Top Ten Tuesday: 2024 Releases I Was Excited to Read but Still Haven’t Gotten To

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Making TBR lists is so much easier than reading the books on them!

It’s sort of like having a meal that consists of all of your favorite foods.

The temptation to put more food on your plate than can easily fit into your stomach is strong.

Luckily, books don’t spoil if you put off reading them until your literary appetite returns.

Here are some of the 2024 releases I previously blogged about for Long and Short Reviews, have not read yet, but do hope to read eventually.












1. The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan











2. Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez











3.  Eruption by Michael Crichton











4. Build a Girlfriend by Elba Luz











5.  Januaries by Olivie Blake











6. Hope Ablaze by Sarah Mughal Rana











7. You Like It Darker by Stephen King











8. We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer











9. Somewhere Beyond the Sea (The House in the Cerulean Sea, #2)  by T.J. Klune











10. The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World by Robin Wall Kimmerer



Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2025

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I enjoy the challenge of doing this annual post so soon after the winter TBR post. It encourages me to keep looking for books and try not to repeat any of them.

In lieu of adding a stock photo to this post, I’ll let the book covers speak for themselves.










1. Water Moon by Samantha Sotto Yambao 

Release Date: January 14

Why I’m Interested: Magical realism and cozy mysteries are two genres I’d like to read more of this year.











2. Three Wild Dogs by Markus Zusak

Release Date: January 25

Why I’m Interested: I love stories about rescue dogs finding good homes.










3. Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People by Imani Perry

Release Date: January 28

Why I’m Interested: This is a slice of history I knew nothing about.












4.Under the Same Stars  by Libba Bray

Release Date: February 4

Why I’m Interested: Multiple-timeline stories are so interesting!











5. The River Has Roots by Amal El-Mohtar

Release Date: March 4

Why I’m Interested: March seems like a great month to read a novella about the dangers and joys of interacting with the Fae. This is a time of year where the weather swings rapidly where I live. It can be mildly warm and sunny in the morning only for a snowstorm or ice storm to hit in the afternoon, for example. Likewise, faeries can be just as unpredictable!











6. Malinalli by Veronica Chap

Release Date: April 11

Why I’m Interested: This is not a legend I was already aware of, so I’ll have to read it before checking out the retelling. I enjoy comparing originals to retelling.










7.  The Staircase in the Woods by Chuck Wendig

 Release Date: April 29

Why I’m Interested: One of my favorite newer urban legends is the one about staircases in the woods and the terrible things that will happen to you if you find one and climb it. Wendig is also one of those authors I try to read but then get too scared and DNF his work. Maybe this time I can actually make it to the end?










8. Old School Indian by Aaron John Curtis

Release Date: May 6

Why I’m Interested: It’s refreshing to read books about people finding healing at the end of their lives.










9. Forest Euphoria: The Abounding Queerness of Nature by Patricia Ononiwu Kaishian

Release Date: May 29

Why I’m Interested: I only know a little about this topic and would like to learn more.











10. Girl in the Creek by Wendy N. Wagner

Release Date: June 24

Why I’m Interested: Once again, I don’t know if this will be too scary for me, but I’d like to give it a try.


Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Winter 2024-2025 To Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Winter is a time of year when I tend to get a lot of reading done due to how snowy and cold it can be outside.

Here are ten books coming out this winter that I’m looking forward to checking out. If no release date is included, that means that title is already available to buy or hopefully even borrow from your local library if you have one!









1. Cabin: Off the Grid Adventures with a Clueless Craftsman by Patrick Hutchinson

Why I’m Interested:  I’m too much of a city person to ever want to live off grid in the middle of nowhere, but I do enjoy reading about such things! (See also: that old fable about the city mouse and country mouse who take turns visiting each other and realize that not all mice like to live in the same sorts of places!)










2. A Witch’s Guide to Magical Innkeeping  by Sangu Mandanna 

Release Date: December 24

Why I’m Interested: The plot sounds cozy and sweet.











3. Heavenly Tyrant (Iron Widow, #2) by Xiran Jay Zhao

Release Date: December 24

Why I’m Interested: The first book in this series has been on my TBR list forever. Maybe the sequel coming out will convince me to finally read it?











4.  Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix

Release Date: January 14

Why I’m Interested: Mr. Hendrix writes such attention-grabbing books that I always keep an eye out for what he’s come up with next.










5 .Something Like Fate: A Novel by Amy Lea

Release Date: February 4

Why I’m Interested: This looks like a cute romance.











6. Raised By Ghosts by Briana Loewinsohn

Release Date: February 4

Why I’m Interested: The blurb made it sound like a thoughtful graphic novel about dealing with loneliness.











7. Life Hacks for a Little Alien by Alice Franklin

Release Date: February 11

Why I’m Interested: The fabulous title. How could I not want to read something this playful?











8. Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales (Emily Wilde, #3) by Heather Fawcett

Release Date: February 11

Why I’m Interested: Just like with answer #3, this is a series I’ve been meaning to read for a while now and am hoping to find the time for soon.











9. Three Days in June by Anne Tyler

Release Date: February 11

Why I’m Interested: We all go through hard times in life eventually. What interested me about this tale is how many different conflicts and difficulties the protagonist had to deal with at once. It’s difficult when that happens, but I have hope that she’ll get through all of them.











10. I Got Abducted by Aliens and Now I’m Trapped in a Rom-Com (Cosmic Chaos, #1) by Kimberly Lemming (black

Release Date: February 18

Why I’m Interested: Cheeky, self-aware titles are the best, and this one looks like it will be great fun to read.







Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Fall 2024 To-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Some of the books on today’s list have already been released this month. I’ve included the release dates for the rest of them so that you will know when to look for them if they also appeal to you!

In lieu of sharing a stock photo in this post, I’ll let the covers speak for themselves. Aren’t they neat?










1. Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White

Why I’m Interested: It’s nice to see more books being published about people who live in rural places.











2. Luminous Beings

by David Arnold

Why I’m Interested: This sounds so good.










3. Somewhere Beyond the Sea (The House in the Cerulean Sea, #2)  by T.J. Klune

Why I’m Interested: I’ve been meaning to read this series since it was still a standalone novel. Someday I will read it.











4. This World Is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-Giwa 

Why I’m Interested: I love stories about the dangerous side of space travel.











5. This Land Is Our Land: A Blue Beetle Story by Julio Anta 

Release Date: October 1

Why I’m Interested: The cover is eye-catching and already seems to tell a story.


(This cover was too large to upload, but the link below contains it)

6. If I Stopped Haunting You by Colby Wilkens

Release Date: October 15

Why I’m Interested: It’s so fun to find books about writers going on writers’ retreats.











7.  Januaries by Olivie Blake

Release Date: October 15

Why I’m Interested: This sounds like a wonderful hodgepodge of storylines.











8. Don’t Let the Forest In by C.G. Drews

Release Date: October 29

Why I’m Interested: I can’t wait to be scared by it!











9. She’s Always Hungry: Stories  by Eliza Clark

Release Date: November 12

Why I’m Interested: November is such a dark and dreary time of year due to the overcast skies, time change, and weak sunlight where I live. I might as well read a lot of horror then!











10. The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Release Date: November 19

Why I’m Interested: I recently reviewed a book for Long and Short Reviews about how to use wild plants as food as well as natural remedies. That experience makes me curious to learn more.

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

All of my answers are from September and October. There don’t seem to be many releases scheduled for November yet, but I do look forward to seeing what shows up for that month later on!










1. Build a Girlfriend by Elba Luz

Release Date: September 1

Why I Want to Read It: This looks like a lighthearted read.











2. Compound Fracture  by Andrew Joseph White

Release Date: September 2

Why I Want to Read It: There aren’t a lot of books about LGBTQ+ people living in rural areas from what I’ve seen. What a refreshing change of scene.











3. Luminous Beings by David Arnold

Release Date: September 3

Why I Want to Read It: Three words  –  wild goose chase. What a fun thing to read about.











4. Somewhere Beyond the Sea (The House in the Cerulean Sea, #2)  by T.J. Klune

Release Date: September 10

Why I Want to Read It: T.J. Klune is a great storyteller and someone I always take note of when she releases a new book.











5. This World Is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-Giwa 

Release Date: September 10

Why I Want to Read It: Scary space travel is right up my alley.











6. Graveyard Shift by M.L. Rio 

Release Date: Septmber 24

Why I Want to Read It: Night shift work is so interesting to me. The fact that this is set in a cemetery makes it even better!










7.  This Land Is Our Land: A Blue Beetle Story by Julio Anta 

Release Date: October 1

Why I Want to Read It: The cover looks amazing. As the blurb wasn’t yet available when I wrote this post, that is all I have to go with at the moment. Isn’t it cool when a cover can do that for a reader?


(This cover is not available at the moment)

8.  If I Stopped Haunting You by Colby Wilkens

Release Date: October 15

Why I Want to Read It: The premise is delightfully silly. Sometimes you just want to read something that would never happen in real life (or at least I do!)










9. Januaries by Olivie Blake

Release Date: October 17

Why I Want to Read It: I’ve built up a reputation on Long and Short Reviews as a reviewer who loves requesting anthologies. There’s nothing like reading short stories from a variety of writers. It’s such a great way to quickly get to know many authors in the same genre and see if you want to read more from them.











10. Don’t Let the Forest In by C.G. Drews

Release Date: October 29

Why I Want to Read It: This is another horror tale I think might be perfect for Halloween. I love getting scared during spooky season.

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Here are ten books I’m looking forward to checking out this summer. If a release date hasn’t been included, that title is already available to purchase or maybe even request from your local library if you have one!









1. It’s Only a Game by Kelsea Yu

Why I Want to Read It: I’m fascinated by stories about people who must assume new identities.











2.  Eruption by Michael Crichton

Why I Want to Read It: Crichton has a long history of writing exciting thrillers that make great vacation reads.










3.  The Ghost of Us by James L. Sutter

Why I Want to Read It: Would I ever go ghost hunting in real life? No, but it is fun to read about in fiction.











4. We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer

Why I Want to Read It: Since this going to be turned into a Netflix film soon, I want to get to know the book’s version of events first.











5. How to Make a Horror Movie and Survive by Craig DiLouie

Why I Want to Read It: Fellow horror fans, don’t you wish you could give advice to some horror film characters? I feel like more of them would survive if they were aware of this genre in advance and took some basic safety precautions.











6.  Saints of Storm and Sorrow by Gabriella Buba

Release Date: June 25

Why I Want to Read It: This sounds like such a playful and lighthearted read. Sometimes one needs a little of that in my opinion!










7. Hombrecito by Santiago Jose Sanchez

Release Date: June 25

Why I Want to Read It: The main character sounds like such an interesting person. It’s not easy to come out of the closet or to feel torn between two different cultures.











8. Someone Like Us by Dinaw Mengestu

Release Date: July 30

Why I Want to Read It: This sounds like an exquisite novel full of strong character development and thoughtful commentary on life.











9. Dance of the Starlit Sea by Kiana Krystle

Release Date: August 6

Why I Want to Read It: A Greek myth retelling is right up my alley.











10. A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher

Release Date: August 6

Why I Want to Read It: Kingfisher is one of those authors I always check out when they release something new. Also, I love fairy tale retellings even more than Greek mythology ones!

Top Ten Tuesday: Unread Books on My Shelves I Want to Read Soon

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I love my local libraries and they’re such a great resource for so many things.  Plus, there’s this beautiful thing called a holds list.  Trouble is, I work full-time and have a family, so I don’t always get through books as fast as I’d like sometimes.  This, in turn, leads me to play this game I like to call hold list roulette.  I keep clicking ‘deliver later’ because I’m either not in the mood for that particular book or because I’m buried in ARCs, group reads, or other things.

Too bad there’s not a payout for finally borrowing that book you’ve pushed back fifteen times.

Here’s a list of the oldest books on my holds list.

Insurgency by Jeremy W. Peters.  April 3, 2022

Four Aunties and a Wedding by Jesse Q. Sutano.  August 31, 2022

Cultish by Amanda Montell.  September 11, 2022

Up to No Gouda by Linda Reilly.  January 22, 2023

The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez.  November 18, 2022

It’s One of Us by J.T. Ellison.  February 16, 2023

Thief in the Night by KJ Charles.  June 28, 2023

The Only Purple House in Town by Ann Aguirre.  July 18, 2023

Forget the Alamo by Bryan Burrough.  November 9, 2023

And There He Kept Her by Joshua Moehling.  May 10, 2023.

What’s been lingering on your TBR, just begging to be read?

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Spring 2024 TBR

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I hope all of these books will be great reads!










1. Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez

Release Date: April 2

Why I’m Interested: I have not seen many books talk about Reddit. This could be really good.










2. The Titanic Survivors’ Book Club by Timothy Schaffert

Release Date: April 2

Why I’m Interested: The Titanic was such an interesting and tragic chapter of history. I’ve often wondered how the survivors coped with their memories from that time.











3. The Black Girl Survives in This One by Desiree S. Evans (Editor)

Release Date: April 2

Why I’m Interested: The title. Isn’t it fabulous and refreshing?









4.Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings

Release Date: April 16

Why I’m Interested: Spring is a great time to read romance novels.










5. Indian Burial Ground by Nick Medina

Release Date: April 16

Why I’m Interested: The horror and mystery genres work well together, and this sounds like it could be quite the adventure.










6.Home Is Where the Bodies Are  by Jeneva Rose

Release Date: April 30

Why I’m Interested: I like watching old home videos of myself and my loved ones. The thought of discovering an old while watching something like this is a cool twist on the mystery genre!










7. Lavash at First Sight by Taleen Voskuni


(The file for this cover was too large to upload for this book, but the link below will show it.)

8. Snowblooded by Emma Sterner-Radley

Release Date: May 9

Why I’m Interested: Some stories excel when they mix a lot of different genres and ideas together. I hope this is one of them as the assassin’s guild alone sounds like it would have plenty of plot twists to keep the characters busy.









9. My Darling Dreadful Thing by Johanna van Veen










10. You Like It Darker by Stephen King

Release Date: May 21

Why I’m Interested: I try to check out everything Stephen King writes. Getting scared is fun!

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant to Read in 2023 but Didn’t Get To

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

There are a lot of them this week!


The Love Match by Priyanka Taslim


Organizing for the Rest of Us by Dana K. White










Holly by Stephen King










Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldreee











The Only One Left  by Riley Sager











Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo











Tom Lake by Ann Patchett











Dust Child by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai











Nigeria Jones  by Ibi Zoboi










The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry


If you’ve read any of these books, would you recommend them?

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2024

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I do not have any witty commentary for you all today. I’m simply feeling grateful for how many different options we all have when deciding what to read next.

Here are ten books I’m looking forward to checking out over the next several months.










1. Four Eids and a Funeral by Faridah ÀbíkéÍyímídé 

Why I’m Interested: I like romances that include a lot of other plot lines, too. This one sounds like it has plenty going on with the story!










2. In Utero by Chris Gooch

Release Date: January 23

Why I’m Interested: One word – aliens.










3. The Unquiet Bones by Loreth Anne White

Release Date: March 5

Why I’m Interested: There’s something to be said for digging up bones buried in the wrong place and hopefully solving the mystery of how that person died.












4. Canto Contigo by Jonny Garza Villa

Release Date: April 9

Why I’m Interested: High school romances can be so much fun to read about.











5.Pretty Furious by E.K. Johnston

Release Date: April 16

Why I’m Interested: Do I advocate seeking revenge in real life? Of course not! Reading about fictional characters getting revenge sounds awesome, though.











6. Supplication by Nour Abi-Nakhou

Release Date: May 7

Why I’m Interested: This sounds really scary, and maybe too scary for me to actually read. If I do find my courage, it will be interesting to see how the main character escapes from the house where she is trapped.











7. The Honey Witch  by Sydney J. Shields

Release Date: May 14

Why I’m Interested: The fairytale aesthetic. Imagine being cursed to never fall in love again! I mean, I know some people never fall in love even once in their lives and are perfectly happy that way, but it’s quite a different thought for those of us who have had that experience.











8. The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

Release Date: May 21

Why I’m Interested: The attention-grabbing title. A society without murder sounds appealing, but I’ll bet the catch to living there is going to be a big one.










9.Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan

Release Date: May 21

Why I’m Interested: This could be a nice refresher after some of the horror and other darker works on this list.











10.Becoming Who We Are: Real Stories About Growing Up Trans by Sammy Lisel

Release Date: May 28

Why I’m Interested: It sounds interesting.