Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2019

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I love the feeling of anticipation, so I was just excited for this week’s topic as I was last month when I blogged about my Winter 2018 TBR.

There’s no such thing to me as having too many books to look forward to. The longer the list is, the better! All of the titles I’ll be talking about today will be published at some point between January and June.

1. Here and Now and Then by Mike Chen

Release Date: January 29

Two words: time travel. As soon as I see that phrase, I automatically want to add that story to my TBR. The fact that the main character is from the future and only visiting our timeline only makes it all more exciting.

2. The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders

Release Date: February 12

Tor Books has published so many amazing tales over the years that my ears automatically perk up whenever I see them listed as the publisher for something new. The thought of living on a planet that was half covered in permanent daylight and half covered in permanent darkness tickles my imagination, too.

3. Dear George, Dear Mary: A Novel of George Washington’s First Love by Mary Calvi

Release Date: February 19

This is based on a real-life romance. Isn’t it fascinating to think that enough details about that relationship were preserved for someone to write a fictional account of it hundreds of years later?

4. Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller

Release Date: February 26

I love stories about girls and women saving the day. There can never be enough of them, especially in in medieval-like settings!

5. Internment by Samira Ahmed

Release Date: March 19

However, muscle fibrous connective tissue which surrounds with viagra vs cialis prostate stretches to the inner direction of prostate when swelling appears, so prostate is prone to be infected and face with prostatic hyperplasia. 2. The district also encourages managers to visit each other’s buildings to observe specific practices or simply online buy viagra do informal “buddying” on selected issues. He tadalafil soft tabs check over here asked them to choose one of 5 activities that are known to correlate with positive change. Probable side effects take account of flushing, nasal congestion, headache, illustration mastercard viagra changes, back pain and abdomen disconcert. This seems like it’s going to be such a good read. I’ve been reading a lot about the internment and concentration camps in World War II lately, so it will be interesting to see how those true events may have influenced the fictional ones in this storyline.

6. Every Moment After by Joseph Moldover 

Release Date: April 9

When I was in high school, one of my classmates planned a school shooting that was discovered ahead of time and thwarted by some quick-thinking adults. Luckily, no one was injured, but it still took me a while to become comfortable reading about school shootings due to this. I’ll be curious to see how this character and his friends react to such a scary event.

7. I Know Who You Are by Alice Feeney

Release Date: April 23

Wow, this mystery sounds spellbinding. It’s hard to imagine anyone leaving the house without taking their wallet and cellphone with them in this day and age.

8. The Bride Test by Helen Hoang

Release Date: May 7

Arranged marriages weren’t part of the culture I grew up in, so I’m looking forward to seeing one example of how this process works. If anyone reading this is from a culture that does arranged marriages, I’d sure like to hear your thoughts on this tale.

9. Middlegame by Seanan MGuire

Release Date: May 7

The blurb mentioned something about the main characters being more than human but less than gods. I’m not quite sure what that means, but I’m quite interested in finding out.

10. Summer Hours by Amy Mason Doan

Release Date: June 4

I don’t read many romance novels, but this one grabbed my attention because of the main character’s regrets over how terribly an old relationship ended for her. It must be pretty difficult to walk into a room full of people who all know about your worst mistake in life. I already have sympathy for her.

What are you looking forward to reading in the first half of 2018?


  1. OMG, Here Now and Then! YES definitely one I’ve been looking forward to for ages! I think from the rest of your list, Internment is the one that sticks out to me — that cover!!

  2. Great list! Internment sounds so intriguing, and I love the cover of Seanan McGuire’s new book.

  3. Middlegame is definitely on my TBR too!

  4. EVERY MOMENT AFTER sounds like a tough one to read, but I do read a lot of books that tackle the hard topics. I’m adding it to my TBR as a maybe. THE CITY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT also caught my eye!! How weird would it be to live in either complete darkness or endless light??

  5. The Bride Test is on my list. It seems a lot of people are looking forward to this book as well.

  6. Here and now and then sounds so amazing!

  7. Oh I’m really interested in reading Middlegame. I didn’t even know about it until about a month ago, but I like Seanan McGuire and her unusual, interesting world-building.

  8. Great list! WARRIOR OF THE WILD is on our list too 🙂

  9. Warrior of the Wild looks AWESOME. And I wouldn’t mind taking a closer peek at I Know Who You Are too- those kinds of covers always reel me in. 🙂

  10. YES! Middlegame sounds amazing! Seanan McGuire is one of my favorite authors, so I’m very eager for this one! Great list! 🙂

    • I’ve never actually read any of Seanan McGuire’s works before, but I’m thrilled to hear that you like them so much.

  11. Love the time travel concept and strong female warriors! Need more in 2019!

  12. Internment looks really good! 🙂 Great list!

  13. Here and Now and Then was good. Dear George, Dear Mary sounds sweet. And I’ll probably read The Bride Test. So many good books this week!

    • Ooh, so glad to hear that. Yes, there were a lot of tempting books to choose from this week. It was hard to narrow it down to only 10.

  14. OOh nice picks! Lots of new to me ones! Except for Warrior of the Wild! Which is on my mental list as well! Lol!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  15. Thanks for introducing me to Here and Now and Then! It sounds like it could be great.

  16. Yes, yes, YES to The Bride Test. Hoang is amazing. I also have Summer Hours on my TBR. It sounds so good.

  17. I’ve never read Seanan McGuire but I think I need to. Every Moment After sounds interesting too

  18. Internment is going to a really powerful read. I am really looking forward to it. Middle Game is also one that is on my radar. I feel like I need to catch up on her other novels first though. Happy reading!

  19. The Bride Test made my list too. Can’t wait to read another book from Hoang.

  20. I want to read Internment and Warrior of the Wild so bad. I actually have the arc for Warrior so I need to get on that!

  21. oooo the first two sound really amazing! I’ll have to go check them out on Goodreads now!

  22. Yay for The Bride Test! I hope we both love it! Thanks for stopping by my TTT! 🙂

  23. I still have to get around to The Kiss Quotient but The Bride Test sounds potentially good as well! Middlegame is definitely on my wishlist. Can’t wait!

  24. Middle Game sounds intriguing… and also mysterious. Hope you get a chance to read everything on your list!

  25. Your list is really unique. Adding a bunch to my tbr 😀

  26. I absolutely agree there’s no such thing as too many books *happy book flail* And I’m SO excited for The Bride Test too! And also Warrior Of the Wild. SUCH an epic cover!

  27. Love your list. Such a great mix of genres! I need to look into some of these.

  28. Warrior of the Wild didn’t quite make my list but I’m looking forward to it nonetheless! Internment sounds like a really topical and thought-provoking read!

  29. I seen SO many things about Helen’s book from 2018, but haven’t read it. Hope you enjoy all of these 2019 reads you’re anticipating!! 🙂

    Thanks so much for the Finding Wonderland visit.

  30. Here and Now and Then is PHENOMENAL. I am going to be reviewing it probably next week but WOW it is amazing. I loved it so, so much, and I hope you will too!

    Warrior of the Wild and Internment are also on my TBR, I definitely need them both, they look incredible. Hope you end up enjoying all of these!

  31. Some really neat covers on your list. Dear George, Dear Mary is going to need to go on my wish list. I wonder what it will be like. Thanks for visiting The Book Connection this week.

  32. I’ve yet to read The Kiss Quotient, but I’ve only heard good things about it so chances are I’ll be reading Hoang’s next release in no time as well, hah.

    And yes to Levenseller’s next book!

  33. I’m really looking forward to “Here and Now and Then”. Sounds like it’s right up my alley 🙂

  34. These all look great – I’m definitely adding some to my TBR – Every Moment After especially sounds really interesting. Great list!

  35. Soooo many good ones on this list! Especially Middlegame and the new Helen Hoang book ♥

  36. I hadn’t heard of Here and Now and Then but that sounds great!

  37. Oooh I’ve not seen most of these. INTERNMENT looks amazing though!

    Here’s my TTT from last week 🙂

  38. Oh Summer Hours looks like one I need to check out 🙂 Happy reading!

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