Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Websites I Love That Aren’t About Books

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Ten Websites I Love That Aren’t About Books was the Top Ten Tuesday prompt for May 10, 2016, and I’ve decided to use it for today’s Rewind Freebie post.

I highly recommend all of these sites, and I will briefly explain why after each link below. Be prepared for a wide variety of topics as I like to dabble in a little of everything online. I also did my best to include plenty of sites that aren’t so well known to most people.

1. Black Outdoors 

This blog talks about the intersection between the author’s love of the outdoors and her identity as a black woman. She talks about all sorts of stuff: racism, going on winter bird counts (and dressing warmly for them!), how everyone can make the outdoors more inclusive, her favorite ferries, hiking, and more.


2. Nutrition Action: Center for Science in the Public Interest 

It can be difficult to find unbiased and evidence-based advice on food and health. This site shares the latest research on nutrition, dietary supplements, exercise, and more. They do not accept ads or sponsorships and vet everything carefully from what I’ve observed. (Of course, do talk to your family doctor if you have specific questions! But I have found this to be a good starting point if I have a question about certain type of food or workout).


3. Dr. Grumpy in the House

Dr. Grumpy shares all sorts of funny stories about his work here, from odd things patients have said to notes from medical charts that amused him.


4. The Chrysanthemum Connection 


It hasn’t been updated in several years, but the archives of this blog are filled with excellent advice on how to write fair, detailed, and helpful book reviews.

5. Budget Bytes 

With soaring food prices, I’ve relied on this blog more than ever for inexpensive and healthy recipe ideas. I also enjoy how much effort the author puts into sharing recipes that can be modified for all sorts of health issues from food allergies to diabetes and more.


6. LongReads 

Many of the links I’m sharing today contain posts or articles that can be read in a few minutes, but this is a great example of website to visit if you prefer to dive deeply into a subject. LongReads accepts essays on a wide variety of subjects.  I’ve read about everything from history to art to food to sports on there and learned so many things that you just can’t get by reading a short blog post or watching a one-minute video on the topic.


8. Incidental Comics 

These are heartwarming and sometimes funny comic strips about life as a writer. Many of the points the author makes can also apply to other creative folks, too.


9. Zooborns 


This is an entire website dedicated to updating readers on baby animals that have recently been born at zoos. They include everything from rhinos to monkeys to frogs, so the chances of your favorite animal being featured there is pretty high!


10. A Hundred Years Ago 

Originally, this blog was created into order to share diary entries written by the blog owner’s grandmother a hundred years ago. It was a fascinating peek at life in the 1910s, and I recommend checking out the archives if you love history. More recent posts have shared recipes, ads, letters, and other memorabilia from the 1910s and 1920s that provide a wonderful snapshot of what life was like back then for ordinary people.


  1. I love the topic you chose this week. Theses are such interesting blogs

  2. The nutrition one looks interesting!

    • It sure is! Previous posts have sent me on so many rabbit trails as I investigate the latest recommendations for all sorts of stuff.

  3. Fab topic! It makes a change to see with something that isn’t about books!

  4. I’ll have to check out that nutrition site. It sounds interesting. I would definitely talk to a doctor before starting a new program, but I have found many are not really educated in nutrition.

  5. Sounds like you found some really helpful websites for some of the questions you have. 🙂 That’s always helpful and makes things easier when you find a good trustworthy source. Thanks so much for visiting my website today. Appreciate this.

  6. This is a great list! I’m bookmarking SO many of these pages right now.

  7. All of these sites are interesting. Like many people, I LOVE baby animals. Happy TTT 😊

    Here’s mine

  8. These all look so interesting! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love that this is such a diverse list of websites. The nutrition one indeed sounds super interesting, but so do so many of the other ones.

    • Thank you. I like reading all sorts of blogs and hope you enjoy whichever ones you pick from this list.

      The archives of the nutrition one are extensive, by the way. I still haven’t read all of them yet myself.

  10. Really interesting topic this week! I’m definitely going to check out Budget Bytes!! We could all use help there.

  11. So many interesting websites on this list! I think Zooborns just became my new favourite site. Those baby animals are adorable.

  12. This is such a cool idea for a blog topic, and I love that you chose something that doesn’t focus specifically on books. It showcases our other interests, and I know that I’ll definitely be checking out Budget Bytes!

  13. I love the sound of A Hundred Years Ago!

  14. Deanne Patterson says

    What fascinating sites. I’m off to check some of them out. Thanks for the post.

  15. Great topic! Zooborns is the one that most catches my attention. Who doesn’t love seeing the cute baby animals?

  16. I love posts like this! Zooborns sounds amazing…

  17. Zooborns sounds amazing! I’m definitely checking that one out!

  18. 100 Years Ago sounds like a fascinating blog!

  19. This is an awesome topic! I only follow book blogs, and I need to expand my horizons.

  20. Budget Bytes sounds like a great resource. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Wow, what an eclectic group of recommendations. Thanks for sharing these!

  22. I like your topic pick because some of these sites definitely sound interesting…I’m personally too old for the internet anymore and stick to the usual suspects (Facebook, Amazon, Goodreads) for all my website browsing it feels like. I kind of miss the days when I’d get on the internet just to research something new.

    Have a great weekend.

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