Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Favorite Cookbooks

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This week is all about food!  I love to cook.  I have so many great memories of spending time in the kitchen with my family and friends talking and laughing as we experiment with new recipes and revisit old favorites.  I’ve amassed quite a collection of cookbooks, and these are some of my favorites.

1. Anything by Ree Drummond-I own and love all of her cookbooks, and I pre-ordered her newest one months ago.  She has a wide range of recipes from the quick and easy to more complex, but she makes it easy with step by step instructions and pictures to guide you through.  Not only are the recipes delicious, but her cookbooks are fun to read as well.  She sprinkles delightful stories and pictures throughout her books.


2. Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook-This is a classic cookbook with lots of good pointers for those learning to cook.


3. 500 Best Ever Recipes: Mediterranean-I love Mediterranean food, especially Greek food.  Everything I’ve made out of this book has been delicious.


4. Best Loved Hershey’s-One word explains my love of this book, chocolate!


5. Old Fashioned Apple Recipes-I love fall baking, especially with apples.  This little book is brimming with tasty recipes.

Old-Fashioned Apple Recipes Cookbook Bear Wallow Books NEW 1980
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6. Southern Biscuits by Nathalie Dupree and Cynthia Graubart-What’s not to love about biscuits?  Sweet and savory biscuits can be found within the pages of this gem.


7. 101 Slow Cooker Recipes by Gooseberry Patch-This is the time of year when I get the urge to get my crock pot out.  My house smells wonderful as the food slowly simmers.


8. Best Ever Cookies by Gooseberry Patch-Cookies for all occasions and holidays!


9. Weber’s Smoke: A Guide to Smoke Cooking for Everyone and Any Grill by Jamie Purviance-I don’t actually use the grill or the smoker, but my husband does and he’s made some great meals out of this book.


10. Dadgum That’s Good Too! by John McLemore-Another good smoking and grilling cookbook.  I like to pick out recipes for my husband to try.


How about you?  Do you enjoy cooking?  If so, what are your favorite things to make?  Let’s talk in the comments!


  1. That Hershey’s cookbook looks amazing! I don’t own a lot of cookbooks myself, but looking through the ones my parents have makes me so hungry and desperate to try loads of new things in the kitchen (even though I’m kind of hopeless!)

    • Poinsettia says

      The Hershey’s cookbook is wonderful. So many yummy desserts! My advice on cooking is to just jump in there and try it. The Pioneer Woman books, and the Better Homes and Gardens book are great for giving step by step advice. It always helps to read the recipe through beforehand and gather all your ingredients. Most importantly, just have fun! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What’s your favorite slow cooker recipe? I’m always looking for new ideas of things to cook in mine.

    • Poinsettia says

      I really like to make ham and bean soup in the crock pot, but there is also a really good corned beef and cabbage recipe in the Slow Cooker book that is delicious. In one of the Pioneer Woman books there is a recipe for Drip Beef that is amazing. Basically, I take a roast and put it in the crock pot with a jar of pepperoncini peppers (you can do mild or hot) and beef broth. Cook that until it is tender and easily shredded. Then I take that and serve it on a hoagie bun with caramelized onions and swiss cheese. You can even dip the sandwich in some of the broth. Its delicious!

  3. I love reading cookbooks too. I even found one that has book recommendations for the recipes.
    I run a monthly link up for books about food. You are welcome to link up your post at We have a monthly giveaway for books about food awarded by a draw from all the reviews posted.

  4. I don’t necessarily love cooking, but I do like baking! Cupcakes are my number one when it comes to that. As for the cooking, that’s just something my boyfriend enjoys a ton more, so I’m letting that be “his” thing, haha.

    I do realize, reading your post, that we barely have any cookbooks.. We just look up the recipes on the internet.. Maybe it’s time to get us some. Maybe that’s just a brilliant idea for his Christmas present! [How reading blogs can help with the weirdest things, haha!]

    • I also enjoy baking a bit more than cooking. Mostly because baking usually involves dessert! My creations don’t always turn out picture perfect, but they usually taste good, and that’s more important in my opinion. I do have a lot of cookbooks. Whole cabinets in my kitchen are filled with cookbooks… Thanks for visiting!

  5. Mediterranean food is the best, and I absolutely love Greek food. It’s why I get so excited when I got to Greece and Crete. If I’m honest it’s probably the main thing I look forward too – all the feta and grilled meat and mousaka! I might have to get a Mediterranean cookbook actually!

    • Greek food is amazing! I’ve never made moussaka, but I’ve made pastitsio before and that turned out really well. I’ve also made baklava. Very labor intensive with all the phyllo dough and layering, but completely worth it.

  6. I love the look of the Best Ever Cookies book. Obviously because I love cookies, but the illustrated style is just so much fun too.

    • There actually aren’t very many pictures in that book, which is kind of a bummer, but the recipes are very good.

  7. I really need to invest in some more cookbooks! I love cooking.

  8. So many great cookbooks! I have one Pioneer Woman cookbook and have enjoyed what I’ve tried. She breaks it all down so well. The BH&G is such a classic. That biscuit cookbook has my mouth watering. I love me some biscuits!

    • Poinsettia says

      I love Pioneer Woman. She makes cooking so much fun. The biscuit cookbook is really good too. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Ooh nice! Not too familiar with cookbooks! Most of my recipe collections come from online when I start looking for a specific treat or the occasional magazine!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    • Poinsettia says

      You’re welcome. 🙂 I look online for recipes too, but sometimes it is nice to have a hard copy of a favorite cookbook with well worn pages.

  10. Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog says

    I love cookbooks!! I have several from The Pioneer Woman n my wish list. Great list!!

  11. My mom and friend have a couple of these cookbooks and swear by them! Great picks!

  12. Hey, I have a copy of that cookies one! 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier.

    • Poinsettia says

      You’re welcome. What’s your favorite cookie recipe? I’m partial to the peppermint brownie recipe. 🙂

  13. I own exactly 1 cookbook, and I rarely cook anything from it because it takes too long. I need to find a book with faster recipes because I don’t have much patience for cooking.

    • Poinsettia says

      A lot of the Gooseberry Patch books have quick and easy recipes that are great if you’re short on time. Pioneer Woman also has a section in her Dinnertime book that is devoted to quick recipes as well. 🙂

  14. The Mediterranean one looks great, and the Smoke one does also. And what is it about the southern biscuits? I could eat those all day with butter and honey…

    • Poinsettia says

      I love the Mediterranean book. Several of those recipes take a bit of time and patience, but they are completely worth it. Warm southern biscuits with butter and honey are amazing! Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  15. I wish that mine kitchen skill are above the 0 but unfortunately if I try – the end result will be a surpise, and I don’t know if I’m gonna like it 😀 Your fourt choice especially sounds so delicious. And I love chocolate as well, it makes everything so much better.
    It’s a relly helpful and yummy list! 🙂

    • Poinsettia says

      Thank you! The Mediterranean book and the Hershey book have so many delicious recipes in them. All this talk about food is making me very hungry! 🙂

  16. Oh, I have a Hershey cookbook too, it’s great.
    Another favorite is Taste of Homes cookies!

  17. I love my classic Betty Crocker cookbook, too! I also have a Pillsbury one that I use often. I’ve had the first Pioneer Woman cookbook since it came out but I haven’t tried any of the recipes. Shame on me!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    • Poinsettia says

      I don’t have the Betty Crocker one, but my mom does and it is good. I’ll bet the Pillbury one is good too. I can’t say enough about Pioneer Woman. She is just awesome! Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  18. Ooh these look SO tasty. Especially the cookie book. Like a whole book just for cookies? That’s the kind of quality cookbooks we need.?

  19. I love watching Pioneer Woman. If you like pecan pies you need to try her recipe!

  20. Fun post. I love watching the Pioneer Woman’s cooking videos. She always makes everything look so easy.

  21. Sorry I don’t cook! Just stopped by to say thanks for visiting my TTT this week!

  22. Unfortunately, cooking has never really appealed to me. I can do it in a pinch, but thank goodness my husband doesn’t mind doing it. I think we have a couple of these in our house–probably gifts to me from a well-meaning relative. I wish I did enjoy cooking sometimes–I often feel on the outside looking in since so many other women enjoy it so much.

    I hope you have a great week!

    • Poinsettia says

      If you’re husband enjoys cooking, maybe you can pass along some of these recommendations. I hope you have a great week as well!

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