This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. K.T. Castle will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC and autographed copies of both books and some swag (stickers and bookmarks) (US only) to two randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
How to get organized
Of all the things that I could share with you today, I thought to write about the things I would’ve like someone to tell me before I started writing.
Writing is art, that is a given. But not only because of the beauty of its final version, I believe that its beauty starts in the form of an intention. The unique and interesting idea that keeps wandering around your head begging to be written. Allow your thoughts and ideas to be shaped into art.

Don’t know where to start? First step is to get your ideas written.
Grab a piece of paper, an old notebook, your computer or tablet and let your thoughts go wild and form words. These words don’t have to be articulate, pretty, or make any sense at all. Let go and write everything you imagine when thinking about your story.
Don’t limit yourself! Add whatever you think is necessary to understand your own thoughts and bring them to life.

Now it’s the time to build the puzzle.
Go back to your brainstorm and look at each idea, then elaborate on it. Keep in mind that this is only for you, so again, your words only need to make sense to you.
During this step get those ideas in order. What happened first? Is there something missing in your events? You might not have all the answers to your questions as you start, but it will help you get the story organized. If there’s something you can’t answer at the moment, make sure to leave a note. As you start writing it might get resolved.

This should be the fun part. The part you invest the most of your time and energy. What you’ve been waiting for.
Writing isn’t always easy, there’s a lot of emotions to manage (those that belong to you, and those of your characters). The only way you’re going to successfully finish writing your story is if you set a schedule for yourself. Even if it’s just an hour a day, make the time for it. As you make a routine for yourself, your writing will advance and become the book of your dreams.

Keep in mind that once you finished, you created your first draft. Some authors are so great at writing, that the first draft might as well be the final product, but if you’re a beginner you might want to self-assess your work and do a little revision of your work. Personally, after I finish my first draft, I go back to step one.
I revise my brainstorm and mind map, make sure that I have all those ideas I wanted in my book. While I’m at it, I look at my notes and questions, sometimes surprising myself that I’ve already worked them out as I wrote; some others, I find that now I have the answers to those questions (since I know my characters and their situations better). Then I go back to my writing and revise it, do some rewriting and feel so much more confident about my product.
Use this step as many times as you seem necessary. It is totally up to you how many times you go back to square one, and how many times you revise, edit and rewrite. You’ll know when your words are ready to face someone else’s eyes.

As you perfect your personal writing process, you’ll decide what happens next. Some authors send their manuscript straight to their editors, some others send it to beta readers or their friends to revise. The decision is yours.
What I do now, is first send my manuscript to my editor. She’s a wonderful writer and the best editor in the world. We’ve work together long enough that we understand each other, and even if sometimes we don’t see eye to eye, I know that her recommendations have my best interest in mind. It can be hard to rewrite and delete some scenes most times, that’s why it is so important that you trust the people you’re working with.
After that, I send the second version of my beta readers. They’re awesome! They’ve help me grow so much, as a writer and as a person. With them, I even discuss changes that I’m uncertain about. And this helps me take some decisions easily. After their revision, the book goes back to my editor for one last round of edits.
All of these steps and filters help me create the best book I possibly can. I didn’t follow all this steps at the beginning, but now they are a solid part of my writing process. It takes some time, but it’s all worth it. I also highly recommend that you read your manuscript out loud. This has helped me so much. It gives your written words a whole new meaning.
Now it’s up to you if and how you want to publish. If you want to do it, GO FOR IT!
I believe you can do it.
● Brainstorm
○ What do you want to say?
○ How do you want to say it?
○ Think of your audience
○ What do you need to know (research)?
● Map it out
○ Get organized
○ Develop your ideas
○ Add or take out
○ Is the order right?
○ Are you missing anything?
● Writing
○ Follow your draft
○ Create a writing schedule and goals
○ Check your milestones
○ Keep writing until you’re done
● The Loop
○ Read what you’ve written
○ Clear out details
○ Do you need to add or take out anything (check your brainstorm)?
○ Have you used the best ideas or words?
● Formal Revision and Feedback
○ Get an editor
○ Read editor’s suggestions; accept or reject changes
■ Print your manuscript and read it
○ Betas and feedback
■ Read out loud
○ Editor’s second final round
○ Finish your book
● Publish
BCL is a Contemporary New Adult Romance that tells Kassandra’s story.
Kassie is a single, independent woman that finds herself questioning her lifestyle after all of her best friend get married and settle down.
Even if she’s the only unmarried girl in the pack she isn’t single anymore. Now that all her friends are married and all the wedding planning is over, she has a chance to concentrate in her relationship with Josh. Or so she thought, since her friends keep visiting her with a major life changing crisis.
Helping her friends plan their wedding was no problem─dealing with unexpected personal situations is a whole other thing.
You can read how she helps Laura and Marisol to plan their weddings.
Enjoy an Excerpt
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. I’d heard that saying more than once now. And I was about to hear it once again.
“Kassie! Kassie, wake up! I’m getting married,” a high-pitched voice squealed at me at 3:00 a.m.
Who the hell is this? I had picked up the phone without even looking at the caller ID. Oh, Laura. Great.
“Kassandra, are you listening? I’m engaged!” Laura screamed from the other side of the phone.
“Yeah, wow,” I said. “Congratulations.”
“I can’t believe you, Kassie. You should be more excited. You’ll get to be my bridesmaid!” The volume of her voice kept rising.
“I’m happy for you, Laura.” I really didn’t know at the moment how I felt. I was trying to look around to see exactly where I was. “Believe me. It’s just…it’s three o’clock, and I was sleeping.”
After looking at my surroundings, I remembered I was in my own house. I had a minor headache, probably from all the drinking the night before, and my body ached a bit. I looked beside me and found the reason for my hurt.
Next to me I found the silhouette of a beautiful man. The memories of the few hours before my abrupt awakening came back at me:
A bar. A blond. My home. Some sex…in that order.
“I know it’s late, but I had to give you the good news.”
“And news it is.” She was the last of my best friends who was single; not so long ago we roamed all the bars in town together, looking for men to hook up with, and suddenly she was engaged.
About the Author:K.T. Castle is an author/artist on a quest to find the words, forms, and colors to materialize the worlds and people of her imagination. She never saw herself as an incurable romantic, but lately, that’s what she finds herself musing about. Love is found everywhere, regardless if it comes from a nice person, an ass — mundane or even vampire. When she’s not busy with work, in front of a computer placing many thoughts in order, she makes her best to be creative or relax with a good book and a snack. Some of her favorite characters are Sookie, Rule and Shaw, Bella, Edward, Clary, Jace, Wrath, Hollywood, Blaire, Woods, Ethan, the Sleeping Beauty, and Ariel.
Buy Laura’s Wedding and Marisol’s Wedding at Amazon.
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Thanks for hosting!
I very much appreciate getting to find out about another book to read that my family can enjoy. Thanks so much for the info and the giveaway as well.
Thanks for visiting 🙂
I have enjoyed the tour. The book sounds great.
This is my last stop. Thank you so much for your support!
Great post, I enjoyed reading it!
Thanks for dropping by, Victoria 🙂
What is your favorite book of all time? Congrats on the release.
So difficult to choose just one. I’m a romance and paranormal fan… So today I’ll choose twilight 🙂
Hello, everyone!
I’m so happy to be here visiting. I need to thank you cause you made this post look great, hope lots of people enjoy and benefit from it.
I’ll be around if there’s any questions about me or my books.
Thank you so much for having me over 🙂
That’s interesting!