A Legacy of Love and Murder by Brenda Whiteside

A Legacy of Love and Murder by Brenda Whiteside
The Love and Murder Series Book 3
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (321 pgs)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Poinsettia

In Austria to meet her great-grandfather and explore his castle estate filled with priceless art, August Myer arrives to find he’s died suspiciously. As one of the heirs, her life is in danger, turning this fairytale Alpine adventure into a nightmare of veiled threats, unexplained accidents, and murder.

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When August learns the handsome inspector is concealing a personal involvement, and the death of her great-grandfather is somehow connected, she takes the investigation into her own hands. The outcome could be the death of both of them.

August and her mother uncover more than family history on their trip to Austria.

August and her mother, Lacy, had high hopes for their trip to Austria. It was a chance to connect with long lost relatives and take in the beauty and history of the estate. Unfortunately, they don’t receive the warm welcome they were hoping for. August’s great-grandfather is dead and his widow, Eike, and nephew, Fabian, make it clear they see August and Lacy as intruders. In spite of it all, August and Lacy stay in the castle, but are they living with a murderer?

August is a fun character. She is spunky and certainly not afraid to speak her mind. She isn’t ruffled by Eike and Fabian’s chilly attitude. Her enjoyment of history and art leaps off the pages, and it was a joy to watch her explore the castle. August and Tobias have great chemistry from the start. Even though their personalities are very different, I think they make an interesting pair. August is a take action sort of woman, and I admire that about her. However, she does have a tendency to be impulsive and jump to conclusions. Tobias is more of a planner. He likes to gather as much information as he can before he makes a move. I think their skills complement each other nicely, and I enjoyed watching them work together.

The culprit of the crime is revealed well before the book ends. The suspense comes from watching August and Tobias solve the puzzle piece by piece. The tension is further increased as the murderer becomes increasingly bold in their efforts to prevent August from solving the mystery. I was on the edge of my seat wondering how far the villain would go!

I really enjoyed reading A Legacy of Love and Murder. The pacing and suspense are very well done, and Tobias and August make a great couple. While this is book three in the series, it stands alone very well. Fans of romantic suspense would do well to pick up a copy today.


  1. Brenda Whiteside says

    Thank you so much for a detailed review. I appreciate your time in reading and reviewing.

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