The Dog Next Door by Sean Michael

The Dog Next Door by Sean Michael
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, LGBTQ, Paranormal
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Keifer’s a vet with a secret. Felix is his hunky next door neighbor. One weekend when they’re both out enjoying a beautiful Saturday morning, Felix asks Keifer out for dinner and ice cream. One thing leads to another and the two discover they’re very compatible, in and out of bed.
Keifer’s got that secret, though, and he’s not sure exactly how to tell Felix about it, and he’s more than a little worried about how Felix is going to take it. What happens when the truth comes out unexpectedly, and that truth has a tail?

Keifer and Felix are next door neighbors who hit it off in and out of the bedroom. But Keifer has a secret and despite his relationship with Felix deepening he’s not quite sure how to explain it. Can these two men move to the next level together?

I found this to be a fun and lighthearted short story. While a little predictable I thoroughly enjoyed watching Keifer and Felix begin their relationship together and learn to trust each other. There is loads of deliciously hot – and explicit – intimacy and while this takes up a large part of the story I was delighted to find the deepening of their emotional attachment to each other was equally front and center throughout the story.

I could understand if some readers found Keifer and Felix’s relationship moved a little fast, though I feel the fact they’d known each other for quite some time (over a year as neighbors) and both were in a healthy and happy place to enter into a romantic liaison together this coupled with the short length of the story had be satisfied that it wasn’t really unusually fast or illogical. I was pleased both that Keifer felt he could trust Felix with his secret and that Felix didn’t over-react when Keifer opened himself up and made himself vulnerable with his lover and friend.

While it didn’t have many unexpected twists, I found this to be an enjoyable, satisfying and happy short story and a great, albeit quick read.

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