Top Ten Tuesday: Thanksgiving Cookbooks

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Lately I’ve been thinking about all of the work that goes into creating a delicious Thanksgiving feast. Cooking is a skill, especially when it comes to making multiple dishes using ingredients that might not be so commonly used the rest of the year by the average person.

I was lucky enough to grow up in a family that taught basic cooking skills, but not everyone has this advantage in life. Thank goodness for cookbooks and recipes written by more experienced cooks that can fill in the gaps there for anyone who wants to make the perfect Thanksgiving meal.

Today I’m sharing ten such cookbooks. If you know of any others that are also a good resource, let us know in the common section below.

1. The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen by Sean Sherman and Beth Dooley.

Look at just a few of the recipes included in this collection: cedar braised bison, griddled wild rice cakes, amaranth crackers with smoked white bean paste, three sisters salad, deviled duck eggs, smoked turkey soup, dried meats, roasted corn sorbet, and hazelnut–maple bites.

My mouth is watering already. They all sound amazing.

2. Vegetarian Times Complete Thanksgiving Cookbook by the Editors of Vegetarian Times .

I enjoy the challenge of creating a delicious and filling holiday meal that can be eaten by a group of people who sometimes have wildly different dietary needs. This includes friends and relatives who don’t eat meat. With a few tweaks, anyone can eat their fill at my dinner table. I’m proud of that fact.

3. Betty Crocker Complete Thanksgiving Cookbook: All You Need to Cook a Foolproof Dinner by the Editors of Betty Crocker . 

This would be an excellent place to start for anyone who has never cooked Thanksgiving dinner before.

4. Taste of Autumn Cookbook by Gooseberry Patch.

There is a recipe in this book for herb roasted turkey that I can’t wait to try. This is also something I’d use to test out recipes ahead of time to see if I liked them enough to include them in the official Thanksgiving lineup.

5. Where People Feast: An Indigenous People’s Cookbook by Dolly Watts and Annie Watts.

Seafood isn’t something I’ve had at any holiday dinner, but the recipes for it in this cookbook sound incredible. I might have to replace the traditional turkey with fish or mussels one day.

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6. Southern Holiday Feast: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Easter & More! by S.L. Watson.

Southern food is delicious at any time of the year, so of course I’d want to see what they come up with on special occasions, too.

7. Diabetic Holiday Recipes by Publications International.

Once again, I love the idea of making small changes to the traditional spread in order to make sure that everyone will be able to enjoy it.

8. Make It Ahead: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook by Ina Garten.

My kitchen has a limited amount of counter space, no dishwasher, and a small oven, so I make as much food ahead of time as possible during special occassions. It is so much easier to spread the cooking out over a couple of days as opposed to finding the room to make everything at once and washing a small mountain of dishes afterwards.

9. Pies and Tarts: for All Seasons by Annie Rigg and Nassima Rothacker.

There is never such a thing as too much pie. The nice thing about this dessert is that it generally keeps well if you’re too full to have a slice immediately after the main meal. Of course, my stomach always thinks it has enough room left for pie no matter what else I’ve eaten.

10. Edible Wild Plants: A Naturalist’s Look at the Wild Food Plants of North America by Oliver Perry Medsger. 

As you might have already guessed, I enjoy eating locally grown food when possible. I don’t know enough about safely identifying wild plants to eat them on other than rare occasions, but I am fascinated by the idea of wandering into the woods to gather one’s dinner.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American readers from everyone here at Long and Short Reviews!


  1. Great list! I’m absolutely rubbish at cooking so cook books are practically written in an alien language to me, but I think I need to find myself a nice cook book to try and see what happens.

    • Thank you. There are a lot of amazing cookbooks out there written for people who are beginners. I hope you find a wonderful one.

  2. Nice! I’m all about food this time of year. Having gone vegetarian recently, that cookbook caught my eye. And the Betty Crocker one just looks like a classic. Taste of Autumn too probably has some yummy stuff in it. 🙂

  3. OMG you make me so hungry! Here is my post:
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Very nice list! Love that you chose cook books.

  5. I love to cook and love cookbooks so I will have to check these out. I am especially interested in the Ina Garten one.

  6. The vegetarian cookbook looks amazing! 🙂 How lovely that you’re so inclusive for many dietary requirements.

    • Thank you. I thought so, too.

      Honestly, inclusiveness is an important part of Thanksgiving is all about if you ask me.

  7. Great list! I love that you’ve got a variety of different cookbooks listed. There’s something for everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  8. Ooh nice topic twist! Those are new to me ones! We don’t really have cookbooks in our house, there are some, but most of the recipes are ones we pick up online that end up turning out really good, so we keep them in a great big binder! Lol.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

    • You’re quite welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed my twist on this week’s post.

      A binder full of tried-and-tested recipes sounds wonderful.

  9. Oh my gosh! This post is delicious! and making me so hungry. I’m not a big cook or reader of cookbooks but I did really love watching the Barefoot Contessa tv show.

  10. Man, I wish I had known about that Betty Crocker cookbook years ago. That would have been so handy to have when I first started cooking our big Thanksgiving meals. Great list!

  11. This is such a fun twist on the topic. Love it! I don’t think I have any of these cookbooks, but I do like the Food Network, and there are several food bloggers I follow for recipes too. 🙂

    Thanks bunches for the Finding Wonderland visit.

  12. I will have to check out the Make Ahead one and the Wild Edible too. Great choices!

  13. I like the book on edible wild plants. Part of me is always thinking about the worst-case scenario where we’re living this Fifth Wave type existence and have to fend for ourselves against nature, LOL. Great list!

    • Thanks. I have similar thoughts. There’s also something really interesting about being able to walk through the woods and know at a glance which plants would be safe to eat.

  14. I am still looking for that perfect cookbook that will help me cook a vegetarian meal in 15 minutes or less and be uber healthy. I’m not demanding am I? 🙂 Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Ooh, love this! That herb roasted turkey you mention from Taste of Autumn Cookbook definitely sounds good. We don’t often eat turkey over here – Belgium doesn’t even celebrate Thanksgiving – but I do want to try out baking a turkey one day. Once we have a.. bigger oven probably, hah. 🙂

    • Yes, a lot of countries don’t celebrate Thanksgiving from what I’ve read. It’s quite popular in North America, but not so much so in other places. Does Belgium have any major holidays that aren’t celebrated in other countries, I wonder?

      I hope you enjoy that herb roasted turkey once you have a bigger oven.

  16. Oh, I like this view on the topic. I know my mother was surprised a few years ago to discover that I can cook (in spite of the fact that at the time I’d been married for like 7 years and had two children…and she was completely oblivious to the fact that if I didn’t know how to follow a recipe and cook, she’d be largely to blame for that).

    Hope you have a great week.

  17. What an awesome idea for this week’s post. The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen sounds awesome, I really want to check that one out. Betty Crocker is a classic in the cooking realm. Edible Wild Plants sounds really useful as well. Thanks for sharing these!

    • What a nice compliment. Thank you for it.

      I wonder if there would be a way to use all three of those cookbooks for the same feast?

  18. Ooooh what a cute idea!! I definitely need the Vegetarian one and the Taste of Autumn ones! Happy Thanksgiving I hope you’re staying warm and you have a good holiday!

  19. So many interesting cookbooks. 🙂 I’ve got another book from Gooseberry Patch (it’s about autumn slow cooker recipes) and I really like it. The Sioux book sounds interesting, especially the cedar braised bison.

    • Yes, that cedar braised bison does sound amazing.

      I didn’t know Gooseberry Patch had a cookbook full of slow cooker recipes. How neat.

  20. I don’t have a lot of experience in the kitchen but I really love food and I so want to love cooking! I love flicking through cookbooks for inspiration though! Some of these ones look particularly interesting!

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