It’s OK to Have Feelings by Aileen Pound and Michaela Robertson Keane – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Aileen Pound and Michaela Robertson Keane will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

It’s OK to have feelings.

Everyone has feelings. Happy, sad, and angry are feelings we all have felt at one time or another. As you grow up, you start to feel other feelings. Can you guess what some of them might be?

What happens to our bodies when we start to feel these feelings? When you’re happy, you feel like the sky is blue, the sun is out and you can see unicorns and rainbows. Your smile is bigger, and your eyes have a sparkle in them. What happens to your body when it’s a feeling you’ve never felt before?

Come along and join in with all the other children learning how to identify feelings and what happens to their bodies when they feel those feelings.

Remember, it’s OK to have feelings!

Enjoy an Excerpt

Has there ever been a day where you feel as happy as can be?
The sun is shining; the sky is blue… wait,
can you see a unicorn or two?
These are the best days; I definitely agree. When you
feel happy, your smile is bigger, your voice is full of
laughter, and your whole body is bursting with joy.
It’s OK to have feelings xx
On other days, you may feel sad . The sky appears
a little grey; the unicorns have gone away.
You may be teary and quiet, and perhaps you have no energy.
Just remember, though…
It’s OK to have feelings; these feelings of sadness will pass.
Tomorrow is another day.

About the Author: Aileen Pound and Michaela Robertson Keane are a mother and daughter team.

Michaela, who is six, is Aileen’s only child, and they spend a lot of time doing lots of fun things together: going on adventures, creating and being imaginative at home. So last year, when they were housebound during COVID, they started talking a lot about feelings, especially ones that Michaela had never felt before. So they decided to write a book together to help other children with their feelings.

Aileen and Michaela spent a long time talking about what feelings to put in the book, and Michaela provided Aileen all the examples that are in the book. As with everything, they wrote this book together, and Michaela had a very clear image of how she wanted the illustrations to look.

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Buy the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Book Depository.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Tracie Cooper says

    What inspires your book plots?

  3. Eva Millien says

    Great excerpt, Aileen & Michaela, I enjoyed following the tour and learning about It’s Ok To Have Feelings, which sounds like a wonderful book for my grandchildren to read and I love the cover! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a spectacular day!

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