In the Land of Gold by Angela Christina Archer

In the Land of Gold by Angela Christina Archer
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (205 pages)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Camellia

Looking down upon Christopher Payton, Cora Colton can’t believe she even doubts saying yes to his proposal. From a good family, wealthy, and charming, Christopher is perfect for her. However, staring down at the band of gold and diamonds, she hesitates. Something is missing, something is wrong, but she just doesn’t know what that something is.

After her father’s sudden death, Cora travels to Tacoma and learns that she is now the owner of his gold claim in Dawson City, Canada. Throwing caution to the wind, she leaves her ring on the table, and departs for Canada and the adventure of a lifetime.

Arriving in the canvas tent town of Skagway on the Klondike trail, Cora catches the attention of Flynn O’Neill, an Irishman who has lived on the trail guiding stampeeders for a few years. A bond thrusts them together, but their pasts could be what tears them apart—if they can survive the hardships and death on the trail to the land of gold.

In the Land of Gold is told in first person. The heroine, Cora Colton, at first, appears to have little backbone and is pretty much a puppet that her mother manipulates. Cora does whatever her mother deems “proper.”
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But then … SHE CHANGES!

With the help and encouragement of the “outrageous” Grace, Cora does what she really wants to do, all the while knowing her mother and her very “proper” fiancée will disapprove vehemently. Next, when she receives an inheritance from her father whom she has not seen nor heard from since she was nine years old, she goes to claim that inheritance.

In the late 1800s Klondike gold rush, she sets out to claim her inheritance near Dawson City, Canada. Her ignorance keeps her in danger most of the time. Only when the reluctant hero, Flynn O’Neil, comes to her aid, does it seem she has a chance to make it or even survive in the beautiful but deadly conditions of the far north.

The reader gets to know Flynn a little at the time, but the feeling he will take care of Cora and get them to their destination, even when she is stubborn in her ignorance, keeps one turning pages. Snow, Flynn’s she-wolf companion, proves to be invaluable at times.

Ms. Archer describes the environment so that the reader’s senses are assailed with the odors, sights, sounds, and the feel of the awful cold, wet misery. But she also reveals the majestic views and beauty of the perilous country. It is breath-holding at times and breathtaking at other times.

The love story that develops is subtle and solid. Cora‘s rite of passage into womanhood is a challenge every step of the way, but she emerges a strong woman with a “can-do” attitude.

In the Land of Gold is a cold, wet vicarious trip over perilous terrain where lawlessness makes staying alive even more perilous—an attention keeping read.

Cold Ambition: Jordan James, PI Series by Rachel Sharpe

Cold Ambition: Jordan James, PI Series by Rachel Sharpe
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (297 Pages)
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Cyclamen

“It was my life-long dream to become a private eye. Little did I know that with my very first case, that dream would become a life-threatening nightmare…”

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Jordan James left her home in Louisiana to attend Brown University. She graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. in psychology and then moved to Boston, assuming that she’d land the perfect job. Reality set in and she ended up taking a job as a waitress. However, once she saved enough money she decided, in spite of her parents’ criticisms, to become a private investigator and set up her own business. All she needs now is clients. As she walks around the Boston Common looking for clients, she is hit by a bicyclist, resulting in a case, a volunteer assistant, and a broken arm.

Cold Ambition is a fast-paced thriller with a well-developed feisty PI. I really liked Jordan and I appreciated her determination to find her own path. She has problems dealing with her family and she sometimes doubts herself. But she tackles a very difficult cold case, determined to solve a twenty-one year old mystery.

The plot is complex and interesting. I thought I’d figured everything out, but there were twists and turns that I never saw coming. The supporting characters in the novel are interesting and very believable. I liked the dynamics between Jordan and Jon, her assistant, and Rick, her client. Both guys are obviously attracted to Jordan and she, equally obviously, is focused on solving the case and making a mark as a PI.

The action heats up quickly and I found that I couldn’t put the book down. There are car chases, threatening phone calls, and gunshots. Jordan has to work all the angles in both Boston and New York, and she does it all most capably.

Mystery fans are sure to enjoy the action in Cold Ambition. This is the first in what looks to be a wonderful mystery series and I shall be eager for more of Jordan’s adventures.

Written in the Cards by Lauren Linwood

Written in the Cards by Lauren Linwood
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (258 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Camellia

Maggie Rutherford jilts her too-perfect society groom at the altar and flees New York for the American West. There she turns her travels into dime novels that she writes and illustrates under the pen name Lud Madison.

After the Civil War, veteran Ben Morgan marries his childhood sweetheart and takes her to homestead on the Great Plains. Losing her and their unborn child in an Indian attack, Ben detaches from emotion and becomes a roaming gambler. When he kills a cheating opponent in self-defense, the man’s gunslinger brother swears revenge upon Ben.

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Maggie Rutherford defies wealthy New York society and escapes marriage to a greedy, controlling man by the skin of her teeth. She runs to freedom and adventure and makes her own way writing western dime novels under a pen name.

Ben Morgan found his hometown of Boston no longer a place for him after the Civil War. He, too, had escaped to the west. When his wife and unborn child are killed in an Indian attack, he leaves the farm they had settled on and becomes a gambler, cowboy, and temporary store keeper. But, more important, he’s the man who loves Maggie for her true self.

The two bad guys Black Tex and Richard DeForest are as different as daylight and dark socially. Yet, each of them is willing to use Maggie to get what they want without any true regard for her. If the reader needs someone to dump negative feelings on, these two are ideal candidates.

On a gentler note, Ben’s little niece, Jennie, touches a special spot in one’s heart even if she did leave marbles on the porch that Maggie slips on and sprains her wrist. Jennie adds that little extra something that brings out the tender caring side of the characters.

The sides stories one of Ben’s widowed sister-in-law and Frank Stansel, the sheriff of Easton, plus the other of Maggie’s brother Marcus enrich an all ready delightfully good western romance. I’d enjoy a romance with Marcus as the hero. I liked him.

The Ben and Maggie love story that wiggles and weaves its way determinedly among the happenings keeps one turning pages. Written in the Cards is Attention-Keeping reading!

The Woman on the Painted Horse by Angela Christina Archer

The Woman on the Painted Horse by Angela Christina Archer
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (223 pages)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Camellia

Alexandra Monroe is a slave smuggler, smuggling slaves north to Tennessee where they can live as free people. Her crime is sedition and her punishment, if caught, is death. The daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Montgomery, Alexandra lives a life not by her own accord, but a life she willingly accepts for her secret quest to save the lives of slaves. Her ultimate sacrifice is to marry the town’s most eligible bachelor, Thomas Ludlow.

One afternoon, Alexandra comes face to face with handsome William Graysden. He captivates her, and her thoughts confuse her. Born a Creek Indian, not only is William forbidden because of his race, but also because Alexandra is a closely betrothed young woman. William and Alexandra fascinate one another, finding in each other a bond they don’t wish to ignore. After a series of events; however, William is forced to face the choice to continue the dangerous pursuit of Alexandra’s affections or forget about her.

The Woman on the Painted Horse is set in one of the saddest times of United States history, the Civil War. It is a suspenseful, rather cruelly dramatic story that tests the mettle of true love to its limits.
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Alexandria Monroe’s world is one of privilege in outward appearance. In reality, it is fraught with malicious gossip, horrifying secrets, and clandestine business dealings that are little more than human trafficking for money, position, and power. Alexandria’s parents are willing to force her into a loveless marriage in order to maintain their lifestyle.

She is to wed Thomas Ludlow who is from a wealthy family. His actions toward Alexandria are shocking even for the times. His cruel use of his power and position make him an antagonist that is really easy to hate.

William Graysden, a Muscogee Indian, is totally unsuitable for Alexandria to even look at much less find irresistible. Yet, the two of them take one look at each other and make a connection that seems unbreakable. Only in secretive darkness are they able to explore their heartfelt desire for each other. Both ethnic groups oppose their relationship which brings on appallingly cruel treatment.

Alexandria leads a double life that could get her hanged for treason. She helps slaves escape to freedom. There are adrenaline-pumping times in the story that has one reading as fast as she is running with the dogs hot on her heels.

Since the story is told from Alexandria’s point of view, the reader gets to see her compassion for the blacks and comes to understand why she feels the way she does. I was horrified by how her unloving mother punished Alexandria by beating Sarah, the black woman who loved and cared for Alexandria. Of course, it did keep Alexandria obedient because she loved Sarah who had always been more of a mother to her than her biological mother.

Ms. Archer gives the reader a hard look at conditions in Montgomery, Alabama during this historical time. The love story threads through the novel, but much of the story is about prejudice and social conditions of the time. To me it would have been more enjoyable if the love story had been developed more. Also, I felt I had missed a chapter between the climax and the time Alexandria, William, and the disenfranchised people they took with them came to settle in Tennessee.

The Woman on the Painted Horse is written in a way that makes it easy to read. It is an attention-keeping, memorable story of racial strife that shows humanity at least than its best.

Dating Cary Grant by Emelle Gamble

Dating Cary Grant by Emelle Gamble
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Full Length (220 pgs)
Heat: Sensual
Rated: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Dandelion

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A career woman in Manhattan. Her small-town husband. The ghost of a hunky screen icon…Welcome to the comic romantic novel, Dating Cary Grant.
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Tracy Connor is mulling over what to do about her marriage, her career and her life. While she’s mulling, she moves out of her family home in quiet Cukor, Connecticut and sublets a small apartment in a brownstone in Turtle Bay, Manhattan. There she meets – and becomes great friends with –the ghost of her film idol, Cary Grant. He’s the best kind of friend to her, a man who appeals to her on every level, and man she’s always regarded as “Mr. Perfect”.

Cary proves a very charming and pragmatic ghost who only she can see, and he has a co-conspirator on page, a certain red-haired screen legend named Kate, who spars with him as she opines and helps show Tracy the errors of her views on men, marriage, and just what real love is all about.

When Tracy moved out of her home with her husband Mike, she had not decided what to do about her marriage. When she met a man who looked just like Cary Grant, it really began to complicate things. However, it was not someone who looked like him, it was Cary Grant. I know, he isn’t alive any more, but there he was in her apartment building, talking, flirting and trying to get to know her better.

At this point, this story began to be really interesting and different. I wasn’t certain how this would make the story end up with a HEA, but I loved the way Cary Grant kept popping into her life, trying to help, but more often than not, causing more problems. I loved this story line, and when Katherine Hepburn popped in to help him, the story became even more fun.

How she actually handled the situation, and how she dealt with these spirits not only made the story more fun to read, but the author went into the mind and lives of Tracy and Mike in such a way that you could really relate to both of them. I could really understand each of them and how they had gotten to this point in their marriage. It really is a love story, not just a break up story, and It was so well written and had unique plot, that I just couldn’t put this book down until I had finished it.

I loved it, and I loved the way it ended and for any of you who are looking for a fun, yet serious in a way, romance, this one is for you.

Stepping Up to Love by Katie O’Boyle


Stepping Up to Love by Katie O’Boyle
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Inspirational
Length: Full (243 pgs)
Heat: Sweet
Rated: 4 stars
Review by Rose
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When her boss Joel Cushman catches her using the spa shower at The Manse, junior accountant and graduating college senior Manda Doughty comes clean about the alcoholic drinking that has led her into a disastrous relationship with a predatory professor. Joel, who is also a trustee of the college, is faced with more problems than a beautiful, naked woman in his shower. While he’d rather make love all night with funny, brainy Manda, Joel knows his desire for her has no future if Manda cannot stay sober, grow up, and face her problems. While Manda immerses herself in AA, Joel uncovers harassment and embezzlement that threaten the existence of the college his ancestors founded. Can he fix the problems at the college without exposing Manda to public humiliation? Can Manda clean up her mess and trust the love she feels for Joel? The odds may not be in their favor, but miracles happen for those who are willing to change their lives and open their hearts.

This book deals openly, honestly, and with no holds barred about a couple of tough subjects: alcoholism and abuse.

The reader is pulled right in at the very first with a terrified Manda trying to sleep in her car at work. The story is less about Manda getting away from her abuser, though, and more about both Manda and Joel dealing with their own internal demons. With the help of AA and the 12 step program, they realize they have to take the time to heal so they can be the people they are supposed to be for each other.

Inspirational without being preachy, Stepping Up to Love shows just how relationships are supposed to work.

This is the first book of the series and that makes me happy. I’m looking forward to reading the next which I hope will revisit not only the area but the characters as well (a Justin/Gwen pairing, maybe?). Recommended.

Voodoo on Bayou Lafonte by Susan C. Muller

Voodoo on Bayou Lafonte by Susan C. Muller
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (302 pgs)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Verbena

A frantic phone call leads Detective Remy Steinberg racing through the night toward the one place he vowed never to return. With the life of his kidnapped daughter at stake, he willingly faces shotgun-wielding drug dealers, corrupt law-enforcement officials, and a raging hurricane.

Scouring the seedy back alleys of New Orleans for information, he goes undercover at a sinister voodoo ceremony, and struggles to understand the forces of black magic that hold his daughter hostage.

With time ticking down, he battles for his life against a high voodoo priest, but can he face the two things he fears most: the swamp that terrorized his childhood, and the ex-wife he’s never stopped loving?

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Remy left Gabby and their daughter, Adrienne, to find a better job and a more secure life for them in Houston. He thought Gabby would go with him, but she didn’t. Both are equally hard-headed and unwilling to admit fault in their break up years ago. They’ve spent most of Adrienne’s life apart, but now they’ll have to put all those hard feelings aside and work together to find her.

Gabby may still hold a grudge and blame Remy for deserting her with a small child to raise, but when their daughter disappears, he’s the first one she calls. Despite their past, she knows Remy will stop at nothing to find out what happened to Adrienne, good or bad. Gabby is certainly not perfect herself, but she’s done the best she can as a single mom in a town with very few resources and even fewer jobs. As she and Remy work together, she begins to question the decision she made all those years ago. It was so much easier to label him as the bad guy when he lived several hours away and wasn’t around to defend himself. Yes, he’d left, but he’d wanted her to go. Was her unwillingness to leave Louisiana the real reason behind their divorce? Perhaps he wasn’t the only one at fault after all.

Though he tries to deny the feelings he still has for Gabby, Remy quickly realizes he loves her as much today as he did 18 years ago. As they work to solve the mystery of Adrienne’s disappearance, he starts to see a side of Gabby he never knew. She’s smart, resourceful, and stronger than she gave herself credit for. While he applauds this new woman she’s become, his guilt questions if he’d left her no choice. After all, he’d refused to return to Gabby and Adrienne if it meant living on the Bayou. Despite his financial support, raising a child alone must have been hard. Before long, he begins to wonder what he’ll do when they find their daughter. Should he go back to his old life or can Gabby and he try again? He knows what he wants, but his wounded pride isn’t quite ready to open his heart to a second rejection.

Even with its paranormal elements, Voodoo on Bayou Lafonte is one of those stories that feels real. I love paranormal elements, and as much as I long to be swept away by a sexy werewolf or a sparkling vampire, I know the likelihood of that happening is pretty slim. Ms. Muller has woven some dark history and deep-rooted beliefs into a story with tangible elements. There’s something about these kinds of tales that gives me chills because as I’m reading them, I know this is something that could happen. I could pick up the newspaper tomorrow and read an article detailing this very same thing. This sense of realism makes the story that much more intriguing for me.

The characters are very well written and easy to love. The additions of secondary characters are well paced and add pertinent depth and detail without detracting from the hero or heroine. Every person has a purpose and aren’t simply thrown in to add words to a page and length to the book. Each new plot point serves to move the story along at a good pace without the addition of unnecessary fillers. I never felt bored or indifferent; each new page held my interest as much as the last. While this is a romance, there’s minimal detail of the sex scenes and no explicit foreplay, so lovers of sensual reads shouldn’t find anything offensive. Anyone looking for a little more sexy detail won’t find it here. No, this story is more about the emotional turmoil of two parent’s nightmare—a missing child—and the steps they take to find their daughter together.

Overall, Ms. Muller has penned an interesting story that’s sure to touch your heart. I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end and will certainly put it on my keeper list. There are some books that are simply meant to be read and enjoyed, then filed away. Then there are others you envision on the big screen. This is one of those stories that will likely stay with you long after The End.

The Witch on Twisted Oak by Susan C Muller

The Witch on Twisted Oak by Susan C Muller
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (401 pgs)
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Aloe

A powerful psychic is brutally murdered. Secrets are revealed. An old enemy is out for revenge.

Detective Ruben Marquez is thrust back into his childhood memories when he investigates a gruesome murder that occurs only feet from his mother’s home. Is the killer somehow connected to his own past? Is the beautiful, mysterious daughter of the victim someone he can trust? Or is her revelation that she’s a witch a sign he should stay clear. But how can he, when it appears she’s next on the murderer’s to-do list.

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Ruben about freaked when he found out the new murder case he was on was right next to his mother’s house. He wants no harm to come to his Mamacita!

This author pulls you into the story in a stealthy way. The first chapter begins with someone sneaking out of the house and visiting next door. You get the idea it’s an animal, but you don’t know what kind. When the mysterious animal returns home with a treasure, you’re glued to the story as the little girl wakes and screams! I found that to be a very interesting technique to get you on board with the story in the first few pages.

The murdered woman is a psychic and tells fortunes about people’s futures. She “saw” her own death years ago. She doesn’t try to change her fate; she just waits for it to find her. He does…

Mr. Muller gives you a lot of width and breadth in life of Ruben. Both Ruben and Tessa have blocked memories from the past. Tessa presents herself as the niece of the dead woman and waits for Ruben to recognize her; he doesn’t. What he does find out is that she is not the niece, she’s the daughter. She didn’t know that herself and is shocked. She’s attractive, smart, and likes the same things he likes. Her only fault is that she’s a witch. He just doesn’t believe in things like that. Even when Mamacita says she’s been hexed and her health starts going downhill. It can’t be true, but if it’s not, how can he save his mother?

The killer is someone Ruben knows, too, but he doesn’t discover that until later in the story. Things from his past are now affecting his present life. I like the way the author tied it all together and built the suspense as the story went along. This story flows well and really kept my attention. The ending is good, too.

Haven’t you ever “had a feeling” about people or how things are going to happen? Maybe you’re a bit psychic, too.

Blind Allegiance by Violetta Rand

Blind Alliegiance
Blind Allegiance by Violetta Rand
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full (240 pgs)
Heat: Spicy
Rated: 3.5 Stars
Review by Rose

It’s a risk of a lifetime loving a man you’re supposed to hate…

Betrayed by a brother she hardly trusted before the bloodthirsty Viking, Jarl Randvior Sigurdsson, attacks her home, Noelle Sinclair is conveniently bartered as a means to save her cowardly sibling’s skin. Forced to leave her homeland and accompany the petulant Viking to the untamed wilderness of central Norway, Noelle is ever-aware of the burgeoning dangers around her—including her weakening resolve to resist Randvior.

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Blind Allegiance is a historical novel set in an era I’m not very familiar with– the time of the Vikings. The romance is between Randvior Sigurdsson, a Viking chief and worshiper of Odin, and the devoutly Christian Britain, Noelle. Bartered to him by her brother as payment for leaving the family home intact, Noelle is repulsed, while at the same time, intrigued and attracted to Randivior.

The storyline, especially after the couple is on the ship heading back to Norway, moves smoothly. The beginning of the book was a little confusing as we are set right down in the middle of the action and it took me a little while to know what was going on.

The book also read more like a more modern historical romance instead of being set as far back in time as it was. While the story was interesting and I really liked the characters, I never had the feeling that I was actually in the 11th century.

However, the characters more than made up for that–Randivior is a man of honor who, having seen Noelle in a vision sent from Father Odin, is sure she’s his fate. So, he sets about to make that happen. The interaction between him and Noelle as they move from enemies to being physically lovers and then to falling in love is interesting. Noelle is seduced into a physical relationship, but still keeps a part of herself back–and that’s the part Randivior wants to claim. Unfortunately, his mother doesn’t make it easy on them.

Overall, it was refreshing to read a historical romance outside the norm. Even better, this is the first of a series, and I’m looking forward to the next books.

Secret Sister by Emelle Gamble

Secret Sister by Emelle Gamble
Publisher:  Soul Mate Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full (279 pgs)
Heat: Spicy
Rated: 4 Stars
Review by Poppy

To their friends, Nick and Cathy Chance have the perfect marriage. High school sweethearts who’ve been together for ten years, they’ve weathered challenges and are as committed as they were when they first fell in love. Cathy trusts Nick, Nick’s world revolves around his wife, and the future looks golden.

To everyone who knows them, Cathy Chance and Roxanne Ruiz have a perfect friendship. They connected in grade school and since then have been each other’s confident and trusted advisor. Cathy loves the gorgeous Roxanne like a sister, Roxanne has fun-loving Cathy’s back in every situation, though lately there’s been tension between these two best friends…

And then, on a sunny summer morning, the unthinkable occurs, throwing into doubt the truth of what each of these people really know about themselves and one another.

Will Roxanne’s sacrifice be too little, and too late? Should Nick’s love for his wife be strong enough to risk trusting his heart more than logic? Can Cathy’s devotion to Nick give her enough strength to convince him to see her for who she really is?
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Secret Sister proves how strong, how stubborn, and how trustworthy love can be as Nick and Cathy and Roxanne are challenged to overcome the secrets, the lies … and one extraordinary twist of fate that turns their lives upside down.

This story was nothing like I’d expected.

If you’re looking for a typical women’s fiction/romance, don’t look here… this story has a twist of the paranormal that will have you willingly stretching your belief in order to enjoy the plot.

Emelle Gamble has created a story that will tear your heart out. It’s so well written and full of emotion, my heart nearly burst while reading. Honestly, I didn’t like Nick for much of the book … but that was partly because I knew what was real and he didn’t. I had the benefit of seeing inside the heads of many characters. He didn’t. But he wasn’t a character I loved … until the end. I could understand what he went through, though. The kind of love he felt for Cathy is the kind that will destroy if it’s taken away.

I think I was supposed to like Roxanne more than I did, too. I never did warm to her much, but could understand at least some of the reason she was the way she was.

The best, most lovable character was easily Cathy. Sure, she had some flaws — who doesn’t? — but she had a huge heart. She was the reason I kept turning pages. I had to make sure she’d come through the fire and have her HEA. I was desperate for it.

If you’re a reader who loves drama and emotion, if you like a book with twists you weren’t expecting and a perfect payoff as an ending, then I recommend Secret Sister. It’s got heart.