Top Ten Tuesday: Winter Solstice Reads

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

The Winter Solstice is the holiday I observe at this time of the year. I believe there’s something to be said for acknowledging the changing of the seasons and celebrating when the days finally begin to grow a little longer again in December.

From a purely scientific point of view, there’s something fascinating to me about how much the weather shifts from one season to the next. Studying science is a hobby of mine, and I love absorbing as much information as I can about everything from astronomy to zoology.

I also enjoy learning about how various cultures explained and prepared for the changing of the seasons back before humans understood why the western hemisphere has so many more hours of daylight in the summer than we do in the winter. Some of the titles on this list will reflect that curiosity.

Since I’m still hunting down copies of some of these books, I won’t say anything specific about them today. I am really looking forward to reading all of them, though! This is one of those topics that can be approached from so many perspectives that I could read about it for ages and still find new takes on it.

1)  Grandmother Winter by Phillis Root

2) The Shortest Day: Celebrating the Winter Solstice by Wendy Pfeffer

3) Yule: Rituals, Recipes, & Lore for the Winter by Susan Pesznecker

4) Fireside Stories: Tales for a Winter’s Eve by Caitlin Matthews

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5) Winter Waits by Lynn Plourde

6) The Solstice Evergreen: History, Folklore, and Origins of the Christmas Tree by Sheryl Ann Karas

7) Lights for Luucy: A Unitarian Universalist Celebration of Winter Holidays by Connie Dunn

8) Yule: History, Lore & Celebration by Anna Franklin

9) Handknit Holidays: Knitting Year-Round for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice by Melanie Falick

10) The Return of the Light: Twelves Tales from Around the World for the Winter Solstice by Carolyn McVickar Edwards



  1. Great list! I haven’t heard of any of these, I’ll have to look into them.

  2. What a wonderful idea for a list! Handknit Holidays sounds like something I’d like under my Christmas tree.

  3. Such a great list!

  4. Great list! These look amazing! Winter Waits looks like it’s gotta have some beautiful illustrations and stories inside…. I might have to see if I can get my hand on it!
    Happy Reading!! <3

  5. It is a fascinating topic and I like how you did this! Grandmother Winter and both Yule books look great! I imagine those Yule books have some interesting info in them. 🙂

  6. I like the sound of The Return of the Light. Could be really interesting to see how different places interpret winter solstice. Happy Tuesday!

  7. This is such an interesting idea! As a scientist myself, I have to agree with you that things like this are absolutely fascinating. The Return of the Light sounds like it gives a good introduction to how the winter solstice is celebrated in different ways around the world.

  8. Oh, these look so sweet and perfect for winter! Thank you so much for sharing. I love this.

  9. Very neat topic, and also really cool to see there are so many books about celebrating the winter solstice.

    • Thank you. Yeah, I didn’t realize there were so many books about the winter solstice either. It took some work to pare it down to only 10.

  10. Cool topic! I’ve met people who celebrate the Solstices, but I don’t know what happens during those celebrations. These books sound really informative!

    • Yes, there are so many different ways to celebrate the Solstices, AJ. I think it’s cool to learn about everyone’s traditions for it.

  11. I hadn’t heard of any of these! I feel like I’ve somehow missed a lot of seasonal literature, and I definitely didn’t realise that there were things devoted to the solstice!

  12. The characters in the book I’m writing celebrate Winter Solstice, since it’s a fantasy book and Christmas doesn’t exist. Maybe I should share some of these books with them, LOL. They do like to read.

    It’s weird how winter begins on the shortest day of the year. You would think that that would be the coldest time of the year. Where I live, it’s not at it’s coldest until around January, and the cold sometimes drags out until May.

    • Oh, that is so cool! Good luck with your WIP.

      But it does make more sense for winter to begin at a colder time of the year.

  13. Great idea for a topic! Have to agree with you, it is so interesting how the seasons change, I could never live in a place without seasons! Having the same weather all year round seems like the first thing ever to me haha

  14. Grand mother winter looks pretty awesome!

  15. This is a fascinating list with some lovely covers. Thank you for sharing.

  16. Great list! I haven’t seen anyone else devote a topic to Winter Solstice, very cool. 🙂

  17. Oh these are all very interesting. Such an interesting topic as well.

  18. This is so great! For some reason, when I hear winter solstice, I think of The Court of Thorns and Roses. ?

  19. This is VERY cool, I love the angle you took on winter here! Now I too am very curious about the whole history of solstice thing, and I am definitely going to check out some of these books! Thanks for sharing them!

  20. These all look quite interesting. I hope you enjoy the ones you haven’t read yet when you get the time to read them.

    Have a great weekend.

  21. Some of these have some really pretty covers, and look as if the illustrations inside would be beautiful. I’ve not heard of any of these, but hope you enjoy them.

    Appreciate you stopping by Finding Wonderland. Thanks! 🙂

  22. Oooh I definitely need to look into some of these! Thank you for the recommendations.

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