One Take Jake: Last Call by Jay Hall – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jay Hall will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Avenging the death of his sister, Lance, a once successful musician turned vigilante killer, has never denied his guilt…but knows now he could’ve handled things differently.

With dwindling hope after two years in the joint – and three life sentences ahead of him – Lance seizes his one opportunity for a life out of chains. With the help of loyal friends – straight-laced Reg and ex-druggie Jenny – Lance busts out of prison. He then begins his journey with Jenny to New York, where her street-wise Uncle Dusty will provide a safe hiding place, fake IDs, and a plan to get across the Mexican border.

However, it isn’t long before Jenny’s bad habits resurface, bringing heat on them both. They lose Dusty as an ally after he’s tortured by gangsters over money Jenny had supposedly stolen. In a strange country with Feds and gangsters on his tail, Lance is forced to lead the rapidly deteriorating journey south.

Just above the Mexican border, the two are cornered at a motel, their chances of survival slim. Still, Lance has hope. That is, until he learns the awful truth – a truth that leaves him alone in his final, desperate fight for freedom.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Waking up in my six-by-eight cell this morning, I wasn’t sure if I’d have the balls to go through with it.

But with everything to gain and nothing to lose, I’d be a fool to pass up the one chance I have at freedom.

Strategy, patience, and timing are everything. There are always eyes watching, especially when you’re a convicted murderer.

* * *

The bell chimes for chow-time, but I stay in my bunk. It’s all part of the plan. A couple of bulls stroll past my door and casually glance at me, then continue on down the cell block.

I close my eyes and drift into the safe rooms of my mind. I’ve had this interesting riff playing on a loop in my head for weeks. I grin and tap my fingers on my chest.

The only rhythm in this soul-sucking institution is the hum of electricity that seeps from the industrial lighting overhead.

A sudden pain stabs my eyelids. In the arid chill of my cell, the headaches coupled with nosebleeds are a welcoming reminder that I can still feel.

I turn to the brick wall and use my imagination to draw another line, marking another day spent in this hell hole. I’ve managed to survive two years and a month toward my life sentence. Keeping track of time is like throwing stones into a bottomless pit and waiting to hear them hit bottom – they never do. Still, I refuse to accept that I’ll live out my days in this institution, watching my body rot and my soul be slowly absorbed into the cold cement walls to join the poor bastards who’ve succumbed before me.

I’ve only got one hat-trick. A one-off scheme that others have tried and failed at repeatedly. But I’m nothing like my fellow inmates. Granted, I butchered three people and left a hell of a mess – too sloppy. I was careless and made mistakes. But for the most part I’ve navigated life with logic and forethought; the same approach I’ll be using to execute my plan.

About the Author: Jay Lang grew up on the ocean, splitting her time between Read Island and Vancouver Island before moving to Vancouver to work as a TV, film and commercial actress. Eventually she left the industry for a quieter life. She fell in love with creative writing and spends her days hiking and drawing inspiration for her writing from nature.

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LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: Deadly Ties by Jay Lang

Thanks for joining us on our 16th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC (along with other prizes). Follow and visit authors’ social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC (along with other prizes)!

Five years after her beloved mother’s death, Mila is forced home to Vancouver Island to care for her alcoholic, terminally ill father. But it’s not all bad. While moonlighting as a cabdriver to pay the bills, she meets Ava, a beauty with a golden voice who immediately captures Mila’s heart. And yet, Ava’s world isn’t exactly the peaceful escape Mila yearns for. Ava is forced to board her arsonist sister, Jessica, and turns a blind eye to reports of local fires. With difficulty, Mila helps Ava break away from Jessica’s toxic dependence. However, the couple’s peace is short-lived when a strange man begins stalking Ava. Despite Mila’s efforts to protect her, the hunter closes in. It takes a shotgun blast to reveal the truth — a truth that leaves Mila in a fight against the deadly ties that bind her.

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