Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Geographical Terms in the Title

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Volcanoes were my geographic term of choice for this week’s prompt.

Who else was a little scared of volcanoes when you were a child? I saw so many cartoons about characters falling into them or suddenly being surrounded by lava that I think I believed people in real life experienced the same thing more often than is generally the case, too.

If you’ve ever seen lava or a volcano in person, I’d love to hear your stories about those experiences in the comment section below.

In the meantime, here are ten fiction and non-fiction books that include the word volcano in their titles.

1. A Volcanic Affair by Xanthia Rhodes

2. In the Shadow of the Volcano by Caryn Jenner

3. On The Volcano by James Nelson

4. Volcanoes: Fire and Life by Jon Chad

5. Volcano: The Eruption and Healing of Mount Saint Helens by Patricia Lauber

6. A Private Volcano: A modern novel of science and imagination by Lance Sieveking

7. Aerial Geology: A High-Altitude Tour of North America’s Spectacular Volcanoes, Canyons, Glaciers, Lakes, Craters, and Peaks by Mary Caperton Morton

8. Volcano Watch (Forensic Geology #3) by Toni Dwiggins

9. Ring of Fire: An Encyclopedia of the Pacific Rim’s Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes by Bethany D. Rinard Hinga

10. The House on the Volcano by Virginia Nielsen


  1. Great list of titles with geographical terms in them. And I love your twist on this week’s prompt 😉 I wasn’t scared, but I’ve always found volcanos fascinating.
    Here is my TTT:
    Have a great week 😀

  2. Wow, this is such a cool twist on this week’s topic! I always found volcanos to be intriguing, but wasn’t exactly terrified of them. Although I camped near one in Costa Rica when I was in college and had a great time!

  3. I’ve read 3 of these books on your list. Love that you chose volcanoes, they are such fascinating geological subjects. I’m going to have to check out the other books here asap!

    I also started TTT this week 🙂

  4. I have never read a book with Volcano in the title! I am going to have to remedy that. Thanks for making me think!

  5. So many volcanoes!

  6. I bet no one else went this direction with this week’s topic! Great job compiling this list. I had no idea so many books features volcanos.

  7. Anita@seriesbooklover says

    I love how you found so many books with volcano innthe title.Impressive!

  8. The last one #10, sounds like an interesting title though why anyone would build a house on a volcano, well, I guess that’s the story.

    Thanks for visiting my list. Have a lovely day.

    • You’re welcome, and I have no good answer to that question. You’d think everyone would know to avoid those sorts of locations!

  9. I love that you chose a specific word. I love volcanoes. They’re so fascinating to me. I’ve never been scare of them, per se, but that’s because I don’t really live near any. When I went to Hawaii (the big island), I almost had the chance to see a live volcano. I did see the black lava fields and they’re beautiful in their own way.

  10. Wow! So many books with volcano in the title! I mean, with non-fiction it’s to be expected, but there’s quite a few fictional ones here too!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  11. I love your originality this week! I would never have thought to use a word like volcano for a list.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  12. I can’t believe I forgot all my volcano books. I feel like a dunce. Great list!

  13. I love how you approached this week. And yes, for as much as I heard about volcanoes, I fully expected them to be a much bigger problem in adulthood. Which, I mean, thankfully, they’re not.

  14. A great theme! I haven’t read any books with Volcano in the title!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  15. I’ve never seen a volcano or lava, but they look really cool (pun? lol) I really like that you themed the whole list on on term.

  16. Same! Volcanoes are scary to me even though I lived in Washington when Mt. St. Helens erupted and all we got was some ash, so that wasn’t very exciting. Ha ha.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  17. Volcanic! That is an awesome choice! I haven’t seen it make a list yet.

  18. I went on a school trip to Naples when I was 13, and we got to walk up Mount Vesuvius, it was really fun, if quite tiring!
    My TTT:

  19. Wow, how interesting, Aymee. I haven’t read a single book with volcano in the title and I don’t think I have seen any on the other lists. What a great idea.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

  20. Gosh, I don’t think I’ve ever read any book with a volcano. Except Pompeii, but that was historical fiction. Ha, love what you did here. I don’t know if people fall in lava in real life and live to tell the tale…. Ha ha ha ha

    Hope you had a great week!

    Elza Reads

  21. Volcanoes are so awesome to watch! I love that you built your TTT list around them. Very fun idea. And thanks for commenting on my blog earlier. 🙂

  22. What a great twist on this week’s TTT. I never thought of picking one term and focusing on that. I have not read any of these. There looks like a lot of non-fiction, but I don’t read a lot it it.

  23. Fun twist on the prompt! I have never been scared of volcanoes, but I’ve also never been around one that’s erupting. I do have a lava bomb, though, that a friend’s mom gave me years ago! It’s really nifty.

  24. I like that you focused on volcanoes! I didn’t know there would be so many books with that in the title other than like science-y, non-fiction stuff. Great idea! 🙂

  25. Volcanoes! My son loves them.

  26. I’ve never really thought about volcanos one way or another, but probably if I lived around them I may be. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland. Really appreciate this and apologies for the delay in visiting here.

  27. Great job with this topic. I never knew there were so many books with volcanoes in the title.

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