Grumpy Fake Boyfriend by Jackie Lau

Grumpy Fake Boyfriend by Jackie Lau
Kwan Sisters Book 1
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (167 pages)
Other: M/F
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

I’m a pretty simple guy. When I’m not writing a science fiction novel, I’m watching a good movie or reading a book. Alone. I like my reclusive life. That is, until my only friend asks for a favor—pretend to be his baby sister’s boyfriend on a couples’ getaway. Her ex is going to be there and she needs me as a buffer.

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This book can be summed up in one sentence and it’s a quote from the one person who drives Will equally crazy in sexy hot ways as it does in pain-in-his-behind ways. It’s just foreplay.

It wasn’t hard to get a feel for Will as a character. I can see an author preferring solitude over loud crowds and fake socializing. At the same time, every situation is a potential plot-bunny or future scene. I couldn’t help but feel for Will’s predicament but at the same time, I thought he handled himself pretty gracefully and with self control. Right up until Naomi put on that polka dot bikini.

Naomi was too cute for words. I liked the background that the author gave on who she was and how she was influenced by her family and culture. The author does a lovely job of playing out Naomi’s feelings in regards to her ex and her present feelings for Will. I was able to see Naomi’s growth. Will changed for the better, too and I liked that the author shows him as someone who’s willing to step out when love was on the line.

Something I thought would eventually be better explained, especially after Naomi sees the pattern in her ex with his current girlfriend and how he was with her, was why his relationship with the new girlfriend worked where he and Naomi did not. What was so different about Krista that he just couldn’t reconcile his love loss with Naomi? Ultimately, it doesn’t feel like a dropped thread in the story or make Naomi and Will’s romance any less fun because Jordan and Krista aren’t the focus of the story, but Naomi’s ability to be fully over Jordan is important and I think the author fleshed that out very well.

Naomi’s sister, Courtney, is the focus of the next book and if the writing and story telling are as clever and entertaining as this one, I’ll definitely be adding it to me TBR pile very near the top.

This was the perfect weekend away book about a fun-fake-couples weekend away. Well worth the read.

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