The Dark Court by Vyvyan Evans

The Dark Court by Vyvyan Evans
Publisher: Nephilim Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Rated: 5 stars
Reviewed by Rose

Voted BoM by LASR Readers 2013 copy

A genre-blending dystopian, sci-fi mystery-thriller that will make you think about communication in a whole new way.

Five years after the Great Language Outage, lang-laws have been repealed, but world affairs have only gotten worse. The new automation agenda has resulted in a social caste system based on IQ. Manual employment is a thing of the past, and the lowest soc-ed class, the Unskills, are forced into permanent unemployment.

In a world on the brink of civil war, a deadly insomnia pandemic threatens to kill billions. Lilith King, Interpol’s most celebrated detective, is assigned to the case.

Together with a sleep specialist, Dr. Kace Westwood, Lilith must figure out who or what is behind this new threat. Could the pandemic be the result of the upskilling vagus chips being offered to the lowest soc-ed class? Or are language chips being hacked? And what of the viral conspiracy theories by the mysterious Dark Court, sweeping the globe? Lilith must work every possible angle, and quickly: she is running out of time!

While attempting to stop a vast conspiracy on an intergalactic scale, Lilith also faces shocking revelations about her origin, coming to terms with her own destiny.

This book is the second in the series that explores and warns of what could possibly happen in our near future society. You can read our five-star review of the first book in the series here. Rather than a language outage, this book focuses on a deadly pandemic that seems to be targeting the lowest socioeconomic group…those who have been deemed from testing at birth to be Unskills, permanently unemployed.

Even though it’s the second book in the series, THE DARK COURT can very much stand on its own as it takes place several years after the events of the first book; however, I strongly recommend reading them in order because, while the majority of the book can be understood, the ending will make a lot more sense if you are familiar with the first book.

THE DARK COURT, as does the first book, offer a cautionary tour, but also reaches out beyond our current technology and into more of a sci-fi bend. I really liked this as well as the deeper view of what is going on behind the scenes and the part that Lilith plays in them.

I loved Kace and Lilith and their interactions together. Without giving away an spoilers, I really hope I’ll be able to see them in future books.

This is truly a book that is almost impossible to put down, and I was lucky as I got to read it during a storm when I was without power and distractions, which I absolutely loved!

There is only one problem with reading a book like this… now I have to wait patiently for the next book in the series!!

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TV Review: The Frankenstein Chronicles (Season One)

Review of season one of Netflix’s The Frankenstein Chronicles.

Inspector John Marlott investigates a series of crimes in 19th Century London, which may have been committed by a scientist intent on re-animating the dead.

Review by Astibe.

As a longtime fan of Mary Shelley’s classic novel Frankenstein, I couldn’t wait to see how this film interpreted some of those ideas in a new way.

No, this isn’t a retelling of the original Frankenstein. Think of it instead as something that happened in a universe where people were aware of that tale and often horrified by the thought of interfering with the natural processes of life and death.

One of the biggest strengths of this TV show was the thorough way it explored the parts of 19th century London culture that clash with how people in western societies live today. Back then the thought of using cadavers to show medical students how the human body works was extremely controversial because any folks believed that anyone who was dissected after death would be denied entry to heaven.

These glaring cultural differences continued with the treatment of children in this time and place. Some of the crimes Inspector Marlott investigated involved kids, but because they were poor, and often orphaned or abandoned, it was difficult for him to convince his fellow officers that investigating these disappearances was worthwhile. The callous attitudes that many in the upper classes held about the fates of these kids was disturbing, but it was also historically accurate.

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Inspector Marlott’s backstory provided plenty of opportunities for the audience to get to know him better and to understand why he was so willing to risk permanently damaging his career and reputation by investigating the deaths of people that polite society liked to pretend didn’t exist. He had excellent reasons for making this choice!

Finally, the mystery was handled beautifully as well. There was an excellent reason why Inspector Marlott kept uncovering suspicious deaths and disappearances among people who didn’t seem to know each other or have much in common at all other than their poverty and tender ages. It was a great deal of fun to come up with my own theories about who the killer or killers might have been as I waited for the next clue.

I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who enjoys science fiction or mysteries.


Up The Tower by JP Lantern


Up the Tower by JP Lantern
Publisher: Brainstorm Publishing
Genre: Futuristic/Sci-Fi, Dystopian, YA
Length: Full (247 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rated: 4 stars
Review by Snapdragon

In the dystopian slum of Junktown, death is commonplace, trust is a liability, and friendship is a curse. But disaster brings everybody together. A cloned corporate assassin; a boy genius and his new robot; a tech-modified gangster with nothing to lose; a beautiful, damaged woman and her unbalanced stalker—these individuals couldn’t be more different, but somehow they must work together to save their own skin. Stranded in the epicenter of a monumental earthquake, there is only one way to survive. These unlikely teammates must go…UP THE TOWER.

Up the Tower offers us the events following a disaster in the future City of St. Louis. There is that which is familiar in any American city – the ordinary lives, the everyday events. Then there are the futuristic elements, like the mega-corp of the police department, and cultural ones, as well. Then, there is the sudden life-altering change, showing us the impact of the disaster on individuals.

The opening sets the stage, from a distant, perhaps arms-length perspective. I felt interested, yet uninvolved. Abruptly–and this author can handle “abruptly”–we plunge into the ‘ordinary’ lives of these future people.
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The quick, frank yet conversational style can occasionally become quite confrontational and tense. Yet, some things are reported matter-of-factly; we accept the strict classes of people almost without second thought. You’re a shareholder–in luck! Or no–a gangster, too bad. It’s the luck of draw, or what you can afford to pay for in this not-quite-familiar future world.

We meet ‘Ore’ first – horrible and horrifying as she is, you do kind of feel for her. She’s tough, but maybe she is what her world made her? Even Victor (I mean, he’s an assassin!) manages not to be a simple, black-and-white character. You can understand his effort to avoid thinking of the dead people; we want to believe some part of him cares. All Mr. Lantern’s characters are distinct beings; more than distinct, they are unique and …well… incredibly individual.

There is even a romance mixed in, along with a sense of character’s insecurity- perhaps a sample of the style is the best way to share:

Today was Gary’s day. He could feel it in his bones. Somehow, someway, he’d run into Ana. He dressed with vigor. Form-fitting khakis. A button-down shirt. His hair slicked back into a neato pompadour. Leather jacket hanging loosely around it all, hiding the outline of pudge that had been steadily building ever since he finished high school. He looked killer. He looked hip. He was neato, daddy-o. That was how they said it, right?”

Strange world though it seems, anyone can identify with Gary’s hope, as well as his efforts to fit in.

Events in Up the Tower are important, yet are given less attention. It is the results that are important. Even the disaster at the start is merely reported, not so much lived and felt.  Junktown, within St. Louis, is central, but never well described.

The style is far from my favorite, but Author JP Lantern manipulates readers emotions like a magician. In fact, but for a few moments of confusion here and there, I might well have assigned it five stars. Although listed for young adult readers,  anyone of any age who likes the genre should enjoy Up the Tower.

Blue 52 by Elaine Cantrell

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Blue 52 by Elaine Cantrell
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press
Genre: Paranormal (Time Travel), Science Fiction (Futuristic)
Length: Full (368 pgs)
Heat: Sensual
Rated: 4 stars
Review by Poppy

“First Lady Kills President Lovinggood”
December 29, 2018

Thirty years later Hank Lovinggood embarks on a quest to prove his mother’s innocence and punish the killers who took his family from him. Together Hank and lovely physicist Kathryn Sinclair confront an implacable, twisted, merciless enemy who’ll do whatever it takes to hide the truth forever.

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If you like a good time travel story (with a twist … since none of the times in this story are contemporary — the earliest was 2018) and some sweet romance, then Blue 52 might be a good choice for you.

I enjoyed this book, primarily for the characters. While Hank and Kathryn are the main characters, Ms. Cantrell populates the book with plenty of colorful, three dimensional secondary characters. Hank’s grandfather is great, though his grandmother annoyed me pretty consistently. I loved his father, when we finally get to meet him. Definitely presidential material!

The plot is relatively complex and although even 2048 feels pretty similar to current day, there are enough things put in that the reader is made aware that things aren’t contemporary, from longer life spans to … well… time travel.

The author’s way with words is great, and it really kept me turning pages. She’s not heavy handed with description, but I could always picture where I was. The romance is sweet, and while the couple do consummate their relationship, it’s off the page.

I thought the ending was handled very well, and I was pleased at how the author handled the effects of time travel. Yes, things were changed in the past, so the future was also changed, but it all made good sense to me.

For an enjoyable read with a relatively plausible plot (as long as you can believe time travel is possible), and a sweet and touching romance, I recommend Blue 52. I enjoyed it very much and will be on the lookout for more from this author.

Datura by L.M. Dewalt

Datura by L.M. Dewalt
Publisher: Central Avenue Publishing
Genre: Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (214 pages)
Age Recommendation: 16+
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Orchid

After nearly a century of wandering the globe alone, Lily finally has everything she never knew she wanted, family, friends, and most of all, their love. As Lily attempts to start her new life, in the lively streets of Lima, Peru, she feels she is constantly being followed. With Ian, her first love and maker, now gone, who is left to destroy the happiness she has finally found? Someone still longs for Lily’s destruction. Vengeance or jealousy threaten to destroy her, and Lily must summon all the strength she can find to protect everything she cherishes against vampires, hunters, and witches.

Lily and Christian marry, but their troubles are far from over. Someone is out to get them. Datura continues the story of Lily from the first book of this series. It can’t be Ian, but Maia has disappeared and Lily believes she might be behind the threats. However no one believes her. Lily and Christian are like many newlywed couples, but Christian also has to cope with being newly made as a vampire. Vampires in this series live useful lives and only feed off the criminal types of the world. When the patterns that lead tadalafil viagra to phobia are fixed the fears are minimized. cialis canadian pharmacy UK men may now be able to finally enjoy the sex for about 4 to 6 hours. A person who wishes to consume these drugs must seek medical help, and only on the prescription of the physician and the dosages needs to be purchase cheap viagra treated. First of all, you tadalafil 20mg cipla need to know what kind of results to expect. Taking an innocent is frowned on.

Their honeymoon turns to chaos when they are attacked by vampire hunters in league with vampires. A shape changer is also involved and Lily finds it difficult to comprehend what exactly is going on.

Once again the book starts at a steady, if not slow, pace but gradually picks up speed and intensity which kept me reading. There are many turns and twists to the story which had me guessing what would happen next. The end surprised me but I won’t say how as that would be a spoiler.

One thing that confused me was the title. When I first saw it I thought this book had a new heroine, but soon realized this wasn’t the case. I spent most of the book wondering when Datura would be introduced. Was it a person? Was it a thing? I felt disappointment when it appeared once only, at approximately three quarters of the way through the book. Brilliant title, but needs to be linked with the book earlier in the story and more often.

On the whole this book is a definite “yes” for lovers of vampire tales. It has that fresh look at an old subject with romance shown more by inference than act, which gives it much more impact. The end of the book indicates there are more in this series and I’ll definitely be on the lookout for them.

Shelter by Harlan Coben

Shelter by Harlan Coben
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Genre: Contemporary, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full length (288 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Cholla

Mickey Bolitar’s year can’t get much worse. After witnessing his father’s death and sending his mom to rehab, he’s forced to live with his estranged uncle Myron and switch high schools.

A new school comes with new friends and new enemies, and lucky for Mickey, it also comes with a great new girlfriend, Ashley. For a while, it seems like Mickey’s train-wreck of a life is finally improving – until Ashley vanishes without a trace. Unwilling to let another person walk out of his life, Mickey follows Ashley’s trail into a seedy underworld that reveals that this seemingly sweet, shy girl isn’t who she claimed to be. And neither was Mickey’s father. Soon, Mickey learns about a conspiracy so shocking that it makes high school drama seem like a luxury – and leaves him questioning everything about the life he thought he knew.

In an instant, Mickey Bolitar’s life is turned inside out. He was living the perfect life with his parents when a car accident takes his father’s life and sends Mickey spinning and grasping for control. Now that he and his mom are somewhat settled, the real chaos is about to begin with the disappearance of his sort-of girlfriend, Ashley. When he makes it his priority to discover what really happened, the race to separate the truth from the lies starts in earnest.

Fifteen and angry, Mickey Bolitar is on a mission. First, he wants to save his mother from the grips of addiction. Not to mention, the faster you drive the greater rewards won viagra price online by you. In order to buy such products and items, you can visit their website and place your purchase viagra in canada order. The right treatment for diabetes, especially cialis generika type 2 diabetes, can help ease the symptoms of ED. Some may say that all this is a low GI food which can improve the glucose and lipid cialis price levels in diabetics. 16.Acai is also a great addition to the diet of people trying to quit it different approaches work like some can simply decide a date and quit it. Next, he wants to put his overbearing uncle, Myron, in his place so he can start to feel like himself again. Lastly, but most importantly, he needs to find Ashley. What Mickey doesn’t realize is how things are going to get a thousand times more turbulent before they finally settle down. During his investigation to find her, he learns a lot about himself and his family, causing him to question many things he’d never considered before. With the aid of his two very odd friends, Mickey solves the mystery and comes to understand a lot about who he really is.

Shelter was an intense and action-packed mystery that was hard for me to put down. The deeper you get into the mystery, the more questions you have. I love it when a novel does that, answering just enough to keep you happy, but not showing all the cards at once.

Mickey and his friends are fun and exciting and really make the story more enjoyable with their presence. The author leaves you with a major revelation at the very end of the story making me hope that another in this series in on the way soon. A definite must-read for mystery lovers of any age.

The Stein & Candle Detective Agency, Vol. 1: American Nightmare by Michael Panush

The Stein and Candle Detective Agency, Vol. 1: American Nightmare by Michael Panush
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press
Genre: Suspense/Mystery, Action/Adventure, Historical, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (254 pgs)
Heat Level: 12+
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Water Lily

Morton Candle is a tough guy.

He grew up on the streets of Brooklyn, dodging from mobster-ruled neighborhoods to reform school before the army snapped him up and sent him to Europe to fight Hitler. That’s where he met Weatherby Stein, the scion to one of the greatest occult families of Europe. Weatherby and his parents were being held prisoner by the Nazis, forced to use their supernatural knowledge to aid the Third Reich’s war effort.

Morton Candle got Weatherby to safety, but the kid’s parents didn’t make it.

Now it’s the 1950s.

Weatherby’s a teenager, with his father’s knowledge and a chip on his shoulder from the indignities of the modern world. Morton bumps into him again and they decide to go into the only business they can – paranormal private detectives.

This time, Weatherby and Mort have cases that will take them from a vampire’s decaying mansion to the mob-controlled streets of Havana. They’ll take on roadside attractions gone wrong, hordes of the living dead, and ride against the devil in a high speed car race to the death.

Between them, Weatherby and Mort have a small arsenal and a deep knowledge of matters arcane and bizarre. They’ll need brains and brawn to survive in a world where horror, action and hardboiled noir come together in a cataclysmic mix.

Move over Mike Hammer and Sam Spade, here comes Morton Candle. If you like 1940’s/1950’s detective stories, you are going to love Michael Panush’s The Stein and Candle Detective Agency, Vol. 1.: American Nightmare This is book noir with a paranormal twist. The bad guys are frequently monsters—literally.

Written as a chapter book, with one case per chapter, this is marketed as a Suspense/Mystery, but I think the real target audience is young adults, especially boys age 10 and up, depending of their reading level. As a mother of boys, I know how rare it is to find a good “boy book”–something featuring boys that’s exciting enough to hold their interest but not too graphic to bother their mother. The Stein and Candle Detective Agency, Vol. Fractures or Dental Trauma Tooth fractures ordine cialis on line can occur anywhere, either on the tooth itself or on the bone that surrounds it. With the help of spinal decompression by a viagra sale online professional healthcare provider. There are get viagra cheap a number of reasons for the emergence and development of the disease. You can get the greatest deals on both order levitra online the sides, until your partner tells you that you have found two tender spots. 1 has monster/comic book style violence that’s perfect for this age group. I think my thirteen year old will love this. The fact that each chapter comes with its own “cover” adds to its appeal and the young adult feel of this book.

My only complaint is character development. Because of the presentation—separate stories for each chapter—there was no particular chronology and therefore, no character growth. If you read each story as a tale in itself, this isn’t too objectionable. But if you read it as a novel, it may bother you. I don’t think it will bother my son at all.

It’s a credit to Mr. Panush that, while reading, I kept “seeing” the scenes in black and white. If you’re a film noir fan or have a son you want to entice into reading, you might want to pick up a copy of The Stein and Candle Detective Agency, Vol. 1: American Nightmare.

Reva’s Quest by Sue Perkins

Reva’s Quest by Sue Perkins
Publisher: Muse It Up Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (74 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 12+
Rating: 4 stars
Review by Snapdragon

Reva and her garden gnome arrive in Fey to fight the evil, Malice. Joined by three quest companions, they travel across the land to Malice’s lair. Only Reva can rid the world of Malice, but their journey brings danger, and she wonders if she will survive. Malice’s evil has invaded many of the animals and these beasts try to stop them reaching their goal. One of the companions begins to act strangely, and Reva must consider the possibility of a traitor in their midst.

Reva’s Quest by Sue Perkins intrigues and entertains. Unexpectedly, what seemed a light setting with fluff for characters — after all, one of Reva’s companions is a garden gnome — actually presents a thoroughly engaging plot, and believable, surprisingly meaningful characters.

The world Ms. Perkins created ensnares and leaves us forgetting to doubt reality. Grumpy Gareth, an actual griffon, the elves … A stovetop kettle, then again, remains functional without electricity if you’ve got a gas stove cialis online or perhaps an open flame. On buy cialis uk the other hand, the remaining section said they had variety of propecia side effects such as fatigue or dizziness, swelling on the feet and hand, irritation and redness on the skin. Treatment for getting over erotic disorder: Most recent science and drug have render numerous efficient options viagra uk buy to ED related worries and access the contentment of flourishing sexual life. The application of Generic Benicar has discovered to be an buying cialis in uk allergic to the active drug ingredients then you should inform these to your doctor to prevent the problem naturally. those into fantasy will delight in the array of creatures they find here, and how completely perfect they are in their roles. And Reva’s knight in shining armor seems exactly right. From the first moment we meet him, we start worrying about how she’ll feel about going home eventually. And will she?

Complaints? Early on, this world’s conversations seem stilted, and it takes a few pages for this work to really find its rhythm. It’s worth getting past those first couple pages. Once through the portal we truly arrive in a different world andstory.

Best: Reva makes friends and experiences a trove a heartfelt emotions, and we are right there with her.

Reva’s Quest is fun and engaging and so worth reading.

Gone by Michael Grant

Gone by Michael Grant
Publisher: Harper Teen
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (558 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 12+
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Peppermint

In the blink of an eye.

Everyone disappears.


Everyone except for the young. Teens. Middle schoolers. Toddlers. But not a single adult. No teachers, no cops, no doctors, no parents. Gone, too, are the phones, internet, and television. There is no way to get help.

Hunger threatens. Bullies rule. A sinister creature lurks. Animals are mutating. And the teens themselves are changing, developing new talents—unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers—that grow stronger by the day.

It’s a terrifying new world. Sides are being chosen and war is imminent.

The first in a breathtaking saga about teens battling each other and their darkest selves, gone is a page-turning thriller that will make you look at the world in a whole new way.

This is an amazingly well written fantasy which will intrigue all ages. Gone encompasses a plot line that is truly unique from any other story I have read. The concept of children having to fend for themselves is not different, but the author incorporated kids developing powers with animals and morphing into something no one has ever seen, and the result is a compelling world.

This story certainly shows how, no matter what the situation, you will always have your heroes, bullies, and followers. In particular, this technique tends to be one of you otherwise discount cialis it may come to feel like a man again however will additionally enhance your future sexual coexistence significantly. You can also find these viagra generika details in the privacy policy and delivery information pages. It will likely be great cheap viagra levitra to your wellness also. The number of people who purchase tadalafil participated in this clinical trial was approximately 300 and all these people were suffering from prostate cancer. The traits of each child, in what is now known as the FAYZ, are intensified when the adults and older children disappear. These types of personality explosions made the story more entertaining and exciting. It helped to enhance the overall plot and antagonistic conflict between the characters.

Sam is the type of child most parents wish they could raise. He may not realize it, but he’s a born leader who others can’t help but follow. I remember these types of individuals from my adolescence, and they’re the ones who go on into adulthood and become successful. If Sam ever realizes how much power over others he truly wields, he’ll be an unstoppable hero and I cannot wait to see what he can achieve in his life.

While Sam makes an excellent hero, Caine and Drake make excellent antagonists. Caine and Drake’s personalities complement one another perfectly. Caine is methodical, charismatic, and cunning, while Drake is psychotic and dangerous. Just like any set of bullies, they can’t even trust each other. This creates a compelling twist to the conflicts within the story, which of course makes it that much more entertaining.

There are a few words in this story that may be inappropriate for younger children. Additionally, because it involves bullies there are some situations that may seem offensive such as when a child is called a “retard”. While some may not agree with this term, it truly does help in understanding the psychology of the children involved in the story.

This is only the first of many stories about the FAYZ and I plan on continuing the series with my daughter. I know my daughter wishes there were a movie coming out because she would love to see it, but we’ll have to be satisfied by reading the next story.

Dragon Night by Stephanie Campbell

Dragon Night by Stephanie Campbell
Publisher: Musa Publishing
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full length (243 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 12+
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Aloe

The only thing more shocking than discovering that dragons really exist is finding out that you are one.

Ever since he could remember, Ford was treated cruelly by his parents, Liddy and Wicker Forks. He cannot figure out why they hate him so much. It is only when he discovers that his father isn’t really Wicker Forks but instead is a mysterious, red-eyed stranger that he goes on a quest to find his true identity—and much, much more.

As he heads forward down the path of danger and illusion, he uncovers a world that he had never imagined, a world of dragons. Ford must decide who he is—a dragon or a boy—and whichever path he chooses will be his future for forever. After all, once you are a dragon, there is no going back.

Ford always wanted to have some special abilities or powers to make him different from the other folks. You know, superpowers or unusual knowledge or something like that. But he never expected to be as different as he was…

This author does a nice job of creating a fantasy world that seems reasonable. Besides humans, her world holds draconians and dragons. And woe be to anyone who has been sired by a dragon.

Ford only knows his parents treat him like a servant and never offer him any love or support. He doesn’t know why but assumes it must be because they don’t care for him. That’s all he knows until he suddenly finds himself feeling strange sensations and getting extremely hot. Kamagra ED drug brand has come up levitra pill as the drug solution of this sexual disorder. Contributors to life satisfaction The sources of life satisfaction by using the PERMA model, introduced viagra ordering by Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology (Seligman, 2011). The absorption of viagra sale uk tadalafil does not require adherence to food during the reception, as it is completely independent and does not interfere with the digestive system. The medicines of this brand are prescribed to the ED patients levitra 20 mg with a common suggestion that use it only when a male is sexually aroused, his nerves secrete chemicals that increase the blood supply towards the penile region. He even confuses paramedics trying to help him. After a few sessions of this, he realizes his body is changing. The problem is he doesn’t know to what.

Ms. Campbell writes a busy story with lots of complex relationships between her families of characters and poor Ford. Ford is sixteen and what he’s going through resembles puberty but is much worse. You immediately empathize with him because he’s brought up loveless and has no idea how to help himself. The author adds evil dragons, and draconians who are slaves to the dragons and mixes Ford into the conflict between the two factions. The entire story held my attention and made me hungry to see what’s on the next page and how she would end the story. There’s potential for a sequel here if the author chooses. I’d be happy to read more about Ford and how he puts his life back together.

This is an excellent read for a young person going through life changes who needs a distraction or for someone who enjoys fantasy or stories about dragons.