Apidae by Lisa Borne Graves

Apidae by Lisa Borne Graves
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Young Adult, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (152 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

What happens if bees go extinct?
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In the not so distant future, scientifically modified Emlyn and Ace find themselves thrown into the role of saviors on a perilous mission where their tenuous relationship could save or destroy mankind. As the war between rebels and the corrupt government reaches a fever pitch, Ace is bent on self-sacrifice and revenge, while Emlyn must choose between her heart and the future of mankind.

If humans want to survive, they’ll need to find a way to save the bees.

The premise of this book grabbed my attention immediately. I appreciated the fact that the author spent so much time coming up with logical ways in which human society would change, and even start to disintegrate, once the bees began dying off and food supplies ran dangerously low. She went into the perfect amount of detail about how crucial pollinators like these are for the ecosystem and how devastating it would be to lose or nearly lose them.

While I wanted the two characters who developed feelings for each other to end up together, their potential relationship felt out of place in this story. There were so many other things going on in it, many of which were time-sensitive and incredibly dangerous, that I was confused by the inclusion of the romantic subplot. It didn’t seem like something that either of the participants should have had much energy to think about when their lives were in danger and humanity itself could be going extinct. It would have been really helpful for there to have been more scenes establishing why these characters decided to pursue their feelings so quickly and how they found the time to do so in the middle of what was basically a war.

Emlyn felt like a real person to me, flaws and all. There were times when she said or did things that annoyed me, but then there would be other scenes where her quick thinking and bravery made me cheer. I loved the many nuances of her personality, especially the fact that a few of her weaknesses were things that actually affected the course of the plot. She was perfectly imperfect, and that’s exactly what I want to see in a main character.

Apidae was one of the most creative dystopias I’ve read recently, and I’d recommend it to anyone who enjoys that genre.

Fury’s Island by Sue Perkins

Fury’s Island by Sue Perkins
Fury Series Book 2
Publisher: Caishel Books
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (101 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

On holiday in Nelson, New Zealand, Fury meets Eion who offers to teach her to paddle board. Immediately attracted to him, she agrees. After basic instruction, he takes her out to Skull Island, a creepy looking rock some distance from the beach. No one has ever discovered a way up to the caves which look like eyes, but Fury finds a secret entrance and convinces Eion they should investigate. Their excitement rises as they discover tunnels and caves hidden beneath the ground, but neither is prepared for the arrival of ghostly pirates bringing their treasure chests to bury in one of the underground caves.

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There was a fabulous plot twist that I didn’t see coming in advance. It had to do with the ghosts that Fury and Eion met in the cave after they’d visited it multiple times. While I can’t go into details about this portion of the storyline, I gasped out loud when I realized that some of my assumptions about those entities had been totally wrong. Ms. Perkins did an excellent job of both keeping this surprise hidden and revealing it at exactly the right moment.

Fury’s unusual behavior made it tricky for me to choose an age recommendation for this tale. She was sixteen years old in this sequel, but she behaved like someone much younger than her chronological age.This was especially noticeable when it came to her sometimes odd interactions with others. For example, she had lots of trouble noticing when someone was flirting with her and she misinterpreted what her mother was saying to her on more than one occasion. I’m still not sure if she was specifically written to be a neurodivergent character or if she was simply a little quirky. If the author wanted the audience to think of her as someone who might have medical reasons for her troubles with social cues, I sure wish there had been more hints about that! I was fascinated by this part of her personality while also being confused as to whether I was actually supposed to be labelling her at all.

I loved the fact that it took a long time for anything paranormal to happen in this tale. There was so much else going on in Fury’s life that it made total sense for the spirits to stay out of sight until later on in the plot. This also gave me the opportunity to get to know her even better than I did the first time I met her. I relished the opportunity to see how she’d changed over time and how she’d react to spending her summer vacation in a place that she never would have chosen on her own.

This is the second book in a series. It can be read on its own or out of order.

Fury’s Island should be read by anyone who enjoys ghost stories.

Corruption by Nick Wilford

Corruption by Nick Wilford
Publisher: Superstar Peanut Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery, YA
Length: Full Length (182 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Orchid

Wellesbury Noon and Ezmerelda Dontible have found themselves in a position where they can make their native land somewhere that lives up to its name: Harmonia. However, they’re setting their sights further afield for their number one task: eradicating the disease that has plagued the neighbouring country of Loretania for generations and allowed the privileged Harmonians to live in a sterile environment.
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After dispatching a team of scientists to Loretania, armed with cratefuls of an antidote and vaccine and headed up by their friend, Dr George Tindleson, Welles, Ez, and Welles’s brother Mal – who grew up in that benighted nation – start to worry when they hear nothing back, despite what they had agreed. Commandeering a fishing boat to follow the science team over the sea, they soon find that, while the disease may be on the way out, a new kind of infection has set in – the corruption they thought they had stamped out in Harmonia.

Can they get to the root of the problem and eradicate it before even more damage is done to an innocent people?

This book is aptly titled Corruption. The people of Harmonia have found their white, sterile world is at the expense of Loretania who get all the nasty stuff that Harmonia syphons out of their country. Scientists from Harmonia travel to Loretania to help get rid of the disease and make their ecology grow and sustain the population. Good intentions are all very well, but human greed interferes.

I like that it’s the teenagers who follow up on this intention when their queries are met by silence. The corruption of the older generation shows that no matter how much people want to help those less fortunate than themselves, there are others who are only interested in themselves.

The story does allude to rape, the act is mentioned but no actual rape scene is described. This is a young adult book as the main characters are teenagers and the story is their story. Good book, interesting reading.

Dickensen Academy by Christine Grabowski

Dickensen Academy by Christine Grabowski
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, YA
Length: Full Length (351 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Poinsettia

Dickensen Academy isn’t a typical boarding school. The faculty is hiding an unbelievable secret within their fine arts program. When Autumn Mattison receives an invitation to attend the high school, she yearns to escape her overbearing father yet remains reluctant to leave her mother and brother. Her doubts fade away when a vivid dream convinces her she belongs there.

Away from home, Autumn discovers a unique school environment that awakens her creative potential, and her new friends become like a second family. However, as she uncovers more about the dark side of the school and struggles with its curriculum, she questions whether Dickensen Academy is truly where she belongs.

When tragedy strikes, Autumn must learn to believe in her own power and stand up to her greatest fear or risk having her memories destroyed to protect the school’s secrets. Caught between secrets and dreams, can she find her true self?

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Ms. Grabowski has come up with a thought-provoking premise. I don’t think I’ve come across anything quite like it in a young adult novel. Autumn and her fellow students have a unique ability, which I can’t reveal without spoiling the story. At first glance, this power sounds wonderful and amazing. However, the potential for misuse is huge and truly terrifying. Immediately, my mind was filled with questions. How will the students learn to control their abilities? If someone is misusing their power, how could it be proven? What sort of discipline would the staff use if misuse was proven? How do they ensure the secret of the academy is kept? I eagerly anticipated learning the answers.

Autumn is a sweet girl. She is very determined and much stronger than she thinks. Autumn blossoms on the campus of Dickensen Academy, and I get the feeling this change is a breath of fresh air she’s needed for a very long time. Autumn has great potential, but she’s been living in the shadow of her father, older brother, and best friend. It is clear all these people care about her, but Autumn needs some time away to prove she is capable of succeeding on her own terms. It was a pleasure to watch her grow and change.

While Autumn is intelligent, school work is not something that has ever come easily to her. She works hard to maintain her grades, and her new-found ability is no exception. Unfortunately, Autumn is unable to push her ability to the next step. Frustrated, Autumn can only watch as her classmates progress. While it is nice to read about a character who isn’t magically good at everything, I must admit that Autumn’s struggle seems a bit prolonged, and I feel that the pacing of the story suffers as a result.

Autumn’s relationship with Ben is sweet, but moves at a very leisurely pace. While a slower approach is understandable given that Autumn and Ben are young, under a lot of pressure at a new school, and learning to control their special abilities, I do feel that the pacing suffers here as well. Autumn and Ben clearly care for each other and spend a lot of time together. I feel they could have moved on to dating sooner.

Dickensen Academy has a satisfying ending, but I have a lot of unanswered questions concerning not only the students’ power, but also a source of conflict between Autumn and a girl named Caitlyn. There is a lot of tension between these two and the potential for harm is real given the abilities of these students. There are also several serious events that weren’t explained. I’m curious to see how this will play out in the future.

I enjoyed reading Dickensen Academy. I see a lot of potential in this series and look forward to the next installment.

The Haunting of Josh Weston by Melinda Rucker Haynes

The Haunting of Josh Weston by Melinda Rucker Haynes
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Young Adult, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Full Length (204 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

After the death of his cousin and his father’s subsequent death in Afghanistan, former star athlete and gifted student, Josh Weston and his mother move to a desolate ranch in the Arizona desert. Josh blames himself for his father’s death and for the shooting of his best friend. Besides giving up on everything he used be great at, he is relentlessly bullied at his new school.

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It’s never easy being the new kid in town.

Josh’s traumatic reaction to the violent deaths of his relatives shortly before the events of this book began was well-written. He had obviously been left with some pretty serious emotional damage from those experiences. As sad as it made me to see him relive certain moments from his past over and over again, I was also pleased with how much research the author seemed to have done on how experiences like this can haunt someone. Based on my knowledge of this subject, she wrote an accurate portrayal of how someone would be expected to react to such a terrible and life-changing experience over the longterm.

There were pacing issues. The narrator spent a great deal of time introducing himself and the audience to his new home and community. As interesting as it was to see a detailed description of how Josh adapted to living in an unfamiliar place, this left the rest of the storyline with less room than it should have had to show what happened to this character after he met a potential friend and began settling into a routine. I found it hard to remain interested in the plot at certain points because of this.

The plot twists in this tale were well done. Ms. Rucker Haynes really knew how to throw her audience for a loop before revealing her actual intentions for her characters. I enjoyed all of the surprises she had in store for me as I read. This wasn’t the first thing I’ve read from her, but it was my favorite tale from her so far because of how much effort she put into keeping her audience on our toes.

I’d recommend The Haunting of Josh Weston to readers who enjoy fiction about the paranormal, mental health concerns, or, even better, both of these topics.

The Boyfriend Mistake by Charity West

The Boyfriend Mistake by Charity West
Publisher: Evernight Teen
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (116 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Orchid

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All Mya ever wanted was to date golden boy Prescott Monroe, captain of the football team, loved by the entire school. But when she gets her wish, it isn’t long before she realizes that things are not all as they seem. The guy everyone in her school loves is hiding something, and there’s a darkness in his eyes that only she seems to see. Can she get away before it’s too late?
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Ryder James has earned his label as Central High’s bad boy, and he relishes the title. It gives him a different girl at the snap of his fingers, and more parties than he could ever hope to attend. But the one thing he’s always wanted and knows he can never have—the untouchable Mya Henderson.

Until one fateful morning Mya’s world changes forever, leaving her completely shattered, and Ryder suddenly isn’t the bad boy everyone’s warned her away from. Instead, he’s her knight in shining armor.

Mia doesn’t know what to do. Girlfriend of the school’s football star she discovers he’s not as nice as he makes out. However, it would be social disaster for her if she ditched him. The other boy in her life is Ryder, the school hottie, but his reputation precedes him and he is always sarcastic to her so she tries to steer clear of him.

Things come to a head when her boyfriend tries to take it a step too far and she says no. Ryder intervenes and everything changes for Mia.

I really liked the way the author got inside both Mia and Ryder’s heads to show how they reacted to the most horrible thing a girl can go through. The whole story seemed so real and the characters were three dimensional and appeared to be very caring of each other.

This book is brilliant. If I had a teenage daughter I would insist she read it. It’s a story which shows how a teenager can be brave in the face of adversity. Totally deserves a 5 star rating.

Beating Heart by Linda Palmer

Beating Heart by Linda Palmer
Publisher: Uncial Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (108 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

When Dani Donovan got a new heart, she also got something else–psychic abilities. Knowing things she shouldn’t know has taken some getting used to, the reason she hasn’t told her parents. They’d definitely flip out or, worse, take her to another doctor. The head kind this time.

Wanting to know more about her gifts, Dani decides to answer a World Security League call for psychics to help in the capture of the world’s most wanted criminals. She heads to a Birmingham hotel so her new abilities can be tested. There she meets another psychic, Ren Mallett, who bursts into her mind while she’s trying to read his. Their connection is so incredible that the WSL agents testing them promise to recommend that they work together.

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To make her parents happy, Dani finishes her current semester of college before heading to Rutledge. Ren, on the other hand, starts there immediately. When their mental conversations become less frequent and finally stop altogether, she chalks it up to whatever training and work he’s been assigned. They’ll talk face-to-face when she finally gets to The Rutledge Institute, herself. But when she gets there, Ren is nowhere to be found. She finds out that he’s working undercover and seems to have lost contact not just with her, but with everyone.

Being a psychic isn’t always as easy as it might seem.

The physical descriptions of the characters were right on point. I appreciated how much effort the narrator spent describing what everyone looked like. Each character had such a unique style and physical appearance that I figured out how to tell them all apart very quickly. This is something I always appreciate when I jump into a new series.

I would have liked to see more time spent on character development, especially when it came to Dani. The number of characters was perfect for a short story of this length, but I didn’t feel like I got to know any of them well even if they were a protagonist. Their personalities weren’t described in a lot of detail, and they didn’t seem to grow or change much as a result of all of the unusual things they experienced.

Ms. Palmer did a great job balancing out the fantasy and romantic elements of the plot. It would be tricky for me to decide which of these labels to use first, and that’s a good problem to have with tales that are written in more than one genre. I always enjoy it when authors are willing to blend things together like this. Not only can it make the final product appeal to a much wider audience, it’s fun to see what tropes from each genre they decide to use and how they mix it all together.

This book is the fifth in a series, but it can be read on its own or out of order. I hadn’t read any of the previous instalments, and I had no trouble jumping into this world right away.

I’d recommend Beating Heart to fans of the fantasy and romance genres alike.

Burning Britely by Deidre Huesman

Burning Britely by Deidre Huesman
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (121 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

With Jeff Young’s fantastic grades, he should be a great tutor. But he’s terrible with human interaction. “You’re an asshole,” is not a unique phrase to him. Jeff’s all right with that. His past proves most people are assholes.

Even with his reputation, he takes it too far when he uses a textbook to save the track star, Braeden, from a goose attack. Braeden is everything Jeff is not. Tall. Charming. Has 20/20 vision. And would never, ever wipe his mouth after a girl kisses him.
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Braeden insists on getting to know Jeff. Jeff vacillates between wanting to know him and wanting to punch him in the mouth. Then he discovers the darkness rippling beneath Braeden’s deceptively easy-going persona. As Braeden confides his secrets, Jeff does the one thing that’s socially suicidal:

He falls in love with the very popular, very straight Braeden Britely.

Not every problem comes with an easy solution.

Jeff was a complex and intriguing character. There were times when I was annoyed by his flaws, but that was actually a good thing. He felt like a real person to me because of them. His behavior did have a negative effect on people in certain scenes, but there were other instances where his strengths brought out the best in him. I enjoyed seeing him from so many different angles as he showed off the full range of his personality.

It would have been helpful to have more time spent developing Jeff and Braeden’s relationship. I loved the idea of them as a couple, but there wasn’t quite enough flirtation between the two of them to give me hope that they might end up together. Instead, they danced around the topic for longer than I would have liked to see. If there had been more romance in the plot, I would have chosen a much higher rating than the already good one I picked for this book.

The subplots complemented the main storyline nicely, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much was going on with the characters in this book in general. Not only was Jeff dealing with multiple problems, so were the people he spent the most time with as well. Ms. Huesman balanced out all of their conflicts beautifully, though. The pacing was consistently strong and there was always plenty of space to explain the newest developments in everyone’s lives.

I’d recommend Burning Britely to anyone who has ever seen a bad habit get the best of them.

Ghostly Acts by Melinda Rucker Haynes

Ghostly Acts by Melinda Rucker Haynes
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Young Adult, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Full Length (210 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

The world is ending…or so it seems for junior tennis champion Ele O’Neill. How can she face life in a Montana ghost town after Seattle? No tennis courts, no friends, and she’s stuck in a falling down old theatre with a rotten little brother and parents who are acting like aliens. And something’s hiding in Ele’s room, watching her every move, but no one will listen to her.

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Though he seems kind of old-fashioned, Ele soon learns her ghost boyfriend Steven will brave her parents and hell itself to save her—and he’ll have to!

What happens after death can be even more memorable than what happened before it.

The mythology was handled nicely. I deeply enjoyed the opening scene that explained how Steven came to be the resident protective spirit of the theatre, and the world building only grew stronger from that point. It was satisfying to see so many of my questions about how everything worked be answered as Ele learned more about the history of her new hometown and got to know Steven better.

I would have preferred to see more time spent on character development in this book. The characters felt flat to me because of how often they behaved in truly odd ways without the narrator explaining why they were acting like that. To give one example, they regularly reacted to mildly irritating situations in much more dramatic ways than I’d generally expect from someone who was that particular age. This was true even for the characters who were children or teenagers and who I’d generally expect a certain amount of this behavior from. With more information about what was going on here, this could have either given the audience an in-depth look at their personalities or been used to explain the plot in even more depth.

The relationship between Ele and Eugene, her younger brother, showed a nice balance of various emotions. They bickered at times like all siblings do, but they also genuinely cared for one another. The loving bond between them was a real bright spot, especially once their living situation became more dangerous and they had to rely on each other to get through it.

I’d recommend Ghostly Acts to anyone who is in the mood for a spooky read this Halloween season.

Rotham Race by Jordan Elizabeth

Rotham Race by Jordan Elizabeth
Publisher: CHBB Publishing
Genre: Young Adult, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (139 pages)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

The United States is gone; in its place is a broken country struggling to survive. A lost microchip can turn the US back into the superpower it once was. Every year, racers head out into the desert to find the microchip, but they never return.

This year, Troy is going to change all that. He plans to win the Rotham Race.

Finding the microchip, though, might not be all the citizens think. Government secrets surround the race, and the one to win doesn’t receive just fame and glory. He or she gets death.

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Troy’s life at the orphanage was described in vivid detail. The woman who ran it had to keep quite a few children alive on a shoestring budget. She worked incredibly hard to make sure all of the kids were fed, educated, and loved. I was impressed with how much she accomplished, especially given how little she had to work with and how long she’d been doing this job without a break. Troy might have been the hero, but she was the person who made it possible for him to take on that role in the first place.

I would have liked to see more character development in this story, especially when it came to Troy. He was a fascinating guy, but he more or less remained the same person from the beginning to the end. This surprised me because of how many memorable things happened to him. He had plenty of opportunities to grow and change as a person, but I didn’t see a lot of evidence of him doing that.

As soon as I learned just how dangerous the Rotham Race was going to be for Troy, I couldn’t wait to see how he’d react to spending that much time out in the desert alone and with only a few supplies. He did know how to race, but he didn’t have any experience surviving in such a harsh and unforgiving environment. I worried about his safety from the beginning. It was impossible to stop reading until I knew how he’d fare in this race.

The romantic subplot felt completely out of place to me. While I liked the characters who were involved in it as individuals, things heated up between them so quickly that I had trouble understanding why and how they’d jumped into a non-platonic relationship so fast. The fact that both of them were struggling to solve some pretty important problems at the same time only made this storyline even more confusing to me. It simply didn’t make sense for their character arcs in my opinion.

One of the things I liked the most about the plot was how self-sufficient everyone was. They lived in a time and place where everything from medical care to food was rationed based on someone’s place in that society. There were many shortages, and ordinary people suffered terribly as a result of them. Everyone had to be resourceful with what little they were given, and that lead to some pretty inventive uses of the supplies they were able to grow, hunt, or trade for.

Anyone who loves the dystopian genre should give Rotham Race a try.