Saturday Seven: Gardening

To all the folks joining us for Saturday Seven, please don’t forget to leave your link in the linky list at the end of this post.

For the Judy half of us, spring has definitely sprung. I’ve been working in the yard, trying to fix all the winter issues, and embarking on a new project – building a butterfly/hummingbird/bee garden. I’m so excited.

I’m not one to sit down and read a non-fiction book for the fun of it. However, I have several books that I like to dip into and consult from time to time– especially this time of year. In no particular order, here are some of the gardening books on my bookshelf:

This is a Reader’s Digest book and has some wonderful pictures. My husband and I love a lot of color around our house, and this book has given us some great ideas. The sections are divided into color zones, which I really appreciate…especially when I’m looking for a certain color to add more curb appeal to our front yard.


Some wonderful themes for gardens, if you are looking for ideas. I enjoy just thumbing through this book to get ideas, even if some of them are a little more ambitious that we want to bite off.


This book has been an invaluable help. My husband named our house “Rose Cottage” and, at last count, we have 30+ rose plants. Pruning is always nerve-racking for me…some roses grow on new growth and some on old growth…what to do, what to do? This book tells you!


This book isn’t exactly about gardening, but we love birds and this book has some really neat things you can put in your yard and garden to help encourage birds to hang out with you.


My mama gave this book to me one year for Christmas. Some of the ideas are pretty ingenious, others… I’m not so sure about. But, I’m all for going all natural in my yard (you know, because of birds, bees, butterflies, hummingbirds–not to mention I have a cat who likes to go out).


Not only do I like doing all natural outside, I think we can use a lot of nature’s remedies as well for us instead of picking up a pill bottle. And I love container gardening, so this is a book I use a lot.


I like this one especially because it talks directly to my area. We have a water garden and I’ve gotten a lot of ideas from this book on how to make it prettier.


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  1. What a timely post! I am struggling with my largest tomato plant (which is fruiting!) because the leaves look so sickly. We’ve had a weird combination of weather (for us) of sun and wind and rain, so I fear the plant is already compromised and the struggle to nourish the fruit may be more than it can handle. Hopefully, we will have cherry tomatoes next month…but I’m not sure! Thanks for all of the great books to consult!

  2. Living in the middle of a big city, I don’t do much gardening… That’s probably a good thing, given my tendency to do plants in.

    We do have a lovely mini-jungle on our balcony, though, maintained by our housekeeper.

  3. I love gardening books almost as much as I do cooking books! This was a timely piece. I wish I could garden right now – I mean, it IS APRIL!!! But I still have snow on the ground and temps hovering the 20’s at night. Le Sigh!! Soon, tho.

  4. Projects for Birder’s Gardens sounds like a good read. When I was a teenager, my family had a special spot reserved in our backyard for the birds. It had a bird feeder and a basin of water for them to use. I used to love watching them interact with each other. Birds are beautiful creatures.

  5. Thank you for so many great book recommendations! This year I’m starting a huge project re-landscaping the front yard. It’s enormous so I have lots of room to try something grand, but it also makes it a bit daunting.

    Aside from having to work around existing trees, I’m trying to imagine a yard with very little grass other than foot paths.

    I did a few sketches but I think before I buy anything else, I might study a few books first. Mostly what I want is how to have something blooming nearly year round in zone 8.

    Thanks, Judy!

  6. I’m a little late to the game, but my green thumb tends to turn everything I have …. well, dead. Oh well. I love cacti, but I can’t seem to get them to grow at all. I’ll have to look into these books. 🙂
    Here’s my link:


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