The Proposal by Diane Craver

The Proposal by Diane Craver
Publisher: Publishing by Rebecca J. Vickery
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (42 Pages)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 3.5 books
Reviewed by Fennel

Jacqueline Andrews hopes her boyfriend Brad’s surprise is an engagement ring for her twenty-sixth birthday. Her best friend, Tyler Jordan, wants Jacqueline to be happy, but not with Brad, her current boyfriend.

Tyler regrets blowing off Jacqueline’s confession of love for him before he left for college. When he returns to their small town as a physician’s assistant, he falls in love with her. He needs to win her love back. Will his hot kisses sway her? Or is she going to marry Brad?

This charming tale of second chances holds few surprises, but don’t let that put you off. Ms. Most men who smoked cigarettes experience trouble in getting and maintaining a stiffer penile erection. purchase levitra online Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy decides to explain men how tadalafil purchase online may help decrease and ease cognitive setbacks connected with maturing. In generic cialis tabs this, the root of Ginseng plant is dried and treated with lamb’s fat before it is used for treatment of nervousness and anxiety. Following a dry spell, Marriage Counseling Jacksonville understands it can be hard to make love to each other. levitra on line Craver packs plenty of anticipation and emotional swings and round-a-bouts into this sweet romance that would give credit to a full length novel.

Discovering you’ve made a bad judgement that has your dreams crashing and burning is not an easy discovery to handle; but with the help and support of her long-time friend, and once hoped for future, Tyler Jordan, Jacqueline Andrews has some hard decisions to make and a lot of soul searching to work through.

This is not a simple story of friends to lovers to happy ever after; there is a need to forgive, understand past actions and come to terms with their consequences. Ms. Craver does not offer her readers a perfect heroine. Indeed, Jacqueline is a heroine most women can relate to. So full of future dreams she misses plenty of signals out there for her to spot is she only removed her rose coloured spectacles.

When Brad, the man she hopes to marry, fails to fulfill Jacqueline’s hopes and dreams she discovers his agenda is so far off beam from hers, her faith in her own judgement is once again sorely tested. Tyler, her friend let her down many years ago and now she’s back to square one, or is she…?

The hero, Tyler, has a mammoth task ahead of him if he’s going to persuade Jacqueline to believe in his feelings for her now. It is the way the author takes all her characters through the multi-faceted emotions in this story that make it such a charming read, and yes, I will use the word ‘cute’ to describe The Proposal.

The characters are believable, the plot may appear simple but is not, and the conclusion, though not unexpected, still creates a sigh of satisfaction at the end.