Addiction by Lynne Logan

Addiction by Lynne Logan
Publisher: Red Sage Publishing Inc.
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short (50 pages)
Other: BDSM, M/F, M/F/M, Voyeurism
Cherry Rating: 4.5 Cherries
Review by: Tiger Lily

Desperate to locate her sister, Holly Donovan steps through the door of one of Phoenix’s infamous sex clubs. But within the club’s walls, Holly finds herself enticed by the blatant desire and the raw sexuality of a masked stranger.

Carlos Hernandez is at the club to get an in-depth story for the local newspaper and has no intention of participating in any sex games, but he doesn’t count on getting caught up in his own desire or the woman who spurs a myriad of sexual fantasies. Dare he let those fantasies turn into a reality, and if he does, will his career ruin it all?

They say that curiosity killed the cat. Sometimes a little curiosity can open a whole new world you might never experience. They also say what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. I believe both are true for Addiction.

Holly Donovan wants to find her sister. She’s sure Valerie’s haunting a local sex club, but then again, she could be dead. As Holly descends into the dark recesses of the club, she finds that there are parts of her that wouldn’t turn down the experiences presented in each sinful room.

Carlos Hernandez came to the club to expose sexual addictions, but he never counted on meeting Holly. If you have problems with your sex life with your partner, then you need to understand its functionality and usability so that you know to support the functioning of your vital organs…and make these foods part of your routine. generic viagra on sale There are many men and youth suffering from male impotency or ED that has made their life worthless. online sales viagra Prices Jelly has made the life easier since it comes in the jelly form in sachets to treat impotency in erection process. Instead, when the order for the prescription medicines is approved by the FDA; these prescriptions can successfully treat ineptitude issues without creating any genuine symptoms. canadian pharmacies cialis Kamagra kaufen today to see the wonderful magical effects through which the blood flow to all parts of the body. purchase generic cialis When they get together, they scorch the sheets and the pages. His secret could destroy the fragile bond they’ve built, but he doesn’t care as long as he can drown himself in his new addiction – her. I loved the way he showed her that he had deep feelings for her once she walked away. Very touching and sweet.

Ms. Logan writes a steamy novel of self-discovery. Her characters are intelligent and powerful while at the same time, learning about who they really are. This novella was a page-turner for me because I wanted to see if she ever found her sister and what lengths she and Carlos went to, to enjoy their times together.

If you want a sexy read that tests the boundaries, then pick up a copy of Addiction. I give this novella 4 ½ cherries.

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