Big Feelings – Feeling Shy by Mary Lindeen

Big Feelings – Feeling Shy by Mary Lindeen
Publisher: Norwood House Press
Genre: Contemporary, Middle Grade (8 – 12 y.o.)
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Ginger

What does it mean to feel shy? Readers will learn how to recognize and manage that feeling in themselves, and how to respond to others who feel that way. An early social and emotional book that includes reading activities and a word list.

This book is a great illustration for children who may experience someone that is shy or for a child who is shy. The book includes beautiful photos of children smiling in addition to those that are uncertain about interacting with others.

It’s a quick and simple read that demonstrates that being shy is okay. It also delivers the message that they are not alone. The book also discloses the signs of shyness and what to do when you meet someone that is shy. There’s also a reading reinforcement that I thought was pretty neat. It contains a word list, suggested further reading material and interactive discussion questions that can be of resource for adults once the book has been read. A good book for kids!