Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Summer 2019 TBR

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

There are so many interesting books coming out this summer. How many of you are also hoping to read these titles? This week I decided to only count books that will be published this summer. If no release date is noted, that book has already been released.

1. In West Mills by De’Shawn Charles Winslow

The blurb said this was a good read for people who liked The Twelve Tribes of Hattie. Since I’m one of those folks, I’m hoping this tale about a possibly overly-ambitious do-gooder will be right up my alley.

2. Naturally Tan by Tan France

Queer Eye is one of my guilty pleasure shows, so I definitely want to read this memoir from one of the guys who works on it.

3. This Time Will Be Different by Misa Sugiura

I’m especially interested in the generational tensions in this story. The main character’s grandparents were sent to a Japanese internment camp during World War II, and that experience changed multiple generations of their family in different and sometimes contradictory ways.

4. The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante

The references to the struggles that immigrants face was what first grabbed my attention from this blurb. My immigration story was quite different from this one, but I have empathy for everyone who moves from one country to the next.

5. The Best Lies by Sarah Lyu

Release date: July 2

This murder mystery sounds amazing. I especially like this genre when the killer might have been acting in self defence. The question of whether they’re telling the truth about this sort of thing makes me eager to figure out the truth.

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Arranged marriages aren’t part of the culture I grew up in, so I’m looking forward to seeing what Leila, the main character, thinks of them and if any of the dates she plans work out.

Release date: July 23

7. Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Release date: July 23

Imagine going on an adventure with the gods! I’d love to try that sort of experience. It sounds like the perfect jumping off point for a fantasy novel.

8. My Fate According to the Butterfly by Gail D. Villanueva

Release date: July 30

The preteen years are when a lot of kids begin to pick up on interpersonal tensions happening in their families that they might have overlooked at a younger age, so this could be a very good read.

9. The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee

Release date: August 13

I’m fascinated by the idea of someone who works as a maid by day and moonlights as an advice columnist. What makes this even more interesting is that the main character pretends to be someone she’s not in order to get that gig!

10. The Revolution of Birdie Randolph by Brandy Colbert

Release date: August 20

Everything about this book appeals to me, from the forbidden romance to seeing how the main character’s family will adjust when a relative who has a substance abuse problem moves back home.


  1. Great list! Gods of Jade and Shadow is on my TBR, too. =)

  2. Great list! My Life According to the Butterfly sounds awesome.

  3. I love reading these even when I’m not participating (I just published another author interview on my blog instead). You might want to take a look – Jane Davis is an amazing author!

  4. My Fate According to Butterfly and This Time Will Be Different both sound good. The only new books I plan on reading this summer are the ARCs I’ve been sent. I don’t think I have any pre-orders coming in until October 1st.

  5. Lovely bright and enticing looking covers on all the books on your list!

  6. Misa’s book sounds really interesting – and has a pretty cover, too! And I remember reading about Stacey’s book way back when; the cover first captured my attention. 🙂 Hope you all enjoy your summer reading – and bunches of thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland.

  7. I’ve been meaning to read something by Stacey Lee for a long time, and I might just start with The Downstairs Girl, because it sounds amazing – also, I love the cover a lot. The Revolution of Birdie Randolph is on my to-read list, it sounds so damn good. Hope you’ll love all these novels!

  8. I really enjoyed The Best Lies, hope you love it. Happy reading!

  9. I loved Gods of Jade and Shadow and I hope you do as well. I’m really excited for The Grief Keeper as well.Happy reading!

  10. Gods of Jade and Shadow looks so good! Hope you enjoy it!

  11. The Downstairs Girl looks like a book I would really enjoy so thanks so much for highlighting.
    Gods of Jade is also on my list and I can’t wait to pick it up.
    Lynn 😀

  12. Nice list! There are a few I hadn’t heard of before on here. I’m definitely excited for THE DOWNSTAIRS GIRL, MY FATE ACCORDING TO BUTTERFLY, and THE REVOLUTION OF BIRDIE RANDOLPH. I hope we both love them!

    Happy TTT!


  13. I want to read Gods of Jade and Shadow, too. Hope you enjoy all of these!

  14. I think Jade and Shadow looks really good, and I’ve heard several bloggers really sing the praises of Moreno- Garcia.

  15. I’ve seen The Best Lies a couple of times today and it looks intriguing. I also really like the sound of The Marriage Clock

  16. Gods of Jade and Shadows looks really good. I love any kind of mythology.

  17. I just got In west Mills!

  18. I’ll be reading Gods of Jade and Shadow soon as well. 😉

  19. The books here have pretty covers. I love it!
    I want to read The Downstairs Girl. You’re right, the premise of the book sounds really interesting.

  20. These books look so good! I hope that you enjoy them.

  21. That’s a really interesting list of books! This time will be different is one I got in a book box this week. It looks really interesting!

  22. You have so many good books on this list! The Best Lies sounds really intriguing, I’ve been meaning to dive into other genres and I might go with this one for Murder- Mystery!
    I hope you enjoy all of these! <3

  23. Need, need, NEED to read all of these. Gonna single out In West Mills though just because I hadn’t heard of it until your post and that cover has me swooning a bit?? I love how simple it is.

  24. Hope you enjoy all these 🙂
    I really want to read Gods of Jade and Shadow too, and the cover for it is so eye-catching.

  25. I love Tan and didn’t know he had his own memoir, so I’ll have to check it out for sure 🙂

  26. Hope you manage to get to all of these over the summer ?

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