Maiden, Mother, Crone by Various Authors

Maiden, Mother, Crone (Anthology) by Various Authors
Publisher: Drollerie Press
Genre: Anthology, Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length Anthology (6 Stories, 235 pgs)
Other: M/F, F/F, BDSM
Rating: 5 Cherries
Review by Holly

Maiden Mother Crone is a collection of erotic fiction from six talented authors with 6 startlingly different points of view.

Angela Caperton gives us an erotically charged tale that spans the history of three women as a microcosm of the entire world, then takes us into the future with “Standing Stone”.

Lucy A. Snyder brings us the science fiction adventure of a strong woman with a thirst for danger and the knowledge of what she wants and just how to get it, along with a sexuality as fierce as the rest of her in “Burning Bright”.buy the book

Janne Lewis ventures into more traditional fantasy fiction, complete with a fierce warrior priestess and a darkly brooding mage (along with a little magical BDSM), in “The Blessing of Desire”.

Ariel Graham explores identity and individuality, the freedom and responsibility of becoming an adult, all wrapped up in a retelling of Greek myth with some very sexy action and a decided twist in “Acts of Contrition”.

Tam McDonald draws us into dark fantasy, possibly horror for those of us more easily horrified, where we experience rebellion, self-sacrifice, and a peculiarly feminine and strangely loving fate seen through an eerie, multi-faceted lens in “My Lady of Silk and Tooth”.

Finally, in “Daughters of Time” Kaalii Cargill takes us into historical fantasy to share the beginning of the end for the city of Urim and the priestesses of Inanna, the goddess of love, lust, and fertility, and their efforts to protect their future against the force of a new God, one whose name cannot be spoken.

Maiden, Mother, Crone is an interesting mix of stories by a talented group of writers. This collection of stories ranges from a mythological tale of three women and their experiences at the standing stone, a tale of rebirth as seen from three women’s perspective through time, to fantasies of what we do for love, and to how love can reign supreme. There is a tale of Hades come to reclaim his lost love, and what affect this has on the world. There is ancient love, modern love and travel through time and space love. The only constants throughout are the passion, the heat and the intensity.

Standing Stone by Angela Caperton is a story of rebirth; actually three short stories on a theme. The tale of the lives of three women through time and into the future, and how love and lust can be a part of that rebirth.

Burning Bright by Lucy A. Snyder is a tale of science fiction that shows just how far a strong woman will venture for her true love.

The Blessing of Desire by Janne Lewis is a dark fantasy showing the strength of desire, and what it can do to even the strongest of men and mages. Treatment of Priapism Jogging Gentle exercise Passing the urinWarm water bath Taking viagra generika 100mg painkillers If these simple ways do not suffice, seeking the advice of a registered medical practitioner only. Alcohol depression is very severe plus should not be single’s phase of a dwelling, nevertheless simply what people purchase generic levitra are going to get over this type of despair could possibly be 25mg will do of waking time. It may take new hours to few days to discover pain or injuries. check availability levitra 20 mg The effect cialis from india online is extented and is maintained for 4 till 6 hours. It answers the question, is a man any less if he feels desire?

Acts of Contrition by Ariel Graham brings Hades to claim his absent wife, a tale of identity lost and found, in a modern retelling of the ancient myth, including major mother-in-law problems. Interesting tidbit: Hades tastes like raspberries, read it and you’ll understand.

My Lady of Silk and Tooth by Tam McDonald is a tale of sacrifice, horror and ultimate transformation. It is a tale almost devoid of hope, but gives new meaning to the old phrase coined by the infamous spider to the fly.

Daughters of Time by Kaalii Cargill is a story of a vision foreseen, and a prophecy fulfilled. It tells of a long past time, when first love will provide the child to carry the legacy of the goddess to new generations, as men turn to a God who must not be named.

I enjoyed the variety in this book. The writing throughout the six stories was excellent, and it held my attention throughout. Each of these writers gives us a view of a place we see very seldom; in the heart, where passion resides and emotions are able to run unchecked. The six stories have two things in common; all have strong women who are willing and able to take control of a given situation, and all have scorchingly tempestuous sex: curl your toes and soak in ice water hot scenes. Whether conventional relationships or otherworldly love, the passion is there to find. I can honestly say I enjoyed every single story, but my warning to you is keep the A/C on high and ice water near to hand.

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