Never Desire a Duke by Lily Dalton


Never Desire a Duke by Lily Dalton
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Genre: Historical, Holiday
Length: Full Length (375 pgs)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rated: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

A secret from his past holds the key to their future…

A Marriage Beyond Hope

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A Love Beyond Reason

Lord Claxton has never forgiven himself for the youthful mistake that ruined his marriage to Lady Sophia. Now, after nearly a year abroad, the reformed rogue vows to win back the only woman he’s ever truly loved. He’ll do whatever it takes to prove he can be the honorable husband she deserves—and the passionate lover she desires. As the snowdrifts deepen outside their ancestral home, can they rekindle the flame that burned so bright and find a new path to forever?

The start of a fun new series and a great ride!

I like a book that holds my attention and makes me want to keep reading, despite the late hour. This was one such book. I had to know what would happen. Lily Dalton’s writing flowed well and she engrossed me with the fine tale.

This is a book of second chances. Lady Sophia’s husband is known for being a bad boy. She shouldn’t want to love him. Shouldn’t want his touch. And yet, she does. I respected her desires. A first love is a very strong love. Ms. Dalton conveys this emotion in the story quite well. What I had a slight issue with was Sophia’s tendency to believe rumors rather than find out the truth. I liked her, but I wished she’d have been a tad stronger.

Vane is interesting as well. He’s got a reputation and in the Ton, everything is gossiped about. I felt for him because yeah, he was a man about town before the marriage, but he actually seemed pretty upstanding. The fact that he wanted his wife back–especially after what happened–was quite nice. I won’t give away any spoilers, but I could understand why these two broke apart and why they had a hard time reconnecting.

I did enjoy the ending and how these two sorted through the rest of the book. It’s worth the read. Grab a copy.

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