themselves that pushes them forward to solve their problems.

Sometimes, getting to this point has been challenging for me. The ideas hide in my mind. They won’t surface. I’d like to skip to the conclusion yet, I have a lot to write before the journey is complete. I had one tome that just crawled along. Yup, I keep tapping on my keyboard.

Then the wrap-up arrives. Everything is done. The novelist can enjoy the glow of success with THE END? Yes, for a few hours or minutes, it is. If only there wasn’t more to do.

I must read the manuscript to find plot holes, grammar errors, punctuation mistakes etc. Nah, this is not my favorite time. Knowing when you’ve ready to share can be hard. I send my ARC to beta readers. They are good and tougher than I am. I revise. What’s left?

The scariest moment for me is when I click publish. Yikes, everyone in the world can look at my piece of fiction. I don’t dwell on this.

Release Day! I am often in awe that the cover has my name on it. Someone once asked me what I liked the most about being an author. I told them that Nora LeDuc is printed under the title. True, I’ve found it. My happiest part of writing. My production is real.

Hey, wait, I have an idea for a super short story, Beach Kisses & Sunset Wishes. It’ll be even better, perfect…the best. It’ll take place on Last Chance Beach. Check it out!

LAST CHANCE BEACH is the island paradise where dreams go to live again and wishes may come true. It’s Summer’s End on the island, and the cottages, condos, hotels, and bungalows are filled to capacity.

There’s still plenty of time to find summer fun and summer love, new romances and second chances; hot alpha males and heartwarming heroes, beach bunnies, dudes, and romance popping up when you least expect it.

Throw a log on the beach bonfire tonight and celebrate LAST CHANCE BEACH: Summer’s End, a special collection of 14 short stories from bestselling authors—all new, never published before—that will thrill the hopeful romantic in you. Some stories are sweet; some are sizzling hot. All will touch your heart and make you want to book a vacation to LAST CHANCE BEACH!

Authors and Titles:

Hot August Night by Joan Reeves, NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author
Can a chef and a hot dog loving cop resist desire when they’re forced to share the same overbooked beach cottage?

Something New by Liz Flaherty, USA Today Bestselling Author
Their lives are all planned out–until they’re not.

I Do…Again by Nancy Fraser, Amazon Top 100 Author
Can they re-ignite what they once had and take a last chance on love?

The Man in Gull Cottage by Caroline Clemmons, Amazon Top 100 Author
Will the solution to her dilemma drive them apart or into one another’s arms?

That One Summer by Maddie James, Amazon Top 100 Author
He’s the one who got away. She’s the one who couldn’t commit.

Romancing the Spouse by Jan Scarbrough, Amazon Bestselling Author
Can she turn back the clock to save her marriage?

Blue Sky Summer by Kathleen Lawless, Amazon Bestselling Author
Of all the beaches on the coast, who does she see again? Him!

Hangover Husband by Bonnie Edwards, Amazon Bestselling Author
What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay there

One Last Shot by Marcia King-Gamble, National Bestselling Author
She can run, but can she hide? Will love still find her?

Secondhand Hearts by Kathryn Hills, Award Winning Author
Life takes you down many winding paths. Will theirs lead to love on Last Chance Beach?

Paradise Perfume by Connie Vines, Award Winning Author
Fragrance and love cannot be hidden.

Dreams of the Past by Laura Hunsaker, Award Winning Author
Can dreams of the future erase her nightmares of the past?

Beach Kisses & Sunset Wishes by Nora LeDuc – She wants someone interested in a fling. He wants someone interested in a ring.

Frankie McKinley’s last three relationships went up in flames. Her best bud insists she needs to relax, have a fling. But Frankie’s not into casual hookups. She vows to resist the lure of romantic Last Chance Beach and take a break from men. She’ll concentrate on her dream, opening a gift shop. Or so she’d promised herself until the morning her gaze locks with the handsome Sean Thomas-Michael’s sea-blue eyes.

Can’t Buy Me Love by Hannah Rowan
Things aren’t always what they seem.

Enjoy an Excerpt

“Waste of time looking here,” Frankie mumbled. The popular Which Way, Hemingway, Café was full of the regulars. Here, they could catch the rolling rustle of the waves and inhale the briny sea salt. Colorful hibiscus bloomed around the pink open-air cook building. Their flowers perfumed the air. Who could resist this picture-perfect island with pastel painted buildings, lush green scenery, and friendly inhabitants who greeted everybody?

She could identify the frequent visitors and where they sat. On the end of the dining piazza, the mother’s group tried to keep their toddlers corralled and busy with crayons and small toys. The Save the Turtles folks were holding their monthly meeting by the sidewalk as though they might lure in a volunteer walking past. And the book club was debating the merits of the Oxford comma in another corner. Finally, there were the odds and ends like Frankie, Tikki, and the retired folk who filled the rest of the twelve tables on the sand.

“My. My. Who is that?” Her friend stretched her five-foot frame upright for a better
view. “I’ve never seen him before. Hmm. He’s interesting. Obviously a tourist. He’s wearing sandals.”

Frankie’s attention shot up to high while she dug her toes into the cool grains of sand.
She resisted the urge to say, “Forget it.” She’d humor her friend. Swiveling around, she spotted him across the patio.

He sat alone, wearing khaki shorts and a pale blue shirt, open at the collar. Dense black hair spilled over his forehead, and a bearded shadow darkened his strong jaw. He looked to be in his early thirties. Back-framed sunglasses were perched on his straight nose as he read something on his phone resting beside his plate of eggs and hash browns. He took off his shades, rubbed his chin, and raised his gaze. Their glances collided.

His brows shot up with interest. His lips parted slightly. Blue eyes that matched the sea drew Frankie to him and caused a sensation of dizziness to dance in her mind. She was aware she was staring, but she couldn’t stop.

About the Author:Nora grew up in rural New England where she currently lives with her family. She enjoys visiting and spending time with her friends, the Winettes, in Florida, where she continues to write. Her current book, Beach Kisses, Sunset Wishes is her seventeenth. In October, Christmas at the Easy Breezy will be released. You can find Nora on Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook and her website: She also contributes to the Romance Gems’ Blog every month.


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I Do…Again by Nancy Fraser – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser will be awarding $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

LAST CHANCE BEACH is the island paradise where dreams go to live again and wishes may come true. It’s Summer’s End on the island, and the cottages, condos, hotels, and bungalows are filled to capacity.

There’s still plenty of time to find summer fun and summer love, new romances and second chances; hot alpha males and heartwarming heroes, beach bunnies, dudes, and romance popping up when you least expect it.

Throw a log on the beach bonfire tonight and celebrate LAST CHANCE BEACH: Summer’s End, a special collection of 14 short stories from bestselling authors—all new, never published before—that will thrill the hopeful romantic in you. Some stories are sweet; some are sizzling hot. All will touch your heart and make you want to book a vacation to LAST CHANCE BEACH!

Hot August Night by Joan Reeves, NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author
Can a chef and a hot dog loving cop resist desire when they’re forced to share the same overbooked beach cottage?

Something New by Liz Flaherty, USA Today Bestselling Author
Their lives are all planned out–until they’re not.

I Do…Again by Nancy Fraser, Amazon Top 100 Author

Thirty-five years earlier, Lily Abbott and Mitch Colby exchanged wedding vows in a quaint ceremony attended by a small crowd consisting of four Micronauts, a one-eyed pet rock, two special-edition Barbies, and an assortment of stuffed animals. Officiated by Stretch Armstrong, it was the social event of their 8th summer.

Lily never forgot the childhood ceremony. Or the fact her best friend and first love had left her behind and relocated to Boston to pursue an expensive education. Now a divorcee, with college-bound twin daughters, Lily’s moved on and put the foolishness of first crushes and the childish dream of true love behind her.

At eighteen, Mitch had never wanted the expensive education his father mapped out for him. He’d have been perfectly happy to stay in Summerville, marry the love of his life, and settle down. However, when push came to shove, he’d not wanted to upset his ailing mother, and had left everything…and everyone…that he’d wanted behind.

The 25th reunion of the graduating class of Summerville High has brought Lily and Mitch back together at The Sands, a seaside resort on Last Chance Beach. Will one weekend together be enough? Or, is there a possibility for more?

The Man in Gull Cottage by Caroline Clemmons, Amazon Top 100 Author
Will the solution to her dilemma drive them apart or into one another’s arms?

That One Summer by Maddie James, Amazon Top 100 Author
He’s the one who got away. She’s the one who couldn’t commit.

Romancing the Spouse by Jan Scarbrough, Amazon Bestselling Author
Can she turn back the clock to save her marriage?

Blue Sky Summer by Kathleen Lawless, Amazon Bestselling Author
Of all the beaches on the coast, who does she see again? Him!

Hangover Husband by Bonnie Edwards, Amazon Bestselling Author
What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay there

One Last Shot by Marcia King-Gamble, National Bestselling Author
She can run, but can she hide? Will love still find her?

Secondhand Hearts by Kathryn Hills, Award Winning Author
Life takes you down many winding paths. Will theirs lead to love on Last Chance Beach?

Paradise Perfume by Connie Vines, Award Winning Author
Fragrance and love cannot be hidden.

Dreams of the Past by Laura Hunsaker, Award Winning Author
Can dreams of the future erase her nightmares of the past?

Beach Kisses & Sunset Wishes by Nora LeDuc
She wants someone interested in a fling. He wants someone interested in a ring.

Can’t Buy Me Love by Hannah Rowan
Things aren’t always what they seem.

Enjoy an Excerpt

The soles of her sandals skittering across the wet surface, Lily Abbott landed on the weather-worn dock with a loud thump, her backside slapping against the damp slats in the same way a fish flops around on the ground after being pulled from the lake.

So much for a graceful entry.

She glanced from side-to-side, wondering if any of her former classmates had seen her awkward faux pas. Gracie Potts and Shep Warren stood off to the side, more engrossed in each other than those around them. Ellie Cabot was stoking the campfire, poking at it with angry jabs and then letting loose a string of curse words when the embers jabbed back.

At least half of the varsity football team were huddled around two well-stocked coolers, chugging beers and laughing about past victories.

Off in the distance, laughter, mixed with strains of Meatloaf’s I’d Do Anything for Love, floated across the warm night air from the hotel’s patio. Nostalgic music from their senior year…as if time could be turned back, memories either revived or erased.

About the Author:

Like most authors, Nancy Fraser began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet, which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Published in multiple genres, Nancy currently writes for four publishers. She has published thirty-one books in full-length, novella, and short format.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | BookBub | Goodreads

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April Book of the Month Poll Winner ~ Little White Lies by Margaret Fenton

Little White Lies by Margaret Fenton
Publisher: Aakenbaaken & Kent
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Ginger

Voted BoM by LASR Readers 2013 copy

Claire Conover is drawn into another mystery when the office of black mayoral candidate Dr. Marcus Freedman is bombed. Marcus is found safe, but his campaign manager Jason O’Dell is found dead in the rubble. Claire’s office gets a call about Jason’s daughter who was left at her daycare, and she becomes Claire’s latest charge. Further investigation reveals that Jason was living under an assumed name, and is really Jason Alsbrook, son of prominent local mine owner James Alsbrook. James holds many records in Alabama, including the most accidents and deaths in his mines. Any number of people would wish harm to he or his family. Claire works to keep little Maddie safe as she faces new challenges in her relationship with computer programmer Grant Summerville. She investigates Jason’s death with the help of her friend and reporter Kirk Mahoney, and they become closer, The addition of a foster child further complicates everything as she must make some decisions about her future with Grant.


Little White Lies by Margaret Fenton

Little White Lies by Margaret Fenton
Publisher: Aakenbaaken & Kent
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Ginger

Voted BoM by LASR Readers 2013 copy

Claire Conover is drawn into another mystery when the office of black mayoral candidate Dr. Marcus Freedman is bombed. Marcus is found safe, but his campaign manager Jason O’Dell is found dead in the rubble. Claire’s office gets a call about Jason’s daughter who was left at her daycare, and she becomes Claire’s latest charge. Further investigation reveals that Jason was living under an assumed name, and is really Jason Alsbrook, son of prominent local mine owner James Alsbrook. James holds many records in Alabama, including the most accidents and deaths in his mines. Any number of people would wish harm to he or his family. Claire works to keep little Maddie safe as she faces new challenges in her relationship with computer programmer Grant Summerville. She investigates Jason’s death with the help of her friend and reporter Kirk Mahoney, and they become closer, The addition of a foster child further complicates everything as she must make some decisions about her future with Grant.

There is one fatality after a Birmingham, Alabama mayoral candidate’s office was bombed. Social worker Claire Conover soon gets a call that 8-month-old Madeline O’Dell’s father did not pick her up from daycare. Claire is quickly drawn into the investigation by her reporter friend Kirk Mahoney. Will the two be able to find out who is responsible for the bombing? Was the black mayoral candidate the target?

This is book three of the social worker Claire Conover Mystery series. This is the first book I’ve read in the series, however, before I finished reading book three, I placed my order for books one and two. The story started off with a different writing style that I am not used to, but I quickly adjusted. I like to have a visual of the characters while I am reading about them. I did not get a visual of the characters and it could be that I am just starting with book three and the character opening descriptions were already told in the previous books.

The story is told from Claire’s point of view which worked well as it provided a full story. I don’t know much about Claire in the visual sense but after reading this book I feel I know her pretty well. I think I see a little bit of every woman in Claire. Her kindness, her need to help others, family oriented, focused on her job and the tendency to lose focus on having some down time for oneself. Claire is a busy woman. Claire has good intentions but does not seem like the settling down kind or it could be that she may not be settled down with the right person. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but I felt sorry for Grant Summerville. He is a good guy, but it seems he takes a backseat to all that Claire has going on.

I am not judging Claire because I probably would have done the same thing. Claire mentioned early on that she has been worried and concerned about 13-year-old LaReesa so when she got the call in the middle of the night, she picked LaReese up and took her into her home, the home where Claire’s boyfriend Grant also lives. Like I said I am not judging but this makes Claire seem impulsive since there are guidelines and rules in place about social workers fostering children, not to mention she is spending a lot of time investigating baby Madeline’s case. But as I analyzed it some more, I wonder was this a subliminal way of ending a commitment Claire previously made? I also couldn’t help but wonder, is Claire’s life stable enough to foster a child? Claire is not perfect, and I think that’s why I enjoyed reading her story so much. Even though she has some faults, her intentions for LaReesa are good. She tries to give LaReesa what she needs, a home and a quality education by enrolling her in a good school system. I like that Claire listens to LaReesa and that she allows LaReesa limited freedom and explains why limitations and boundaries are necessary.

Kirk Mahoney and Claire did find out the details behind the bombing. I was confused about whether the police or FBI completed their investigation and if there will be any charges against the guilty person. The author gave enough detail and information to keep the story progressing. I liked that she included the different towns and locations in and around Birmingham so effortlessly throughout the story. My takeaway from the book is there were several forms of neglect in the book. Neglect for the lives of children, and others, neglect of business obligations, and the neglect of relationships.

This was an interesting and well told story that I really enjoyed reading. In fact, I haven’t read a book this fast in a long time. I think the reporter Kirk Mahoney and Claire make a good investigative team. I think Claire will do well with LaReesa. I am glad that LaReesa trusts and feels safe with Claire, however I wish Claire would have a talk with LaReesa about her (cursing) language. I look forward to reading book 4 to see how things progress with LaRessa and Claire.