Review: Meeting A Neighbor’s Needs

Meeting a Neighbor’s Needs
by Quillia Rain

When Gina moves into her new apartment there’s more to admire than just the view. Sexy neighbor, George fuels quite a few of her fantasies before the wild child in her slips free and taunts him into making a move. Following a night of unimaginably great sex, Gina embarks on a series of erotic adventures with her neighbor, each one more risky than the last.

During a particularly “special’ weekend, George introduces Gina to an acquaintance, Garrick, whose interests match their own. Together, Gina, George and Garrick discover a bond unlike any in their pasts and needs only the three of them together can meet.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, ménage a trois, multiple partners, bondage.

If you have a yen for a story of incredibly erotic encounters than this is the one for you. Quillia Rain takes you on a journey of sensual seduction and discovery told from Gina’s point of view, and leaves you quite breathless along the way.

Gina is your every type of woman. She feels that she’s stuck in a rut when it comes to the men in her life, not to mention when it comes to her sex life. When she meets George, her hot neighbor, she feels an instant attraction to him, but is intent on being a good girl and doesn’t push the attraction between them. When George takes matters into his own hands, Gina is helpless against his sexual pull and finds herself on a journey of discovery that teaches her more about herself than she expected.

George is a complex character, that we don’t learn much about as the story is told in Gina’s voice. He’s definitely strong and incredibly demanding of Gina and expects things of her that most men wouldn’t even consider asking for much less demanding as George seems to. My impression was that George knew what Gina was capable of both in her heart and in her sexuality, and would accept nothing less than everything from his woman. He gave me the shivers on more than one occasion, and sometimes not necessarily in a good way. I do have to say that despite his dark tendencies, or maybe because of them, I found him to be exceptionally exciting.

We don’t meet Garrick until the tale is almost fully told, so there is even less known about him. My understanding of him was that he was quite a bit like George, and just as possessive. The cialis sale pill is all about making your erections better. With this, we will not only have high customer retention but also able to spread out levitra 40 mg our customer base via word of mouth” According to Sabina Kamal, COO of Mobi Quest, “Coupon redemption figures have seen a huge jump. The pills are been given as per the person s body and how far the disorder has affected the person or canada in levitra how adverse the disorder is , in the man s body. viagra sildenafil buy This disease is characterized by painful and prolonged erection that can last for several hours or even days, in advance of race weekends. I was amazed by the fact that both men were so seemingly possessive and yet were willing to share their woman if it would enhance her pleasure.

I did have some issues with this story. While it was a love story, it was told in the style of your typical Erotica rather than an Erotic Romance. What I mean by that is that the story is told as a series of intense encounters without much lip-service being paid to character development or story-building. We are pulled from one sexual encounter to another with barely a pause between to catch our breath. It felt more like I was reading Gina’s diary, and while salacious it wasn’t really romantic. There were several moments where I wasn’t sure there would be a Happily Ever After and I was frustrated, but the sex was so erotic I couldn’t turn away. Kind of like a naughty voyeur who is helpless to turn from a steamy scene before them. While this didn’t completely ruin my enjoyment of this book, it did dampen it a bit as I would have liked to see more character development and story progression. Therefore, I have to tender a warning to anyone looking to pick this one up: It’s not your typical Erotic Romance, and that is just fine if you’re looking for something a bit more along the lines that this one went.

Quillia Rain is an exceptional author, and I have enjoyed her stories that I have read. Despite the difficulties I had in reading this one, I did enjoy it. Each story of hers has been unique and I do look forward to any of her other offerings. If you decide to pick this one up be prepared for a wild adventure that may make you wonder about some of your own fantasies, and what you would be willing to do for pleasure. Hold onto your seat and enjoy the ride.

Reviewed by Viscaria

Review: The Chronicles of the Phoenix, Book One: Ashes to Ashes

The Chronicles of the Phoenix, Book One: Ashes to Ashes
By Logan M. Whyte

Beltane–a night of wanton sexual abandon. At twenty-years-of age, Devon plays the role of the God. The mystic Celtic fire burns bright…burns nearly as bright as the passion inside Devon.

But his new lover isn’t the only one who desires Devon. Daigh Campbell is willing to do anything to claim Devon as his own.

I’ll be honest about my reading this story. It’s the first time I’ve read an erotic romance written by a man and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’ve read a lot of romances based around the Beltane festival, usually witches and Fae. I suppose this carries an element of that here, too, with the goddess and god figures. However, the introduction of another mystical creature not often seen in romance was quite refreshing and it intrigued me.

Devon is the lead hero in this story and I have to say, reading about his private moments will deliver the erotic edge readers are looking for in this type of story. I don’t think I’ve ever read such an explicit description of events as Logan was able to convey. It was a fascinating insight about a man from a perspective I’d never experienced before. I think I blushed! I felt like I was peeping. *gg*

Things really revved up at the festival, which is when the character of Daigh Campell creeped me out. He creeped Devon out, too, but Logan’s choice of scene where Devon and Daigh confront each other took me totally by surprise. I don’t think I have ever read a scene like that. It was kind of graphic, but I don’t think the author could have written it any other way and gotten the reaction out of me that it did.

The onsite love interest was too short for me, but I think it was Logan’s intent to hook the readers for the future. I sense a bit of world building in this story – setting the stage for a reader, to instill a yearning to know all. I wish the tine éan had a name because that would have connected me with the character more effectively. As it is, the tine éan’s choice didn’t move me emotionally as it perhaps could have. I entertain the hope that such will be the case in the future, because I DO see a future for this series. I guess you could say the “hook” worked.

I am compelled to say this: Ashes to Ashes does not have a typical HEA ending. I don’t want to mislead romance readers who determine their likeability of a book on the HEA ending. Logan seems to be leaving a couple of story threads dangling because I believe his intent is to expand and draw out the happily ever after. This is, after all, the first book in a chronicle and like the Heinz Ketchup commercial of yore, anticipation is a good thing and worth waiting for.

Ashes to Ashes delivers erotic satisfaction and enough of a refreshing twist on love’s journey to make a reader want to join Devon for the next trip.


Reviewed by Xeranthemum

Review: Target of Deception

Target of Deception
By Jennifer Cole

Officer Adrien Spence’s Mission: Obtain incriminating evidence, which one Alexis Rainier holds in her possession — at any cost.

First Challenge: Earn Alexis’ trust, which is easier said than done. By him using her niece, Alexis’ walls virtually crumble at her feet, as the little girl falls in love with Adrien.

Second Challenge: He must seduce Alexis and keep her off balance, and above all else, his secret agenda must remain just that, a secret.

Third Challenge: Adrien must search Alexis’ house for the damning evidence, without her finding out.

Unfortunately, he didn’t expect to lose his heart in the deal; and when Adrien learns that Alexis has been kidnapped, he prays that he can beat the clock in a race against time to save her.

Her life depends on it.

WARNING: This title contains explicit language, graphic sex, violence and anal sex.

Jennifer Cole delivers what a reader expects in an erotic romance. It has the saucy words, the adventurous physical involvement between characters and enough steam to thrill the seekers of erotic encounters. As a reader, I need more — and although Jennifer had to work her way up to it, once she delved into the suspense and started dropping clues for me to mull over, I was well and truly hooked.

We first meet Summer Rain a/k/a Alexis Ranier. She’s doing her thing on stage; a woman forced to do extra-ordinary things to keep her head above water, much like the classy lady on Independence Day. Remember her? Except Alexis doesn’t have it as easy. There’s a lot more baggage and stress burdening her shoulders that colors how she views the world around her and the people in it.

Officer Adrien Spence is told to protect her. He’s the do-good guy who can’t resist the lure of Alexis. He has a dark side to him as well and that always makes a character more interesting. He makes a few mistakes, assumptions actually, that humble this almost perfect guy. He is also in a situation of being used while thinking he’s the clever one. All along the tide is against him, but as with any knowledgeable swimmer he figured out pretty quick how to work with the riptide.

Did you follow that?

What that means is that the author works a spiraling intrigue throughout this story that had me surprised at the end. Oh sure, I figured out a few things, but not everything, and I enjoyed that.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention a slight time burp and a few editing issues early on. Also, don’t be surprised if, after awhile, you get irritated by her calling Adrien “Cop” all the time. You will understand why she acts the way she does, and talks the way she does, when the facts of her life get revealed. Put yourself in her shoes. Once you know what she knows, I think you’d be hard pressed to stop yourself at just saying “Cop”. I could think of a lot more words to use than that.

Be assured that this story transcends those little issues. When the action towards the end starts, it was well paced, well written and had me reading with wide-eyed enthusiasm. Time ceased to exist.

For me, plot is key to a story. The author wrote the physical sex as hot and varied, definitely earning the erotica title – satisfying those that look for that element. But for me,who requires more to a story, Jennifer Cole delivered the meat.
She was right on target.


Reviewed by Xeranth