Master Fabrizzio’s Vault: Taking Eric by Catherine Dolore

Master Fabrizzio’s Vault: Taking Eric by Catherine Dolore
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, LGBTQ
Rating: 2 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Behind the marble walls and manicured gardens of the Calvianni estate existed dark corners of temptation, torture and triumph…

Whew doggie….this one is hot.

I knew when I picked up this short story that it would scorch. It did. Eric thinks he’s going for business and he’s going to get so much more. He’s the type of guy who uses women and doesn’t think twice about it. It’s sort of nice to see him get the treatment he’s given in return, too.

This is a story of a man who gets it from three other men, so be warned. There is play in every orifice and even toys. It’s a complicated story. How will he respond when he’s treated in the same way he’s treated women before?

Granted, this is a hot story, but I have a few quibbles with it. This story could be great with a little more. I would’ve liked to have had a little more about Eric and his background. I know who he is, but I never really saw him. I don’t really know how he treated people in his past–it’s just hinted at. Adding those details would really round out the story well. Then there’s the editing. It could use a bit more going over from an editor as there are missing words and choppy sentences that messed with the flow of the story.

This is a hot story and it’s pure erotica. It’s also a bit of revenge fantasy in that some might want to see Eric get what he’s due. If you want a hot story that’s got lots of male-male action in a few pages, then this might be the one for you.

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