The Geneva Connection by Martin Bodenham

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The Geneva Connection by Martin Bodenham
Publisher: Musa Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (249 pgs)
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Cholla

When a successful investment banker’s unbridled ambition collides with the world’s most powerful and most brutal drug cartel, there can only be one loser.

John Kent thought he had it all. The phenomenal success of his private equity firm has propelled him into the world’s wealthy super-league. Self-made and from a poor background, he’s living his dream. Then he discovers his financial backers are a front for the world’s largest organized crime group, the Mexican Caruana drug cartel. It is run by Felix Safuentes, also known as “Jivaro” after the South American tribe famous for decapitating its enemies. Kent’s nightmare hasn’t even started…

John Kent went from being on top of the world to being at the bottom in a moment’s notice. When CBC’s largest backer goes under, he’s left scrambling to find another investor – fast. Enter Tritona – a large Swiss firm willing to invest just what Kent needs plus a lot more. When the truth behind where Tritona’s funds are coming from becomes clear, Kent and his colleagues are in for a rude awakening and an extreme amount of danger. One thing is very clear, however. Sometimes it’s hard to know who the bad guy really is.

The majority of the story is told through the eyes of John Kent, CEO of CBC, a private equity investment firm in the UK. Although he started out as a somewhat likable character, if a bit too money-focused for my tastes, his true colors show before long. His obsession with becoming a billionaire and making as much money as he can winds up being his ultimate downfall. He’s definitely an interesting character to observe. He seems to have a one-track mind: make more money! But in the few instances his wife, Sarah, is in the picture, you see a different side of him, but briefly. Despite the fact I didn’t have much of a connection with him, I did feel sympathy for his situation as the truth of Tritona becomes known and his world crumbles around him.

Probably the most interesting part of this story was the fact that none of the characters are very likable individuals. However, despite that, you are drawn into the story and held firm. I’m not sure if it’s because they all, in some way, manage to get exactly what they deserve or if it’s just a testament to the author’s writing style, but whatever the reason, I couldn’t put The Geneva Connection down once I started it. The intricate plot, laced with just enough background information to make it realistic and understandable, takes twist after turn until you reach the final destination, white-knuckling it all the way. An intense thrill ride through the world of investment banking, drug cartels, and money laundering.


  1. Thanks, Cholla. I am pleased you enjoyed my novel.


    Martin Bodenham

  2. I just finished the book at the week-end and have to say it was a great thriller full of twists and well described characters who came to life in my mind too easily!The greed of the financial worlds entrepreneurs pitted against the greed of the International drugs cartel brought out the worst of humanity yet made me thing of numerous characters I have met over the years with similar traits.

    The real hero was the American Drugs Agency Chief and I do hope that this book is followed up by Merriman pitting his wits and fighting the war against the evil cartel. Great stuff.

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