Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Character Relationships

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I love a good relationship in a novel, especially in a series.  It’s often what draws me back to an unfinished series.  They don’t have to be romantic relationships, either.  Sometimes, the best bonds are between friends.

  1. Harry Bosch and Mickey Haller (Harry Bosch/The Lincoln Lawyer) by Michael Connelly.

Harry and Mickey are half-brothers who only found each other later in life.  The thing that I love about their relationship is that Harry is an LAPD detective and Mickey is a defense lawyer, aka mortal enemies.  However, they learn to appreciate each other and form a strong, brotherly bond, often full of sharp barbs and fun banter.

  1. Geralt of Rivia and Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove, aka Jaskier the Bard (The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski).

Their relationship is often a rough one, but even when they want to throw each other into the dragon’s den, they’re still there for each other.  I could include Yennefer of Vengerberg in this as well because she has a similar relationship with Jaskier.

  1. Sam and Amelia Rockwell (Rockwell Return Files by Jason Anspach).

From the very beginning, they have a great relationship.  She adores him, but keeps him in his place.  He loves her, and dotes on her, while respecting her.  This is huge considering the series is set in the 1950’s.

  1. Sloan McPherson and Scott Hughes (Underwater Investigation Unit by Andrew Mayne).

Sloan has a tendency to be a bit reckless and impulsive.  Scott, on the other hand, is former military and a dad, bringing a sense of balance to their partnership.  However, Scott can be a bit crazy, too, when the circumstances warrant it.  Which is probably why he and Sloan work so well together.

  1. Tempe Brennan and Andrew Ryan (Temperance Brennan by Kathy Reichs).

Tempe spends half the year working in Montreal for the police department identifying remains found.  This often leads to her working with her on and off again boyfriend, Detective Andrew Ryan.  Even when they’re not in a relationship, they work well together and always look after each other.  Plus, Ryan tends to be a smart aleck which I love.

  1. Lindsay Boxer and Rich Conklin (Women’s Murder Club by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro).

I could go on for pages about Lindsay’s relationship with Claire, Yuki, and Cindy.  But I think her partnership and friendship with longtime partner Rich goes unnoticed.  They are great together, often coming close to anticipating the other’s ideas and needs.  And, in the end, each would give everything for the other.

  1. Crowley & Aziraphale (Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman)

These two are something else.  Anytime an angel and a demon make friends, I’m all in.  An unlikely friendship turns to partners in crime of sorts and all sorts of chaos follows in their wake.

  1. Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams).

What more can you want out of a friend – who is also an alien, by the way – than to have them guide you through the universe, steal a spaceship, and take you to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?  I mean, count me in.  Just keep the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters to yourself.  I have to work in the morning.

  1. Stephanie Plum and Lula (Stephanie Plum by Janet Evanovich).

Even after twenty-nine books, I’m still here for all the chaos that follows Steph and Lula.  Pass the TastyKakes and let the girls run wild because it’s sure to be an adventure.

  1. Mickey Haller and his entire crew (The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly).

Mickey is a great character and is honestly my favorite in the Bosch Universe.  He gets along with pretty much everyone.  An excellent example of this is him hiring his second ex-wife, Lorna, to be his office manager and her new boyfriend/husband as his investigator.  He and Cisco sometimes bump heads, but they always get to the bottom of the case.

What are some of your favorite relationships?



  1. The Underwater Investigative Unit sounds so intriguing just based on your description there. I’ll look into those! And I’ve really been meaning to give the Temperance Brennan books a go as I really enjoyed the TV series. I’ll have to add it to my TBR now to remember.

    • I highly recommend the UIU series! It’s a lot of fun but also pretty intense.

      While the books aren’t quite like the TV series, I hope that you do dig into the Tempe Brennan books eventually! They’re really interesting and I’ve learned a lot about forensic anthropology and cultures from them.

  2. Good Omens did have quite a pair! I struggled a bit this week and wound up going with “relationships I can remember”.

  3. I’ve heard such good things about that Reichs series. Thanks for visiting earlier!

  4. I loved the Stephanie Plum series!

  5. I recently discovered Lincoln Lawyer on Netflix! 🙌

  6. Stephanie Plum & Lula! (Or Stephanie & Grandma!) Good job!

  7. This is the 2nd list I’ve seen with those characters from Hitchhiker’s Guide. It really makes me wish I’d enjoyed the book more when I read it.

    • Yeah, it’s definitely not for everyone. I happen to like ridiculous, but many people don’t, and it’s perfectly okay. 🙂

  8. I loved the UIU book I read- Black coral. I need to catch up!

  9. I’ve seen the adaptations of some of these rather than having read the books–bad bookworm–but they really make me love Geralt and Jaskier and Aziraphale and Crowley. Great list!

  10. Crowley & Aziraphale are a perfect pick for this topic.

  11. I’ve only ever seen the One for the Money (Stephanie Plum) movie, but I do love the characters. Also, same goes for Mickey Haller. Again though… I like his character! 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

    • One for the Money was a pretty good film! And it was pretty true to the characters, too. Thanks for the return visit. 🙂

  12. I’ve heard so many good things about the Stephanie Plum books, I’m going to get them on my TBR list.

    Great list!

  13. I didn’t even think about the characters in Good Omens. Good catch!

  14. I’m only familiar with Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect because of the movie adaptation several years ago. Hitchhiker’s Guide is one of my husband’s favorite books, though I couldn’t get past the first chapter.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    • It’s one of my favorite books, too, but my husband didn’t understand it at all. We were about ten minutes into the movie when he asked, “What are you making me watch?” 😀

  15. I really enjoyed Tempe & Ryan in the earlier books….I have to admit now that so much has happened to them and there’s been so much drama that my interest has waned. But in the first dozen or so, they were incredible.

    • I will admit, I’m about 10 or so books behind in the series, so this makes me sad to hear. But I agree, I really do love them together.

  16. Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog says

    So many good relationships here. Embarrassingly the ones I know I haven’t actually read the book, just seen the TV programmes…

    Have a good week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    • Honestly? Nothing wrong with that. I wouldn’t have ever discovered one of my favorite series – Rizzoli & Isles – if it hadn’t been for the TV show! And now I’m mad I didn’t think of Jane and Maura for this list!

  17. Love your choices, especially Arthur Dent and ford Prefect!

  18. Those are very different relationships from the ones I found, so I thought them highly interesting. Thanks, Aymee.

    And thanks for visiting my My TTT this week.

  19. So true! It’s definitely the characters in a series that keep me coming back for more. Temple and Ryan are a great pick. Their relationship is so fun. I love their banter.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday0!


    • Absolutely! Agreed – I love their whole relationship and how well they manage to get along even when they’re not together as a couple.

  20. Crowley & Aziraphale are so much fun haha.

  21. Ohh, i love Crowley & Aziraphale, the best team

  22. Great list! I haven’t read a lot of the books on it, but you nailed it with the ones I have. Stephanie Plum and Lula are absolutely iconic – those two make me laugh out loud whenever I read a book. And I love the way that Tempe and Andrew Ryan interact.

    • Steph and Lula are honestly goals. With what they put up with from each other and still never flinch? The best. Yes, everyone needs a partner like Andrew or Tempe in their lives.

  23. I have got to get to Good Omens!

  24. Stephanie and Lula made my list this week too. Love their friendship!

    • They are just the most ridiculous pair, and I always wind up wanting TastyKakes (and not being able to get them) by the time I’m done with a book. 😀

  25. Yes! Steph and Lula’s friendship is one of the main reasons I keep returning back to the books, as well. So funny!

  26. I don’t know any of these books, though I have heard of a few, I’ve never read any of them. Great relationships can really make a book and I will need to add some of these to my TBR so I can check them out.

  27. Oh my gosh, the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale in Good Omens is absolutely amazing! Definitely one of my favorites. Arthur and Ford are also a perfect pair. Sign me up for an alien friend at the end of the world, too!

    • Right? They were hilarious together! And if I’m going to be stuck with someone when the Earth is demolished, may he be Ford Prefect!

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