Shakti of the Illuminated Lotus by Luki Belle – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Luki Belle will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

In a fictitious, mysterious, and futuristic Earth, the Western and Eastern continents are poised to become entangled in an ancient holy rivalry and epic battle.

The enigmatic and powerful king of Asukhas rules over the technologically, scientifically, and militarily advanced Western Continent, closely guarding his blissfully ignorant population of captive humans.

The golden-haired spirit, Ahankara, is suddenly released from captivity in the void and unleashes a powerful reptile upon the world’s oceans.

Associate professor of philosophy Anjali Valpolicella seeks psychotherapy from renowned Western psychologist Dr. AlexanDRA, and their therapy sessions may reveal an important secret to possessing the much-coveted Trident of Kumarun.

In Shakti of the Illuminated Lotus: A Dark, Erotic & Futuristic Fantasy for Adults oceans roil as factions doggedly compete in a dark and erotic quest to find the Trident, hidden by the Eastern continent’s divine panthers for centuries. The fate of the World teeters on the brink. Who will possess the Trident? Do they want to use it to gain access to the holy realm of Juwala, or will they use the Trident to destroy the realm and take command of military forces of unimaginable power?

Enjoy an Excerpt

Did you know that you are a descendant of the Asukhas? You are both holy and unholy, human, and divine, gifted in profound ways that lie dormant in your being awaiting the touch of Shakti to ignite the fire of the Asukha in you! Yearn not for the blissful abode of Juwala, the place of eternal happiness, behind the deep blue sky, for in Kumarun’s realm you will revolt for what you are which is an Asukha in body, spirit, mind and in your thirst and hunger for self-enlightenment. You are beast and you are divine, never forget that!

The Rise of Asukhas

It now comes to the story of your ancestors, dear reader. You hailed from the Spirits of Illumination and from the once holy teachers of Juwala, Vrishaaktan, Balaktaan and Golikdan. After the separation from Kunjahl and Ahankara, the three teachers and seventy-seven Spirits of Illumination suffered for months, fighting their uncontrollable hunger for flesh. The impact of Trishna upon them was severe but through the unholy powers, which they had acquired in the caves of the ocean, after banishment from Juwala, these beings resisted being destroyed by Trishna’s essence. They all went into hiding, afraid of themselves and of what they were becoming. The terror of their unholy selves was fearful. The powers that they were gaining overwhelmed these once holy beings. Unable to provide solace and comfort to each other, the three teachers parted ways, seeking out dark places on earth to hide and suffer.

About the Author:Luki Belle works in the media industry. Listening avidly to stories from diverse cultural fiction books read to her by her extended family, storytelling was a fixture from early childhood. Pouring over magnificent and enchanting illustrated books in her family’s library, Luki was drawn to the mythology of South Asian Indians, Greeks, and Romans. These diverse mythologies were her strongest inspiration when, many years later, she started penning the first outline for her debut novel, Shakti of the Illuminated Lotus.

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Belega by Dianne Hartsock – Exclusive Excerpt and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Dianne Hartsock will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

The Karthagans have regained their ancient powers of manipulating nature, but at the price of madness. In their lust for control, they’ve destroyed their island and most of their race. They come now to Belega, where one of them, Camron, seeks domination over the known world. The Mage has come from the northern continent of Sennia to bring peace but finding his strength no match for the coming struggle, he passes his abilities on to Natan, who only desires a simple life.

Now only Natan has the ability to stop Camron, but the personal cost is more than he imagines. It is only with the combined strength of his friends, his Karthagan lover, Kavi, and his deep desire to bring lasting peace to the earth, that he finds the courage to overcome Camron and restore balance to the world.

Enjoy an Exclusive Excerpt

“We must go before Mazzo becomes impatient,” Niko warned him, and Natan struggled to a crouch. He motioned to the strange red glow at the mouth of the cave and gave Niko a questioning look.

Niko hung his head. “He’s gone too far.”

The muttered words filled Natan with dread. He feared he’d soon learn what had caused the aura of despair that lingered in the grave. For grave it was. He could smell the bodies under the loose soil.

Niko led him outside. Night had fallen, and Natan stood blinking at the scene that met his eyes, not sure what it meant. A huge bonfire had been lit in the center of the clearing, the men gathered in a circle around it. Mazzo stood close to the fire in robes of silver and black. Natan faltered, but the prick of Niko’s blade at his throat told him he’d find no help there. Niko shoved him, and he walked with leaden feet toward the fire.

“Have you come to repent?” Mazzo asked in sonorous tones.

Natan looked at him in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

Niko’s sharp hiss reminded him too late not to speak. With an angry roar, Mazzo stepped closer. Excitement glittered in his eyes.

“Silence,” he spat out. “The sorcerer is not to speak. Or should I call you Mage?” His voice turned deadly. “Are you our teacher then? A wise one? Arrogance! No matter. We’ll soon cure you of that.” He turned to the others and opened his arms. “Behold the transgressor, the perverter of nature.” He nodded sharply as men grabbed Natan. “Take him.”

Natan struggled violently, but the men merely laughed and painfully twisted his arms, while Danul replaced Niko with a knife to his throat. They dragged him close to the rushing flames. Stripping his shirt, they then tied him between two saplings by the wrists. He stood too close to the fire. Heat poured from the flames and reddened his skin. Sweat broke out on his face, and he grew faint as he breathed in the searing air. Mazzo approached him, and Natan couldn’t take his eyes off the iron tongs the man held in his trembling hands.

“Don’t worry, my boy,” the man crooned and caressed Natan’s hot face. “We shall save you. Those others—” He nodded toward the open grave. “—were weak. They died in sin. But I can feel the strength in you.” He placed an open palm on Natan’s chest. “I can also sense the dark magic in you.”

He turned from Natan and removed a burning stick from the bonfire with the tongs. He blew lightly on the end, watching the black smoke curl into the air.

“Never fear.” He moved closer. “We shall burn it out of you.”

About the Author Dianne grew up in one of the older homes in the middle of Los Angeles, a place of hardwood floors and secret closets and back staircases. A house where ghosts lurk in the basement and the faces in the paintings watch you walk up the front stairs. Rooms where you keep the closet doors closed tight at night. It’s where her love of the mysterious and wonderful came from. Dianne is the author of m/m romance, paranormal/suspense, fantasy adventure, the occasional thriller, and anything else that comes to mind.

She now lives in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with her incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours she spends hunched over the keyboard letting her characters play. Dianne says Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write. There’s something about being cooped up in the house with a fire crackling on the hearth and a cup of hot coffee in her hands, which kindles her imagination.

Currently, Dianne works as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

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Winter Blogfest: Thea Landen

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest.

Leave a comment for a chance to win one  ebook of Tangled In His Possession + 2 Thea Landen bookmarks (no shipping restrictions). 

Knitting and Crocheting Over the Holidays by Thea Landen

It’s that time of year again! Temperatures are dropping, the sun is barely making an appearance, and there may even be some snow and ice on the ground. While I do miss seeing the sun and I hate shoveling my driveway, part of me gets excited over colder weather because it means I can bring out all my handknit clothing and accessories! I first learned how to knit and crochet when I was in college, and I have drawers and closets full of cozy sweaters, socks, hats, and scarves. With the right gear, I suppose even the shoveling isn’t terrible.

Despite knitting and crocheting for many years, I’d never managed to work it into any of my books until recently. Maybe it goes hand-in-hand with a question authors are often asked, which is “are any of your characters secretly based on you?” While I may share some traits with a couple of my characters, I’ve never created one who is exactly like me, nor have I ever felt the need to write a story which incorporates that particular hobby of mine. Until, as I said, recently.

The basic plot of Tangled In His Possession is similar to a lot of popular TV movies: a high-powered sophisticated businesswoman has to leave the big city for Reasons and adapt to life in a small town, but it’s okay, because she’ll find love there when she least expects it. When outlining the book, I decided to have the main character Lucy take over her dead aunt’s yarn shop. (Complete with a cute guy running the occult shop next door, naturally. Oh, but he’s possessed by a demon. Oops.) While the story itself may not be about knitting/crocheting, I did put my knowledge to good use and added in some descriptions as a bonus for my fellow yarn lovers. For example, when Lucy is knitting the top of a sock while chatting with that cute guy next door, it’s clear her pattern starts with 1×1 ribbing and she’s using double-pointed needles.

It’s always the little details that make books come to life for readers, and I’m thrilled I could finally include this passion of mine in one of my stories. Regardless of whether or not it’s cold outside where you are, let the red-hot romance of Tangled In His Possession keep you warm this season!


When her great-aunt dies, leaving The Yarn Barn in need of new management, Lucy Hawkins jumps at the opportunity to quit her stressful sales job. She moves to the quaint tourist town of Willow Vale, ready for a fresh start when she takes over the business. While introducing herself to her new neighbors, she meets Zeke, the owner of the occult shop next door. Friendly yet reserved, Zeke piques her interest, but he turns down her suggestion of a date.

Late one night, a frightening incident causes Zeke to reveal why he doesn’t want to risk getting too close to Lucy: he is possessed by a demon, an evil spirit that killed his grandfather several years earlier. Though he has been able to prevent it from harming anyone else since, he agonizes over what could happen if he loses control. Despite his worries, Lucy persists, and ultimately persuades him to allow her to provide the companionship he’s been too afraid to seek out.

They embark on a romantic relationship, with Zeke becoming the doting, compassionate partner Lucy has always dreamed of. The demon within him, however, remains a lingering concern, especially when it comes to intimacy and his fear for her safety. After a traumatic outburst, he vows to rid the world of the malicious force, even if it costs him his life. Lucy accepts his choice, but there’s one thing she needs from him before he carries out his plan. Can she convince Zeke to share every part of himself with her, demons and all?


Thea Landen lives in New York with her husband and children. Though she’s dabbled in all romantic subgenres, she has a special love for sci-fi, fantasy, and adventure…anything that pushes the imagination beyond its usual limits. When she’s not writing, she’s either knitting or crocheting, playing video games, or pretending to enjoy cardio and squats.

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Winter Blogfest: Kate Hill

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free download of Sofia’s Silver Bullet (Silver Hearts 2).

Watching Holiday Horror by Kate Hill

Delicious meals, decorations, music, family gatherings. Most people have holiday traditions they look forward to. For me, December is the time to indulge in Christmas horror movies. I am a huge fan of horror, and I anticipate watching winter-themed holiday movies every year. When I think of December, I imagine dark nights of snuggling by the warmth of the wood stove while strange, scary, and sometimes funny holiday movies flash across my TV screen.

I definitely have favorites that have become my staple holiday movies, but every year I also look forward to watching a few new ones.

For me, it wouldn’t be the holidays without seeing A Christmas Horror Story, Stalled, and Christmas with Cookie. A more recent favorite I’ve added to my holiday watch list is Slay Belles. I also don’t let the holiday season go by without watching the Tales from the Crypt episode And All Through the House.

As you can see, I especially enjoy indie movies and horror comedy.

If you’re also a fan of holiday horror, or if you’d like to try some holiday horror movies, I’d recommend the following ones. They’ve brought me many scares or laughs, and sometimes both.

A Cadaver Christmas – A janitor and a group of oddballs battle zombies (cadavers!) on Christmas Eve.

A Christmas Horror Story – This horror anthology includes individual scary stories that focus on citizens of the same town. Ultimately, their stories relate.

Sint (AKA Saint) – This unsettling holiday horror movie focuses on a terrifying Christmas legend.

Stalled – In this horror comedy, a janitor trapped in a woman’s rest room and an office worker struggle to survive a zombie attack during a Christmas party.

Are you also a fan of holiday horror? If so, I’d love to hear about some of your favorites so I can add them to my watch list.


Stalker – I’m a rogue wolf. No club. No gang. No pack. I’m free, and that’s how I like it. Roaming the streets in a Santa suit to antagonize demons into a fight, I meet her—the Wild witch who changes my life. I want Sam the moment I see her, but can a lone wolf fall in love at first sight?

Sam – I’m a Wild. That means I have warrior witch blood in my veins. I messed up, though, and someone I care about got hurt. To fix the situation, I’m in what’s left of Boston looking for demons so I can test a new spell. I’m not expecting a gorgeous silver wolf to protect me, and I’m not trying to fall in love, but one look at Stalker, and I know we were born for each other.

Note: Sam’s Silver Wolf is a very short age gap paranormal insta-love story with a little plot, a lot of heat, and a HEA.


Kate Hill is a vegetarian New Englander who loves writing romantic fantasies. When she’s not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out, watching horror movies, and researching vampires and Viking history. She runs the Compelling Beasts Blog that is dedicated to antagonists, antiheroes, and paranormal creatures. Kate also writes as Saloni Quinby.

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Winter Blogfest: Megan Slayer

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest. Leave a comment and be entered to win a necklace and earrings made by the author.

My Christmas Playlist by Megan Slayer

I thought I’d pull together a list of my favorite Christmas songs. I’m kind of picky about what I like at Christmas. I’m not wild about much of the newest versions of the old songs. Here are some of my favorites (in no particular order)

  • “Jingle Bell Rock” ~ Bobby Helms – It’s just classic.
  • “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” ~ Bing Crosby – this one makes me sad and think about the people in my life that aren’t there any longer. But it also makes me glad I knew them.
  • “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” ~ Burl Ives – now that I know he was blacklisted, I love it even more.
  • “Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane)” ~ Gene Autry – we sang this song at school. It reminds me of being in the first grade.
  • “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” ~ Brenda Lee – doesn’t she have the best Christmas songs? Besides, how can you not love it and not think of Home Alone?
  • “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” ~ Judy Garland – makes me sad, yet Christmassy, too.
  • “White Christmas” ~ Bing Crosby – it’s just a classic
  • “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town” ~ Bruce Springsteen – okay, I love how he asks how many have behaved and when he gets a poor response, he says, ah…not many, not many. Cracks me up.
  • “Santa Baby” ~ Eartha Kitt – she makes Christmas sexy 😊
  • “The Chipmunk Song” ~ How can you not like the Chipmunks at Christmas?
  • “Little Saint Nick” ~ The Beach Boys – I learned the Muppets version of this song and love both versions.
  • “When the River Meets the Sea” ~ Paul Williams, but sung by Robin the Frog and Denver with the Muppets
  • And….“The Peace Carol” ~ Traditional ~ John Denver and Scooter with the Muppets

I know I left off the Drifters, Otis Redding and Darlene Love among others. They’re on the longer list. What are your favorite Christmas songs? Do you lean classic or contemporary? I’d love to know.

“Two men, one kid and the frayed nerves that come with the holidays…can they make it through to Christmas without a blow-up?

Colt Harrison knew when he met Ashley Willis that he’d found the one man for him. He loves Ashley’s son, Wyatt, as if he were his own son. But the stress of living together, compounded with buying a home and adopting pets has worn him down…not to mention the aggravation that comes with the diner he owns. He wants to make Christmas special for his family, but how can they have a great holiday when Colt’s never home?

Ashley’s got a two-week vacation from his job at the elementary school teaching art. All he wants is time with Colt and Wyatt. He loves Colt, but not the long hours spent at the diner, especially around the holidays. Can he be honest about what he wants from Colt and keep the man he loves?

Anything is possible if they embrace the magic of Christmas.”

“Wendi Zwaduk, otherwise known as Megan Slayer, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and BDSM themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best author, best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. She’s an active member of the Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Public library. Find out more about Megan and Wendi at: Sign up for the newsletter here:

Winter Blogfest: Wendi Zwaduk

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest. Leave a comment and be entered to win a necklace and earrings made by the author.

The Great Christmas Tree Hunt by Wendi Zwaduk

Every year my family goes for our annual Christmas tree hunt. Now, this doesn’t seem like it would be that hard, but it can be. We have a couple of fake trees, but there’s something about the smell of pine, the feel of the real needles and the idea of going out to find just the right one that’s fun.

I know, I know. It’s tree cutting. The thing about where we go is that the tree farm really does plant new trees every year, two for every one cut down. So, there’s at least that.

Now this story has to do with a couple years ago. We were hunting for that elusive tree, and it was a particularly soggy day. I mean like, it’d been raining most of the day. Yuck. But it’d stopped when we set out and we opted to hunt for the tree because it was one of the few days we could all go together. I mean, why not go together as a family? So we head out and it’s mucky. We start strolling and I find a decent tree. I point it out and as poor DH heads over to it…he found a huge puddle. His boots gave way in the mud and before we know it, he’s down. Now, I’m the type of person that physical comedy makes me laugh. I can’t help it. So, I’m laughing. The tot is laughing. DH? He’s laughing, too. Shrugs. We’re strange. But we decided it was THE tree, so we cut it down and made the sojourn home. Thank goodness the seats in the truck are plastic and we could get the mud off.

What about you? Fake or real trees? Got any good stories about going after that elusive real or fake tree? I want to hear ‘em!

“Are second chances possible? They can be in North Bend.

Alex West left North Bend behind and became the famous author RR Taylor. He’s happy with his jet-setting lifestyle, until a book signing brings him to North Bend. Surrounded by the beauty of the small town and the closeness of the community, he starts to rethink his reasons for leaving. Seeing his high-school flame, Molly Adams, brings all the old feelings back into focus. He wants to make her Christmas bright and win her heart, too.

Can he convince her to believe in the magic of Christmas and their second chance, or is the blossoming romance destined to melt with the holiday snow?”

“Wendi Zwaduk, otherwise known as Megan Slayer, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and BDSM themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best author, best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. She’s an active member of the Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Public library. Find out more about Megan and Wendi at: Sign up for the newsletter here:

Winter Blogfest: Sandra Carmel

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest.

Leave a comment for a chance to win ebook copies of Last Hope, Game for Intimacy, and Dance of Love – the complete Intertwined Love trilogy.


Christmas in Melbourne by Sandra Carmel

While you northern hemisphere dwellers are freezing your bits off over Christmas, in Australia, we’re often scorching hot. Though, I’m from Melbourne, which is world-renowned for its unpredictable weather. Four seasons in one day is no exaggeration. I remember one Christmas in particular, where it reached forty degrees Celsius and dropped down to seventeen in just a few short hours!

I have an Italian background; however, I’m born in Australia, and so we don’t have the standard Christmas staples when it comes to our shared feast. It’s a big, extended family affair and there can’t just be meat and veges. Oh no! Some sort of pasta, usually several options such as gnocchi and lasagna are included as well as specific Italian festive food e.g. arancini (aka rice balls with essentially a meatball in the center), and savory donuts, some with anchovies. And then, of course, there’s dessert. But not just onemultiple. From a fruit platter to cheesecake to apple slice to rum balls and cannoli. I come away almost every year, feeling like I’m about to burst.

I was going to say, ‘enough about me’ but apparently, it’s not. LOL. I can’t possibly finish this blog post without some mention of my passion—writing racy, flirty and downright dirty romance. Speaking of which, my steamy contemporary novella, Last Hope, book one of the Intertwined Love trilogy, has strong links to Christmas. It deals with some tough but rewarding challenges, physically, mentally and emotionally for Cole and Hope on their journey to love, which I feel fits with the whole spirit of the season. What better time than Christmas to inspire hope and joy? And on that note, wishing you and your family a safe and enjoyable festive season, and happy and prosperous New Year.

A perilous journey to the peak of love…

Cole, a cutting-edge game software company CEO, organizes a Christmas present his long-term girlfriend, Hope, will never forget—a marriage proposal at the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge on Christmas Eve. And it ends up unforgettable all right, but not in the way he’d envisaged.

While on a mountain climbing trip, he has an accident and sustains a life-changing spinal injury, forcing him to miss their special date, leaving Hope stranded, alone and without answers. Cole struggles against his heart’s desire and cuts Hope out of his life without explanation, determined not to burden her with his disability. Can he confront his fears, pull himself back together and rekindle a relationship with the love of his life?

Sandra Carmel is a bestselling Australian author of racy, flirty and downright-dirty romance novels, novellas, short stories and poetry, who enjoys stimulating herself and others with words. An obsession with Jane Eyre, and her infatuation with Mr Rochester, were key motivators in commencing her romance writing journey. So far, she has taken the scenic route from steamy paranormal to sci-fi to contemporary, creating provocative stories that delve beneath the surface of desire. She reads and writes a lot, frequently disrupted by her ever-attentive, cheeky cats, and sinfully amorous array of book boyfriends.

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What Does It Take to Make a Sci-Fi Author? by A.M. Griffin – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. A.M. Griffin will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Hey Party People!

For those who don’t know me, I’m A.M. Griffin, avid reader cosplaying as a sci-fi author. I’m taking over Long and Short Reviews to introduce myself. While I’ve written in multiple genres, sci-fi is my first love. I’ve always been curious about space, aliens and life on different planets. As a young girl, I wrote many short sci-fi stories. Or should I say that I “started” many sci-fi shorts (I don’t think I finished any) (this is a no-judgement zone lol). I published my first sci-fi novel in 2012 and haven’t looked back since. That series, Loving Dangerously, will forever hold a special place in my heart and the first in the series, Dangerously Mine, will forever by my favorite book as it’s the first that I’ve finished to completion.

So, what does it take to make a sci-fi author?

Sci-Fi Author Ingredients:

1 cup Introvert
3 cups Weird
6 cups Overactive Imagination

Mix all the ingredients together and season to taste with a pinch of snark, feisty, sleepiness and addiction to doom scrolling through social media. The bake time would depend on the specific individual.

The Hunter. As the new Game Warden, Xrez Ym’ihla brings patrons from across the galaxy to track prey in a game built to enslave the weak and mate the strong. The business is a long running family legacy and Xrez is determined to succeed as his father had before him. He hadn’t meant to let one human occupy his thoughts, mind, and body.

His lies may come back to haunt him, but if he reveals the truth, he’ll ruin his chance to capture the heart of the one he wants.

The Prey. Esme Valdez had her entire life planned from an early age. As a chemist, her life was average and mundane, just the way she liked it. Until the impossible happened. Never did she imagine being abducted by aliens and forced to participate in a survival of the fittest game called The Hunt. If she survives and makes it to the end, she’ll be freed. If not, she’ll be forced to mate the one who captures her.

Esme is determined to win at all costs, even if it means putting her trust in a sexy alien who taunts her in the most delectable way.

Their love was built on betrayal. Can she trust him with her heart and life?

Enjoy an Excerpt

“Property,” she said, finally finishing her sentence. She didn’t recognize anything. Not a God. Damn. Thing. “We aren’t on my property.” Her voice didn’t sound right on her ears.

“So you didn’t kidnap me and give me this fancy new BDSM collar?” He tugged on something about two inches wide and silver around his neck

Esme fumbled at her neck, finding a collar of her own. It felt like metal, not thick, but seemed sturdy and cold on her skin. Her fingers trembled as she followed around the circumference. There wasn’t a way to unhook it. Her breathing picked up. Her chest heaved.

This was wrong. So very wrong.

The man shrugged. “I mean, if you’re into BDSM, I won’t judge you. But as I said, I’m through with all the weird shit.”

Esme clenched her fists in frustration. Tears welled in her eyes. Her heart felt like it was one beat away from exploding. “Hey, nitwit, this isn’t just about you. I think we’re all in the same boat here. I woke up probably the same time you did and just assumed I was home, because,” a hysterical chuckle left her mouth, “where else would I be on a friggin’ Friday night?”

“Hate to break it to you, but it’s Sunday night. I just played Comerica Park in Detroit.”

Esme frowned and shook her head. “No, I’m positive. The last thing I remember is coming home from work and thinking about binging on Netflix. It’s what I do every Friday night.”

He snorted. “Well, that’s sad.”

“Hey! We all can’t play at Comerica Park.” She exhaled loudly. “What is that anyway and why are you dressed like an over the top rock star?”

She’d heard of Detroit, even visited once when she’d lived in the United States to attend college. Her mom had a distant cousin who’d live near the United States and Canada border, and she’d spent a Christmas with them instead of flying all the way home to Mexico.

The rockstar guy brushed off his pants and straightened his clothes. “It’s called ‘stage presence,’ baby.”

“Oh, my God. Can you guys keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep,” came a tired voice from a shadowy corner.

Rockstar guy held up his hand and pulled each finger down slowly.

New guy scrambled to his feet. He was a lot bigger than rock star guy and bigger than most men she knew. He had on army fatigues, military boots, and dog tags hanging from his thick neck. He scowled. “Wait. Where the hell am I?”

Rockstar guy smirked and dropped his hands. “And there it is.”

About the Author: A. M. Griffin is a mother of three, dog owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She’s a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent life forms in distant galaxies.

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In Tune by Jade Royal – Spotlight and Giveaway

A grumpy single father is making his first album in three years and he doesn’t need any distractions. Especially not from the nanny he hired to care for his daughter while he works. Readers who enjoy romance short, steamy reads will love In Tune by Jade Royal, a small town, grumpy/sunshine, billionaire romance.

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Single father musician hires a nanny to help him care for his daughter while he makes his first album in three years. He doesn’t need any distractions. Not even from the patient woman willing to put up with his grumpy behavior. This is a grumpy sunshine story. ***About the series*** The MAN OF THE MONTH CLUB is a steamy small-town collection featuring a new hottie (or two!) every month. In 2023, escape to Candy Kane Key, Florida, and celebrate ALL the holidays with your favorite group of romance authors and their delicious mountain men. Can’t wait to see you there!

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About Jade Royal 

When the voices begin to speak, Jade Royal sits down in her lab to tell the tale. Each story unfolds when she listens to her instincts, bringing the words to life. Jade has always expressed her creative nature artistically, especially by writing. She refers to herself as “Slave to the Pen” because it’s difficult for her to resist the call to write.

Jade resides in Cincinnati, Ohio where she was born and raised. Always traveling, she looks for the next adventure in everything she does. Coffee is always part of her plan with shenanigans thrown in the mix and music of all genres blasting from her playlists. Jade Royal has never met a stranger and once you’re part of her pack, she holds on tight keeping those in her fold protected.

Jade Royal is the author of the “Limits of Love Series”. The series focuses on love, romance, and the eroticism of the two combined. She writes interracial romance in lots of sub-genres including; BDSM Romance, Paranormal Romance, Suspenseful Romance, and more. She also dabbles in non-romance genres of Thriller and Suspense.

As an author, Jade pulls her readers in to experience raw stories that readers can relate to on various levels. The emotional roller coaster bestowed will hopefully make her readers stalk her words and indulge in her realm of fun.

Queen of her world, Jade Royal pushes the envelope of ideal, bringing you something a little different than you’re used to. To explore her domain, follow her on her website and social media avenues.

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LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: Honor (Sin City Wolf) by January Bain

Thanks for joining us on our 16th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC (along with other prizes). Follow and visit authors’ social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC (along with other prizes)!

Never run from a wolf!

Isadora Champagne is a witch on a dangerous mission—to take down Lucius Luceres. That bad boy alpha billionaire doesn’t deserve to have it all his way. Thinks he can dump her baby sister and get away with it! But now that she’s met the shifter, keeping her heart safe from him is going to take more than the curse she laid on him…it just might cost her a pact with the devil himself.

Lucius of the House of Luceres is an alpha werewolf, secure in his bad-to-the-bone reputation. But when confronted by the beautiful Isadora one fateful night, even he can’t ignore the extreme attraction that instantly ignites between them. But what he hadn’t counted on was how useful her magic gifts can be to the House of Luceres when one of their own goes missing.

Will he be able to set aside the centuries of mistrust between witches and shifters and allow her special brand of courage and caring to heal even the most jaded heart?

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