Notes From Home by Dirk Greyson

Notes From Home by Dirk Greyson
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary, Holiday
Length: Short story (22 pages)
Other: M/M
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

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Johnny is deployed and he has no idea how Dex manages to send him notes, but these physical reminders of all he has waiting for him back at home help ease the pain of not being there for himself.

I absolutely loved this book and it has all the warmth and emotional feels that you could hope for. I have to give major kudos to the author – almost the entirety of this short story is told while Johnny is deployed, we only really hear from Dex through his letters and despite that disconnect I could really feel Dex’s presence throughout the whole story.

I found this really well written and I adored how deeply emotional it was. Johnny and Dex’s love – despite their having been together only a few months – really sang through each page and at no point did I feel like the story was one sided or uneven. While the ending was fairly predictable it left me with a warm smile and a really good warm-and-fuzzy feeling, which is what I personally want from any Christmas story.

Warm and lovely, this is a great quick read.

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