Darn Good Cowboy Christmas by Carolyn Brown

Darn Good Cowboy Christmas by Carolyn Brown
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Genre: Contemporary, Holiday
Length: Full Length (379 pgs)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4.5 books
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Born and raised in a traveling carnival, all Liz Hanson ever wanted for Christmas was a home that didn’t have wheels. After she was old enough to date she added one more item: a sexy cowboy.

She’s about given up on Santa ever bringing either one when her father dies and leaves her an ugly house and twenty acres in Texas. Then rancher Raylen O’Donnell walks onto her property…

A story with a cowboy always hits the target, but add a little Christmas flair and a saucy heroine and you have a winner.

I know when I open a book by Ms. Brown, I’m in for a great time with characters I’ll never forget. This book is hot, humorous and a great time. I love a book where there’s a little bit of misunderstanding and a lot of longing. Ms. Brown delivers.

Saying Raylen is hot is an understatement. He’s smoking hot. He’s got Liz’s best interests at heart—oh and he really, really wants her. The research behind getting an erection soon after obtaining cialis prices is usually that, as soon as the medicine blends with blood of your human system there can be a chemical or neurological reaction monitored from the brain that will allow you to last longer in bed. They may object to eating more vocally than cheap brand levitra you’re used to. Visit to you regular medical practitioner annually viagra online price for complete body check ups. The prosthetic device implanted inside the penis will cause an erection when sexually viagra generika aroused. Did I mention that? Yeah, he does. Can I just mention the scene where he brushes her hair was just…wow. Ms. Brown describes it quickly, but being one who likes having her hair brushed by her DH, I could literally feel the same things Liz felt and it gave me shivers.

Liz is…original. She grew up in a family who participated in a traveling carnival. To say she’s happy to have a house without wheels is putting it mildly. I loved her independent streak. I could relate to her because I could feel how much she wanted to do things her way and how much she struggled each time she was around Raylen. I mean, how could she not fall for the hottie in the cowboy boots?

I loved the cast of secondary characters and can’t wait to read their stories. The ending was fantastic and had me sighing and wishing it was Christmas (instead of wet and dreary like it is right now).

Grab a copy of Darn Good Cowboy Christmas and fall headlong into the Christmas spirit!

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