Everything’s Coming Up Daisy by Nancy Fraser – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Kristen Matthews is a single mother of a very precocious five-year old named, Daisy. When Kristen and Daisy relocate to Last Chance Beach to live with Kristen’s eccentric aunt, Kristen has her reservations. The move brings them in close proximity to her ex-boyfriend’s rich family. Given Daisy’s father never wanted a permanent arrangement, neither he nor Kristen ever told his family about Daisy’s birth.

Ellis Tait has taken over the management of all of Tait Holding’s businesses since his father’s passing. His step-mother prefers her Summerville mansion. His playboy brother hasn’t been seen or heard from in nearly five years, preferring to travel around Europe squandering his inheritance. After a number of intense business negotiations, Ellis travels to the family’s vacation estate on Last Chance Beach for a few weeks of relaxation—not that he ever truly relaxes.

When Kristen and Ellis meet for the first time, Kristen’s determined to keep the secret of Daisy’s heritage to herself. However, the more she gets to know Ellis, the more she realizes he’s nothing at all like his younger brother.

A modern twist on the classic Sabrina. Can this single-mom avoid her ex’s family and hide the fact that her daughter is heiress to the family fortune? Or, will the island magic of Last Chance Beach unite an overworked mom and curmudgeon of a family patriarch in time for a happily-ever-after?

Enjoy an Excerpt

Crosswinds Bridge, Point of Entry for Last Chance Beach
Present Day

This was a mistake. A huge mistake.

Kristen Matthews pulled into line behind the cars waiting for access to the bridge leading to the island. She spared a quick glance in her rear view mirror and assured herself that her daughter was securely buckled, and her booster seat was in the upright position.

To Daisy, this was a big adventure, a chance to live in a place filled with sunlight, ocean breezes, and fun! To Kristen, it was a recipe for disaster.

“Are we almost there, mommy?” Daisy asked.

“Yes, Doodlebug. We’re about to get on the bridge. Then, once we drive across the water, we’ll be on the island.”

“I wanted to take the ferry, like we did last summer when we came to visit Auntie El.”

“We couldn’t this time because we’re pulling a trailer full of our things. There’s no room on the ferry for trailers, just cars.”

“Are we going to live in one of Auntie El’s cottages, or in the big house?”

“We’ll live in the big house with Aunt Eloise. From what she told me in her last email, she got rid of the cabins last fall.”

“She gave them away?”

“No, dear. She had them torn down and the land cleared. I’m pretty sure she also had the main house painted as well.”

A soft whimper sounded from the back seat. “But I liked the polka dots. I hope she kept them.”

“This is Aunt Eloise. Even if the dots are gone, I’m pretty sure there will be something just as fancy in their place.”

“Maybe it’ll be unicorns,” Daisy reasoned. “I love unicorns.”

“Yes, I know,” Kristen agreed, a chuckle smothered rather quickly behind a yawn. It had been a long day, with no measurable end in sight.

“I can’t wait to see Jerry, and Elvira, and Petunia, and even Juniper. Maybe this time, she won’t think my finger is a carrot stick.”

“In Juniper’s defense, you have to remember she is blind in one eye. You have to be careful when you offer her food and make sure you approach from her good side.”

“I wonder if Auntie El has adopted any more guinea pigs?”

Oh please, no. Kristen pulled in a breath and prayed there wouldn’t be more rescued animals added to the menagerie who lived in her aunt’s home. Between the four guineas, two barn cats, and her fourteen year old terrier, Jake, you couldn’t go ten feet without tripping over a water bowl or stray toy.

They reached the island less than twenty minutes later, and Kristen merged into traffic along Ocean Drive. Eloise’s home was on Windsurfer Drive, with a beautiful ocean view and within walking distance to one of the nicest public beaches on the island.

“Look, mama,” Daisy said suddenly. “You can see someone flying up in the sky.”

Kristen chuckled. “I’d better not take my eyes off the road. No doubt it’s a tourist taking advantage of Land or Leap’s parasailing adventures.”

“I think it’s a superhero flying around protecting people.”

She spared a quick thought for her good friends Chase and Jared, owners of Land or Leap. Both were certainly hunky enough to be considered superheroes. “Maybe,” she conceded. “Or, maybe, it’s a flying guinea pig.”

Daisy’s exaggerated sigh echoed through the car. “Don’t be silly, mommy. Piggies don’t fly. According to Auntie El, all they do is eat and poop.”

“Well you know what your grandpa always says. ‘If you’re going to do something, do it really well.’ I’d say the piggies have mastered both.”

They passed Barnacle Bill’s mini golf, the pier leading out to Rod’s bar, the parking lot at Cliff House, finally turning onto the side road leading to house. Pulling into her aunt’s long driveway, she drew to halt, raised her gaze, and let the latest changes to the century old home sink in.

For frick sakes! Like Daisy, Kristen found herself wishing for the return of the polka dots. “What do you think, Doodlebug? Has Auntie El outdone herself with the renovations?”

“Wowzers,” Daisy said, giggling. “One, two, three, four… um… five different colors. It looks like a box of crayons exploded all over the front of auntie’s house.”

“One thing’s for sure. We’ll never get lost. I’m pretty sure this place glows in the dark.”

About the Author: NANCY FRASER is a bestselling and award-winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Her spicy romances have won top awards year after year and received cover quotes from some of the most recognized names in the romance industry. Her sweet romances have gained the attention of a number independent reviewers and she was named a “bright new voice in sweet/inspirational romance” by the Christian blog Independently Reviewed.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Website | Blog | Sweet Reads Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Amazon Author Page | BookBub | Goodreads | YouTube | Newsletter

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Ella by Nancy Fraser – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

To get away from her late husband’s questionable deeds, Ella Winslow takes her three children and heads west to the unsettled Washington Territory to claim land she believes she’s inherited from her father.

Tucker McAlister was fired from his position as deputy marshal for arresting the mayor’s brother-in-law for spousal abuse. His mentor has found him another job, first escorting the wagon train going west, and then as the new marshal in the growing town of Tacoma, Washington Territory.

The trail is long and hard, yet Ella is more than up to the task. Still, Tuck feels the need to watch over her and her children, whether she wants him to or not. It isn’t until they arrive in Washington that he realizes his protection will now need to extend even further than the wagon train itself.

Will Ella’s faith allow her to trust again and make a safe home for her family, while welcoming Tuck into her heart?

Enjoy an Excerpt

Whispering Willows Farm
Maryvale, Missouri
April 16, 1870

Ella Winslow turned toward the kitchen door, the loud crash of wood on wood causing her to startle. Raising her head, she met her brother’s angry glare.

“What the devil are you thinking, Sis?” Connor Miller asked. “You can’t just up and take off with your children. And crossing the country in father’s prized possession, no less? Have you lost your senses?”

“I’ve never understood why everyone claims it’s women who are moody, hysterical even. We can’t hold a candle to a flustered man.” Narrowing her gaze, she gave Connor the same no-nonsense look she often used on her daughter and two sons. “It’s my decision to make. With my husband dead and buried, there’s nothing holding me here. As a matter of fact, given the legacy Peter Winslow left behind, I’d say taking my children away from this town is the right thing to do.”

“So, I’m nothing, am I?” Connor asked angrily.

The hurt she could see in his eyes caused her a small niggle of pain, a moment’s pause.

“Of course, you mean the world to me. You’re my brother, the only family I have left, other than my precious children.”

“Then, why are you leaving?”

Her shoulders heaved on a deep sigh. “You know why. I’m tired of having the good people of Maryvale stare at me with pity, while gossiping about me behind my back. Not to mention the way the children have been teased in the schoolyard.”

“This whole mess will blow over soon enough.”

“I’d like to believe you… that the people I’ve known my entire life will come to their senses and realize I had nothing to do with Peter’s abhorrent business dealings. And, his…” Her voice lowered before trailing off. She couldn’t bear thinking about all the secrets her late husband had harbored. All the evil deeds he’d done.

“He was a liar, a cheat, and—assuming the reports from the marshal’s office are accurate—a cold blooded killer. His actions were his own. You had nothing to do with them.”

“Tell that to the townsfolk who treat me, and my children, like steamy piles of horse dung.”

“Now who’s being hysterical?” Connor teased, his familiar grin firmly back in place.

“Not hysterical, just fed up with being treated so poorly.” She dipped her hand into the pocket of her apron and produced a piece of paper, waving it in the air. “The farm, the last of father’s workshop projects, and this… it’s all that’s left of any value.”

Connor snatched the deed from her grasp and unfolded it, scanning the page for what was likely the hundredth time.

“You don’t even know if this paper is valid. Didn’t you say the land office never responded to your letters?”

“No matter,” she insisted, swishing her hand in the most dismissive way she could manage given her own doubts. “The solicitor who handled the sale of the house and the disposition of claims against Peter’s estate said it’s a legal document. And, thankfully, never part of Peter’s holdings so it couldn’t be used to cover his debts.”

Connor’s voice softened. “You and the children are welcome to stay here with me and Millie.”

Ella reached up and cradled his cheek in the palm of her hand. The threat of tears warmed her eyes. “You’re sweet to offer, but you and your new wife don’t need us hanging around when you’re just starting out. The children and I will be fine.”

Connor shook his head, pulling away from her caress, and dislodging his thick dark curls until they fell across his forehead. “It’s not safe, setting out in a wagon train all alone. Four months—maybe more—on a dusty trail is no way for a lady to travel.”

“I won’t be alone. I’ll have my children, and at least seven other wagons.”

“What if they’re not all going as far as you are? You may be the only wagon on the Naches Pass Trail. You should wait for a year or two, until the railroad is finished. They plan to reach Olympia and Tacoma by 1872.”

“They haven’t met their previous expectations, what’s to say they’ll make this one?” Ella asked. “I don’t want to risk losing out on my claim once the population starts growing.”

“You can’t live in a wagon.”

“According to our father’s notes, he… they… built a small cabin on the property.”

“I wouldn’t be putting any faith in the jabbering of that old fool.”

She gave Connor’s cheek another pat. “Sometimes, dear brother, faith is all we’ve got. I trust the Lord will protect us on our journey.”

About the Author:

Nancy Fraser is a best-selling and award-winning author who happily jumps across multiple romance genres with gleeful abandon.

She’s also the granddaughter of a Methodist minister known for his fire-and-brimstone approach to his faith. Nancy has brought some of his spirit into her Christian romances. And, her own off-beat sense of humor to her clean & wholesome books.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

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Avocado Toast by Nancy Fraser – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


The last place Andrew (Drew) Morgan wants to be is back on the family avocado farm in Plentiful. If he had his way, he’d still be active military and deployed someplace far, far away. Unfortunately, he rarely gets what he wants. And, being back in the orchard is just the latest in a long list of disappointments.

Single mother, Chloe Taylor has relocated from Fresno to the rural area of Plentiful, California to build her marketing business beginning with the local agriculture co-op. It’s her job to convince the local farms to invest in a major overhaul of the co-op’s publicity campaign. A mixture of modern operations, and older, family-owned farms, only adds to her frustration.

At the moment, her biggest challenge is bringing the owner of Plenty Good Farms in line with the others. The fact that the old curmudgeon of an owner, Samuel Morgan, has brought his nephew in to run things gives her hope. Surely, the younger Morgan will be more amenable to her progressive ideas.

When Chloe first presents her plan the Morgan men, it’s Drew who throws a monkey wrench into his uncle’s agreement to sign the necessary contract. What she doesn’t realize is that Drew’s reluctance has more to do with his uncle’s health issues, and the possibility that he won’t be able to talk the man who raised him into retiring.

When Drew is forced by the military medical team into choosing between a desk job or retirement, he shares his frustrations with Chloe and she helps him find a new purpose outside of being a full-time farmer. It also helps that their attraction is growing. Drew has definitely fallen for the independent woman, and her adorable daughter.

Will Chloe’s faith and determination help her lead Drew through his difficult decisions and bring them what they both need… a love that transcends their everyday challenges.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Drew Morgan pulled his muddy four-wheeler to a stop on the side of the road just short of the driveway leading to Plenty Good Farms. The last place he wanted to be, but where he was needed most. After nearly twelve years of active military service, he understood duty. Responsibility.

It wasn’t like the military was giving him an assignment any time soon. If ever.

He killed the engine, slid from behind the wheel, and walked around for a few minutes, working the kinks out of his bum leg and stretching his back. It wouldn’t do to arrive on his uncle’s porch with a limp.

The stubborn old coot would likely brand him injured and useless, and continue to insist he could manage on his own.

Drew knew better. Thanks to a letter from Doc Taylor, he’d been apprised of Sam’s failing health. As badly as Drew wanted to stay close to Fort Hood in hopes of haranguing them into letting him go back to work, he couldn’t very well desert the man who’d raised him from the age of ten.

C’mon, Andrew, grow a pair!

His uncle’s familiar admonishment echoed in Drew’s ears. Samuel Morgan was—if nothing else—an opinionated and cranky curmudgeon who liked nothing better than to goad people into doing what he wanted them to do.

Still, Drew loved the set-in-his-ways old man with all his heart. So much so, he’d accepted his mandatory three-month medical leave without so much as an argument. Then, he’d set out on the eighteen-hour drive from the base to the farming town of Plentiful, California in order to check on Sam for himself.

No sense putting off the inevitable any longer. Drew hopped back into the car and turned up the long, winding driveway. Parking at the rear of the century-old farmhouse, Drew took the steps two at a time, the reward for his exuberance a shooting pain that ran from behind his knee cap, up the back of his thigh, and ended in his hip. With the pain came the flash of memory he couldn’t quite escape, the loud explosion of an IED, flames shooting into the air, jagged shards of shrapnel flying everywhere.

He stopped at the door and sucked in a breath before turning the knob and stepping into the warm and welcoming kitchen.

“About time you got here, Andrew,” Sam groused from his seat at the table. He cradled an all-too-familiar cup of coffee in his sun-tanned grasp.

The first thing Drew noticed was the way Sam’s hands trembled where he held the ceramic mug. “The road was wet,” Drew countered. “I couldn’t go top speed all the way.”

Sam’s faded gray gaze narrowed in his direction. “No doubt you’ve lost all the driving skills I taught you as a teenager.”

“After maneuvering caravans of military vehicles for a dozen years, handling a lightweight four-wheel drive takes a bit of practice.”

“Yeah, well, you’re home now. You’ll catch on once you’re back on the tractor and pulling a wagon load of fresh-picked ‘cados.”

About the Author:

Nancy Fraser is a best-selling and award-winning author who happily jumps across multiple romance genres with gleeful abandon.

She’s also the granddaughter of a Methodist minister known for his fire-and-brimstone approach to his faith. Nancy has brought some of his spirit into her Christian romances. And, her own off-beat sense of humor to her clean & wholesome books.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

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Amazon Author Page |
BookBub | YouTube |
Newsletter | Goodreads

Also available:

Treats From the Orchard: A Companion Cookbook to The Orchard Brides Series

Just 99 cents or Kindle Unlimited. All proceeds to benefit the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). Click on the book to buy.

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Christmas Carole by Nancy Fraser – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

When divorced mother of two, Carole Kelley, moves herself and her children to Dickens, she figures the most difficult thing she’ll have to face is providing a perfect Christmas for her 7-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son.

What she doesn’t count on is Jaxon Matthews, Wil-Bar Toy’s attorney and quite possibly the most infuriating man she’s ever met.

Jax wants nothing more than to finish up his current workload within the next few weeks so he can pack his bags and leave for his usual solitary Christmas on Grand Cayman Island. His plans are quickly derailed when a big contract falls through, forcing him back to the negotiating table less than a month before the holiday.

His plans are further delayed when he meets Carole Kelley. Despite his best intentions to steer clear of any romantic entanglements, he can’t help but be drawn to the beautiful woman and her infectious holiday spirit… something he hasn’t felt in years.

Once he realizes getting to know Carole means competing with her two children for her attention, he’s ready to give up on furthering their relationship. What he doesn’t count on is the power of family, and the magic of the wish stick.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Downtown Dickens
November 24th

“Momma, are we there yet? Will Millie be there? Are we going to have Thanksgiving at their house?” Lila’s questions came in rapid-fire succession. “Will I get to sleep in the tent in her room like last time?”

Carole Kelley shifted in the front seat of her minivan and glanced in her rearview mirror. Her daughter was fighting sleep with the stubbornness of a seven-year-old diva.
Her four-year-old son Jake, on the other hand, was sound asleep in his car seat, not a care in the world.

“Yes, sweetie, we’re finally here. At least in Dickens proper. It’ll take a few more minutes before we reach Barrett House. As for where you’ll sleep, that will be up to Rick and Cassidy.”

“And Uncle William?”

“Yes, dear, him too.”

“Are we going to live at Barrett House? I want to ride the horses like last time.”

Carole released a long, weary sigh, then pulled in a much-needed breath. “No, dear, we won’t be living at Barrett House, as much as I’m sure you’d love to.”

“They have lotsa bedrooms,” Lila pointed out.

“Yes, they do. However, we don’t want to impose any longer than necessary. We have a nice apartment waiting for us in the same building where Cassidy and Millie used to live.”

“Is that where the lady lives who’s going to watch me and Jake when you’re at work?”

Gripping the steering wheel, Carole stretched her back and craned her neck, working out the kinks from the eight-hour drive, before responding. “Yes. Miss Frances comes highly recommended. Millie says she’s the bestest babysitter ever.”

“Are you excited about your new job? Will it be like the job you had back in Chester?”

“It’s not exactly the same as my last job, but I’m sure I’ll love it. Who wouldn’t love working in toy factory, even if it is in the office?”

“Will Jake and me get to see where the toys are made?”

Where was that blasted Sandman when you needed him?

“I suppose, but not right away. They’re way too busy to host tours, even for family.”

“Do you think Uncle William will give me another Princess doll for Christmas?”

“I guess it will depend on how good you’ve been this year.”

“I’ve been really good,” Lila insisted. “Really, really, good.”

“Yes, Lila dear, you have been very good, and very helpful with your little brother.”

Carole negotiated the last of the three turns in the road leading from town to the outskirts, finally pulling into the driveway at Barrett House.

Once she’d parked at the front door to unload her children and their overnight bags, she pushed the button to slide the rear door open only to find her daughter had finally fallen asleep. Just when she didn’t want her to be.

About the Author: NANCY FRASER is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which sweet romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon Author Page | BookBub | YouTube | Newsletter

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Never Enough by Nancy Fraser – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

When Amanda Thorne arrives on San Bella Island, she’s tired and in bad need of a vacation. She’s just finished paying off her late husband’s many debts by selling their home and belongings. On her way to Dallas for a new job in a medical research lab, she’s taking one week to recoup before beginning her new life.

Nicholas Holloway is recovering from a 2-year stint undercover for the U.S. Marshal Service. Ordered to take a vacation to clear his head, he ends up on San Bella at the same time.

Will these two battle-scared souls find peace in the other’s arms? And, will they be able to walk away at the end of their one-week fling?

Caution: This book contains love scenes and language some may find offensive. Or hot!

Enjoy an Excerpt

Montauk, Long Island
Saturday Morning

Amanda Thorne turned full circle in the three-story entryway, her sensible two-inch heels clicking against the expensive slate flooring. Sparing one last, longing glance at the great room to her right, she engaged the alarm, closed the door behind her, and dropped her keys in the realtor’s lock box.

The past eight years of her life—the last vestige of her inheritance—gone.

Right on time, the taxi pulled into the long, winding driveway, stopping just inches from where she waited. The driver, a short, stocky man who reminded her of her maternal grandfather, took her single suitcase and placed it in the trunk.

“Where to, Miss?” he asked.

“LaGuardia, please. Domestic terminal.”

He held the door open and waited for her to settle into the seat before slipping behind the steering wheel and shifting his weight to get comfy.

“Going to visit family?” he asked, casually starting up a conversation.

“No,” she said softly. “I’m relocating.”

He shot her a quick glance over his shoulder before pulling the car into gear and starting out across the inlaid brick drive. “You’re moving away from Long Island?”

His question sent a sharp pain through her chest. After all, who in their right mind would leave Long Island, especially the beautiful area of Montauk?

It’s not like you had a choice, now did you?

Amanda bit back an angry curse, willing her conscience back into its allotted corner of her mind. Suddenly remembering the man’s question, she told him, “I’m taking a job out of state. As much as I’ll miss parts of New York, I won’t miss the winters.”

“Ah,” he said, chuckling. “You’re relocating somewhere warm.” He paused, then asked, “Were those your three moving vans I passed on the way from the highway?”

Three vans? Not hardly.

The single small load truck she’d hired had held everything she owned, save for what she’d packed for her trip. So, if there was a caravan of trucks, it wasn’t hers.

“No, not mine,” she acknowledged finally.

He turned the taxi onto the highway leading to the airport. “Good luck to you, wherever you’re headed.”

“Thank you.”

Sliding her fingertips over the screen of her cell, Amanda pulled up her reservation– the short vacation a gift from the real estate agent who’d benefited greatly from the sale of her home.

Diamond Key Resort, San Bella Island. An island paradise, or so the brochure claimed. All she wanted was time to recoup, a handful of days to reset her emotional clock and prepare herself for her new life.

A week alone… away from the cloying pity of her so-called friends and family.

With any luck, she’d come out of her short stay no worse for the wear.

About the Author:

NANCY FRASER—Jumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Nancy has published over forty books in full-length, novella, and short format. When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | BookBub | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads | YouTube | Newsletter

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LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: Ghosts of New England by Nancy Fraser, Lisa A. Olech, and Kathryn Hills

Thanks for joining us on our 14th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC (along with other prizes). Follow and visit authors’ social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC (along with other prizes)!

A generational anthology like nothing you’ve ever read before.
4 – Different Centuries…
4 – To-die-for romances…
The same 2 ghosts!

Widow’s Walk (1737) – by RITA nominee and best selling author, Lisa A. Olech.
He’s the infamous pirate, Captain John Jacob Wilder.
She’s the youngest daughter of his fiercest enemy.
Their love is a thing of legend.

Cast to the Wind and Waves (1837) – by award-winning and best selling author, Kathryn Hills.
She’s the destitute descendent determined to restore Fairwinds to all its glory.
He’s the solicitor working as the caretaker to help his mum.
Their love will rebuild the legend.

The Bootlegger’s Daughter (1924) – by award-winning and best selling author, Nancy Fraser.
She’s the daughter of one of the FBI’s most wanted criminals.
He’s her bodyguard, and not at all what he seems.
Their love will restore dignity to the legend.

Jilly’s Dilemma (Present Day) – by award-winning and best selling author, Nancy Fraser.
She’s the new owner of Fairwinds, a flaky artist who talks to ghosts. Repeatedly.
He’s the staid, young professor who’s come to catalog Fairwinds history.
Their love will make you believe in the legend.


Buy the book at Amazon.

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LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: Return of the Runaway Bride by Nancy Fraser

Thanks for joining us on our 14th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC (along with other prizes). Follow and visit authors’ social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC (along with other prizes)!

Five years earlier, Emily Bennett ran out on Chase Michaels on the eve of their wedding. At twenty-two, she wanted more than the island of Last Chance Beach could offer. Intent on making a name for herself as a world-class journalist, she left to take a job with a big city newspaper.

Heartbroken, Chase left Last Chance Beach and joined the Coast Guard in an effort to rebuild his life. Returning four years later for a family emergency, he decided to stay and go into business with his best friend.

Emily’s returning as well. Not as the journalist she’d hoped to be but as a bestselling romance author. One of her books is about to be made into a movie, and filming will take place on Last Chance Beach and in the nearby town of Summerville.

Will Emily’s return give them a second chance at the love they once shared? Or, will her ‘other’ reason for leaving put a wedge between three best friends that can’t be healed by time or intention?


Buy the book at Books2Read.


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Making Christmas by Nancy Fraser/Santa Baby by Peggy Jaeger – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser and Peggy Jaeger will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to our 1980’s Dickens Christmas stories!

Two sweet vintage romances set in the New England town of Dickens where small town charm is on full, holiday display.

Both stories are prequels to stories found in last year’s holiday anthology, Christmas Comes to Dickens. Beginning October 18th, the Ladies of Dickens will release six brand-new, full-length Dickens holiday romances (one per week) to celebrate the season.

In the meantime, we hope you’ll enjoy Making Christmas by Author Nancy Fraser and Santa Baby by Author Peggy Jaeger. Both are guaranteed to whet your holiday appetites for what’s to come!


Making Christmas by Nancy Fraser

A 1980s Vintage Romance …

It’s been five years since William Barrett returned to Dickens to take over as CEO of Wil-Bar Toys. He’s spent these past years helping build Wil-Bar into a leader in creative, handmade toys. His work ethic and drive has left him little time for a personal life. Or, perhaps he’s still pining for the one who got away.

Catherine Gates moved away from Dickens six years earlier. Now a staff reporter for a woman’s magazine, she’s returning to Dickens to do a story on Wil-Bar Toys new production methods and get the scoop on their upcoming holiday line.

When Will and Cat meet up again for the first time in years, it’s as if they’ve never been apart. Rekindling their friendship, and attraction, becomes more important than Cat’s article, or even the secrecy of the new toy lines.

Can these two childhood friends make up for lost time and pursue the romance they missed out on years earlier? Or, will Cat’s story expose too much and put them at odds with one another?


Santa Baby by Peggy Jaeger

It’s Christmas Eve morning in the tiny New England town of Dickens.

Santa’s arrival is imminent, and a hint of snow is in the air.

Amy Dorrit is just about to open her popular diner for the breakfast rush when she discovers an abandoned baby on her back doorstep.

Amy knows she should call the authorities and turn the infant over to them, but she just can’t. Thoughts of her own abandonment as a baby flood through her and she wants to keep the little one out of the hands of the authorities until the mother – hopefully –returns.

But will the mom come back? And if she doesn’t, what is Amy prepared to do about the baby who has, already, claimed her heart?

Enjoy an Excerpt from Santa Baby

“What in the name of all that’s holy are you holding, Amy Dorrit?”

Willie Jackson stood at her office door, a lit cigarette dangling from a corner of his mouth, his leather jacket hanging open and his eyes as big and round as his county-famous blueberry pancakes.

“What does it look like?” Amy dug around in the carrier searching for a bottle, pacifier, something, to soothe the baby’s cries. “Lose the cigarette. It’s a baby and I’m pretty sure it’s hungry.”

He lifted those shocked eyes to Amy’s face. “Girl, you been keeping secrets from ol’ Willie?”

“Oh for Pete’s sake. Are you nuts, William Jefferson Jackson? It’s not my baby. I found it at the back door when I came downstairs.”

“Whose is it?”

“No idea.”

“What is it?”

Holding the small bundle like a football in one arm, she shoved the piece of paper she’d found at him. “Same answer. I haven’t looked yet. Here, read this. I found it tucked inside the blanket.” Once he had it, Amy placed her pinky finger over the baby’s lips. It immediately rooted, then latched on to suck.

“I knew it. It’s starving.”

“‘I’m sorry,” he read aloud, ‘but I can’t take care of her—’ well, we know it’s a girl –‘I have no job and no way to hold on to one with a baby. Please forgive me for leaving her like this, but I saw how kind you were yesterday and I know you’ll take care of her like I can’t.’” Willie scratched his head. “Well, shit. We got us a real abandoned baby, here, Ames ol’ girl.”

“Don’t curse in front of her.” She shot him an annoyed glare, her left eyebrow inching up her forehead to her hairline.

“It ain’t like she can understand me. She’s a baby, fer Chri-” Her other eyebrow followed its twin. “Er, pity’s sake.”

“I need something to feed her with.” She glanced around her office. “Can you get me one of the cake decorating bottles? The ones with the plastic tip? I think that’ll work.”

“What’a’ya gonna feed her? Frosting? You ain’t got no mother’s milk and you can’t feed her coffee creamer.”

“Dam-I mean, drat. You’re right. I can give her a little water to hold her over until I can run out and get her some formula.”

“Shouldn’t you call the police? I mean, she’s been abandoned, ain’t she? You can’t just keep her.”

About the Authors:

NANCY FRASER—Jumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Like most authors, Nancy began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Nancy has published over forty books in full-length, novella, and short format. When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

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Peggy Jaeger is a contemporary romance writer who writes Romantic Comedies about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can’t live without them. If she can make you cry on one page and bring you out of tears rolling with laughter the next, she’s done her job as a writer!

Family and food play huge roles in Peggy’s stories because she believes there is nothing that holds a family structure together like sharing a meal…or two…or ten. Dotted with humor and characters that are as real as they are loving, she brings all topics of daily life into her stories: life, death, sibling rivalry, illness and the desire for everyone to find their own happily ever after. Growing up the only child of divorced parents she longed for sisters, brothers and a family that vowed to stick together no matter what came their way. Through her books, she’s created the families she wanted as that lonely child.

When she’s not writing Peggy is usually painting, crafting, scrapbooking or decoupaging old steamer trunks she finds at rummage stores and garage sales.

As a lifelong diarist, she caught the blogging bug early on, and you can visit her at peggyjaeger.com where she blogs daily about life, writing, and stuff that makes her go “What??!”

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Making Christmas Trailer
Making Christmas Jigsaw Puzzle

Santa Baby Trailer

Santa Baby Jigsaw Puzzle

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Yes, These Are Your Grandma’s Romance by Nancy Fraser – Exclusive Excerpt and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Ah … the Fifties!

A time of innocence, and the not so innocent. From “I Love Lucy” and “Willy” to “Private Secretary”, “Father Knows Best” and “Bachelor Father”, television and music from the fifties gave us inspiration. Come take a trip down memory lane with these five vintage reads!

Get your romance on, and make grandma proud!

Ed Loves Marnie ~ 1955 – Can this handsome military man convince the single mother to take another chance at love? Or, will their shared memory put a wall between them?

Willa Thomas, Attorney-in-Love ~ 1956 – Will these co-workers be able to tow the company line and forego a chance at love? Or, will they risk everything for love?

Professor Knows Best ~ 1957 – Will this freaky trip back in time to 1957 give her the answers she seeks? Or, only more confusion? How difficult will she find it to navigate being best friends with the college-age version of her own mother?

His Private Secretary ~ 1958 – Can she run interference between her handsome boss, his needy family, and the scores of women trying to bed him and wed him and still remain unaffected by his many charms?

The Bachelor Father ~ 1959 – Will Nanny #5 be the one to finally ace the job, and coax him out of his shell and back into life? And, will a family vacation to Paris fulfill their wildest dreams?

Enjoy a jigsaw puzzle here.

Enjoy an Exclusive Excerpt from “The Bachelor Father”

She had dinner that evening with the children and Sally Wilkes, her employer conspicuously absent.

“Mr. Garrison had to go to New York unexpectedly, and his return has been delayed,” Sally explained.

On a Saturday? Did the man work seven days a week?

Curiosity made her wonder how often Eric Garrison actually made it home to have dinner with his family. As quickly as it came, she pushed the thought aside. It was neither her place, nor her desire, to question such things. “I’m sure it couldn’t be helped,” Haley responded.

“My daddy travels on a big plane a lot,” Brian told her. “I like planes. Do you like planes Miss Haley?”

“I’ve only been on one,” she admitted. “However, once we were off the ground, I found it quite nice.”

“You’ll get to fly a lot now that you’re our nanny,” Winnie added. “We go lots of places in the summer when school is out, and then skiing in the winter.”

She thought back about the clause in her employment contract regarding travel. The paragraph had read two or three trips per year, yet she’d not considered how the trips would come about. “Where will we go first do you think?” she asked.

“Paris actually.” Eric Garrison’s voice filled the room from where he stood in the doorway, his deep baritone sending a shiver up Haley’s spine.

“Paris?’ she repeated in question, turning in her chair to meet his gaze.

“My step-mother has an apartment there, and she’s invited us for the first week of summer vacation.”

Paris. The idea of going someplace so fabulous seemed as foreign as the French language to Haley. She made herself a mental note to purchase an English-to-French dictionary the next time she was in the city.

Eric had no sooner taken his seat at the dinner table when Tess appeared from the kitchen with additional serving bowls, as well as a bottle of wine and three glasses. Again, Haley was reminded of a totally different lifestyle from the one in which she’d been raised.

He poured them each a glass of wine, then raised his glass to inhale the bouquet. “Tell me, Miss Parker, do you speak French?”

Haley gave a slight shake of her head. “Unfortunately, not. My language elective during high school was Spanish. However, I’m a quick learner. If I can find some language books, I should be able to master the most important phrases in no time.”

“I’d be happy to teach you,” he offered. “Assuming I have enough available time before we leave.”

The thought of Eric Garrison teaching her French set Haley’s pulse racing. “I wouldn’t want to put you out. I’m sure I can learn on my own.”

“Comme vous le voulez.” When she met his gaze, he chuckled. “As you wish or, more literally, as you want it.”

A sudden dryness settled in her throat and she reached for her glass of water, taking one sip and then another.

“So, Doodlebug,” Eric asked, turning his attention and thoroughly mesmerizing gaze toward his daughter. “How was school today?”

About the Author Nancy Fraser – Jumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Like most authors, Nancy began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Nancy has published over forty books in full-length, novella, and short format. When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | BookBub | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads | YouTube | Newsletter Sign Up

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Seduced by the Handyman by Nancy Fraser – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

After a prolonged and messy divorce, 42 year old Cate Matthews uses her financial settlement to purchase a condo in a regentrified warehouse. The only problem with her new home is the plumbing. It doesn’t take her long to realize she needs an expert to fix the rusty pipes—both the building’s and her own.

Mitch Taylor, 27 year old former Army Ranger and now full time student, is working hard toward earning his engineering degree while balancing his education with part time work doing household repairs.

When Mitch shows up in Cate’s lecture hall, she’s immediately impressed with his knowledge of U.S. history, a subject to which she’s devoted her academic career. However, as impressed as she is with his historical acumen, when he lands on her doorstep with an impressively large bag of tools in hand, history is the last thing on her mind.

Perhaps this much younger and infinitely sexy man is just what she needs to get her dormant sex life back on track. Given the huge difference in their ages, Cate assumes the relationship will fizzle out after a few—albeit perfect—trips around the bedroom.

Much to her surprise and delight, Mitch seems to be in it for the long haul. Their 15 year age difference is the least of her worries when she realizes how quickly she’s been seduced by the handyman.

Warning: Contains language and lovescenes some readers may find HOT!

Enjoy an Excerpt

“Dammit!” Cate Matthews shut the kitchen tap off quickly, but not before water sprayed everywhere, drenching the countertop, the china she’d placed on top of the dishwasher, and a good portion of her brand-new hardwood floor.

“Let me guess,” Sela shouted from the living room where she worked unpacking boxes.

“The half-assed patch job you attempted on your faucet didn’t take.”

“Shut up,” Cate groused. “I never claimed to have plumbing skills, and that Plumbing for Dummies book was less than helpful.”

Her best friend laughed heartily, arriving in the kitchen with an armful of towels. “Need these?” Sela asked.

“No. Thank you. I got most of it with half a roll of paper towel.”

Sela shot her a grin. “Are you ready to concede you need to call a real plumber?”

“I’m ready to concede this condo hasn’t turned out to be as perfect as I’d thought,” Cate admitted.

Sela pulled a bottle of wine from the fridge and took two glasses out of the cupboard.

“Perhaps you should have held out for more in the divorce. You could have been the one to keep the house, not that asshat ex of yours.”

Cate shook her head and gladly accepted the offered glass of wine, plunking herself down onto the closest chair. “It took four long years to finally come to an agreement. I was just glad to have it over and done with it.” She paused, taking a long drink of Cakebread chardonnay. “Besides, after I found out he’d screwed his last fling-of-the-month in our bed, I lost all interest in the house, and everything in it.”

“I can’t believe he admitted it,” Sela said, shaking her head, her short brown curls bouncing around her full face.

“I think it was his plan all along. He knew I’d cave and give him the house, and he was willing to pony up an extra cash settlement in exchange.”

Sela turned in her chair, scanning the open concept living area. “This is a great condo,” she admitted, “and within walking distance of the university.”

“I do love it—except for the wretched plumbing.” Setting her empty glass aside, Cate returned to organizing her kitchen. “I’ll give in and call a plumber in the morning.”

Sela stood and reached for her lightweight jacket. “I’d better get going. Ted’s due back from Boston on the eight-thirty flight and I told him I’d pick him up.”

“Thanks for the help, Sel.” Leaning forward, she gave Sela a hug. “Give Ted a kiss for me. I really appreciated his help finding this place.”

“Even with the plumbing?” Sela teased.

Cate nodded. “There’s something ironic about a forty-two-year-old divorcee who’s not had sex in nearly five years moving into this renovated warehouse.”

“How so?”

Cate grinned, a short laugh escaped. “Simple. Just like this old building, my pipes are definitely rusty.”

About the Author:NANCY FRASER—Jumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Like most authors, Nancy began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Nancy has published over thirty-five books in full-length, novella, and short format. When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | BookBub | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads | YouTube | Newsletter

Buy the book at Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, or Books2Read for only $0.99!

Enjoy solving the Seduced by the Handyman Jigsaw Puzzle.

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