Rock of Salvation by M.J. Schiller

Rock of Salvation by M.J. Schiller
Love and Chaos Series, Book 4
Publisher: Kissmet Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

Jericho Tyler was comfortable in his role as the wild man of Just Short Of Chaos. Different gorgeous women throwing themselves at him every night? What self-respecting hetero male wouldn’t dream of that? But when Salvation steps out of his shower and into his life, things start to change.

Oh, yeah. I knew the second I saw her that she didn’t belong backstage. And she didn’t belong with a man like me, for sure. But I didn’t let that stop me from seeing just how far she was willing to go to keep up her little naughty girl charade. And if she had something to prove, why not prove it with me?

Salvation Jones was not like the rest of her family. In a parcel of toe-the-line, conservative preacher’s kids, she stood out like a piece of her costume jewelry at the Inaugural Ball.

I must have had a far-sighted stork reading the directions for my delivery. I was louder than they were. More boisterous. I got into more trouble. I’d heard, “Oh,Salvation,” in my mom’s disappointed voice for so long I began to think the O stood for Olivia, or something. It’s not like I meant to misbehave, but it just came naturally to me. I’d tried to be who they wanted; now it was time for me to truly be myself. They say, “Go big or go home,” so why not start out by seducing a rock star? And not just any rock star, the luscious, womanizing Jericho Tyler. Now that was somebody worth sinning for!

Sometimes it takes a bad boy to redeem a good girl. But will she become his Salvation in the end?

I want to start this review with paraphrasing a quote I saw somewhere, “The Love and Chaos series is M.J. Schiller’s way of rocking one fan at a time”. I can testify that each book in this series definitely ‘rocked me’. I’m officially a huge fan of M.J. Schiller and of her “Love and Chaos series”. Technically, each can be read as a standalone, but I’m biased after reading all four. I simply can’t recommend just reading one. That would be like eating one buttery piece of popcorn – impossible. Many people binge watch Netflix. Not me. I binge read, and I guarantee one day I’m going binge read this series now that I have them all.

Rock of Salvation is the fourth and final book in this series. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. It was finally Jericho’s turn to be the hero. Excuse me while I breathe with short, quick breaths, from my excitement over Jericho. Getting to know his character launched butterflies in my stomach multiple times. His stage personality was just that, ‘staged’. The real Jericho was just so “froggy”. When you read the story, you’ll get that innuendo. My speechlessness over Jericho is genuine. Just know that he is a rockstar that has a reputation and is performing when he’s on stage, and then, there is Jericho, the man. The real Jericho is to die for.

I can’t stop smiling as I am now about to talk about the heroine, Salvation Jones. Yes, that is her real name. Of all the character possibilities that M.J. Schiller could have chosen to create for Jericho, she chose a preacher’s daughter. I couldn’t believe it. Yet it was perfectly designed and masterfully executed. My face muscles hurt from smiling. Jericho and Salvation were complete polar opposites and yet they weren’t. The only way to describe them is to compare them to kettle popcorn. One is sweet and one is salty but when you put them together, they are delicious. I read this book in one day because I literally couldn’t stop reading it.

I got to know Jericho and Salvation’s families. Jericho’s was loving, funny and friendly. Salvation’s family fit the stereotypical ‘preacher family’. Some people suggest that there is a “preacher’s kid syndrome”, in which children of clergy reject religion and the church. This view is seen as a stereotype. I’m not debating that thought process one way or another but it’s one of my favorite plots. If you like the movies: Footloose, Dirty Dancing, Grease, Pretty in Pink, and Sixteen Candles, then you understand what I’m trying to explain.

Plot and theme are commonly confused. The plot is the sequence of events in the story. The theme is the message the author is trying to convey. In this book and the previous books in the series, I think the author did an excellent job creating plots that carried the theme of being redeemed and getting second chances. In this story, the hero, Jericho, was a prime example of being redeemed; and the heroine, Salvation, was appropriately named.

Like I said before, technically Rock of Salvation can be read as a standalone. However, Jericho is part of a rock band and in the previous books in the series each member had their own romance story. The rock band, Just Short of Chaos, is their own family unit. Therefore, when I read a story in this series, I feel like I’m part of the family unit. Just like in real life when one person in a family unit gets married the family grows. It has been an honor to be part of this rock group’s community and see them grow and develop.

As I said in the second paragraph, all good things must come to an end but at least I can reread this series as many times as I want to. I hope others will pick up this book and the others before it. It’s an awesome ride! Happy Reading.


  1. Wow! I’m blown away! Just like you get excited about finding a book you like, writers get excited about finding a reader that gets their writing. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed this series. It was fun for me, too, to watch the band family grow (both the bandmates growing and finding themselves, and the band growing in number by adding these strong, yet vulnerable women who bring out the best in their men). Thank you for reading and for taking the time to write a review and share your thoughts! I’m forever grateful!

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