Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Spring 2023 To-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Here are ten books I’m looking forward to reading this spring. Many of them are Young Adult titles because, at least in my experience, that genre seems to announce their new titles faster than other genres do. I wonder why that is? If you have an answer, I’d like to hear about it.












Dust Child by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai

Release Date: Today

Why I’m Interested: Most of my knowledge about the Vietnam War comes from reading about the experiences of American soldiers. It’s time to expand my knowledge and see how characters who live in Việt Nam would describe those years.











The London Séance Society  by Sarah Penner

Release Date: March 21

Why I’m Interested: Séances spook me out too much to do them in real life, but I like reading about them.











The Fake by Zoe Whittall

Release Date: March 21

Why I’m Interested: I think it’s important for everyone to be aware of common scams and how to avoid them. The fact that this is written as fiction might make it more appealing to some readers, too.











Chlorine by Jade Song

Release Date: March 28

Why I’m Interested: It looks deliciously scary!











Ander & Santi Were Here by Jonny Garza Villa

Release Date: April 4

Why I’m Interested: Spring is the time of year when I’m most likely to read romance novels, and this sounds like a good one.









House of Cotton  by Monica Brashears

Release Date: April 4

Why I’m Interested: I have a soft spot for vulnerable people. My fingers are crossed that this protagonist realizes the man who offered to hire her was a shady guy and gets away from him before it’s too late.











Atalanta by Jennifer Saint

Release Date: April 13

Why I’m Interested: If you’ve read some of my previous seasonal TBR posts, you might have guessed this is Astilbe writing this post. It’s wonderful to see how many stories are coming out about ancient mythology, and I like to take note of as many of them as I can. I don’t actually know much about the original myth of Atalanta, but now I’m curious.











If Tomorrow Doesn’t Come  by Jen St. Jude

Release Date: May 9

Why I’m Interested: This covers a few different topics I like to read about: mental health, coming out, and the end of the world. I don’t think I’ve ever seen all three of them included in the same plot before.












Nigeria Jones  by Ibi Zoboi

Release Date: May 9

Why I’m Interested: I like coming of age stories, especially when characters discover things about the world their parents never told them.











The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry

Release Date: May 2

Why I’m Interested: Operation Pied Piper is one of those pieces of World War II history that I wish would be discussed more often. When English children were temporarily evacuated to the countryside (as well as Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States) to keep them safe, we obviously didn’t know as much about  attachment and child development as we do today. It’s so interesting to read about how they reacted to being separated from their loved ones for time periods that could be up to a couple of years and how those experiences were sometimes carried with them for the rest of their lives. I hope this book is a good representation of the many nuances to this project. Fingers crossed!





  1. I definitely want to read If Tomorrow Doesn’t Come! And I don’t know why YA releases are announced earlier – maybe because publishers have less of them?

  2. I hope you love all of these when you get to them!

  3. That is interesting about YA. I hadn’t thought of that but you might be on to something. Also… Chlorine looks good. And that cover of Atalanta. Yeah.

  4. Atalanta caught my eye because I thought it was a novel about Atlanta at first. London Seance society sounds interesting from the title alone!

  5. Ooh I didn’t know about Atalanta, that sounds so good! Hope you’ll enjoy all of these!

  6. Anita@seriesbooklover says

    Thank you for visiting my TTT
    Hope you enjoy your reads

  7. There are a lot of good looking books here. I hope you enjoy The London Séance Society! I was so-so with Lost Apothecary and waiting on reviews of this new one!

  8. The London Séance Society sounds really interesting!

  9. So many of these sound so good, I’ve added a few to my TBR! And Chlorine was incredibly unsettling. It’s the kind of story that stuck with me. I hope you enjoy these.

  10. With exception to Patti’s (how spring-like is the cover art!??), I don’t think I’ve heard of any on your list. Hope they’re all great reads for you. Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today.

  11. Atalanta for sure! I had forgotten about that one so thanks for reminding me.

  12. If Tomorrow Never Comes sounds so good. What an interesting concept.

  13. I love Henry’s books – can’t wait to read this one. Lots of great reading for spring! Enjoy!

  14. I’ve just downloaded the audiobook edition of The London Seance Society and I can’t wait to start listening!

  15. Atalanta is high on my TBR and I added the first book, Dust Child, to my TBR – it sounds very intriguing!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  16. Ander and Santi Were Here sounds interresting!

  17. Ander and Santi Were Here sounds interesting!

  18. I love the look of The Fake, hope you enjoy it!

  19. I didn’t realise that Patti Callahan Henry’s book was about that! Now I want to read it immediately!

  20. I hope you enjoy all of these! I would hazard a guess that YA titles are announced earlier because they tend to be on a tighter release schedule than many adult authors, YA writers seem to release a book a year where a lot of the adult fiction authors I read do a book every two years so maybe that’s why? I don’t know exactly though!
    My TTT:

  21. I’ve not read any of these, but I hope you enjoy them!

  22. I just read and reviewed Dust Child and it was astounding! I hope you get to pick it up soon. Happy reading this spring!

  23. The London Seance Society is on my TBR as well! I got it for BOTM. I love mythology but I don’t read a lot of retellings! I should start. Happy reading!

  24. I think because YA has such an active online community surrounding it, getting the titles announced quickly helps publishers get more free publicity. I feel it’s the same with SFF, publishers are always quick to unleash news on their eager fans so we include those books in our lists!

  25. Looks like a great list. Atalanta really caught my eye.

    I wonder if YA books get announced so long before release date because that gives time for school librarians to review them to order for their schools and such. Like they have the highest hopes for making it into school libraries so they need a longer lead time maybe?

    Have a wonderful week.

  26. Quite a few great-looking books on this list. Most of these I hadn’t previously heard of but I have definitely added some to my own TBR. I hope you find time this spring to read all these and enjoy them.

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