Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Can’t Believe I Read

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Happy Tuesday!  This week is all about books I can’t believe I read.  For my list, I decided to pick books that are a departure from what I normally read, or that I read at a strange time in my life.

The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King-I don’t typically read horror, so I’d never read any of Stephen King’s books.  However, my husband is a big fan and was determined to find a Stephen King book I would read.  While it will never be a favorite, I have to admit I did enjoy it at the time.

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom-I had to read this for a class in college.  I thought it was okay but not something I would consider reading on my own.

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens-I really love classics, so it wouldn’t be strange for me to pick something like this up today.  However, I read this book when I was a freshman in high school on my own for fun.  Most of my friends considered it strange reading material.  It has been years since I picked it up, so I’m not as clear on details as I’d like to be.  However, I did enjoy it immensely, and I’d like to revisit it.

Seinlanguage by Jerry Seinfeld-I enjoyed Seinfeld if I happened to catch it on tv, but it was never a favorite show.  I have no idea why I picked up this book.  I guess I was just looking for something fun to pass the time with?

Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection by Bill Watterson-I’d never read a collection of comic strips, and decided to pick this one up.  I loved it!

blur, book, girl
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Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice-I’ve read many vampire books, but when I first picked this up years ago, I’d never read anything remotely paranormal so it was quite a strange pick for me at the time.   I loved it and have been completely hooked on vampires ever since.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte-Again, I love classics, so this normally wouldn’t be a strange book for me.  However, I read this right after having my first child.  I was frazzled, new mom but I came across a copy of this in my local bookstore and decided to read it.  I loved it, but I can’t believe I picked it up at such a crazy time in my life.

Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin-This is not a title I ever expected to see on my bookshelf, but I have two kids who thoroughly enjoy this story and the sequel, Dragons Love Tacos 2.  I highly recommend both.

I Need My Monster by Amanda Noll-Again, not something I ever pictured myself reading, but I can thank my kids for all the fun children’s books I get to read with them.  The sequel is great too.

Animal Farm by George Orwell-I read this in junior high.  I found it very thought provoking and definitely worth reading, but not something I would have read on my own.

Have you read any of these?  If so, what did you think?  What books would be on your list?


  1. Great list! I’d like to reread Jane Eyre at some point, it’s been years since I read it, and I still need to try Anne Rice’s work. I like the film adaptation of Interview with the Vampire but I’d like to give the book a try, too.

    • I’d like to revisit Jane Eyre some day as well. The film version of Interview with the Vampire is good, but I definitely recommend reading the book. Thank you for commenting! 🙂

  2. I’ve never read any of these books, but I do know Calvin and Hobbes. My mother had a collection of them as well and I used to really enjoy them. I think I will look those up again! It’s been a very long time since I have read those comics.

  3. Animal Farm is one I had to read in highschool. I honestly didn’t really care for it back then but that was in my “give me werewolves and vampires!”-period so.. I have to reread it, right? Pretty sure I’ll find it way more interesting this time around.

    I started Interview with a Vampire last year but decided to put it aside again. I think I wasn’t in the mood? I don’t know; it felt like it dragged on and on and nothing really happened.. Definitely going to give it a second shot at some point though!

    As for King’s books.. I’m no fan of horror either! But I read The Shining – cue some sleepless nights – and I really do love his writing style so I bought myself a pile of his other work to read over time. Eventually I will; when I’m ready to have another couple of sleepless nights, haha.

    Nice list!

    • Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed my post. I agree that Anne Rice’s writing style is slower paced. I definitely understand needing to be in the right mood for it.

  4. The Eyes of the Dragon is actually my favorite Stephen King novel (and the only one my husband has ever read). Also, I read Interview with the Vampire in high school. I’ve always loved vampires and this book really called to me. I have the new Lestat books on my Kindle but haven’t read them yet. *shifty eyes*

  5. I actually only managed to make it halfway through Jane Eyre, classics really aren’t my thing!
    My TTT:

  6. Haven’t read any of these but Jane Eyre and Animal Farm are on my TBR though!

  7. The only ones of yours that I’ve read are Jane Eyre – loved it – have put it on my Classics Club list to read in the next months. I also read the Stephen King book. That was about the time his writing started trending away from pure horror. I tapered off in my reading of King books and then pretty much stopped. Maybe one day I’ll catch up.

  8. Interview with the Vampire is one of the best things ever to be written <3 🙂

  9. I really loved Great Expectations too! 🙂 Fab list!

  10. I’m not a horror fan either and wouldn’t pick Stephen King. But I read The Little Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon and thought it was amazingly written.

    • Poinsettia says

      I really have a hard time with horror (gives me nightmares), so I was very reluctant to try an author known for horror. I probably won’t be reading any of his other books though. Thank you for commenting! 🙂

  11. Oh my gosh I love Calvin and Hobbes! I really should get some of the collected editions. And I’ve heard good things about Mitch Albom’s books, but haven’t really had a desire to try them.

    • Poinsettia says

      Yes Calvin and Hobbes is great! After I read that first collection, I found a couple more to enjoy. Thanks for visiting!

  12. I’m so in awe of your reading abilities enjoying Dickens as a freshman; I read A Tale of Two Cities as a freshman and learned more from Sparknotes than the actual book *hangs head in shame* Great list! I really should read Jane Eyre!

    • Poinsettia says

      I’ve never read A Tale of Two Cities, but it is on my tbr list. Jane Eyre is wonderful, so I hope you enjoy it. I also really enjoyed the film adaptation starring Toby Stephens. Thank you for visiting my post!

  13. I actually read Animal Farm on my own, but that was because I enjoyed 1984 so much (also on my own). I think I would have benefited from reading both in a classroom though.

    • Poinsettia says

      I definitely think reading Animal Farm in/for a class helped me have a better understanding. Thank you for visiting my post!

  14. I read Animal Farm for school as well, and would never had picked it up on my own. I was reading primarily contemporary romances at that time in my life (looks like I’ve come full circle), and Animal Farm was not at all like anything I was reading.

    • Poinsettia says

      It is certainly an intense book, and while it isn’t a favorite, I am glad that I read it. Thanks for commenting!

  15. Oh My God, I love your list though I haven’t read most of them, I know they’re great books as they’re really well-known. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Your friends’ reaction to you when reading Great expectation was also familiar to me. When I ws in highschool, my friends always think I’m weird for reading thick books rather than hanging out with them..hahaha..

    • Poinsettia says

      I’m glad you enjoyed my post! Yes, I was always reading in my free time. I even took books to recess. Thank you for commenting. 🙂

  16. I must admit, I’ve rarely if ever enjoyed classics — I might enjoy Dragons love Tacos going from that title lol

    • Poinsettia says

      It is a very fun book! I love going to the library with my kids and finding fun books to read. Thank you for stopping by!

  17. Tuesdays with Morrie was so sad…I’m a wimp, I cry at anything! I had to read Animal Farm at school and don’t recall much detail about it. I wasn’t a fan of Anne Rice-I just found her work a bit slow and descriptive for my tastes. Nice list! And thanks for stopping by my blog!

  18. I absolutely loved Animal Farm it’s so great!
    Great TTT!

  19. I had the same experience with Animal Farm! I wouldn’t have picked it up myself, but ended up quite enjoying it anyway 🙂

  20. I love that you put your kids books on here – I’ve never heard of “Dragons Love Tacos” but now totally want to pick it up for my friend’s kids. You Calvin & Hobbs book is making me want to go read comic strips! I used to love checking those books out from the library when I was a kid.

    • Poinsettia says

      Dragons Love Tacos is such a fun, silly book. I hope your friend’s kids enjoy it. Thank you for visiting my post!

  21. If EVER I read more classics like Jane Eyre, I’ll be amazed. I’m just not a classic-lit reader. It’s not that I don’t think the stories are lovely, it’s just, well, I don’t ever seem to read them. But perhaps (*fingers crossed*) someday I’ll pick one up and surprise myself, and keep on reading them. 😀

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.

    • Poinsettia says

      You’re welcome! I understand about classics. I enjoy them, but I have to be in the mood to read them. Thank you for visiting my post. 🙂

  22. Dragons Love Tacos is such a fun book! I love all the children books I have discovered since becoming a mom.;)
    Calvin and Hobbs is a favorite.;)

    • Poinsettia says

      I’m loving all the children books as well! Going to the library with my kids and discovering these books is so much fun. Thank you for visiting.

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