Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Couples

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s topic is Love Freebie as we celebrate Valentine’s Day!   I’ve listed ten (okay eleven) great couples, in no particular order, from some of my favorite books/series.

Mercy Thompson and Adam Hauptman-Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs-Mercy and Adam are awesome, and I’ve truly enjoyed watching their relationship grow and change throughout this series.

Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy-Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen-I couldn’t have a list of favorite couples without them.

Margaret Hale and John Thornton-North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell-The road to their happy ending isn’t easy, but it is very satisfying.

Sydney Sage and Adrian Ivashkov-Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead-Sydney and Adrian have very different personalities, but they just click when they are together.

Jo March and Professor Friedrich Bhaer-Little Women by Louisa May Alcott-It has been far too long since I read this book, but I’ll always remember being touched by their romance.

Silhouettes of Couple Kissing Against Sunset
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Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester-Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte-These two formidable personalities are an excellent match.

Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth-Persuasion by Jane Austen-Persuasion isn’t as popular as Pride and Prejudice, but Anne and Fredrick’s romance is quite touching.

Sookie Stackhouse and Eric Northman-Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris-Sookie certainly has an attractive assortment of men vying for her affection, but Eric was always my favorite.

Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark-The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins-These two balance each other perfectly.

Bridget Jones and Mark Darcy-Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding-I found a copy of this book and the sequel at my local, used bookstore, and they are hilarious!  Bridget and Mark make a great couple.

Father Tim Kavanagh and Cynthia Coppersmith-Mitford Years series by Jan Karon-This series isn’t something I’d usually pick up, but the first nine books were given to me, and I really enjoyed them.  Tim and Cynthia are so sweet!

What do you think?  If you made a list of favorite couples, would any of these be on it?  Who is your favorite couple?


  1. Katniss and Peeta! Sookie and Eric! Great list!

  2. You’ve got some good ones here. And I’ve always liked Persuasion better than Pride and Prejudice. 😉

  3. I love that you included so many great classic fiction couples. Jane and Rochester, yes! Margaret and Thornton, more yes! However, I have to disagree with you about the Professor and Jo. I will never get over Louisa May Alcott denying Jo and Laurie the relationship they deserved.

    • I had mixed feelings about Jo and Laurie. I think they could have been good together. I really hated the idea of Laurie and Amy together though. Thank you for visiting my post and commenting!

  4. I love all the couples from classics! North and South is one of my favorites. As is Persuasion. And, I love Peeta and Katniss.;)

  5. I adore Eric, but I only watched the TV show (True Blood). I couldn’t get into the book series because I couldn’t stand Sookie. Mercy and Adam do make an awesome team and consequently an amazing relationship built on mutual trust and respect 🙂

    • I tried to watch the tv show, but I was extremely annoyed by how different it was from the books. I completely agree about Mercy and Adam! It is one of the reasons I love them as a couple so much. Thank you for reading my post and commenting. 🙂

  6. Great list!

  7. Mercy and Adam *nods* I’ve only read the first book but I did like their budding relationship. Bridget/ Mark and KAtniss/ Peeta are awesome as well. 🙂

  8. Katniss and Peeta! Fabulous choices. 🙂

  9. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy! Katniss and Peeta! And Sookie and Eric <3 Great choices 🙂

  10. I love your take on this week’s theme. And, I love some of your choices. I agree with your on Katniss and Peeta. <3 I also love Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, Margaret and Mr. Thornton, and Anne and Captain Wentworth. They're all swoon worthy. 🙂

    My TTT Post

  11. Great list! John and Margaret and Anne and Captain Wentworth are both great choices. I’ve heard great things about the Mercy Thompson series, I need to check it out.

    • Thank you! Yes, the Mercy Thompson series is definitely worth checking out. I hope you get the chance to enjoy it soon!

  12. Great list! I’m glad someone else likes Jo’s husband–so many people hated him. I’m a sucker for an older man romance! I love Bridget Jones–esp the 4th one.

    • Yes, there are a lot of people who wanted Jo to end up with Laurie, but I liked Professor Bhaer. I’ve only read the first two Bridget Jones books. Are the others as good as the first two?

  13. Ah, you’ve picked some very classical couples. When all the sex was implied but never spoken of directly. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  14. Great list and I agree with all (I do have to admit for having a twinge myself when Amy and Laurie got together..she was such a brat). Mine is up here:

  15. Nice selection of couples!! I like your list!!

  16. I wasn’t a fan of Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester, but I know I’m in the minority! I agree with you on both of the Austen couples you’ve chosen, though – I think they might be my favourites out of all of the couples she wrote. Great list!

    • I will admit that Jane and Rochester take a bit of warming up to. I wasn’t sure how I felt about them at first, but grew to like them as a couple. Thanks for visiting!

  17. Persuasion is my all time favorite Austen. Captain Wentworth . . . ahh! Great list.

  18. Katniss & Peeta forever!!! I was a Laurie/Jo shipper 🙁 hahaha don’t judge.

    • I can understand wanting Laurie and Jo to be together, but I was happy with Jo’s choice. I never liked the idea of Laurie and Amy together though. Thanks for visiting!

  19. Lizzy and Darcy <3 <3 <3

  20. I loved that Mercy and Adam actually got together really early in the series – usually you have an entire series of will-they/won’t they. Which admittedly I also love, but it’s so refreshing for a change! And also holy shit you have my ultimate OTPs! I mean like, obviously Lizzie and Darcy, but Persuasion has the BEST CONFESSION. And did you watch the mini series of North & South? I loved the book, but the mini series WAY upped the swoon games.

    • Yes, Mercy and Adam are great! They are such a great team, and also a really healthy relationship as well. I have seen the mini series of North and South! I love it!! Richard Armitage is the perfect Thornton. I’ve watched it many times. 🙂 Thank you for visiting my post!

  21. Great list! I loved Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth as well as Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre. They have been favorites since I read them both in high school.

    • Thanks! I didn’t read either book until I was an adult, but they instantly became favorites. Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog. This is a nice list and I really love the Katniss and Peeta couple. They went through so much to be together.

    Here’s my: Top Ten Tuesday

    • You’re welcome! Yes, Katniss and Peeta both deserved some happiness after everything they went through. Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  23. I loved Sydney and Adrian as well! I was so into slow burn romance and vampires when I read Bloodlines so I ate it up.

  24. Whoo hoo! Sydney Sage and Adrian Ivashkov! Yesssss! Sydney was the perfect foil for Adrian, and he brought out this whole other side of Sydney. Definitely an OTP for me.

  25. Oh my God, your list is really amazing.,.. I was exaggeratedly nodding at your every choices. 🙂 🙂 Though Im yet to read The Bloodlines Series, Ive read and heard so many good things about SYdney and Adrian…But I have to read Vampire Academy first, I think.

    P.S. My first time to use the word, EXAGGERATEDLY, dont even know if it’s grammatically correct.. hahaha.

    • I think it would be helpful to read the Vampire Academy series first as that is when you are first introduced to Adrian and Sydney. It’s a good series and worth reading to get a feel for that world. I do prefer the Bloodlines series though. Thanks for visiting my post and commenting! 🙂

  26. I’ve never actually READ Bridget Jones’s Diary, although I have seen the movie several times 🙂 I’ll have to check out the book as well at some point!

    • I saw the movie first and had never read the books until I came across them in the bookstore and decided to give them a try. They are a little different, but certainly fun. Thanks for visiting!

  27. I’ve barely read any classics and reading that there are so many “classics” couples on your list really makes me curious about it. Maybe some day, haha!

    I don’t really agree with Katniss though. I always felt like there wasn’t real, genuine attraction between her and either of the guys. But that’s just my opinion. 🙂

  28. Gosh YES to Bridget and Mark, and Elizabeth and Darcy!! This is such a great list, and with some books I didn’t know about!

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed my list! I hope you’re able to check out the books you didn’t know about. I know my tbr just gets longer with each TTT post I visit! Thanks for visiting!

  29. I certainly considered Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester *___* as I love them but just decided I didn’t love them enough for my list. It’s been ages since I read Little Women/Little Men/Jo’s Boys but I remembered not disliking the romance you mentioned and thinking they were good together and given that it’s probably been near 20 years since I read it that’s probably a good sign. XD

    • Yes, I was happy with Jo’s choice, but I know there are a lot of people who wanted her to end up with Laurie. I liked Professor Bhaer though. Thanks for visiting!

  30. Yay for Margaret and Thornton, Jane and Rochester, Anne and Captain Wentworth, and Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy! Some of my favorite couples too.

  31. I love love love that you picked Margaret Hale and John Thornton. North and South is so overlooked, but they’re right up there with Elizabeth and Darcy for my in terms of classic OTPs.

    • I agree. Margaret and John are frequently overlooked, but I was captivated by their story. Have you seen the mini series based on the book? Richard Armitage is perfect as John Thornton! Thanks for stopping by!

  32. What is there not to like about Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy? 🙂

  33. Reading your list I realise I have forgotten so many romantic couples! Jane Eyre and Rochester are pretty epic. And Eric Northman *swoon* Team Eric here.

  34. First, this is a really fun topic. Secondly, you feature some great couples! You can never go wrong with Jo March and Professor Friedrich Bhaer, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy or, of course (one o my very favorites), Margaret and Thornton!! This list has definitely made me want to relive some of these on=screen romances in my favorite adaptations – and makes me all the more excited for the upcoming “Little Women” miniseries!!

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.

    • Thank you! I enjoyed making my list. Margaret and Thornton are one of my favorites too. 🙂 I didn’t know there is going to be a Little Women miniseries! I will definitely have to look that up. You’re welcome, and thanks for visiting!

  35. I LOVE Elizabeth and Darcy! It took a while for me to like the book, but now Pride and Prejudice has become one of my favourites! ?

  36. I love Mercy and Adam as well as Sydney and Adrian. I’m one of the rare Sookie and Sam fans. I loved Eric, just not with Sookie. I think he needed a much stronger woman 🙂

    • I think Sookie was strong in her own way. She certainly went through a lot and come out okay in the end. I’d say that counts as strength. As for the men in her life, I always felt she had better chemistry with Eric than Sam. Sam always struck me as more of a friend than a romance. Thanks so much for visiting my post and commenting! 🙂

  37. Sookie and Eric <3

  38. Katniss and Peeta are one of my favourite couples too 🙂 And I really want to read Charlaine Harris’ books soon 🙂

  39. Great couples! You’ve listed some of my favorites. I love Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy and Margaret Hale and John Thornton too.

    • Thanks! Yes, Elizabeth and Darcy as well as Margaret and Thornton are classic couples. I had to put them on my list! Thanks for commenting. 🙂

  40. I actually really enjoyed Bridget Jones’s Diary even though it’s most definitely not my usual type of book. I agree that Bridget and Mark are a great couple.

    • It isn’t my usual type either, but I saw it and thought, “why not give it a try?” It is fun to try different genres/styles sometimes. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  41. Sookie and Eric! Katniss and Peeta!! YES!! This is such a great list. And of course the classic couples… GAH!!

  42. Can’t get better than the OG Pride and Prejudice


  1. […] post on this topic last year, I’m going to try not to repeat too many of the couples from my previous list.  Here is this year’s list in no particular […]

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