Balancing Life and Writing by Bernadette Marie – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Bernadette Marie will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Balancing Life and Writing

I have been writing nearly nonstop since I was in the seventh grade. It didn’t become a full time job until I was well into my thirties, but by then I had five busy kids and multiple businesses.

Gratefully, I’ve usually run my businesses from my home, which allowed me the opportunity to be with my kids. But, it became a game of making sure I could accommodate everything in my life.

I am a big list maker. Often it has been my lists that offer me time to accommodate everything I need to tend to. I know in order to output the number of books I want per year, I need to stay on track. So, writing usually started before anyone in my family woke up. And even though all of my kids have since moved out, I still keep this schedule. Tending to my words first thing in the morning gets those words into that book before I’m pulled in a million different directions.

I’m not only a big list maker, but I’m a time blocker. I block out my time per week. I know I have 168 hours each week to accomplish as much as possible, and to also take care of myself. I organize my tasks by writing, publishing, tending to my other businesses, family, friends, and myself. (Oh, sure, these are just a few of my categories, but you get the idea.) From there each area in my life gets a certain number of hours in which I work those tasks. It truly keeps me focused on not only getting everything done, but making sure that I have time for myself to exercise, spend time with family and friends, and to just veg on the couch.

I also believe in giving yourself grace. So if I choose to go to lunch with a friend, or go shopping with my mom and sister, I easily move those blocks around to allow myself that time to take care of myself.

When Will seeks to rekindle a flame with his ex-girlfriend, his best friend Monique reluctantly suggests a plan involving secret admirer notes to divert his ex’s attention. In a surprising turn, Monique finds herself infatuated with her new boss, prompting Will to reciprocate with anonymous tokens of affection. However, as the deceptive game unfolds, both Monique and Will come to realize that the heartfelt sentiments expressed in the secret admirer notes were their own true feelings. So, what happens if the plan works? What happens if it doesn’t?

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“Happy New Year, sweetheart,” he says, his words slurred from champagne.

“Sure,” I say, letting my eyes close. “Can’t even imagine anything happy about it.”

“Cynical,” he teases, but I don’t have the energy to argue with him.

Lifting my head, I sit back in my chair, and scan a look over him. Will’s hair looks like he just rolled out of bed, but that wasn’t how he looked when he’d brought me home. Alcohol and stress has had him raking his fingers through it until now it stands on end.

Will is a handsome guy, though lacking in any fashion sense. He’s my ride or die friend, has been since middle school, and I adore him.

“Are you going home?” I ask, noticing his eyes blink slower, or maybe my eyes are blinking slowly.

“No. Since you begged me to drink away the old year with you, you’re going to have to let me sleep on your couch.”

I was hoping he’d say that. I don’t want him to leave. Tonight, I want the company.

“Do you think she’s home?” I ask.

Will leans his elbow onto the table, resting his head in his palm, and he watches me. I move to mimic him, placing my elbow on the table, and my head in my hand.

“She’s home,” he says. “I’m just afraid that maybe she’s not alone.”

I reach for his other hand, and lace our fingers together.

“You know your living situation makes no sense, right?” I say.

“I know that more than anyone,” he admits.

“I mean, who lives with their ex?”

About the Author: Bestselling Author Bernadette Marie writes contemporary romances and believes in Happily Ever After. The married mother of five believes in love at first sight, quick love, and second chances. An avid martial artist, Bernadette Marie is a certified instructor and holds a third degree black belt in Tang Soo Do. She loves Tai Chi, traveling to Disney parks, and having lunch with friends. When not writing, or running her own publishing house, Bernadette is probably immersed in a Rom Com, from which she will often quote one-liners.

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The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor by Charlene Bell Dietz – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a randomly chosen winner a $25 Amazon/BN gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Move over Susan B. Anthony. There’s an unsung woman asking for the vote 224 years before you, and murderous rebels and bigoted gentlemen can’t prevent spinster Lady Margaret Brent from wielding her power to defend Maryland settlers from plunder and obliteration.

Lady Margaret Brent, compelled to right wrongs, risks her life by illegally educating English women, placing her family at risk. She fights to have a voice, yet her father and brothers exclude her from discussions. Worried the kings’ men may know of her illegal activities, she flees to the New World where she can enjoy religious tolerance and own land, believing she will be allowed a voice. Once in Maryland, she presents cases in provincial court where she’s hired as the first American woman attorney, but there she uncovers perilous actions, prompting her to build a fort to shield those within from being murdered. Can Margaret Brent’s integrity and ingenuity protect Maryland from being destroyed?

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The Wells girl covered her eyes with both hands. Margaret, ignoring the buzzing of flies and the damp heat of the morning sun, worked to untangle the girl’s words in her mind.

“If the river doesn’t take me, then I shall have my baby alone and will have to live with Master Cole, and I shall never see my dear Tom again.” With that, she burst into tears.

“You do not look like you are about to have a baby. Why do you say your time is up?”

“Master Cole brought me here four years ago. He said after I had worked for him for four years, I wouldn’t owe him a tad more, and now he says I can’t leave, and so I might as well marry him. Lady Brent. I worked hard from early morning until after dark every day, and my time is up. Even the devil would say this isn’t right.” She sniffed and looked away.

Margaret set her jaw. “Heaven help us if other masters here in Maryland treat their servants in this manner.”

“There’s nothing I can do.” She bit her lip. “I thought maybe the next time you talked with Governor Calvert you might say something on my behalf, and I pray my request is not one of cheekiness.”

“Mary.” Margaret called sharply across to the soap making group. “Would you please come here?”

When Mary finished saying something, she trotted over to the garden. “Hello, Carrie. Are you not feeling well—your face seems flushed?”

“So, you are acquainted with Carrie Wells?” Margaret studied her sister, slipped the basket from Carrie, and moved it into Mary’s hands. “She brought these for us and herbs to scent your soap.”

“Sometimes on Sundays after church Carrie walks with me in the woods and shows me barks, roots, and herbs that heal.” She glanced at the basket. “Why, these are lovely.” She glanced at the young woman, then put her hand on Carrie’s arm. “Are you still having trouble with Jacob Cole?”

“Jacob Cole is about to have troubles with her. Has Giles returned from Kent for Assembly today? Will both our brothers be at the meeting?” Margaret’s frogs roiled inside her.

How dare these men take advantage of their servants?

“I saw him and Fulke along with some other men heading to Lewger’s home earlier.”

“Come, Carrie Wells. We shall also attend Assembly.”

“But—Margaret,” Mary grabbed her arm. “Certainly, women would not be allowed—”

Margaret shrugged Mary away, snatched Carrie Wells by her hand, and stomped off down the path.

“Sister,” Mary called after her, “you must take off that filthy apron. You’re covered in soil.”

Margaret jerked it untied and slung it. “There is a difference between God’s soil and men’s dirt. Carrie Wells and I are about to sort this very thing out with all those fine gentlemen of Assembly.”

About the Author: Charlene Bell Dietz lives in the central mountains of New Mexico. She taught kindergarten through high school, served as a school administrator, and an adjunct instructor for the College of Santa Fe. After retirement she traveled the United States providing instruction for school staff and administrators. Her writing includes published articles, children’s stories, short stories, and mystery and historical novels.


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Descendants of Atlantis by Courtney Davis – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour oganized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Courtney Davis is awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Sorcha is a descendant of the Atlantean people, a race of humans who were once the blood slaves of the vampires of Atlantis. She grew up knowing that the vampires were enemies, the werewolves were beasts, and the witches were their friends. When she starts to question the situation her clan has been put into with the witches, a vampire who haunts her erotic dreams comes to the rescue. Samson didn’t grow up in Atlantis and didn’t choose to become a vampire. He hates what he has to do to survive, and can’t imagine ever deserving love. When he finds a Descendant of Atlantis near death and nurses her back to health, he expects her to run at the first opportunity. When she offers him her willing body, he knows he would do anything to keep her, and that means hiding his monstrous side. But you can’t love someone if you’re hiding part of yourself. One look at Samson and Sorcha knows she erased him from her memory on purpose, but why? What could he have done to make her risk such a dangerous spell? With battle on the horizon and Descendants in trouble, will Sorcha’s memories be the end of any chance at Samson’s happiness, or will it lead to a new understanding of what these monsters really are?

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Ian stood in shadow outside the museum where there were too many people for him to risk getting close. He couldn’t tell what was happening inside, but he watched and waited. Did this have to do with Norgis? What had he done in there and why was she here now? Had something been taken? Had Norgis found something that he could use to further whatever plan he had? Norgis with a plan, that didn’t feel right. Ian worried, not for the first time, that Norgis had help, that he was working as someone else’s dumb muscle. That would make him harder to track and take down. Of all the monsters housed in the bowels of Atlantis, Norgis had one of the simplest minds. Easy to control and powerful, but to come up with this on his own was unlikely. Had one of his men helped the monster escape?

Ian had so many questions and it irked him to not be in the know, it was a new experience for him.

The only comfort was that she would not leave without him knowing. It was many hours until sunrise and he doubted she would stay that long; humans were not nocturnal creatures. And when she returned home, he wouldn’t let a locked door keep him from her, that he vowed.

About the Author:Courtney Davis is an author of urban fantasy/paranormal/supernatural fiction with a little romance and humor thrown in. She loves creating worlds and exploring human, and inhuman, interaction. She lives in North Idaho with her husband and children where she teaches and enjoys time spent relaxing in the summer sun and winters by the fire. She has always had an affinity for reading and writing and a goal to make a career of it. There is no greater joy than to know her words took a reader out of reality for a time and into another world.

Website | Publisher Author Page | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | Goodreads | BookBub

Buy the book at Amazon, iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Google Play.

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Scorn of Secrets by B. Truly – Audiobook Excerpt and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. B. Truly will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops at the tour.

Flowers in the Attic meets The Family that Preys


When the rising tides of my life peak, I’m left struggling with the currents of the storm. My dad is a gambling addict, and it costs him everything. Mama bounces back quickly from the havoc Dad’s addiction causes. She proves this by getting a new man. Her Rico Suave is just the tip of the iceberg—she moves us across state to live with him and his two sons.My older sister has no problem fitting in. Although I’m the total opposite—I am not a social butterfly. Taught to make the best of even the worst situations, maybe I should give my new family a chance.

My life finally seems to be back on track until a dreadful night, shatters my dreams. My world is flipped upside down because of the consequences I must now bear. Thinking about that night torments me. For my sanity, I must keep the door to my darkest memory locked. No one will believe me if I set the truth free—not even my own sister.


After the heartbreak my future stepsister has suffered, I understand Madison being skeptical of her ready-made family. As we get to know each other better, we learn were two birds of the same feather. Our chemistry is undeniable, but if we tempt fate, will our relationship oscillate in the balance?

Life seems to be falling into place until one night changes everything. What happens to her that she can’t even look me in the eyes. It’s like somehow, my face has scorned her. I want to be the key to her secret. But Madison won’t confess—desperate to keep her darkest secret locked away.

Recommended for 16+ due to sexual content and language. Some content dealing with sexual assault may be disturbing.

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About the Author:B. Truly has wanted to be an author since she was fifteen years old, and she’s grateful to have accomplished this dream. She has very vivid dreams and a wild imagination. She likes to read, watch tons of TV shows, and movies. She is addicted to romance and gets a thrill out of suspense. She writes YA and New Adult and Adult Romance, Urban, Dystopian, Sci-fi, Post-Apocalyptic, Romantic Suspense, and Paranormal genres.

B. Truly has three wonderful children and a husband who defines the person she today. She works full-time as an Ultrasound technologist in Sugarland, Texas.

Goodreads | Smashwords

Buy the audiobook at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Chirp Books, Google Play, or Kobo.

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As an Author, What Scares Me the Most by Miriam Newman – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Miriam Newman will award a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

As an author, what scares me the most is…
That would have to be the universally dreaded writer’s block. I like to call it the dreaded writer’s PAUSE, because I’m trying to deny its existence as the veritable steel curtain that drops down in the middle of my brain, insisting that it wants to watch 80 episodes of Magnificent Century without pause instead of writing. Alternatively, it can force me to clean the house (sometimes several times), muck out the barn, bake something I can barely remember for which I lost the recipe years ago or even clean out a flooded basement. That last one is particularly distasteful, especially when the power is out (which is why the basement is flooded) and unidentifiable things are hitting my legs in the dark and icy cold water.

Or I could try to walk three dogs simultaneously, getting pulled over and tearing an ankle ligament. That one was particularly painful, although it did force me to sit down and write, since I couldn’t walk.

But I have a muse named Persephone (after the Queen of Hell) who regularly goes AWOL, leaving me to cope with her absence as best I can. And as you see from the above, that’s not very well.

Those who survived the Battle of Grandfather Mountain are said to be in the Hand of the Gods. No one will need that more than Sange, sister of Arak clan chieftain Javrik. Drawn to Arman Garimandi, the Omani cavalry officer who saved her people during the siege, she shocks her family by marrying him despite her brother’s caution that someday he will break her heart. Blindly in love, she follows Arman to two different forts where he is ordered. At the first, danger comes unexpectedly in the form of another woman And at the second, she finds herself an unwitting pawn–possibly even a prisoner–between two powerful nations.

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Sunny Omana had felt strangely like home to Arman, probably because he had heard about it all his life. And then, when their army had defeated the Domidian hordes that had conquered it and sent him to scout the upper portions, inhabited by nomadic Arak tribes, finally he knew life had given him another chance, probably undeserved after the things he had done, but a chance all the same.

He was looking at her now, sitting on her small Arak horse, framed against vast green plains below them where wind moved in circles and waves through wild grasses. Low purple and tan foothills rose from them, shadowed by clouds, and beyond those were mountains so steep that snowcapped them even in the midst of summer. Domidians on the other side had never crossed them in force. That was why the eastern portion of Arak lands, where Sange had never been, was spared the slaughter those in the center faced as Domidians who had occupied southern Omana fled forces drawn from the compact of nations who freed it from them. Now those mountains harbored their remnants, swelling ranks of brigands who had been there for years. It was a dangerous place, but she had packed up and taken horse with him when his orders sent him there. Just as his father’s Emperator had sent him to exile in a foreign land, the one in Arman’s time had done the same. The difference was that in his, Arman had found the last woman he would ever love.

Wisps of hair had escaped her headscarf, strands of gold flying in the wind, occasionally touching her sculpted cheeks. She had a mouth made for kissing and eyes as green as gems, oddly ringed with a darker shade outlining the iris like some elfin creature. Every feature was delicate, her body a wonder and a pleasure to him. She was young and she was hope, when he had lost all of his.

About the Author:I fell in love long ago with fantasy poetry driven by myths and legends, as well as stories of heroes and battles. Ancient Celtic writings were my special passion, along with the Roman Empire, Roman Britain, the Norman invasion of England, and tales of the Vikings. My first book emerged when I was an…ahem…youthful 52. Well, I’m not 52 any more and up to 34 books and it’s been a great run.

Retired from many years in social work, now I pass my days writing, researching and living with a pack of highly demanding rescue dogs. I write in every genre I please and you can see my books at my website.

Website | Dark Castle Lords Website | Blog | Celtic Rose Blog | Email | Facebook | Twitter | BookBub Author Page | Goodreads Author Page | Amazon Author Page
Buy the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Smashwords.

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SWAT for Dummies by Gail Koger – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Gail Koger will award a randomly drawn winner a $20 Amazon/BN gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Just call me Calamity Jane, wherever I go, trouble soon follows. Which makes my job as a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputy a bit hazardous. From chasing down a bank robber to dealing with a cat burglar, or handling Sun City’s seniors who are crazy as June bugs and horny as hell.

My personal life is complicated. Off-duty I’m a ballroom dancer. Detective Sergeant Dante Delgado is my new dance partner. My relationship with him puts me in the crosshairs of a dirty cop with homicidal tendencies. Can we stop him, or will we become his next victims?

Law enforcement isn’t for the fainthearted. Are you brave enough to enter my world?

Author’s note: I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for way too many years and this novella contains some of the wilder incidents that occurred. Yes, sex on the sidewalk is based on a true incident.

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I took his hand. I was curious to see how well we danced together. I smiled as energetic salsa music filled the club.

Dante spun me around him and pulled me into a tight embrace. My skin heated wherever he touched me, and my girly parts were yelling yee-haw. One moment, we were doing the Cuban salsa, and the next, the Texas two-step. I was amazed at how perfectly we moved together.

A light touch and we were dancing the tango. Dante’s large hands skimmed down my back, grabbed my hips and up I went. He twirled me around his shoulders and lowered me down his body.

I rubbed against his crotch in a sinuous slide.

“Minx,” Dante whispered and promenading me to the right, then the left.

I focused on the slow, delicious glide of his body against mine, on the sensual havoc he wreaked with a single touch as we switched to the Texas two-step, then back to the tango.

Dante dipped me. The carnal need in his eyes instantly made my panties wet. I watched in delight as he lowered his head until our lips met.

One second his lips brushed against mine. The next, Dante slid me between his legs and slowly pulled me back up. The bulge in his pants got bigger. I danced backward, tapping my heels on the floor, and breaking into the flamenco.

Without hesitation Dante did the flamenco too. His every movement was elegant and sensual as his boots drummed a primeval rhythm. Feeling sexy as hell, I clapped my hands rhythmically and joined him.

Dante wrapped an arm around me, pulled me close and ended the dance with a kiss.

About the Author:Author bio: I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Glendale Police Department and to keep from going totally bonkers – I mean people have no idea what a real emergency is. Take this for example: I answered, “9-1-1 emergency, what’s your emergency?” And this hysterical woman yelled, “My bird is in a tree.” Sometimes I really couldn’t help myself, so I said, “Birds have a tendency to do that, ma’am.” The woman screeched, “No! You don’t understand. My pet parakeet is in the tree. I’ve just got to get him down.” Like I said, not a clue. “I’m sorry ma’am but we don’t get birds out of trees.” The woman then cried, “But… What about my husband? He’s up there, too.” See what I had to deal with? To keep from hitting myself repeatedly in the head with my phone I took up writing.

Website | Facebook | Goodreads | Twitter | Instagram | BookBub Author Page | Amazon Author Page

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If the Duke Dares by Darcy Burke – Exclusive Excerpt and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Darcy Burke will award a $25 Amazon/BN GC + swag to a randomly drawn winner (swag US/Canada only). Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Incorrigible flirt Acton Loxley, Duke of Wellesbourne is in need of a duchess. En route to greet a potential bride, he encounters a most intriguing and captivating widow who completely distracts him from his task. However, she disappears before he can deepen their acquaintance. Acton begrudgingly goes to meet his bride, unaware she and the widow are one and the same.

When Persephone Barclay’s younger sister is compromised, Persephone must wed before the scandal spreads. Her parents scramble to present her to the Duke of Wellesbourne; except he’s precisely the kind of rogue she has now vowed to avoid. Taking flight to avoid a match, Persephone runs straight into her would-be betrothed and pretends to be someone else. But dash it all, the duke proves to be irresistibly charming! If she remains in his company, she’ll end up in the wicked scoundrel’s clutches.

Even worse, her second attempt at escape lands her in increasingly poor circumstances. With nowhere to turn and her safety at risk, she may have to accept help from the one man who threatens her resolve—and her reputation.

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She gave him a dubious look as she plucked up her glass and gently tapped it to his. “Friends? It’s a trifle early to make such pronouncements, isn’t it? Perhaps we won’t get on at all.”

Acton laughed before sipping his Madeira. “I’m confident we shall.” He gave her one of his most dazzling smiles. “So confident, in fact, that I’d make a wager on it.”

She arched a brow. “How would that work?”

“I’ll wager a pound that by the end of the evening, we’ll be laughing and jesting so much that our cheeks hurt. That will mean we are friends.”

“A pound?” she looked at him as if he were daft.

Acton realized that was excessive. “A shilling?”

She shook her head. “No wagers.”

Was that because she didn’t like to gamble, or because she couldn’t afford it? Acton took in her simple costume, a dark brown traveling dress buttoned to her throat, and her lack of adornment. She wore no jewelry, not even a comb in her hair. No wedding ring either. Didn’t widows typically wear those?

“Who awaits you at home?” she asked. “Your wife?” There was an edge to the question, as if she expected an affirmative answer and had therefore judged him a cheat.

Acton swallowed a bite of roast beef and took a drink of wine to wash it down. “She might be, actually. Not that she’s my wife. Yet. I’m to meet someone to see if we will suit.”

About the Author:Darcy Burke is the USA Today Bestselling Author of over sixty captivating, compelling historical and contemporary romance. Darcy wrote her first book at age 11, a happily ever after about a swan addicted to magic and the female swan who loved him, with exceedingly poor illustrations. Her novels have been translated into five languages and are also available as audio books. Join her Reader Club at

A native Oregonian, Darcy lives on the edge of wine country with her guitar-strumming, teacher husband, artist daughter, and writer (yes!) son. They’re a crazy cat family with two Bengal cats, a small, fame-seeking cat named after a fruit, a rescue Maine Coon with attitude to spare, an adorable former stray who wandered onto their deck and into their hearts, and two bonded boys who used to belong to (separate) neighbors but chose them instead. You can find Darcy in her comfy writing chair, folding laundry (which she loves), or enjoying game night with the family.

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Buy the book at Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, or Kobo.

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Fashionista’s Playbook by Candi Scott – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a randomly drawn winner a $50 Amazon GC. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The door to the New York fashion world shut firmly in her face, Moriah Stanhope’s only option seems to be to return to her small-town home as a failure. At least, she would go home in disgrace, but her car was just repossessed. In front of the hottest guy she’s ever seen.

Travis Madera is supposed to hire an assistant. One with qualifications and experience. Someone who won’t be starstruck by the fact he’s a professional football player. But he never could resist a damsel in distress, especially one with all those curves.

Moriah’s been humiliated in front of guys like Travis before. But as his assistant, she has access to every moment of his day-to-day life, so surely she can stay ahead of any potential problems.

Until the past comes rushing into the present.

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“Travis…” I whispered, half questioning-half pleading.

He jerked his hand away and sat up straight on the couch. “I’m sorry, Moriah. I didn’t even realize—”

I placed my fingers against his mouth, the heat of his breath rushing across the digits. My touch was so sudden, it surprised even me. His lips were warm and oh so kissable. My pulse hammered away against my ribs, desire blazing through me. I would have kissed him, but Travis was completely still, his face an unreadable mask.

When he didn’t react, I pulled away. I’d made a mistake, misread his touch, something. Panic turned to sheer horror. “Oh my God, I’m sorry.”

His hard exterior softened and he grabbed my hand. He sighed a bit, half-closed his eyes, then brushed his lips across the tips of my fingers in the softest kiss.

I relaxed a little.

“When you touch me, it makes me want things I can’t afford.” I offered weakly, not trusting myself to say much more.

From behind thick lashes, his eyes darkened; an intimate change of his features that spoke to me in a truly primal way. He kissed my fingertips, stroked his hand down my wrist and back up before rubbing small circles against the beat of my pulse.

About the Author:

Candi Scott is the spicy contemporary pen name for award winning author of Two Hearts, One Stone and the Arkadia Fast Series, Leslie Scott. She has been writing stories for as long as she can remember. The happier the ending, the better. Currently, she lives and writes amidst her own happily ever after with her soul mate, son, and domestic zoo.

Outlaw’s Lady by Bobbi Smith – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Bobbi Smith will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Wrongly Accused

When Pinkerton detective Slade Braxton went undercover to infiltrate the notorious Dakota Kid’s gang, he became one of the most wanted outlaws in the West. Now, set to stand trial for murder and robbery, he realized his ruse had been all too convincing—especially when the judge at his hearing turned out to be the woman of his dreams—the woman he’d shared a kiss with before sinking back into the shadows.

Out for Justice

Alyssa Mason was shocked when the mystery man who swept her off her feet at the town dance strode into her courtroom, accused of killing her father. Something about the handsome, arrogant Braxton disturbed her usually calm resolve. Though not easily distracted from her moral duties, Alyssa soon found herself fighting a forbidden attraction—and wondering if she’d have no choice but to abandon the law…and become the Outlaw’s Lady.


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Slade had been standing in the shadows watching the evening’s festivities, feeling like the outsider he was. He’d been looking for the town’s sheriff in the crowd when he saw the woman for the first time. She was a timeless beauty, and as he was watching her, another man took her out onto the dance floor. It was only as they turned his way while they were dancing that he saw the sheriff’s badge on the man’s chest.

As he moved farther back into the darkness, Slade’s frustration over his situation grew even more. He knew a driving need to be someone other than Slade Braxton, the outlaw and fast gun, for just one brief moment that night. When the music ended and he saw the woman standing alone on the dance floor, he started through the crowd.

“Miss?” Slade said as he reached her side.

Alyssa looked up, startled. She hadn’t noticed the stranger’s approach. She found herself gazing up at by far the best-looking man she’d ever seen—tall, dark and somehow dangerous.

“Hello,” she said, giving him a tentative smile. “Have we met?”

“No, we haven’t, but would you care to dance?”

A new tune had just begun to play.

Mesmerized by the mysterious man who’d appeared out of nowhere, she knew she had to. “I’d love to dance with you.”

The handsome stranger smiled as he took her in his arms and swept her out onto the dance floor.

The melody was a slow one, and Alyssa couldn’t have been more pleased. She felt as if she were floating on air as they moved together.

About the Author:

After working as a department manager for Famous-Barr, and briefly as a clerk at a bookstore, Bobbi Smith gave up on career security and began writing. She sold her first book to Zebra in 1982. Since then, Bobbi has written over 40 books and several short stories. To date, there are more than five million of her novels in print. She has been awarded the prestigious Romantic Times Storyteller of the Year Award and two Career Achievement Awards. Her books have appeared on numerous bestseller lists. When she’s not working on her novels, she is frequently a guest speaker for writer’s groups. Bobbi is mother of two sons and resides in St. Charles, Missouri with her husband and three dogs.

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Nerd Meets Curvy by A.C. James – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a winner a book box with the stunning hardback special edition with sprayed and stenciled edges, a dual-sided dust jacket, and custom swag. Please include this link with your post for her giveaway:

Coralie dreads starting over, but Mystic River beckons her home like a siren’s call. Armed with determination and a toolkit full of DIY magic, Coralie sets out to revive her grandmother’s worn-down house. If anyone can breathe new life into the old walls, it’s her. And with lifelong friendships awaiting her, she has a support system as sturdy as a bear shifter’s embrace.

Little does she know that her homecoming will launch her into the wildest roller coaster ride of midlife dating and a mating bond that makes her head spin faster than a tornado. Coralie certainly hadn’t signed up for this level of excitement, but here she was, courtesy of the enigmatic mastermind herself, Mrs. Wilde. The queen of matchmaking and the architect of the notorious Peculiar Hearts Dating Agency promises Coralie a spicy rebound for her upcoming high school reunion.

Enter Jax, a scorching hot bear shifter haunted by a love that’s gripped him since high school. Just when he finally has a shot at settling down, a pesky ex-harpy swoops in, flapping her wings and causing more drama than a forest full of squawking birds. Tired of the chaos, this bear is ready to throw in the towel and hibernate for good!

But as they say, fate has a wicked sense of humor.

Beneath the surface of his chance to make things right and rewrite history are secrets that could detonate like a ticking time bomb, threatening to shatter their fragile bond. Coralie holds a haunting secret buried deep within her heart. It shapes the choices that molded her into the fierce, curvy woman she is today. As for Jax, his past is a murky labyrinth of pain and darkness. Lives and love swing on a high-stakes pendulum as danger closes in.

Can Coralie and Jax beat the odds, untangle the mystery of the danger stalking them, and build a future that defies the limits of their pasts?

Enjoy an Excerpt

Coralie smoothed her hair, taking a deep breath to gather her courage before rapping her knuckles against the door. This whole situation was stupid-crazy, maybe even certifiably insane. She couldn’t believe she allowed Jessie to convince her to go along with it. She mentally questioned her sanity and wondered how she always found herself in these absurd situations.

The door swung open, revealing a pint-sized dynamo with a fabulous white bob that would make Cruella de Vil jealous. Except this woman’s hair was tinged with a hot pink streak, and her beaming smile could power a small city.

“Well, hello there, honey! I’m Eleanora, but you can call me Elle. And goodness gracious, you’re even more stunning than Jessie’s wild exaggerations. Step right in, my dear. I was just about to have a cup of tea. Care to join me?”

Following Eleanora’s lead, she found herself in the heart of the home—the kitchen. The bubbling pot on the stove released a fragrant symphony of tea leaves.

Eleanora gestured towards a chair with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Darlin’, have a seat, and let’s tame those wild thoughts with some good ol’ tea magic. Milk, sugar, or a dash of devilishness?”

Before Coralie could respond, Eleanora poured two cups with practiced precision. She handed Coralie a cup, the warmth radiating through the porcelain. “Here you go, love. Sip away your worries.”

Coralie’s nod was accompanied by the comforting warmth of the teacup cradled in her hands.

“Thanks,” she murmured, cautiously taking a sip from the oversized cup. The rich, flavorful tea danced across her taste buds, offering a soothing embrace like a warm hug on a chilly day.

About the Author:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author A.C. James writes paranormal romance and erotica, including Eternal Ever After (rebranded as Eternal Lover), featured in the bestselling Spice Box anthology. Her Ever Dark Immortals Series, which begins with Eternal Lover, has been described as “brimming with sensuality” and “romantic and sizzling hot.” The Isle of the Horse Shifters series starts with Ride: Awakening and is “lighthearted,” that is a “joy ride from beginning to end.”

She resides in the Philadelphia suburbs with her adoring husband Ron (aka Mr. A.C. James), who loves her imaginative yarns and punny sense of humor. She’s also a domestic violence advocate and discusses intimate partner violence and addiction to raise awareness on social media and through her writing. Many of her books include themes like alcoholism or addiction. If you love books that feature underdogs and redemption, her stories will capture your heart.

She spends most of her time drinking large vats of coffee while wrangling kids by day and writing by night. Recovering video game beta tester and tech geek who grew up going to cons and watching SmackDown. There’s probably some cosplay pictures around somewhere of her dressed up as Bloodberry from Saber Marionette J. Just don’t tell anyone.

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