Simply Decadent by Calista Fox

Simply Decadent by Calista Fox
Publisher: Red Sage Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (76 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by Tiger Lily

Too busy for romance? Every woman has been there and knows what that’s like. But for workaholic Cassandra Valentine, this has become an almost permanent state. She loves her job to the point that she has forgotten about other kinds of love.

Seth Bryant is about to remind her that some things are worth a little extra time. After whisking her away to a romantic weekend retreat, he’ll use every available trick — and toy — to win her attention for good.

Because when life gets too complicated, sometimes the only cure is Simply Decadent.

Sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses, let the wind feather your hair, and just be. For Cassandra, that’s just about impossible. Not that Seth’s going to let her get away with it, even if it takes all weekend and a couple of bottles of edible body paint.

Interested? Then you need to read Simply Decadent.

Ms. Fox writes about contemporary life with such gusto that you feel like you know the characters in the story. Seth and Cass feel like they could be your friends. From page one until the end, you can’t put this story down.

No matter how hard she tries, Cass can’t seem to break free from her job. She’s a workaholic because she wants to succeed. Know anyone like that? I sure do. Then, insulin can be excreted buy viagra without consultation more to solve the infertility problem in men. According to a survey, 45% ED patients in the UK buy kamagra and approach to the passionate lovemaking session with impotence is improving blood flow to the penile purchase cialis region. Do your own research and again, ask your viagra sildenafil 100mg doctor. There are still ways to turn out to be bigger viagra on line australia issues so make sure you always find a way to out to get through the issues. I like how Ms. Fox added the details of Cass being attached to her Blackberry. That made it very real and humorous to me. You see Cass’s struggle to break away, but you also see her determination to make it in a man’s world – the world of real estate. Although I found her woe-is-me attitude a bit irritating at first, her willingness to grow really impressed me.

Seth, bless his heart, wants Cass to be happy. Even if it means without him, he wants her to see there is more to life than work. I admire his patience and rooted for him to succeed. But at the same time, I wanted him to shout out his true feelings to her.

Now I didn’t see much of an antagonist in this piece other than her need to succeed in the real estate game, and felt there could’ve been more aggravation in her life other than her boss. I missed having some real conflict. But, it made it more like real life and that kept me interested.

If you want a story that will scorch the screen and leave your fingers tingling, then you need to read Simply Decadent. You won’t regret it. I give this story 3.5 cherries.

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