Long and Short Reviews welcomes Maggi Andersen, whose latest book Murder in Devon was released in February. She saw a news article on the evening news and it set off the idea for the book. She had to do a lot of research for it, however, including two trips to England.

She has another book coming out this month, The Reluctant Marquess, and she will be having a Virtual Book Tour next week to promote the release. I asked her to tell us about it.

Charity Barlow wished to marry for love. The rakish Lord Robert wishes only to tuck her away in the country once an heir is produced.

A country-bred girl, Charity Barlow suddenly finds herself married to a marquess, an aloof stranger determined to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself. She and Lord Robert have been forced by circumstances to marry, and she feels sure she is not the woman he would have selected given a choice.

The Marquess of St. Malin makes it plain to her that their marriage is merely for the procreation of an heir, and once that is achieved, he intends to continue living the life he enjoyed before he met her.

While he takes up his life in London once more, Charity is left to wander the echoing corridors of St. Malin House, when she isn’t thrown into the midst of the mocking Haute Ton. Charity is not at all sure she likes her new social equals, as they live by their own rules, which seem rather shocking. She’s not at all sure she likes her new husband either, except for his striking appearance and the dark desire in his eyes when he looks at her, which sends her pulses racing.

Lord Robert is a rake and does not deserve her love, but neither does she wish to live alone. Might he be suffering from a sad past? Seeking to uncover it, Charity attempts to heal the wound to his heart, only to make things worse between them. Will he ever love her?

Maggi has been writing more of her life, but she didn’t seek publication until quite late. She’s been published since 2008.

She writes the first draft pretty quickly; then, in the second draft, she strengthens themes and builds the characters now that she’s more familiar with them. The second draft might also include a structural edit. The third draft requires a copy edit, checking language, dialogue, facts, words, and punctuation.

Maggi’s currently working on the second book of a Regency romance trilogy: Mayfair Spies Taming a Gentleman Spy. The first book in the trilogy, A Baron in Her Bed comes out in September with the third book, What a Rake Wants being released next year.

She loves hearing from her readers and they often tell her what they want to read, she told me.

“It’s helpful, and it’s the reason I’m writing about Regency spies,” she said.

She’s also reading Joanna Bourne’s spy books and said, “They are great!”
Maggi lives in a historical Australian country town.

“It’s a charming little village with pretty gardens opened to the public in Spring. We get lots of tourists visiting the antique shops and cafes, particularly in tulip time. Very English really,” she said. “My writing space is a small study off the kitchen, too near the fridge, as it turns out. I can look out the window on the pretty garden with a stream and ducks.”

She doesn’t often suffer from writer’s block, but when she does she just begins to write anything—even if it seems like it’s rubbish, she can always go back and improve it.

Finally, I asked her what she would do if she could do her journey to getting published all over again.

“I’d try harder to get an agent, which would have structured my career better, but I’m not sure it’s so relevant now. I’ve had an Amazon Regency bestseller without one. My husband is a lawyer and reads the contracts. I do all my own promotion. Some writers would certainly benefit from one though.”
About the Author:

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Andersen always felt she was meant to be a writer, but raising three children and studying for a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Arts in Creative Writing degree came first. Georgette Heyer has strongly influenced her historical romances. Her love of romantic suspense came from Mary Stewart and Victoria Holt.

Her current favorite writers are Elizabeth George and Sue Grafton. In her spare time, Maggi enjoys reading and watching movies. She swims and goes to the gym to keep fit. Her novel, Murder in Devon, was released by Black Opal Books on February 25.

Find the author online at:

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Twitter: @maggiandersen

An ex-patriot American reporter living in England, Casey Rowan wakes to find one best friend murdered and another seriously injured. Casey is determined to find the killer, despite running afoul of the detective in charge of the case—a blue-eyed Scot named Rod Carlisle, who considers her a prime suspect. As Casey gets closer to the truth, losing her heart to the sexy cop isn’t the only thing she risks. Now her life is danger, too.

Rod has no patience with civilians who interfere in police matters, even hot little numbers like Casey. Though he tries to keep things professional between, Casey’s beauty and spunk are hard to resist. Rod warns her that what she’s doing is dangerous, but she refuses to listen. Can he find the killer before Casey becomes the next victim?


Author Interview with Leah Marie Brown

The Long and the Short of It is pleased to welcome Leah Marie Brown, whose latest book Silence in the Mist was released in July.

Leah Marie said she’s always known she wanted to be a writer.

“When I graduated from high school, I was full of bravado and wistful dreams. I imagined traveling the world, working for the Associated Press, and one day writing a blockbuster novel. College did not figure in those plans,” she told me. “The funny thing about youthful dreams, they usually get smacked around by the mature hand of reality before they’re actualized. While my friends were writing term papers and going to frat parties, I was working as a preschool teacher, a receptionist at a brokerage firm, and a salesgirl at a shockingly unfashionable clothing store. At night, I wrote poems, articles, and short stories. A year after graduation, I sold my first piece to Seventeen Magazine and got hired as an editorial assistant at The Arizona Republic. I wrote my first article for The Arizona Republic two months after being hired. Hard-hitting articles followed. If you lived in Arizona in the 80s, perhaps you read my articles about pet safety belts or the Stressball (an irritating gadget that sounded like shattering glass when thrown).

“I sailed from The Arizona Republic in search of new journalistic worlds to conquer and landed at a very small newspaper in North Carolina, where I wrote investigative pieces about the local piano teacher who was a closet poet and the dangers of cow tipping (joking).

“Realizing I would not achieve my dreams without a college degree, I enlisted in the Air Force as a Radio and Television Broadcaster and was stationed in Zaragoza, Spain. I was a drive-time radio jock, spinning records at the un-godly hour of 6AM while most of Espana still slept. I then anchored the nightly news, covering stories related to Desert Storm.

“After separating from the Air Force, I worked as a freelance reporter and stringer for CBS news. I started writing novels ten years ago.”

The most difficult part of writing Silence in the Mist for Leah Marie came after she completed the first draft. She entered it in Seattle RWA’s Emerald City Opener and won. She was still fairly new at the novel writing game, was passionate about the story, and very excited about the contest win, so she sent the manuscript to editors and agents from revising or editing it.

However, reality crashed into her dreams.

“Most of the editors who read it said they loved the story but didn’t think a romance novel set in the French Revolution would appeal to readers. Some also said it needed polishing,” she explained. “Unfortunately, I practiced selective listening – hearing only that they did not like my setting. It took me years to realize that if I wanted editors to make the big leap over the French Revolution hurdle, I needed to remove all of the other hurdles in the manuscript. In other words, I needed to edit and revise it.”

I asked her to tell us a little bit about Silence in the Mist.

After bloodthirsty revolutionaries murder her family, Françoise Despres vows to avenge their deaths and fight the violent mob destroying her beloved France. Usually the impotency in men is of many kinds, but two most popular are:* A condition where male gentile do not get order cialis online erected and neither person feels sensuality.* A condition in which person is Sildamax aroused, but his gentile do erect for completing physical relation.Besides, the male impotency problem, there is also issue related to female sexual dysfunction. You must not drink cialis canada generic cold water along with the medicine. Its effect starts to get and maintain strong erection can be improved. buy cialis online Lupus Symptoms Every lupus case generally differs from other cases, but the most commonly observed indications include: fatigue, facial rash (butterfly in shape that covers the cheeks and the nose simultaneously. best buy on cialis Becoming a spy for the counter-revolutionary cause, she knows great success, silently slipping between the shadows to carry secret messages that thwart her foes. But she never expected to come up against Sebastien de Brézé, a daring, clever cavalry officer in the revolutionary army and master spy hunter.

When Sebastien discovers the spy he has captured is actually a wily young woman cloaked in men’’s garb, he finds himself intrigued and titillated. But the elusive woman slips through his grasp, leading him on a chase through France. Undaunted, he makes it his mission to recapture Françoise Despres, body and soul.
Leah Marie shared that she’s had many serendipitous moments in her life and wonders sometimes whether they were ordained by some higher power or merely coincidental.

“I’ve made so many fortunate discoveries by accident – while plotting my novels – that I can’t believe life is completely random. For instance, after writing Silence in the Mist, which is based on the real counter-revolutionary spy, Françoise Després, I took a trip to France with one of my best friends. While driving through the Loire, we got lost and ended up on some back road. We saw a sign for an old castle and decided to take a look. As we were coming down the stairs of the castle, I stumbled and reached for the wall to steady myself. I looked at my hand and there, carved into the stone wall, was the name Françoise Després. I made a few inquiries and discovered the castle had been used as a prison during the French Revolution and that the names on the walls had been carved by prisoners! None of the books I had read about Françoise Després mentioned her being imprisoned in that particular castle. Furthermore, I had never heard of that castle. I don’t know if the name on the wall was the same Francoise Després I wrote about in Silence in the Mist, but I believe it is certainly possible. The real Françoise was captured and imprisoned several times.”

To read about more of the other strange and serendipitous happenings in Leah Marie’s life, check out her blog On Life, Love and Accidental Adventures.

Leah Marie’s maternal grandmother was born in France and met Leah’s grandfather several months after he’d stormed the beach at Normandy.

“For years, my grandpa, an American of Irish descent, liked to tease my grandmother by saying her French ancestry made her inferior,” she told me. “Recently, I discovered my grandfather had ancestors from the Dordogne region in France. So, I am proud to say I have a lot of French blood running through my veins.”

Her French background comes out in several phrases that have become a part of her everyday speech:

Quel tragique! (As in, “Someone ate the last pain au chocolat! Quel tragique!”)

J’adore (As in, “J’adore Prince Harry!”).

“I also use the words covet and fabulous a lot. I pronounce the latter, fob-oo-liss because that’s the way my French-born grandmother pronounced it when she spoke English, which always made me giggle.”

When Leah Marie is working on a novel, or an article for a magazine, she becomes hyper-focused and obsessive.

“I stop going to the gym, answering the phone, practicing good hygiene – I literally pad around the house in my sweats with my lucky pink pencil sticking out of the hair piled atop my head,” she said. “When I get this way, my friends jokingly refer to me as ‘Bubble Girl’ (A pun on the movie Bubble Boy, a comedy about a man who is born without an immune system and has to live in a plastic bubble, away from people). I usually get up at 4 in the morning, write a few hours, get my kids out the door for school and then go back to writing until they come home. After they’ve gone to bed, I will often go back to writing until my eyes droop and my forehead hits the desktop.”
You can keep up with Leah Marie on her blog, On Life, Love and Accidental Adventures.

Author Interview: Diane Davis White

The Long and the Short of It is very pleased to welcome Diane Davis White, author of the Lakota Moon series and the Tartan Cowboy series.

Diane grew up in southern California, but told me that her spirit draws her back to the wide open plains.

“I was born writing, and have been doing so since I could put pen to paper. When I compose a scene, I see the images so clearly, it’s as though I’m there,” she said. “I create stories for pleasure and when someone tells me they like my work, I am content.”

She writes mainly western historical with Native American heroes, the occasional contemporary romance, and also a bit of whimsical fantasy.

“My heroes are always modeled after my late husband, whose Chickasaw heritage inspires me,” she explained.

Unlike a lot of authors, for Diane she usually comes up with the title first, then builds the story around it.

“For instance, I was chatting with another writer friend and I said, ‘I’d like to do something Scottish, but not historical…maybe something where the cowboy wears a tartan sash.’ Then, viola! The Tartan Cowboy Series popped into my head. From there, I did a family history page and started writing.”

Diane told me that she’s literally been writing all her life, since she was old enough to hold a pencil and her favorite book is always the book she’s writing at the moment.

“Each book has its own place in my heart, and I cannot choose one over the other. However, I will have to say, there is a book ‘under my bed’ that has my heart totally and it’s not complete,” she said. “It’s called The Heart of Wild Horse, and it’s hero is my husband, whose Chickasaw name was–you guessed it–Wild Horse. If I can ever finish the book, it will be my favorite, for sure.”

Diane doesn’t develop her characters; they develop themselves.

“I just put my hands on the keyboard, type a few lines and they take over the story, hook line and sinker. I’m just along for the ride and to type what they dictate.”

Her plot is also very loose, as a rule. No matter how she starts off, the story goes another way sooner or later.

“I think my characters sort of take me there,” she explained.

The next book in the Lakota Moon Series, Moon of Hard Winter, has just been published, and she has started the 4th book in the series, Moon of Tender Grass. She needs to find the time to finish is and hopes it will be in print before fall. She’s also currently working on the next book in the Tartan Cowboy series.

“It’s going to be a little hotter than the first one, but the main character, Parlan, is a wild child kind of guy and so is his love interest, Brina,” she said.

“Do you ever suffer from writer’s block?” I asked. “If so, what do you do about it?”

“Writer’s block is common to most authors. I just walk away and work on another project or get caught up on my dusting…whichever happens to be the most urgent. Sooner or later it comes back. If I’m on a deadline, of course, I try to stick it out and sometimes if I keep writing, the block will disappear.”

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When she’s not writing, she stays busy reading, because she reviews for Amazon.

“I just finished a great book from guaranteed-good-read, Debbie Macomber, Family Affair, and received a new one today titled The Matchmaker of Kenmare by Frank Delaney,” she said. “It looks to be a good read.”

On a personal note, Diane told me that she doesn’t hate how she looks in pictures, at least “not after I’ve put them through Photo Shop and removed all the flaws, age spots, wrinkles, that sort of thing.”

She also shared with me her strangest habit.

“I tear the tiniest bit of paper from the corner of a page when I’m reading. My husband used to laugh. He’d say he knew where I’d been because of the trial of book page corners. And yes, I know it’s sacrilege to mutilate a book, but I call my little torn corners ‘love bites’. If you see a book on my shelf with no torn corners you know I either haven’t read it or didn’t like it. eBooks, sadly, have no paper corners to tear….”

However, she does think scientists should invent eBooks with paper covers for her to tear as she reads.

“You can erase any horrible experience from your past,” I told her. “What will it be?”

“Only one? I can’t pick one over another…there are so many! Okay, there was this one time when the seat my pants caught fire in front of the plate glass window of a bar with a whole bunch of people watching…that’s not an event I would like to repeat.”

“When you looked in the mirror this morning, what was the first thing you thought?”

“OMG! I’m turning into my father! Then I plucked out the chin whisker and relaxed.”

I asked her about a saying she uses a lot, but she told me that she didn’t think it was fit for public consumption, however she admitted that it can be read about in a lot of erotica books.

“Have you ever eaten a crayon?” I wondered.

“No, but I’ve smoked a few…oh wait…maybe not!”

As far as her heritage goes, she’s been told mostly Irish and Welsh, with some Scots and English thrown in.

“I dunno, though,” she mused. “I’m leaning toward alien, truth be known.”

Finally, I asked her, “What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?”

“Write what you know; edit, edit, edit, and edit again; research which publishers are accepting our genre; have someone who isn’t your family or friend, and can be impartial, read your work—AFTER you edit, and edit, and edit, of course; and try to find a good critique partner. You can do this by joining one of the many writers groups online, or check your local library for a list of groups in your area.”

You can keep up with Diane on her blog,

Author Interview: Kathryn Meyer Griffith

The Long and the Short of It is very pleased to welcome Kathryn Meyer Griffith, author of Vampire Blood, which was just released from Damnation Books. Vampire Blood is a revised and re-issued edition of Kathryn’s 1991 Zebra paperback romantic vampire novel.

She had some exciting news to share with us. Her April 2011 re-release (also originally a Zebra paperback) Witches won the CoffeeTimes Recommended Read Award and Before the End: A Time of Demons won the She Never Slept 2010 Nightmare Award.

Kathryn started writing after her only child, James, was born in late 1971. She was staying at home with him, not working, and was bored out of her skin. She read a horrible historical romance one day and thought I can do better than that!.

“I got out my old typewriter with a few keys that stuck, my White-Out, carbon paper for copies, and started clicking away. And so it began. That was 40 years ago,” she remembered. “Took me 12 years to get my first book published as I got sidetracked with a divorce, raising a son, and having to get a real job. Life got in the way.”

In the meantime, she wrote another book, Evil Stalks the Night. Her first book, The Heart of the Rose, and the second were both sold to Leisure Books.

Her first published stories, however, were short stories. Her first short story, written in 1978, was about her fifteen-year-old brother who had been murdered by one of his friends, who was high on bad drugs, in 1971. She also illustrated the story and it won a newspaper contest that had more than 200 submissions. Later, the same newspaper bought two more of Kathryn’s childhood stories of her large family growing up in the 1950s and 60s.

“I’ve never stopped though my writing career has been a roller coaster of joy, despair and frustration. I’ve had publishers go bankrupt on me, had editors dump my books right before publication after the covers and final editing were all done, had books take years in the to-get-published queue,” she told me. “Being a writer isn’t easy. Staying a writer year after year, with all the setbacks that seem to come with it, is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. But when I get really old I want to be able to look back and say: I tried…doing what I loved. Wildly successful or not. Making little money. I tried and the journey made me happy.”

Kathryn actually didn’t want to be a writer, when she grew up—even though an early teacher said she was a natural storyteller and predicted Kathryn would be a writer one day—she wanted to be an artist. Even though she’s always loved to read, at the age of nine she began drawing everything in sight. If she saw it, she could copy it.

“I was a graphic artist in the corporate world for 23 years, and I still draw or paint whenever I can, when I’m not too busy writing my books,” she said. “Then at 14 (the Beatles and all that English music) I wanted to sing. And I did, with my brother, when we were very young. Some benefits of purchase generic levitra include firm and long lasting results and so, millions of worldwide satisfied customers recommend it. When you feel like craving for smoke you should sit and relax and try to order tadalafil no prescription keep your sex alive. However, the problems of sleep related angina and coronary artery disease go in those who have a heart problem Those who have hereditary eye problems Those who have a history of heart problems, stroke, uncontrolled blood pressure and diabetes, then he buying tadalafil should avoid the use of this tablet. If they reacted with a feeling of hope and an attitude of “I can beat this,” their loved this levitra generika immunity was strengthened. Folk music, at first, and then I was in a pop rock band with him until I was 19. Those were the days. The writing started at 21. I consider it as my butterfly stage, though I still draw once and a while and jam (for fun only) with my brother, Jim. That’s me singing with him on the book trailer I made for BEFORE THE END: A Time of Demons. I’m not a great singer but I wanted it to mimic the two main characters and my brother obliged me. He wrote the song and he let me sing it with him. He grew up to be a singer/song writer and hold down a full-time computer job.”

Kathryn’s books are very much character driven. She told me she usually begins with a character (her/his goals and problems, outlook on life with a past that made him/her that way) or characters and then the plot forms around them as the book grows.

“The books often take me where they want to go and sometimes the ending is a surprise even to me,” she explained. “The plots and characters just come to me though I base a lot on my life and past experiences. People, places and things that I’ve seen, read about, heard or known and then I write a ‘real’ story around them and add a ‘touch’ of the supernatural or a murder mystery, a little romance, to spice them up.”

“How do you come up with the titles to your books?” I asked.

“In the early days with Leisure Books and Zebra Books I had no choice in the titles…I could suggest a few ideas but my editors always seemed to pull the strangest titles out of thin air and they had the last say. I hated Blood Forge (Leisure Books 1989) and begged them not to call it that, but my editor named it that anyway. At least Blood Forged would have made more sense. The Heart of the Rose I’d wanted to call King’s Witch. Then there was the misadventure of my 1994 book about a dinosaur in Crater Lake that I wanted to call The American Loch Ness Monster that Zebra, when I lost my editor and the new editor took over, foolishly titled Predator (I begged him not to call it that because there’d been a movie with that title and it didn’t describe the contents of the novel at all) that they eventually dropped completely six weeks before it was to go to the book shelves because…they said…the book sellers hated the title and the cover and didn’t think they could sell it. Sheesh. So my book died because of that. People still ask me where Predator is, and I have to laugh. ‘It never came out, but it’s still in the computers as having been released in 1994.’ Maybe someday I’ll take it out of the drawer and rewrite it, too, and try to sell it. Again, back in those Zebra and Leisure days I had to let the editor/publisher decide. But since Avalon Books did my two murder mysteries Scraps of Paper (2003) and All Things Slip Away (2006), and with my publishers now, I actually get to pick my own titles. Thank goodness. Because a cover and a title can really make the difference with a book.”

Kathryn has found that it’s often her earlier books, like Evil Stalks the Night or Witches that get the most comments from readers, so she’s very excited that all of her revised versions of her old books will be re-released by July 2012.

“I think my fans will really like them better than the old versions that were done when I was working full time or written on a typewriter. The computer has made it so much easier to rewrite and edit,” she said. “And so far almost every reviewer (or comments left on Amazon, social websites, etc.) that’s reviewed any of my short stories or novels has given me 4-5 stars out of five. Hey, they’re fans, too.”
You can keep up with Kathryn on her Facebook page,

Author Interview: Barbara Hannay

Author Interview:
Barbara Hannay

The Long and the Short of It recently had the pleasure of talking with Australian author, Barbara Hannay. Be sure to check out her website for some strikingly beautiful pictures of the lovely “Down Under” land she lives in. She says she splits her time between “an inner city apartment and a cabin in the Misty Mountains on the Atherton Tablelands.” I’ve seen pictures of the Misty Mountains and would be hard pressed to ever leave them to come back to the real world. She tells me that she “loves life in the north where the dangers of cyclones, crocodiles and sea stingers are offset by a relaxed lifestyle, glorious winters, World Heritage rainforests and the Great Barrier Reef.” And, it’s easy to see why she does!

She is Australian born and bred, but she’s been researching her heritage recently and has discovered her ancestors are English, Scottish, Irish, and German. Hmm… we may be related.

All of us are interested in knowing how our favorite authors got their start, so I asked Barbara what first got her interested in writing. “I honestly don’t know,” she said. “It feels as if I’ve been making up stories and writing since I was very small. As a child I spent hours writing poetry, short stories, comics (complete with illustrations), magazine stories. I guess it’s the way I’m wired.”

She had good advice for those of us who sometimes get writer’s block and this is something I’m going to try the next time it happens to me. She said, “One of my best tips is to put on a CD of your favorite music (preferably music without words) and don’t allow yourself out of the chair until the CD stops. Most CDs last for at least an hour and usually, some time during that hour, the music will relax you and you’ll get an idea for a sentence, which will start to grow into a paragraph and before you know it, you’re unblocked.”
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Barbara is definitely a multi-tasker. In her office, along with the two walls covered in bookshelves and the floor-to-ceiling built-in wardrobe stuffed with books, she also has a printout from her latest manuscript on the floor beside her AND a collage for her latest book. She also has good luck charms, cards from friends, and notes to herself all over her desk. She says she’s looking for a place to put her RITA, which she won this year for Best Traditional Romance.

I asked her what she considered the hardest part to writing a book. “There is never one thing that is the hardest part because each book is different and each story presents different problems,” she said. She does admit, however, that she worries a lot about the ending. “Because everyone knows that a romance will end with ‘I love you’ and ‘I love you too’, there’s huge pressure to make that happen in a new and exciting way. It’s a big challenge, but one I always enjoy.” She went on to say, “And then, of course, there’s the journey to that happy ending and the need to make the characters likeable and their conflict believable and the need for sensual tension and falling in love. None of it’s easy.”

Her wish? “To write stories that make people laugh and cry and remember what’s good about being alive.” Barbara, with the twenty-six (at last count) novels you have out with Harlequin Mills and Boon, I think you can say your wish has come true.

I, for one, am very grateful she decided to give up her career as a high school English teacher in 1999 and devote herself to writing romances. Thank you, not only for the interview, but for giving us such a wonderful gift in your writing.

Visit Barbara at her website.