Interview with Candis Terry – Giveaway

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Candis Terry who is visiting with us today to celebrate the completion of her Sunshine Creek series. Leave a comment for a chance to win the entire series: Perfect For You, A Better Man, and Tangled Up in Tinsel.

In Tangled Up in Tinsel, Candis told me, “I get to the action (wink wink) faster than any other book I’ve written. There was so much chemistry between Parker and Gabriella that doing the deed just wasn’t going to wait until page 200 or so. I worried that might be a problem for the chemistry between them for the rest of the book but I shouldn’t have worried. They agreed to a ‘one night only’ deal and then they tried to stick with that for a loooong time! Notice I say ‘tried.'”

So far Candis has written fifteen published books and has nine books that are unpublished. I asked her if she had a favorite.

“It’s hard to pick a favorite but if you twist my little finger I’ll say it was my very first book SECOND CHANCE AT THE SUGAR SHACK,” she told me. “I absolutely loved bringing Kate and Matt and the rest of those in Deer Lick, Montana to life. Of course, if we’re talking about the character Letty, I didn’t get to bring her to actual life, but she sure talked a lot from the great beyond.”

One of her favorite characters, on the other hand, is Jackson Wilder, the hero from SWEETEST MISTAKE, the second book in her Sweet, Texas series.

“He was so stubborn, so ornery, and yet so honest (not to mention sexy as hell) I fell in love with him hard. Of course, trying to tame him was an enormous challenge. I still get fan letters telling me that he’s their favorite too. And that makes me super happy,” she explained.

I asked her, “What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?”

“I write series, so it’s always surprising to me that I end up having a real substance moment that seems like it had been planned all along but wasn’t. I love being surprised! In my Sweet, Texas series the real story behind the story kind of snuck up on me in the third book. I had no idea I was leaning in that direction, but it totally worked. I even called my editor and said, ‘You’re not going to believe what happens.’ And yes, she was happily surprised too.”

When Candis needs to do research, she said that she’s a “boots-on-the-ground” researcher, going to the location she’s writing about. She’ll learn the ways of the people, what their lives and homes are like, where they work, hang out, shop, and go on Friday nights. She will interact with them and ask them more questions than they really want to answer.

“But wearing them down is when I glean all the good stuff!” she said.

The weirdest thing she’s ever done in the name of research was when she visited a bat cave where thousands of bats flew right past her, their wings creating a wind so strong that it blew her hair all over her face.

Candis lives in a small town just outside of Boise, Idaho on a small farm. I asked her what she liked best about it.

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Finally I asked, “What was the scariest moment of your life?”

“Last year my hubby and I went on a vacation to Alaska. While we were there we zip-lined. I am horribly afraid of heights! During one part, we had to rappel down backwards from the top of a sixty-foot platform. I almost couldn’t do it. I finally did. And yes, I screamed all the way down.”

As if the holidays weren’t stressful enough, Parker Kincade has a restaurant to open. The fact that his Groomzilla brother wants the place for his perfect Christmas wedding doesn’t help. Then there’s the stunning woman who appoints herself his new chef before he’s ready to hire one. But one look at Gabriella Montani has Parker reassessing needs vs. wants. And that’s before he tastes what she has to offer… Gabriella doesn’t need to get tangled up with a sexy man. What she needs is a job and a chance to prove herself. A place in Parker’s kitchen could give her the opportunity she’s been waiting for. The heat between them is sizzling, but a place in his bed could be downright dangerous. Neither Christmas nor men have ever lived up to her expectations, but Parker has soulmate written all over him. Should Gabi let herself be swept up in his holiday magic, or will it disappear before Christmas Day?

About the Author: Candis Terry was born and raised near the sunny beaches of Southern California and now makes her home on an Idaho farm. She’s experienced life in such diverse ways as working in a Hollywood recording studio to chasing down wayward steers. Only one thing has remained the same: her passion for writing stories about relationships, the push and pull in the search for love, and the security one finds in their own happily ever after.

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  1. Sounds like a great series.

  2. Diane Sallans says

    I’d love to try a zip line, but I’m scarred of heights too! I’ll take your experience as encouragement. I love to read books in a series!

  3. Diane Sallans says

    I’d love to try a zip line, but I’m scarred of heights too! I’ll take your experience as encouragement. I love to read books in a series!

  4. Congrats on the series (it sounds fantastic) and repelling. I am also afraid of heights and don’t think I could have done it.

  5. Love Candis Terry books. Have read them all!

  6. Kate Sparks says

    Yikes!! Ziplining???? Scary ’cause it means being up high!

  7. Cheryl Hastings says

    Jackson Wilde is my favorite Candis character too! Love her book ?

  8. Right there with you, Candis–our family did some minor ziplining in Maui, and that was way too much for me 😉 The heights completely do me in!

  9. The bats in the bat cave would do me in! We have had 2 bats in our house(at different times)and I did not like it at all.

  10. I’ve never been zip lining & I don’t thing I ever will. This series sounds amazing & I would be thrilled at the chance to win this series. Thanks for your generosity.

  11. Marguerite Guinn says

    I really love Candis’ description of her real life small town! It sounds like a wonderful place to live (and write)! This book series is really interesting to me.

  12. You’re way braver than I by going into a bat cave. *shudders* I wouldn’t do it for a million dollars!

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