Top Ten Tuesday: Books by My Favorite Authors I Still Haven’t Read

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Welcome to another edition of Top Ten Tuesday!  This week’s topic is Books by My Favorite Authors I Still Haven’t Read.  My list definitely exceeded ten this week.  I have multiple books for many of the authors on my list.  Clearly I need more time to read!

Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson series) by Patricia Briggs-I love this series!

Hunt the Moon, Tempt the Stars, Reap the Wind, and Ride the Storm (Cassandra Palmer series) by Karen Chance-I’m ashamed I’m so far behind on this series!  It has been a long time since I read the previous books, so I’m going to have to go back and re-read them before reading these.

Fury’s Kiss and Shadow’s Bane (Dorina Basarab series) by Karen Chance-Another series by Karen Chance I need to catch up on.

The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien-I’ve had this book for years and have never managed to read it!

Lady Susan by Jane Austen-This sounds quite different from her other novels, but I think it sounds interesting.
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Tales of Elemental Spirits series by Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson-Robin McKinley has written some of my favorite books.  I’ve read most of her work but have yet to check out this series.

The Earthsea Cycle series by Ursual K. Le Guin-I love A Wizard of Earthsea and have read it several times, but have never managed to read the rest of the series.

Villette, Shirley, and The Professor by Charlotte Bronte-Jane Eyre is wonderful, and I really need to read more of Charlotte Bronte’s work.

Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte-I really enjoyed The Tenant of Wildfell Hall so I’d like to read this novel as well

Have you read any of these books or other works by these authors?  If so, what did you think?  If not, would you like to?


  1. same for me for Tolkien and Ursula! though I have not even listed them in my:

  2. I hope that you enjoy these books when you get around to them.

  3. I just read The Wizard of Earthsea this year ! and would love to finish the series, too. I went off the board this week and listed my favorite banned books since it is banned books week. My TTT Favorite Banned Books

  4. I like Tolkien, but the only books that I’ve read by him are The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings books.

  5. I hope you’re able to get to these soon! I still need to try reading a Tolkien book! Great list 🙂

  6. I read The Silmarillion when I was younger, but I would probably get a lot more out of it now! And Mercy Thompson- I’ve only read the first one.

    • I really want to read The Silmarillion and tried to when I was younger, but wasn’t in the right mood for it. I need to get back to it. I hope you read more Mercy Thompson books. They are consistently great!

      Thanks for visiting!

  7. Villette and Shirley sound awesome!

    Here’s a link to my TTT post for this week:

  8. I read Lady Susan a long time ago and could definitely use a reread, lol. Hope you enjoy it when you read it! 😀

  9. Lady Susan should be on my list. I need to read it as it is the only Austen work I haven’t picked up yet. Happy reading!

  10. The Silmarillion is one of my favourite books! (It totally surprised me, and did take me two (three?) tries to get through, but I wound up really enjoying it.)

    • I picked it up when I was much younger and I wasn’t in the mood for it. I keep meaning to give it another try but haven’t managed to yet.

      Thank you for visiting!

  11. I need to read more of Charlotte’s works too!

  12. I’ve read Lady Susan! I didn’t quite like it as much as her other novels (except Persuasion, which I will get around to reading some time soon), partly because I’ve never really favoured the epistolary form, and partly because Lady Susan came across as a little too conniving and cold for my taste. Which probably is the point of the book, but it’s just not my cup of tea. I hope you enjoy it better than I do!

    • Sorry you didn’t enjoy Lady Susan! I hope I like it if I get a chance to read it.

      Thanks for visiting and commenting. 🙂

  13. I agree with you about Lady Susan! Perhaps it is time to start associating her with different books. For so long Jane Austen has = Pride and Prejudice to me.

    • Yes, Pride and Prejudice is massively popular and I love it as well as her other novels, but, as I said, Lady Susan sounds different and I’d like to give it a try.

      Thank you for visiting!

  14. I’ve only read the first book in the Mercy Thompson series – I totally need to read on!

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. 🙂

    • You’re welcome!

      I hope you read and enjoy more Mercy Thompson. I’ve said many times it is a consistently good series, which I think is rare for a longer series.

      Thanks for visiting!

  15. I’m still struggling with LOTR! (Struggling to find time for it – that is. I’m convinced I need to read it all together, and have managed to use that excuse to permanently postpone the read…)

    • I have many lengthy books I’m struggling to find time to read so I completely sympathize! Let’s hope we both have more time to read in the near future!

      Thank you for stopping by!

  16. I haven’t read any of the books on your list, but the Bronte sisters’ books are ones I want to read too.

    Have a wonderful week.

  17. I’ve read the first three books in the Cassandra Palmer series and somehow never got back to the series, which is a shame because I really loved the ones I did read. Thanks for the reminder about those books! Great list! 🙂

    • I really loved them ones I’ve read too, and can’t believe I am so far behind! I hope we both get time to catch up on the series soon!

      Thank you for visiting. 🙂

  18. Ursula K. Le Guin is an author that I really need to read for the first time sometime! The Silmarillion is a really intimidating one as well, haha. 🙂 I hadn’t heard of Lady Susan before, but I really enjoy Jane Austen’s other books so I’ll have to check it out also. I hope you get a chance to read (and love!) all of these!

    • I agree, the Silmarillion is a bit intimidating. I heard of Lady Susan when I went on a mission to read all of Jane Austen’s work. I made it through her six novels but haven’t read any thing else.

      Thank you for visiting and commenting! 🙂

  19. I really need to read some Patricia Briggs and Earthsee. I hear so many people loving Briggs and I’ve gotten a bit more into urban fantasy the last few years.

  20. I feel quite ashamed as a literature student to not have known Jane Austen had written a book called Lady Susan, I’ll have to immediately change that! I was also reminded of Ursual K. Le Guin with this list. I read her short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” a long time ago and absolutely loved it! I really have to check out some of her novels now too 🙂

    • I hope you get a chance to read and enjoy both Lady Susan and some of Ursula K. Le Guin’s work.

      Thank you for visiting! 🙂

  21. So many great books on your list! The Silmarillion is one I would like to read at some point as well. And Lady Susan. I am trying to remember if I have read Karen Chance before . . . If I haven’t, I know I want to. And if I have, I need to read more! I hope you have quite a great weekend!

  22. I haven’t read Silmarillion yet either, if it’s to any comfort.

  23. I’m really interested in the upcoming Jane Austen adaptation that’s in the works for her unfinished novel. I hope it will have the same feelings as her previous works despite it being incomplete by Austen.

    Thanks so much for the Finding Wonderland visit last week. Apologies it took me so long to circle back here. 🙂

  24. Just found this in my bookmarks folder (sorry!) but Oooo Briggs. That is an awesome series. I might need to reread it in 2019!

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