Wanted – Bad Boyfriend by TA Moore

Wanted – Bad Boyfriend by TA Moore
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (211 Pages)
Other: M/M, anal play/intercourse
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

His mother. His best friend. The barmaid at the local pub. Everyone is determined to find Nathan Moffatt a boyfriend. It’s the last thing Nathan wants. After spending every day making sure his clients experience nothing but romantic magic, the Granshire Hotel’s wedding organizer just wants to go home, binge-watch crime dramas, and eat pizza in his underwear.

Unfortunately, no one believes him, and he’s stuck with lectures about dying alone. Then inspiration strikes. He needs the people in his life to want him to stay single as much as he does. He needs a bad boyfriend.

There’s only one man for the job.
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Flynn Delaney is used to people on the island of Ceremony thinking the worst of him. But he isn’t sure he wants the dubious honor of worst boyfriend on the entire island. On the other hand, if he plays along, he gets to hang out with the gorgeous Nathan and piss off the owners of the Granshire Hotel. It’s a win-win.

There’s only one problem—Flynn’s actually quite a good boyfriend, and now Nathan’s wondering if getting off the sofa occasionally is really the worst thing in the world.

Appear to hook up with the ‘baddest boy’ in town to throw off all the match makers. What could go wrong? Luckily for Nathan Moffat the town bad boy isn’t all the town gossips have made him to be. Flynn Delaney is exactly who Nate needs him to be.

I really kind of loved this story. It hit all the right notes for me from character personality, story development and fun dialogue. Even the antagonist was believable and all around self-serving and mean. I enjoyed not liking him.

Nathan and Flynn have a bit of background that I found interesting. The author alludes to it multiple times throughout the story but doesn’t fully reveal the depth of their connection until the end.

There are some great secondary characters in this story as well. Nathan’s mom is a sweetie. I had to laugh at the ‘small town’ feel of the island community where everyone knew everyone and was always asking about Ms. Moffat. I had an on/off love/hate relationship with Nate’s best friend. His actions don’t always feel like their in Nate’s best interest but that made more sense when the story played out as well.

I wouldn’t mind returning to Ceremony to catch up and watch another couple find their forever. Good read!

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