Back Forty by BA Tortuga

Back Forty by BA Tortuga
Publisher: Turtlehat Creatives
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, LGBTQ
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Rusty’s going it alone on the family farm, trying to make ends meet and his breeding scheme work. Too bad he’s really a college boy at heart, and having a hard time getting all of the work done all by himself.

When he finds Wayne standing next to a broken down truck on the side of the road, it just seems like someone out there was hearing his prayers. Wayne stays on for room and board and a chance to get his truck fixed up, and as they get to know each other, both Wayne and Rusty decide maybe they don’t have to be single guys anymore.

Rusty is driving back to his farm, hoping to beat the storm blowing in, when he passes a stranger with a broken down truck. Being friendly, Rusty gives Wayne a tow to his farm and they each find perhaps exactly what they were looking for.

This is a deliciously hot, fairly short cowboy romance. While I really enjoyed both Rusty and Wayne’s characters the main thrust of the story is the blossoming romance and steamy intimacy between the two men as they grow ever more fond and attracted to each other. Readers looking for a deeply plotted or complicated story might not find this suits their tastes – but I personally really enjoyed the connection between the two main characters and enjoyed watching them come together and begin to build a strong and meaningful relationship together.

I found the intimacy between the two cowboys hot and descriptive. I also enjoyed the fact that they clearly meshed well together on an emotional level and not just physically. Readers looking for a short but hot cowboy M/M romance story should find this satisfying and enjoyable.

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