Ropin’ the Moon by Deborah Camp

Ropin’ the Moon by Deborah Camp
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Historical
Length: Full length (312 pages)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

He had tumbleweed in his blood, moving from one town to the next. Traveling to where there was trouble, he was hired to tame wild places with a fast draw and an iron will.

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Oh my gosh, this was a really good book. I felt like I was watching a movie. In fact, I think it should be one. The title of the book warmed my heart because it reminded me of one of my favorite John Michael Montgomery songs “rope the moon”. I loved how the author even referred to the title in the beginning of the story. I was already intrigued by the synopsis to read the book but the first few pages truly captured my interest and kept it until the last sentence.

I fell in love with Dalton the moment he rode into town. I love a strong hero with a huge heart. The heroine, Lacy, was a town favorite. It was fun to see her fall for Dalton considering we all assumed he would move onto the next town after he tamed Far Creek’s mounting trouble. The ending was well worth the stress of how they were going to work things out.

There was page turning excitement woven throughout the story as Dalton did his job that made it nearly impossible for me to put the book down. Dalton was more than a hero in my eyes. He made my book boyfriend list.

There were several well developed characters that were relatable, giving the feeling of a small down kinship–which is why I could see this book being made into a series. I’d love for there to a sequel to this story. I didn’t want it to end.

This is definitely a book for the keeper shelf. I hope others enjoy it as much as I did.


  1. Thanks for that review. It was like ropin’ the moon for me! 🙂

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