Passionate for Justice by Catherine Meeks and Nibs Stroupe

Passionate for Justice: Ida B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time by Catherine Meeks and Nibs Stroupe
Publisher: Church Publishing
Genre: Historical, Non-Fiction, Contemporary, Inspirational
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Ida B. Wells was a powerful churchwoman and witness for justice and equity from 1878–1931. Born enslaved, her witness flowed through the struggles for justice in her lifetime, especially in the intersections of African Americans, women, and those who were poor. Her life is a profound witness for faith-based work of visionary power, resistance, and resilience for today’s world, when the forces of injustice stand in opposition to progress.

These are exciting and dangerous times. Boundaries that previously seemed impenetrable are now being crossed. This book is a guide for the current state of affairs in American culture, enlivened by the historical perspective of Wells’ search for justice.

The authors are an African-American woman and a child of white supremacy. Both have dedicated themselves to working, writing, and developing ministries oriented toward justice, equity, and mercy. This book can be used in all settings, but most especially in churches (pastors and other church leaders, study groups), seminaries, and universities.

Ida B Wells, an unsung hero for our times.

I hadn’t read anything about Ida B Wells and when I saw this book, I picked it up. I’m glad I did. I knew nothing about this trailblazing woman and I should’ve. She was a strong woman, a forthright person and a force to be reckoned with. She’s a hero of women’s rights, of human rights and shows how to keep going no matter what. She witnessed some of the most awful things in history, but kept her head up.

There is a thread of discussion on race relations in this book as well as the upbringings of the authors, who weren’t alive during Wells’s time. This book requires the reader to think and consider their own upbringing in light of the world issues. This isn’t an easy book to read, but it’s worth the time.

If you’re looking for a book that’s thought-provoking, then this is the one for you.

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