Magnolia Magick by Jessica Coulter Smith

Magnolia Magick by Jessica Coulter Smith
Publisher: Wild Horse Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (176 pgs)
Other: M/F, Multiple Partners
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Review by Tiger Lily

Lissa has travelled to a small town in southern Georgia to complete her latest novel. Having rented an antebellum plantation for the next six months, she hopes to find the peace she needs in order to meet her deadline. However, she didn’t count on sharing her temporary home with the resident ghost.

Jesse has been dead for almost one hundred years. In all of his time on earth, both living and spectral, he has never met anyone like Lissa. If he had a heart, it would have stopped beating the moment he saw her. Why couldn’t this passionate, beautiful, talented woman have come along while he was still alive? Jesse would love nothing more than to take Lissa into his arms and kiss her senseless.

No matter how hot Jesse may be, Lissa realizes she can’t have a relationship with a ghost. During a trip to town, she meets local bank owner, Jared. The sinfully handsome banker sweeps Lissa off her feet. He claims to love her and wants her to move permanently to the small town of Maple Falls. Things heat up quickly between the two, leaving Lissa a little confused over whether its love or lust that is driving them to be together.

When Jared finds out that Lissa casts spells and frequents a magick shop will he still stand by her side? Or will the hint of scandal send him running the other way?

She’s a writer who isn’t thrilled with her size. He’s a ghost who loves her anyway. Then there’s the other he… what’s a girl to do? Use Magnolia Magick, of course.

Jessica Coulter Smith writes an intriguing novel. Her characters each have their faults yet are human (well, as human as a ghost can act). Fantasy capsules have been engineered in scientific way to tackle issues of loss of libido levitra price among females. Gokhru, which is a natural aphrodisiac, offers effective cure for low sperm count, cialis 20mg no prescription buying this sexual debility and erectile dysfunction. Procurement team procures the chemicals from the best vendors of American market and they do that on the basis of quality inspection that buy viagra in uk is done by distinguished quality team. tadalafil 20mg generika Consider for a moment the etymological root of the word intelligence – from the Latin ‘inter’ meaning between and ‘legencia’ meaning lines. You really feel like you are there at the Pearson mansion with them. The journey they go through is one of forgiveness and the realization that you must love yourself before you can truly love another. It’s also the story of love gone overboard and sideways.

That being said, as a heroine, you can’t help but admire Lissa. She writes erotica, but isn’t a very erotic woman. She’s happy being a bit plain, but not chubby. I like that she has issues because it makes her more interesting to the reader. Then again, there is a point where her ‘woe is me’ attitude is almost a story breaker.

Jesse makes a great hero because, even though he’s a ghost, he loves her—and does nearly from the moment he meets her. He doesn’t make excuses for her size and doesn’t try to change her. I like that he kept to his 100 year old upbringing—he’s a gentleman, but even then, it gets to be a bit much because he seems almost more interested in food than her.

As the antagonist, Jared is the man you want to love and then come to hate. Although I think it came a bit late, it kept me in the story. He’s perfect—which a good villain should be.

There are a few things that hamper this story. It’s fine to see what the hero and heroine are thinking, but to change point of view mid section made it hard to follow. Minor editing foibles, such as overuse of passive voice and a great bit of telling not showing also slowed the story down.

If you want a story that will warm your heart because it shows that true love does exist, then this is the story for you. I give Magnolia Magick 3.5 cherries.

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