Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Snowy Covers

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I love waking up and seeing a fresh blanket of snow over everything during the winter. Since we’re still a month or so away from that happening, looking at books with snowy covers is the next best thing.










1. Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak











2. The Snowman by Raymond Briggs











3. Snow  by Orhan Pamuk











4. Mrs. Mike (Mrs. Mike, #1) by Benedict Freedman











5. Winter’s Bone by Daniel Woodrell











6. Winter Study (Anna Pigeon, #14) by Nevada Barr











7. The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey











8. Ice by Anna Kavan











9. Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan











10.Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata


  1. Dr Zhivago will be on my next CC run, I think. I enjoyed the movie.

  2. Love these covers!

  3. Lovely covers. The Snowman is special.

  4. The Snowman! Such a classic. We have that one at my house.

  5. I love so many of these covers

  6. I also love snow on the cover of books! Nice list. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

  7. Nice spin on the prompt! I love snowy covers!

  8. I really love your list! I can’t wait for winter to hit my neck of the woods. I’m so done with summer weather!

  9. Dr. Zhivago- what a classic. I like snowy covers too. There’s something about them. Starkly beauitful in their way.

  10. I hate snow, but this is a cool list. Nice to see Kawabata here!

  11. Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog says

    Great covers. I love the snow until I have to get places!!

    Have a great week!

  12. OOh nice picks! These are all new to me ones! Snow was pretty popular among some of my books I own too!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  13. Dr Zhivago has been on my TBR for SO long now. I really do want to get to it.

  14. I’m not a winter season person, but if it’s a pretty book cover, then I don’t mind. If that’s as close to winter as I get, I’d be happy. 😉 Thanks so much for visiting my website today. I appreciate this.

  15. Awesome list, I didn’t think there were so many snowy titles but there really are! Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier too!

  16. I love snowy covers! You found some good ones:-)

  17. These are some pretty covers. I don’t think I realised how many books there are with “snow” in the title – so many obvious ones I should’ve thought of.
    My TTT

  18. This is such a great list, and it’s all about my favorite weather event! You’ve got so many intriguing books on here, and I added a few to my TBR.

  19. Wow, all the books are about snow. The covers are just so beautiful.

    I have a few of the novels on my list, inlcuding two of yours. Most people found more about snow and storm etc., including myself. I’m not surprised, though, It’s a more interesting theme to write about.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

  20. The cover of Winters’ Bone feels wonderfully eerie and chilly, I love it

  21. Awww, The Snowman was one of my son’s favorite books. He wanted me to read it over and over. I always love seeing it on lists. <3

  22. These all put me in the mood for winter! Great list!

  23. I love the cover for The Snow Child!

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