Top Ten Tuesday: Upcoming YA Releases I’m On the Fence About

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I love the young adult genre. It’s one of the genres I read the most often, and I’m always on the lookout for the newest titles and authors from it. There are some YA books I’m still deciding whether or not to read this year for reasons I’ll explain below.

1. Prom Kings by Tony Correia

Expected Publication Date: February 5

I wasn’t interested in going to the prom when I was in high school, so I’m wondering if this book will have enough else happening in it to keep me reading.

2. Nick and June Were Here by Shalanda Stanley

Expected Publication Date: February 12

Schizophrenia isn’t a topic that a lot of YA books cover, and I definitely want to support the ones that do. I’m just not entirely sure if I’m in the mood for something that could potentially be a very tough read.

3. The Art of Losing by Lizzy Mason

Expected Publication Date: February 19

As with Nick and June Were Here, I’m wondering if this one is going to be too much of a tearjerker for me. The main character’s boyfriend cheated on her with her sister very early on in the plot. The sister was then in a terrible car accident that left the sister with amnesia. I want to read it, but I also don’t know if I can handle a sad ending.

4. Out of Salem by Hal Schrieve

I love the diversity and basic storyline mentioned in this blurb, but I’m not too keen on the zombies. Lately, reading and watching zombie stuff has been giving me horrible nightmares, so I have to be careful about how often I indulge in it. Maybe I should read this at the same time as I read one of the romances on today’s list so my mind remembers to give me pleasant dreams? Ha!

Expected Publication Date: March 12

5. This Is Not a Love Scene by S.C. Megale

I’ve never read a YA book about a character with muscular dystrophy before! I’d like to change that, but I’m so particular about the types of romance novels I read that I wonder if there will be enough non-romance conflict in this one to keep me interested.

Expected Publication Date: May 7

6. We Contain Multitudes by Sarah Henstra

As someone who is part of the LGBT+ community, I’m thrilled to see so much more representation of us in this genre than there was when I was a teenager. As I said earlier, I don’t read very much romance, soI wonder if this one will have subplots on other topics that will complement the main storyline.

Expected Publication Day: May 14

7. In the Silences by Rachel Gold

There is so much going on in the blurb for this one: serious racial tensions, a first love, an interracial relationship, two characters coming out of the closet, and a character exploring her genderqueer identity. It is definitely something I want to read eventually, I just think I’ll need to be in the right frame of mind to think about so many potentially heavy storylines at once.

Expected Publication Date: May 21

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8. The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg

As interested as I am in stories about human-android hybrids, the comparisons to West World in the blurb did make me pause. I liked that show, but I also found it pretty disturbing at times. I wonder if I should give this tale a try anyway?

Expected Publication Date: May 28

9. If It Makes You Happy by Claire Kann

Expected Publication Date: June 4

To be very honest, I never connected with the main character in this author’s last book, Let’s Talk About Love even though I liked the writing itself quite a bit. I do want to read If It Makes You Happy, but I’m a bit nervous about this happening again.

10. The Arrival of Someday by Jen Malone

This tale is about a teenage girl waiting for an organ transplant. If she doesn’t get a new liver soon, she will die. Reading about medical stuff in vivid detail makes me feel lightheaded, so I’m wondering how graphic this book’s descriptions of liver disease and transplants will be and if I should risk it.

Expected Publication Day: July 23

Will you be reading any of these books later on this year? Which ones do you think I should read?


  1. Great list! I’ll add pretty much anything with witches in it to my TBR, so Out of Salem looks really fun.

  2. all of these books aren’t on my TBR yet, but i’ve heard about some of them before! i hope you enjoy them 🙂

  3. I’ve just recently heard of The Kingdom. Not too sure how I feel about it yet, It looks cool enough. and the cover is pretty. great list

  4. All these books sound wonderful! But I don’t want to read anything too heavy and tough myself. I’m more into finding books that inspire me right now.

  5. I haven’t heard about a lot of these but I am definitely interested in If It Makes You Happy! I hope you end up loving all of them if/when you read them!! <3 🙂

  6. The Art of Losing and The Arrival of Someday sound interesting, but I read fewer books in these genres, so I’m less likely to get to them. I can’t push you one way or another off that fence on these. I hope you like whichever ones you do end up reading.

  7. I have to be super picky about zombie stuff because of nightmares too!! I don’t know what it is about zombies but they give me the most vivid, realistic nightmares over anything else. I’m going to try to squeeze in THE ART OF LOSING because I’ve heard really good things– and I have a robot heart, so I think I’ll be okay….. maybe not.

    • I’m so glad there are at least two of us who react that way to zombies. Yes, they’re terrifying. I hope you like The Art of Losing.

  8. I actually hadn’t heard of any of these so thanks for giving me a whole bunch of new books to potentially add to my TBR!

  9. I just finished The Art of Losing yesterday, and I loved it. It was an interesting look at addiction. Mason hit it from all sides, and I was not surprised to find out, that she went to rehab as a teen, because all that stuff came across as totally authentic.

  10. Great list. 🙂 And I think I’ll read “Nick and June were here”. I’m curious. 🙂

  11. I’ve seen a lot of these late, but haven’t read any of them. I’m not sure I could read The Arrival of Someday either.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  12. The Kingdom has me curious, that one is new to me. I do like android stories, sometimes? Depends on the book. And Nick and June were Here does look like it could be a tough but good read as well.

  13. I hadn’t heard of many of these but some have intrigued me!

  14. This is such an interesting selection of books, but I take your point on your reservations for each. I am so wanting to give Nick and June a try — I want to see how the author handles the subject matter.,

  15. These are all new to me, but Out of Salem sounds pretty cool.

  16. I haven’t heard of most of these books but I do have The Art of Losing on my wish list! It’s going to be a difficult book to read and not like my usual reads but I’m looking forward to it! ?

  17. I have The Kingdom on my tbr too. I haven’t heard most of these books though (I know I suck)

    My #TTT:

  18. I find books with heavy topics a little hard to read sometimes too. They’re are always really good reads, but it really does pull at the heart.
    I’ve read a book about Schizophrenia before (Made You Up by Francesca Zappia) which I liked, I might have to give Nick and June Were Here a go!
    I hope you enjoy these reads if you decide to pick them up!
    Happy Reading! <3

  19. I’ve not heard of any of these books until now but I love a good YA contemporary! It’s great that they’re dealing with so many diverse issues these days, too! I’m particularly interested in Nick and June Were Here but I agree that it’s probably going to be a very tough read.

  20. Great post and a great list of books all these books are new to me but they all looks and sounds absolutely amazing. I hope you do enjoy these books. Thank you so much for stopping by my TTT post.

  21. Arrival of Someday and The Kingdom are two I am REALLY looking forward to, so I say keep those hahah. Nick and June sounds kind of interesting, and I liked the author’s last book, but like you I am on the fence about this one. I hope you like any of them that you do end up reading!

  22. Hope you enjoy any of the ones you decide to tackle 🙂

  23. I hadn’t heard of The Kingdom before but that does sound interesting. I haven’t seen Westworld (though I’m interested in seeing it at some point) so I’m not sure about that comparison for me personally.

  24. I adore the cover of “The Arrival of Someday,” but I’m with you! It might be too graphic (or just plain old sad). I also have similar feelings about Lizzy’s debut, too. However, I’ll probably keep an eye on that one and read some reviews.

    Thanks so much for the Finding Wonderland visit; my apologies it took me this long to visit your list. 🙂

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